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Nineteen elements were quantitatively determined by atomic emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma in peat profiles in Ringinglow Bog, Derbyshire, England. For the elements Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, La, Mn, Ni, Ti, and Zn an enrichment in the upper 5 cm of the peat bogs was found probably caused by anthropogenic influences. The elements Al, Be, Cu, and Pb showed a different distribution pattern with maximum concentration in the 5 to 15 cm layer. The elements Mg, Na, and Sr showed no enrichment in the upper 55 cm of the peat reflecting the constant input of these elements from the sea during the last few centuries. Upper parts (leaves and stems) of the plants investigated (Calluna vulgaris and Eriophorum vaginatum) only represent higher values of Pb compared with the normal element content in other plants. Compared with the results of peat profiles in a Norwegian bog, the concentrations of the comparable elements (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) are much higher in the English peat. Ringinglow Bog seem to be very suitable for further investigations within the scope of a global monitoring programme.  相似文献   

The rate of recovery of invertebrate communities following habitat restoration has received little attention, despite the importance of invertebrates in ecosystem dynamics. In experimental trials in a mined peat bog in New Zealand, we compared the short-term rate of beetle community re-assembly at sites restored using management techniques varying in cost and effort to implement, and subsequently examined the long-term rate of beetle community convergence towards the ‘target’ community structure of an undisturbed peat bog. There was a direct relationship between the rate of beetle community re-assembly and the cost and effort applied to plant community restoration treatments (processed peat with no seed, processed peat with seed, and direct habitat translocation). To test the longer term rate of beetle community convergence following habitat restoration, we monitored beetle assemblages on a chronosequence of experimental habitat islands in which restoration was initiated 1, 13, 24, 25, 42 and 72 months previously. With increasing age, the plant community became more diverse and structurally complex, and beetle community composition converged rapidly on the target community structure of an undisturbed peat bog. Using a simple linear regression analysis on ordination axis scores, we obtained the quantitative prediction that the beetle community on restored islands would converge on the average community composition of an undisturbed peat bog within just 7-8.5 years. Our results clearly show that rapid invertebrate community re-assembly can occur in direct response to management techniques focused on establishing vegetation structure. Even the use of a low-cost restoration technique (processed peat with seed added) was effective in initiating remarkably rapid invertebrate community re-assembly in cutover peat bogs within 10 years.  相似文献   

We developed a method to determine the radiocarbon (14C) concentration of methane (CH4) emitted from the surface of peatlands. The method involves the collection of ∼9 L of air from a static gas sampling chamber which is returned to the laboratory in a foil gas bag. Carbon dioxide is completely removed by passing the sample gas firstly through soda lime and then molecular sieve. Sample methane is then combusted to CO2, cryogenically purified and subsequently processed using routine radiocarbon methods. We verified the reliability of the method using laboratory isotope standards, and successfully trialled it at a temperate raised peat bog, where we found that CH4 emitted from the surface dated to 195–1399 years BP. The new method provides both a reliable and portable way to 14C date methane even at the low concentrations typically associated with peatland surface emissions.  相似文献   

Northern peatlands store nearly one-third of terrestrial carbon(C)stocks while covering only 3%of the global landmass;nevertheless,the drivers of C cycling in these often-waterlogged ecosystems are different from those that control C dynamics in upland forested soils.To explore how multiple abiotic and biotic characteristics of bogs interact to shape microbial activity in a northern,forested bog,we added a labile C tracer(13C-labeled starch)to in situ peat mesocosms and correlated heterotrophic respiration with natural variation in several microbial predictor variables,such as enzyme activity and microbial biomass,as well as with a suite of abiotic variables and proximity to vascular plants aboveground.We found that peat moisture content was positively correlated with respiration and microbial activity,even when moisture levels exceeded total saturation,suggesting that access to organic matter substrates in drier environments may be limiting for microbial activity.Proximity to black spruce trees decreased total and labile heterotrophic respiration.This negative relationship may reflect the influence of tree evapotranspiration and peat shading effects;i.e.,microbial activity may decline as peat dries and cools near trees.Here,we isolated the response of heterotrophic respiration to explore the variation in,and interactions among,multiple abiotic and biotic drivers that influence microbial activity.This approach allowed us to reveal the relative influence of individual drivers on C respiration in these globally important C sinks.  相似文献   

