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1. Foveaux Strait, a narrow seaway that is exposed to heavy wave action and strong tidal currents, has been the subject of an oyster fishery for over 130 years. Before the oyster fishery commenced the seafloor was extensively covered by epifaunal reefs that were tidally‐oriented, linear aggregations of patch reefs. 2. Patch reefs are formed by the bryozoan Cinctipora elegans cemented by encrusting bryozoa, ascidians, sponges, and polychaetes. The molluscan epifauna is dominated by the oyster, Tiostrea chilensis and bysally attached bivalves. Mortality of oysters is probably lower and recruitment and growth may be higher within the reef habitat. 3. Fishers found commercial densities of oysters occurred only on epifaunal reefs. Fishers exploited local groups of reefs. These groups form the patchily distributed oyster beds characteristic of this fishery. 4. Dredging for oysters progressively modified reefs until oysters were the only epifauna remaining. Dredges caught oysters more efficiently after the catch bag no longer became saturated with other epifauna. This heightened efficiency allowed fishers to rapidly reduce oyster density to commercial extinction. Oyster density has not rebuilt on oyster beds abandoned by fishers. 5. The rate of modification of epifaunal reefs was slower during the early years of the fishery but has accelerated, especially over the last 37 years. Frequency of disturbance increased as the numbers of vessels fishing grew and fishers developed speedier dredging methods. Intensity of disturbance also increased as heavier dredges were introduced and allowed focused fishing of reefs. 6. Oysters became reduced to low densities in the eastern and central areas that fishers then abandoned. The commercially exploited area subsequently expanded to the limits of Foveaux Strait. 7. With accelerated modification of oyster habitat, disease mortality has become more important. 8. Attempting to rebuild the fishery by oyster enhancement may be more successful conjoined with habitat restoration. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Completely banning fishing from coral reefs is now accepted to have significant benefits for marine biodiversity and in many cases, fisheries. However, the benefits of regulating fishing on coral reefs, by restricting the methods used, or the total amount of fishing, are less well understood, even though such regulations are much more likely to be supported by fishermen.
  • 2. This study assesses whether banning illegal, destructive fishing methods and reducing the numbers of fishermen visiting from outside an area benefits a coral reef fishery, despite unregulated fishing by local fishermen using non‐destructive methods.
  • 3. The abundance, biomass, mean length, and species richness of nine commercially important fish families are compared across ten independent patch reefs inside and outside the 470 km2 Menai Bay Conservation Area in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
  • 4. Even after taking into account the effect of differences in habitat and the distance between reefs, 61% (±19.7%) more fish species were found in regulated than unregulated reefs. Fish abundance, biomass, and length were not affected, suggesting that banning destructive fishing may improve biodiversity, but that further regulations may be required to improve fish stocks.Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) range from multiple‐use areas (MUA) to absolute no‐take reserves (NTR). Despite their importance for fisheries management, there are few long‐term studies comparing benefits from different types of MPAs within the same region.
  • 2. Fish assemblages were monitored for five years (2001–2005) in the largest coral reefs in the South Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, Brazil). Monitoring included one community‐based MUA, two NTRs (one established in 1983 and another in 2001), and one unprotected area. Benthic assemblages at these areas, as well as fish assemblages on unprotected deeper reefs (25–35 m), were monitored from 2003 onwards.
  • 3. Habitat characteristics strongly influenced fish assemblages' structure. This, together with the lack of data from before establishment of the MPAs, did not allow an unequivocal analysis of the effects of the MPAs.
  • 4. Biomass of commercially important fish, particularly small carnivores, was higher in the older NTR. Biomass of black grouper Mycteroperca bonaci increased by 30‐fold inside NTRs during the study period, while remaining consistently low elsewhere.
  • 5. A single herbivore species, the parrotfish Scarus trispinosus, dominated fish assemblages (28.3% of total biomass). Biomass of this species increased in 2002 on the younger NTR and on the MUA, soon after establishment of the former and banning of the parrotfish fishery in the latter. This increase was followed by a decline from 2003 onwards, after increased poaching and reopening of the parrotfish fishery.
  • 6. Fish biomass increased in 2002 across the entire region. This increase was stronger in sites closer to deeper reefs, where fish biomass was up to 30‐times higher than shallow reefs: movement of fish from deeper to shallower areas may have played a role.
  • 7. The effective use of MPAs in the Abrolhos Bank is still dependent on adequate enforcement and the protection of critical habitats such as deep reefs and mangroves.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1 With the establishment of the 619‐ha Long Island—Kokomohua Marine Reserve in April 1993, a biological monitoring programme designed to investigate changes due to the total no‐take legislation applied to the reserve was initiated.
