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A 6-year-old, neutered male Rottweiler was presented to the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital because of a lytic bone lesion involving the distal portion of the right radius and possible pulmonary metastases on thoracic radiographs. Results of serum biochemical analysis were unremarkable. Aspiration and cytologic examination of the bone lesion indicated likely sarcoma with reactive bone. Cutaneous masses were found on the left thigh, interscapular region, and dorsal lumbar region, 4 weeks after initial presentation. Neoplastic spindle cells were found in aspirates from 2 of the masses. The neoplastic cells stained positive for alkaline phosphatase activity using cytochemistry. Re-evaluation of serum biochemical values at this time revealed a marked increase in alkaline phosphatase activity (413 U/L, reference interval 12-110 U/L) compared with the initial value (26 U/L). Due to progressive disease, the dog was euthanized and a necropsy was performed. Histologic findings included primary osteosarcoma of the distal portion of the right radius, with metastases in the lungs, spleen, left fourth and fifth ribs, soft tissue of the right medial thigh, and T1-T3/interscapular region. Cutaneous metastasis of primary appendicular osteosarcoma has been reported rarely in animals and humans. Increased serum alkaline phosphatase activity may be a potential indicator of poor prognosis for this neoplasm.  相似文献   

Severe hypoglycemia associated with a metastatic pancreatic beta-cell carcinoma was found in an adult female American Eskimo dog. Metastatic tumor was found in the renal glomeruli as opposed to the more common hepatic metastatic site.  相似文献   

An 8‐year‐old castrated male hound mix was referred to the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for severe lameness, pollakiuria, and dyschezia. On presentation, the dog was nonweight bearing on the right rear limb and the right carpus was diffusely swollen. Synovial fluid analysis from the right carpus revealed a population of epithelial cells displaying marked anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, multinucleation, and prominent, variably sized nucleoli. A metastatic carcinoma with presumed prostatic or urothelial origin was diagnosed based on cytomorphology. Subsequent cytologic evaluation of peripheral lymph nodes revealed the presence of a similar neoplastic population. The dog was euthanized and synovial fluid from both stifle joints, as well as impression smears of the prostate gland, were collected. Carcinoma cells were identified in each stifle joint and in the prostate gland. Immunocytochemistry was performed on synovial fluid smears from 2 of the joints (right stifle and right carpus) and on impression smears of the prostate gland. The neoplastic population in the joints and prostate gland showed strong immunoreactivity to uroplakin III, a urothelial marker, indicating metastasis of a transitional cell carcinoma to multiple joints. In addition, evidence for epithelial to mesenchymal transition was identified using cytokeratin, an epithelial marker, and vimentin, a mesenchymal marker. A necropsy was performed and histopathology confirmed the presence of metastatic transitional cell carcinoma in various tissues. This case illustrates the importance of considering metastatic disease when a patient is presented with severe lameness and joint pain, and the clinical utility of synovial fluid cytology for diagnosis of metastasis in these cases.  相似文献   

This report concerns a case of pancreatic carcinoma with widespread metastases to many organs including intracranial metastasis. An eleven-year-old, male, mixed-breed dog showed emaciation, ataxia, and multiple visible tumors within the neck. A MRI examination of the patient was conducted because of ataxia, and it was found that the intracranial invasive growth had resulted in compression of the brain stem. Necropsy was performed after the patient died. Based on gross and microscopic examination, the primary tumor cells were located in the left lobe of the pancreas and widespread metastasis was found into various organs, including the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, tonsils, serosal surface of the esophagus, and submandibular, pulmonary hilar, mediastinal, and mesenteric lymph nodes. This case indicates that pancreatic adenocarcinoma should be included in the differential diagnosis list when cervical neck masses are detected.  相似文献   

Abstract: An 18-month-old male Doberman Pinscher was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the College of Veterinary Medicine for an erythemic nodular mass on the right forelimb. The mass was diagnosed as cutaneous lymphoma, based on cytologic examination of a mass aspirate and histopathology. Using immunohistochemistry the neoplastic cells were positive for CD3 but negative for CD79a, E-cadherin, and pancytokeratin, confirming their origin as T lymphocytes. No tumor recurrence was noted 18 months after surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a solitary nodular form of cutaneous lymphoma in a young dog.  相似文献   

A 16-month-old German short-haired pointer was examined because of the development of multiple nodules (0.5-3 cm diameter) in the skin of the head, back, sternum and limbs. The nodules were first noticed when the dog was 8 weeks of age. At no time did the animal show clinical signs of a systemic disease. Histology and electron microscopy revealed that the nodules were composed of irregular bundles of dense collagen fibres and the constituent fibrils had a distribution of diameters similar to that expected in normal skin. Immunofluorescence tests for immunoglobulin (IgG) and complement (C3) showed no deposits of these in the skin and the serum antinuclear antibody test was negative. It was concluded that the nodules were collagenous naevi.  相似文献   