Surface and atmospheric controls on latent heat flux (QE) and energy partitioning were assessed during three growing seasons at the Mer Bleue peat bog. The surface consisted of a sparse canopy (maximum leaf area index 1.3) of low, mostly evergreen shrubs over moss-covered hummocks and hollows. Available energy was partitioned mostly to QE (Bowen ratio often less than 0.5) throughout the growing seasons over an extensive range of water table fluctuation (as much as 50 cm). QE was often at or below the equilibrium rate due to surface (low moss water content, strong vascular stomatal control) and/or atmospheric (low vapour pressure deficit (Da)) factors. Turbulent energy fluxes varied with net radiation and the magnitude of the fluctuations were affected by Da and moss water content. It is suggested that a change in source partitioning for QE led to a change in QE − Da dynamics. Early in the growing season the moss was wet and the vascular canopy was replacing leaves, thus QE increased as Da increased because moss, which reacts passively to Da, contributed strongly to QE. Later in the growing season as water table declined and the evaporation load reduced moss and fibric peat water contents, moss contributed less strongly to QE and vascular contribution became more important. Also, stomatal control became more influential in reducing bulk surface conductance for water vapour and QE in response to increasing Da.  相似文献   

To understand why anaerobic ombrotrophic peats can be very low in methane after drainage related afforestation, we analyzed the competition of sulfate reducing, humus reducing, and methanogenic microorganisms by incubating ombrotrophic peats of the Mer Bleue bog, Ontario. Sulfate, sulfide, and sulfate containing peat dissolved organic matter (DOM) from an afforested site were added in reduced and oxidized redox state. Sulfate and acetate concentrations were analyzed, bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) and CO2 and CH4 production quantified, and results analyzed by ANOVA. DOM was characterized by Fourier transformed infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy and analyzed for trace elements. CH4 production (116 nmol cm−3 d−1) and BSR rate (102 nmol cm−3 d−1) were similar in ‘controls’. BSR in treatments ‘sulfate’ (73 nmol cm−3 d−1) and ‘sulfide’ (118 nmol cm−3 d−1) did not significantly differ from ‘controls’ but addition of DOM significantly diminished BSR down to 0.4 nmol cm−3 d−1 (Kruskal Wallis test, p < 0.05). CH4 production decreased with sulfate (16%, not significant) and sulfide addition (40%, p < 0.05) and CO2 production increased (treatment ‘sulfate’, p < 0.05). Addition of all DOM extracts (67 mg L−1) almost completely suppressed methanogenesis and CO2 production (p < 0.05), but acetate accumulated compared to the control (p < 0.05). The DOM applied contained carboxylic, aromatic and phenolic moieties and metal contents typical for peat humic substances. We conclude that a toxic effect of the intensely humified DOM occurred on both methanogenic and sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) but not on fermenting microorganisms. As yet it is not clear what might cause such a toxic effect of DOM on SRB and archaea.  相似文献   

The major bog systems in northern areas are dominated by Sphagnum species, the partially decomposed remains of which form the bulk of deep peat. By adding mono- and di-valent cations to deep peat cores (2.0-2.5 m) and measuring CH4 and CO2 concentrations in the manipulated peat cores using quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) we demonstrate that the lack of availability to microorganisms of essential cations is limiting decay in deep peat. The cations with the highest binding strength displaced the most cations and stimulated decay. Decay in deep peat cores was also stimulated by a C source (acetate), but not by NH4+. The addition of cations and acetate resulted in a less than additive stimulation of decay. The stimulatory effect of acetate and copper decreased in the presence of ammonium. The addition of EDTA to surface bog peat (where cations are conserved) decreased decay rates in surface peat (0.0-0.5 m) to that of the untreated deep peat (2.0-2.5 m). Deep peat was unaffected by treatment with EDTA. The effect of adding Cu2+differed with the depth from which the peat was collected. Cu2+ did not stimulate decay in surface bog peat (0.0-1.5 m) but stimulated decay in peat from 1.5-3.5 m. Below 3.5 m to the bottom of the profile (5.0 m) no positive effect was observed. By comparing deep peat with surface peat we have shown that cation limitation because of high cation exchange capacity is specific to the main mass of deep bog peat and may explain differences in decay rates between anoxic surface peat and deep peat.  相似文献   