  • 2 Size, distribution and behaviour of blue cod (Parapercis colias; Pinguipedidae) were investigated using baited hooks at reserve and control rubble bottom habitats annually from 1993 to 2000. Blue cod abundance was estimated using visual diver strip transects annually for a period of 9 years from 1992 to 2001.
  • 3 A total of 5628 blue cod (2436 reserve and 3192 control specimens) were captured, measured and released. Two years after the reserve was established, the average size of blue cod was 22.4 mm larger inside the reserve compared with control sites outside it.
  • 4 Over the duration of the study, the mean length of blue cod captured using baited hooks increased in the no‐take reserve, but declined at the control sites. By the end of the study, in April 2000, the proportion of large blue cod >330 mm in length in the reserve was 35% compared with <1% at the control sites, where recreational fishing activities occurred.
  • 5 Blue cod catch rates from experimental fishing in the reserve increased within 11 months of removal of recreational fishing activities and continued to increase up to 47 months, in contrast to the control areas where recreational fishing was permitted, catch rates remained consistently low. Increased catch rates in the reserve were not due to increased blue cod abundance, rather an increase in the proportion of naïve fish in the population.
  • 6 From March 1998 to the end of the study, the density of blue cod in the reserve was significantly higher compared with the control sites. This increase was primarily due to an increase in the density of larger blue cod >300 mm length in the reserve and a corresponding small decline in the density of these larger fish at the control sites.
  • 7 It is concluded that the cessation of recreational fishing in the reserve had resulted in an increase in blue cod size, catch rate and abundance and also in a change to blue cod behaviour.
Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) is an endangered stream-dwelling insectivore endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and the north of the Pyrenees. It favours riffles over slow habitats such as runs or pools, yet it is still unclear whether habitat preference is based on prey availability or on other factors, such as mechanical constraints on its hunting habits.
  2. Desman diet and prey selection were analysed along the pristine Elama Stream and the slightly modified Leitzaran Stream in the Basque Country, Spain.
  3. In each stream the prey consumed were identified by metabarcoding 94 desman faeces, and prey availability characterized from 10 Surber samples taken in each habitat type (riffles, runs and pools). Invertebrates were sorted and identified, the biomass of each taxon was calculated, and their DNA was also extracted, amplified using PCR, and sequenced to build a reference database.
  4. Prey availability and diet varied between streams. Desmans positively selected shredders and invertebrates that live on the substrate, and selected against taxa that live in fine sediment, taxa with hard shells or those that are highly mobile. The diet of desmans was more selective in the Elama, the stream with better ecological status. Food availability did not differ among habitats, and therefore does not explain the preference of desmans for riffles; rather, mechanical constraints to deal with buoyancy and physical habitat heterogeneity were hypothesized to be the reason behind the habitat preference.
  5. The results suggest that promoting the formation of riffles in streams can improve the situation of some desman populations living in degraded habitats.

  • 1. European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is recognized as a critically endangered species in the northern hemisphere. Threats such as overfishing or pollution are well known as risks for eel populations. However, much less is known about the impact of introduced fish on European eels. In particular, introduced large‐bodied predators could become new predators to eels.
  • 2. The potential impact of European catfish (Silurus glanis L) on an eel population in the Camargue, southern France was studied using a combination of stable isotope and gut content analyses.
  • 3. Only large‐bodied catfish (>500 mm) can consume numerous fish prey. However, catfish mostly consumed crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), these prey items being found in 79% of the guts of the largest individuals. Eel was absent from the dissected catfish guts. A mixing model based on Bayesian inference revealed that catfish diet included only 5% (0–8.5%) of marine sources (both eel and mullet).
  • 4. While local economic interests prompted ecological studies to assess whether catfish exerted a new and strong predatory pressure on eel, this study found that European catfish behaved as an opportunistic omnivore, and as such was not a direct threat as a predator on eel populations in the Camargue. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

In a cod enhancement project in a small fjord in western Norway, two groups of reared cod, Gadus morhua L., were released with 6 months’difference in time. After the last release a 3-week fishing survey was conducted. Stomachs from wild and recaptured reared cod of similar size were sampled and analysed. The last released cod had learned to catch the same prey types and in the same relative proportions as the wild cod the second week after release, but mean weight of stomach contents and mean numbers of prey items per stomach were smaller, and a larger proportion of the newly released fish had empty stomachs. Three weeks after release the proportion of empty stomachs was similar to that of wild cod and the first released reared cod, but the food intake was still smaller. The first released group of reared cod, which had spent 6 months in the fjord, seemed to feed as efficiently on wild prey as did wild cod.  相似文献   

  • 1. This study presents a comparison of the benthic cover and fish communities in three widely different management systems: (1) a heavily utilized subsistence fishery (yields >5 Mg km?2 yr?1); (2) moderately sized and well enforced fisheries closures (~9% of the nearshore area) surrounded by heavy fishing; and (3) a more lightly used management system (yields <5 Mg km?2 yr?1).