Cutaneous angiomatosis in a young dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 1-year-old, spayed, female, mixed-breed dog had two reddish-purple cutaneous lesions, one on the right dorsal antebrachium and the other on the right shoulder. The lesions consisted of approximately 13 x 3 cm and 15 x 10 cm, irregular, patchy regions of 0.5-3.0 cm, circular, sometimes raised, reddish-purple swellings resembling ecchymoses. The lesion on the antebrachium had been noticed since the dog was adopted at 6 months of age and appeared to have increased in size over an 11-week period, at which time skin punch biopsy revealed an infiltrative pattern of well-differentiated blood vessels leading to an interpretation that the lesion was a well-differentiated hemangiosarcoma. The second lesion was revealed when the dog had its fur shaved in that area during surgical preparation to excise the antebrachial lesion. No other skin lesions were found on the dog. Microscopically, there was a widely disseminated and infiltrative-like pattern of benign-appearing small blood vessels, which were throughout the superficial and deep dermis and subcutis. Although the disseminated nature suggested malignancy, the histologic appearance of well-differentiated small blood vessels and nonprogressive clinical features indicate that the lesions were benign. The dog has been followed for 6 years and to date has no evidence of progression of the antebrachial lesion or shoulder lesion. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a congenital angiomatosis-like lesion in a young dog, with extensive involvement of the forelimb.  相似文献   

A diagnosis of tubular colonic duplication was made via contrast radiography and colonoscopy in a six-month-old, intact female Boston terrier. Clinical signs of increased frequency of defecation, tenesmus, and constipation, which had been present since birth, resolved following surgical correction of the duplication. The literature addressing diagnosis and treatment of tubular colonic duplication in dogs is reviewed.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of cutaneous pythiosis in a 6‐year‐old female mixed breed dog, from the central west region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The cytological and histopathological analyses showed an intense inflammatory infiltrate with presence of numerous hyphal elements, suggesting infection due to Pythium insidiosum. The diagnosis was confirmed by nested‐PCR, which was carried out with specific primers derived from the ribosomal DNA region. The pathogen occurs in Brazil and veterinarians should be aware of the importance of correctly diagnosing this disease and differentiating it from other fungal diseases.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old, female neutered Dalmatian was evaluated for acute onset of dyspnoea. Thoracocentesis on presentation yielded 1300 ml sanguineous fluid, while thoracic radiology and ultrasonography showed a mixed-echoic cavitary cranial mediastinal mass, sternal lymph node enlargement and pleural effusion. Surgical exploration of the thorax revealed a multi-lobulated red/brown cranial mediastinal mass and multiple similarly coloured ovoid nodules within several lung lobes. Histopathology revealed thymic branchial cysts with neoplastic transformation and examination of the lung was consistent with metastasis. Despite initially recovering well, acute sepsis and pyothorax resulted in cardiac arrest 8 days postoperatively. This is the first veterinary report of neoplastic transformation of a thymic branchial cyst with pulmonary metastasis.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old male toy poodle with neurological symptoms was diagnosed with a macroscopic pituitary tumor, which produced adrenocorticotropic hormone. Radiation therapy with a linear accelerator was performed for the pituitary tumor, and resulted in good local tumor control. However, serum endogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations were uncontrollable even after the tumor disappeared. Abdominal computed tomography revealed splenic masses, and splenectomy was performed. Histopathological examination of the surgical specimen showed tumor cells with eosinophilic and finely granular cytoplasm suggestive of endocrine origin. Since these cells were positive for adrenocorticotropic hormone, the case was diagnosed as a pituitary carcinoma with distant metastasis. Necropsy revealed multiple metastases to the abdominal organs. This is the first case report describing canine pituitary carcinoma with distant metastasis.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism was documented in an overweight dog with bilateral entropion, blepharoptosis, and multiple, non-inflammatory papular and vesicular lesions on the head. Histologic evaluation of skin biopsy specimens confirmed the diagnosis of mucinous vesiculation. All skin and eyelid abnormalities resolved in response to thyroid hormone supplementation.  相似文献   

A9-year-old, neutered male Border Collie—mix dog presented to the Louisiana State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Clinics (LSU-VTH&C) for evaluation of chronic, intermittent vomiting of 6 months' duration. The episodes of vomiting, along with decreased appetite and lethargy, had occurred sporadically during these 6 months. One day before referral, episodes of acute collapse and weakness in the pelvic limbs were noticed. A CBC and serum biochemistry had been performed on several occasions during the previous 6 months by the referring veterinarian and each time, high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was found. An ACTH stimulation test also had been performed 8 weeks before referral and results were normal. On 2 separate occasions, therapeutic dietary trialsa, b and symptomatic treatment with metoclopramidec (0.5 mg/kg PO q8h) did not improve the clinical signs. In addition, the dog had lost 6 pounds of body weight over the 6-month period  相似文献   

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