Soil solution was collected to identify seasonal trends in its chemistry and to examine relationships between the concentrations of ions and variables that may control them. Samples were collected fortnightly at 10 cm and 50 cm depth in a blanket peat soil at Moor House–Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve in the northern Pennine uplands of England. Dissolved organic carbon at 10 cm peaked each summer and correlated most strongly with temperature. At both depths Na+ and Cl were the dominant ions, reflecting the oceanic climate. Over the 3‐year sampling period, concentrations of the principal anions and cations at 10 cm varied little except during the autumns of 1994 and 1995 following unusually dry summers. At these times concentrations of SO42–‐S increased from < 3 μmol to a maximum of 430 μmol and were balanced by smaller increases in Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and H+. The SO42– concentration at 10 cm was most strongly correlated with depth to the water Table 3 weeks prior to sampling. At 50 cm depth in the peat a small increase in SO42– occurred only during the autumn of 1995, and the concentration of SO42– at this depth correlated most strongly with that at 10 cm. At neither depth were there any strong correlations with deposition. The increase in H+ concentration associated with the peak in SO42– at 10 cm depth represents a fall in pH from usual values around 4.2 to 3.5.
Table 3. Deposition flux of ions in bulk precipitation at Moor House from weekly samplings 1994 to 1996 in kg ha?1 year?1. The UK flux is derived from 32 sites of the United Kingdom Precipitation Composition Monitoring Network 1992 to 1994 and the standard deviation (SD) relates to the variation between these sites ( Review Group on Acid Rain, 1997 )
Moor House flux UK flux UK SD
H+ 0.31 0.26 0.10
Ca2+ 4.07 3.58 1.86
Mg2+ 3.37 3.62 2.62
K+ 1.54
Fe2+ 0.73
Al3+ 0.44
Na+ 29.32 25.77 19.27
Cl 51.14 45.96 32.39
NO3‐N 4.01 3.20 1.05
NH4+‐N 4.85 3.63 1.74
SO42–‐S 8.98 7.98 3.09
PO43–‐P 0.01

Citing Literature

Volume 52 , Issue 1 March 2001

Pages 69-79  相似文献   

Biology and Fertility of Soils - Peatlands are archives of extreme importance for the assessment of past ecological, environmental and climatic changes. The importance as natural archives is even...  相似文献   

Alfalfa saponins, their sugar fraction or glucose, but not their sapogenin fraction, favored nitrogen immobilization and denitrification and inhibited proteolysis and ammonification in both peatinoculated and Pseudomonas sp.-inoculated media. Alfalfa root saponins and sapogenins significantly reduced the fungal peat population, but did not affect the bacterial population. The inhibition of N mineralization in peat by saponins and by their sapogenin fraction during dry and wet cycles was mostly due to their fungistatic activity. The inhibitory effect of the sugar fraction of alfalfa roots on mineral-N accumulation in peat is mainly under moist conditions.  相似文献   