  • 2. The objective was to compare management systems of small to moderate‐sized closures surrounded by heavy use in Kenya with a large‐scale light‐use management system in the Maldives.
  • 3. Gross level attributes of the fish community suggest that the Maldives reefs had higher numbers of individuals (30%) and species (15%) than the Kenyan closures.
  • 4. Maldivian reefs had higher abundance of some carnivores such as emperors (Lethrinidae), jacks (Carangidae), triggerfish (Balistidae), and trumpetfishes (Aulostomidae). Half the biomass of fish in the Maldives was, however, composed of surgeonfish (Acanthuridae), which resulted in a higher abundance of herbivores/detritivores than found in Kenyan closures.
  • 5. Apex predator species were not a large portion of the biomass (<10%) in any system and, if remote reefs of the Pacific are examples of undisturbed ecosystems, then neither management system has fully protected apex species.
Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area (MPA), Labrador, was created in 2005 to protect a resident, locally adapted population of Atlantic cod and its habitat. Twenty years of monitoring has shown a 90% decline in this bay-cod population since the creation of the MPA.
  2. The decline of large commercial-sized cod in the bay was accompanied with increases in the abundance of other fish species, including rock cod (Gadus macrocephalus ogac), sculpin (Myoxocephlalus scorpius), and winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), suggesting loss of strong top-down community control.
  3. These changes suggest a positive feedback mechanism leading to a fish community tipping point, which could severely impact the recovery potential of the protected Atlantic cod population in the MPA.
  4. We suggest that managers should be including this possibility in their management decisions for the Gilbert Bay MPA.

  • 1. Marine reserves can play an important role in the conservation of subpopulations of marine fish metapopulations. The population spatial structure of northern Atlantic cod of Newfoundland and Labrador has characteristics of a metapopulation. Subpopulations of northern Atlantic cod on the continental shelf were decimated by decades of overfishing, and have not recovered. The remaining northern cod are concentrated in coastal areas.
  • 2. A Marine Protected Area (MPA) was established in Gilbert Bay, Labrador by the Government of Canada in 2005 to protect the bay's resident subpopulation of northern Atlantic cod. Conservation of Gilbert Bay cod will help protect the genetic diversity of the northern cod metapopulation.
  • 3. Unlike some other MPAs, Gilbert Bay is not a harvest refugium or ‘no‐take’ reserve. Aboriginal subsistence fisheries for salmonids with a bycatch of cod are allowed in designated areas of the MPA. A recreational fishery for Atlantic cod by angling open to all people is under consideration. Management of the MPA must ensure that fishing activities do not endanger the local cod population.
  • 4. The population dynamics of Gilbert Bay cod were simulated using an age‐structured Leslie matrix model to estimate the total mortality under various recreational fishing scenarios. The level of sustainable harvest by a recreational fishery depends on the natural mortality of the Gilbert Bay cod population, which is unknown. Therefore, there is risk in permitting a recreational fishery in the MPA.
  • 5. There may be benefits to the northern cod metapopulation, if the Gilbert Bay subpopulation is allowed to rebuild to the carrying capacity of the bay. If the abundance of Gilbert Bay cod exceeds the level which the local marine ecosystem can support, some cod may emigrate from the bay and recolonize adjacent coastal areas. The potential for Gilbert Bay cod to recolonize continental shelf areas is less certain.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) is a key forage species for many commercially important fish (e.g. salmon and groundfish), marine birds, and whales found in nearshore coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada.
  2. Sand lance lack a swim bladder and have a requirement for low-silt, medium-coarse sandy sea-bed habitat for burying. Little information is available describing the distribution of burying habitat, partly because there are no commercial fisheries for A. personatus in British Columbia.
  3. This information is required by habitat and wildlife managers to identify and protect uncommon patches of burying habitats from detrimental activities, including dredging, infilling, and oil spills.