Peat samples from bogs of the middle taiga zone (Middle Priobye region) represent a strong negative geochemical anomaly of a number of chemical elements compared to peat samples from bogs of the southern taiga of the Middle and Upper Priobye regions. The proximity of mountain systems (the Altai Mountains, the Salair Ridge, and Kuznetskii Alatau) presumably affects peat composition in the southern taiga zone by air transportation of mineral dust. The latter fact enriches peat of raised bogs in certain metals, whilst not reaching the outlying Middle Priobye region.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in temperature and moisture in moss peat were monitored in the field at Signy Island, Antarctica. When simulated in intact peat cores in vitro after frozen storage, these variations caused changes on O2-uptake which closely reproduced the results for fresh samples. Respiration rate was used as a measure of aerobic decomposer activity. Supplements of sugars indicated the predominance of microbial respiration and its dependence on the availability of dissolved organic C (DOC). Low temperatures of 0° to 1°C were not rate-limiting for respiration in vivo or in vitro, and O2-uptake was detected at ?1°C. Repeated peaks of O2-uptake under wet conditions resulting from simulated spring freeze-thaw cycles, and a solitary peak during an autumn simulation, suggested release of DOC substrates from frost-damaged cells. Desiccation, microfaunal predation and microaerophily were thought to contribute to respiratory declines. O2-uptake and CO2-evolution were equivalent in peat beneath Polytrichum sampled in autumn. Peat respiration was not generally proportional to microbial biomass, but saccharolytic yeasts were dominant during the respiratory maximum in spring and correlated with O2-uptake in a mixed culture of indigenous microflora. Yeasts grew exponentially in freezethaw cycle simulations but percolated into the peat profile in the field. The basal O2-uptake, which may be attributable to the decomposition of redalcitrant molecules such as cellulose, was lower in simulations of spring than autumn. Although bacterial biomass increased and diversified during summer, the ratio of fungal-to-bacterial contributions to O2-uptake in an incubated homogenate of peat sampled in autumn was 4:1.  相似文献   


The geochemical differentiation of major elements in various peat bog profiles from Bieszczady Mountains Region (south-east of Poland) was compared to its botanical origin. Peat cores were taken from ombrotrophic, mesotrophic, and oligotrophic peatlands, which were developed in the stream valley of the River San. Twenty-four various peat samples were analysed for peat genus, degree of peat decomposition, ash content, total nitrogen, and total carbon content of hydrolytic matter as well as content of major elements: Na, K, Mg, Ca. The results show that the botanical composition of peat deposits is no reliable indication of their trophic status. The common feature of investigated Holocene peatlands is their valley localisation on the flood terrace. The specific character of local geommorpho8ogicml and hydrological condition caused that the bottom layer of all investigated bog profiles was made of wood peats (Piceaeti, Pineti, Alneti, and Saliceti peat). The geochemical investigations of stratigraphical profiles confirm that the presented peat bogs showed specific morphological separateness comparing to other raised bogs situated in mountains or lowlands  相似文献   

The most southerly ombrotrophic peat bogs in Europe are in Galicia (northwest Spain). The humic matter in them originates from chemical processes in anaerobic conditions. We studied the acid properties of fulvic acids and humic acids isolated from two peat horizons of an ombrotrophic peat bog by potentiometric titration. Solutions containing 25, 50 and 100 mg l−1 of each humic substance were titrated at ionic strengths 0.005 m , 0.01 m and 0.1 m (with KNO3 as the inert electrolyte). Charge curves were analysed with a Donnan model to determine the intrinsic proton binding parameters. The concentration of the humic substance affected the charge curves more significantly at pH exceeding 6, and tended to disappear at greater concentrations. The proton binding conditional constants decreased with increasing ionic strength, this effect being more significant in the carboxylic groups with less affinity for protons. The proton binding constant of the carboxyl groups in a fulvic acid was one order of magnitude less than the value for the corresponding humic acid, whereas for the phenolic groups the values for both fractions were similar. The total content of acid groups was approximately 2 mol kg−1 greater in the fulvic fraction than in the humic fraction. Both humic fractions from the lower horizon contained more acid groups than those from the upper horizon, mainly because the content of carboxyl groups increases with soil depth. Therefore, the humic substances in the lower horizon of the peat will be more negatively charged, which will affect their solubility and the binding of metal ions.  相似文献   

A field model experiment on stimulating the activity of native oil microorganisms–decomposers was performed on an oil-polluted area in a high-moor bog under its total flooding in the northern taiga (Western Siberia). For two summer months, the doses of lime and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers applied have caused a decrease in the oil products (OP) content by 54% relative to their initial amount. The decrease of the OP content in the soil profiles was nonuniform, and at the depth of 30–50 cm it was accompanied by the acidification of peat. The stimulation of the activity of aboriginal microorganisms by applying lime and mineral fertilizers led to the development of migration processes with the participation of oil and products of its transformation. These processes differed from those in the soil without application of lime and fertilizers. An original technology of applying lime and fertilizers providing minimal disturbances the upper 50-cm peat layer is suggested.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimates of the rate of transformation of moss residues of two species (Sphagnum angustifolium and Sphagnum fuscum) in the peat soils (Histosols) were obtained for two oligotrophic bogs with different hydrological conditions in the southern taiga of Western Siberia. The coefficients of decomposition rate (k) significantly differed for the studied species; the decomposition of Sphagnum fuscum proceeded much slower. The most intense decomposition was observed in the first year of transformation (k = 0.06 and 0.16–0.66 for Sph. fuscum and Sph. angustifolium, respectively); then, the rate of moss decomposition decreased. Despite the great amount of fungal mass in the moss residues (exceeding the bacterial biomass by 3–10 times), the rate of the initial decomposition was very low. The hydrological conditions affected the intensity of this process—in the peat of the Kirsanovskoe bog with the low level of bog water, losses of the mass of sphagnum moss were 1.1–1.6 times greater as compared to those in the Bakcharskoe bog. For Sph. angustifolium, the level of bog water was more important than for Sphagnum fuscum, whereas for Sphagnum fuscum, the composition of organic matter played a decisive role in the rate of decomposition of moss residues. The activity of the microflora also depended on the level of bog water, which was manifested in a greater abundance of bacteria in the peat of the Kirsanovskoe bog.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of cation treatments on methanogenic activity and nutrient release from exchange sites in raised bog and fen peats. Treatments consisted of cation chloride solutions (MgCl2, AlCl3 and PbCl2) applied individually. In raised bog peat Al3+ and Pb2+ increased CH4 production. A correlation was found between CH4 production and the amount of micro- and macronutrient cations released by the treatments. In calcareous fen peat, such a stimulation was also found, but there was no correlation between CH4 production and micro and macronutrient release. Direct nutrient and pH effects could not account for these observations. Thus the results support the hypothesis that the methanogenic community in the raised bog is limited by the availability of mineral nutrients and/or inactivity of exo-enzymes, both of which are bound onto exchange sites.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Fluorescence and UV-visible spectroscopies are simple but useful methods to characterize organic matter in the aqueous phase according to its aromatic nature and humification degree. Although there are several studies about porewater and water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) from peat, at present, no comparative investigations are available in the literature. Thus, the aim of the present study was to identify and compare chemical and spectroscopic features of porewaters and corresponding WEOM samples along a 105-cm undisturbed peat profile.  相似文献   

Mangroves receive increasing quantities of nutrients as a result of coastal development, which could lead to significant changes in carbon sequestration and soil subsidence. We hypothesised that mangrove-produced tannins induce a nitrogen (N) limitation on microbial decomposition even when plant growth is limited by phosphorus (P). As a result, increased N influx would lead to a net loss of sequestered carbon negating the ability to compensate for sea level rise in P-limited mangroves. To examine this, we quantified the short- and long-term effects of N and P enrichment on microbial biomass and decomposition-related enzyme activities in a Rhizophora mangle-dominated mangrove, which had been subjected to fertilisation treatments for a period of fifteen years. We compared microbial biomass, elemental stoichiometry and potential enzyme activity in dwarf and fringe-type R. mangle-dominated sites, where primary production is limited by P or N depending on the proximity to open water. Even in P-limited mangroves, microbial activity was N-limited as indicated by stoichiometry and an increase in enzymic activity upon N amendment. Nevertheless, microbial biomass increased upon field additions of P, indicating that the carbon supply played even a larger role. Furthermore, we found that P amendment suppressed phenol oxidase activity, while N amendment did not. The possible differential nutrient limitations of microbial decomposers versus primary producers implies that the direction of the effect of eutrophication on carbon sequestration is nutrient-specific. In addition, this study shows that phenol oxidase activities in this system decrease through P, possibly strengthening the enzymic latch effect of mangrove tannins. Furthermore, it is argued that the often used division between N-harvesting, P-harvesting, and carbon-harvesting exoenzymes needs to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

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