  4. In this study, habitat distribution results from five suitability modelling algorithms were evaluated: maximum entropy, generalized linear model, generalized additive model, random forest, and an ensemble model of the latter three.
  5. The maximum entropy model had the highest performance score (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve was 0.78) and was selected as the model that most accurately identified the presence of suitable A. personatus burying habitat.
  6. Model results indicate that suitable burying habitat is primarily influenced by derived sea-bed substrate, distance to estuary, distance to sand-gravel beaches, and bottom sea temperature.
  7. Overall, the spatial modelling identified only 105 km2 of highly suitable sand lance burying habitat, or 2.6% of the study area (0–150 m), primarily in Haro Strait, along the east coast of Vancouver Island, and in northern regions of the strait near Cortes, Savary, and Harwood islands.
  8. Identification of this uncommon and patchy burying habitat will contribute to the ongoing conservation of an important coastal prey species.

  • 1. The coral reefs across the international border between Kenya and Tanzania, where historical differences in government policy and socio‐economic conditions created two different management systems, were examined: a large permanent closed area and a collaborative fisheries management project that used gear management and small voluntarily and temporary closed areas, respectively. The diversity and ecology of the reefs in these two management systems were compared spanning a seven‐year period to evaluate the effectiveness of the management and to assess the ecological response to a large‐scale water‐temperature anomaly in 1998.
  • 2. Comparisons of rates of predation on sea urchins and of herbivory, using a seagrass assay, were made along with measures of benthic cover and fish abundance and diversity.
  • 3. The collaborative fisheries management system was successful in increasing fish stocks, reducing erect algae, and maintaining ecological diversity and stability across the thermal anomaly. This management system, however, was not successful in protecting the expected full biodiversity of fish, predation rates on sea urchins, or the sensitive, branching coral species. Management of the fishery also increased fish stocks in the adjacent, large, permanently closed area, compared to Kenyan parks without this management.
  • 4. The large, permanently closed area in the other system maintained high diversity, high predation rates on sea urchins and high herbivory rates, which maintained erect algae abundance and diversity at low levels. The temperature anomaly was destructive to a number of the dominant delicate branching coral species, but overall coral cover and diversity were maintained, although dominance switched from branching Porites spp. to Seriatopora spp. over this period. The large closed area system protected the undisturbed ecology of these reefs and associated ecological processes, and the full diversity of fish and coral, including sensitive species such as branching corals and slow‐growing fish.
  • 5. Collaborative fisheries and large permanent closed area management have different attributes that, when combined, should achieve the multiple purposes of sustainable fisheries, ecosystem functions and protection of fishing‐sensitive species.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The identification and protection of known breeding grounds is a high priority for the conservation of marine biodiversity. Here, we examine the intertidal habitats used by marine gastropods for the deposition of benthic egg masses along a wave‐exposed coastline in New South Wales, Australia.
  • 2. A total of 200 surveys were conducted on 13 intertidal reefs. The egg masses of 46 species were identified, with a further eight distinct types recorded but remaining unidentified. Over half of the gastropods were found to deposit egg masses exclusively on the underside of boulders. Other intertidal substrata used for gastropod egg mass deposition included vertical and horizontal exposed rock surfaces, algal fronds and sand. Only eight species were found to attach their egg masses to more than one type of substratum.
  • 3. Twelve reefs were classified into three categories according to exposure to wave action and habitat diversity. The mean number of species found depositing egg masses was compared using a standard eight surveys from each site. Sub‐maximally wave‐exposed reefs with maximal habitat diversity were found to support a significantly higher species richness of gastropod egg masses, compared with maximally wave‐exposed reefs with either maximal or sub‐maximal habitat diversity (p=0.000).
  • 4. Gastropods that deposit egg masses on the underside of boulders were more likely to be found on sub‐maximally wave‐exposed reefs, whereas species that deposit egg masses in all other microhabitats were equally likely to be found breeding on sub‐maximally or maximally exposed reefs.
  • 5. Gastropods with pelagic larvae tended to occur at a greater number of sites than those that hatch post‐metamorphosis. A significant difference was found between species grouped according to these two developmental modes for the mean number of sites at which egg masses were recorded (p=0.008).
  • 6. Variation in the species richness of gastropods found depositing egg masses on different intertidal reefs appears to be influenced by the availability of suitable boulders and exposure to wave action. These factors should be taken into consideration during the selection of locations for intertidal protected areas.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The problem of ecosystem overfishing has mostly focused on the function of forage fish as prey for apex predators. Here, I consider another ecosystem function, herbivory, that affects habitat quality. Parrotfish are an important fishery in many parts of the Caribbean and the dominant herbivorous fish on its coral reefs. Herbivory helps to control macroalgae which compete with coral and can impede reef resilience if allowed to bloom. Thus, long‐term maintenance of reef habitat quality, which underpins fisheries, requires sufficient parrotfish stock. Ecosystem models predict that reductions in parrotfish grazing could have deleterious impacts on reef habitat yet the determination of ecologically sustainable levels of parrotfish harvest remains elusive. An initial solution to this dilemma is proposed for areas where an outright ban on herbivore exploitation is considered infeasible. Fisheries management has tended to consider coral reefs as a single habitat such that regulations apply evenly throughout exploitable areas. But reef habitats are not equally susceptible to ecosystem overfishing and some do not appear to have a strong requirement for parrotfish grazing. One habitat, Orbicella reef, has a high dependence on herbivory, whereas the state of another dominant habitat – gorgonian plain – appears to be driven by environmental factors (e.g. wave exposure). Ecosystem‐based fisheries management could be improved by restricting parrotfish harvest on Orbicella reefs yet allowing exploitation on gorgonian plain. Management could then focus on achieving a sustainable yield on gorgonian plains without the added complexity of estimating catch levels that avoid ecosystem overfishing.  相似文献   

  1. The diet of red-footed boobies (Sula sula) provisioning chicks was quantified using 106 regurgitations collected from 81 adults over two study years with contrasting oceanographic conditions: 2014 and 2015.
  2. A total of 1,049 prey items were sorted into three broad categories (fish, squid, and other, consisting of highly-digested ‘mush’ and parasitic isopods) and assigned a categorical freshness value of 1 (perfect condition), 2 (superficial digestion), or 3 (highly digested and incomplete).
  3. A total of 492 undigested prey items (freshness 1 and 2) were measured and sampled for genetic identification with 401 (82%) successfully identified. Rarefaction analyses suggested robust diet sampling, with 32 documented species: 29 fishes and three squids.
  4. While the prey-specific index of relative importance highlighted that fish dominated the diet in 2014 (32.3% fish, 15.1% squid) and in 2015 (29.9% fish, 22.3% squid), diet composition varied significantly between the two study years.
  5. The purpleback flying squid (Stenoteuthis oulaniensis) accounted for 98.7% (232 of 236) of the identified squid specimens. Mantle lengths were significantly longer in 2015 (7.2 ± 1.1 SD cm) than in 2014 (6.3 ± 1.7 SD cm).
  6. These results indicate a higher relative abundance and size of the epipelagic squids available to foraging red-footed boobies in 2015, during warm-water conditions associated with the positive phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation.
  7. Due to their diverse diet, red-footed boobies are useful bioindicators of epipelagic nekton assemblages during changing oceanographic conditions. Moreover, their reliance on the purpleback flying squid makes these seabirds ideal samplers of the juveniles of this poorly studied species.
  8. Understanding how interannual and longer-term oceanographic variability affects central-place foraging seabirds and the recruitment and abundance of their squid prey is critical for precautionary ecosystem-based fisheries management of oceanic islands and the surrounding marine environment.

  • 1. This study describes investigations into mapping of the biogenic reefs produced by the polychaete worm, Serpula vermicularis, for the purposes of conservation management.
  • 2. Reef distribution throughout Loch Creran, Scotland, was mapped using a diver transect technique and was found to be restricted to a peripheral band, with a mean upper limit of distribution of 2.7 m. The mean lower limit was found to decrease with distance from the mouth of the loch, with a lower limit of 9.3 m in the lower basin rising to 6.6 m in the upper basin; the likely influence of a corresponding decrease in the upper depth distribution of muds is discussed.
  • 3. Through determination of the mean width of the reef band and coastline length, the areal extent of the reef band was estimated as 108 ha, revealing Loch Creran to harbour the most extensive known development of S. vermicularis reef habitat in the world.
  • 4. The utility of sidescan sonar in mapping serpulid reefs was examined in four of the major embayments. Reef material appeared as characteristic patterning on the sonargrams, with the morphology of individual larger reefs being discernible.
  • 5. Sidescan sonar was found to be particularly valuable for the identification and monitoring of threats to the conservation of serpulid reefs. Sidescan sonar surveying was found to facilitate identification of loss of habitat extent resulting from anthropogenic activities such as moorings, aquaculture installations and dredging and can also be used to monitor the potentially damaging activity of otter trawling. Further improvements in the mode of deployment of sidescan sonar are discussed.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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