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Within photosynthetic organisms, the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of photosystem II generates dioxygen from water using a catalytic Mn(4)CaO(n) cluster (n varies with the mechanism and nature of the intermediate). We report here the rational synthesis of a [Mn(3)CaO(4)](6+) cubane that structurally models the trimanganese-calcium-cubane subsite of the OEC. Structural and electrochemical comparison between Mn(3)CaO(4) and a related Mn(4)O(4) cubane alongside characterization of an intermediate calcium-manganese multinuclear complex reveals potential roles of calcium in facilitating high oxidation states at manganese and in the assembly of the biological cluster.  相似文献   

In agriculture, the principle of coexistence refers to a condition where different primary production systems can exist in the vicinity of each other, and can be managed in such a way that they affect each other as little as possible. Coexistence policies aim to ensure that farmers are able to freely grow the crops they choose—be they genetically engineered (GE), non-GE conventional, or organic. In the United States (US), the issue of coexistence has very recently come into sharp relief with the introduction of Roundup Ready® (RR) alfalfa, a landmark court decision in 2007 (Geertson v. Johanns), and subsequent governmental actions, including the first Environmental Impact Statement on a GE crop. By contrast, in 2003 the European Union (EU) created a policy to manage coexistence and to address economic harms that may be caused by contamination. We briefly review the EU framework as an instructive resource. This policy analysis then looks at the US organic industry and its standards with respect to GE before turning to the case of RR alfalfa. With a focus on the field trial stage and on environmental assessments prior to market approval, the case reveals numerous problems in the existing regulatory framework as it pertains to coexistence and prevention of contamination of organic products with GE material. The paper concludes with specific policy recommendations for creating a more robust coexistence policy in the US.  相似文献   

There are two kinds of theoretical defects export in the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS): the distribution of nutrient elements ratios with two normal distribution displays an abnormal distribution of positive skewness; there is a blind diagnostic area by DRIS on the occasion of the nutrient elements with equal ratios but without equal quantity. In the light of the quadratic form theory of multidimensional normal distribution and the view of balance of equal probability, the balance diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (BDRIS) was developed in this paper, which is superior to DRIS and its diagnosis method is unified to critical value diagnosis. When the correlation matrix of nutrient elements R= I(identity matrix), i.e., the effects of elements antagonism is disregarded, BDRIS will be simplified into the critical value diagnosis. In addition, the diagnosis program written in SAS language was also provided in this paper.  相似文献   

The atomic structure of dislocation cores is decisive for the understanding of plasticity in crystalline solids. The core structure of dislocations in sapphire introduced by high-temperature plastic deformation has been investigated with the use of the negative spherical-aberration imaging technique. The ability of this technique to discriminate oxygen columns from aluminum (Al) columns, combined with reproduction of subtle contrast features by image simulation, leads to a markedly detailed atomic model of the dislocation cores. The partial dislocations are Al-terminated, with electrical neutrality being achieved because half of the Al columns are missing. These partials also undergo core spreading, which results in random occupancy of both tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated sites, though Al in tetrahedral coordination never occurs in a perfect crystal. Unusual dislocation core structures may be present in other technologically important nonmetallic solids.  相似文献   

This paper is about the application of PLC (Model S5-135U made by Siemens) in the overhead crane. It is mainly about the working principles and application of PLC Model S5-135U.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to elucidate the expression and regulation of the c.kit protein in spermatogenesis of locusts. Immunohistochemistry and biological statistics were used to investigate the expression of the c-kit protein in four representative phases of spermatogenesis of three dominant species of locusts of Arcypteridae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea), namely, Omocestus viridulus (Linnaeus), Euchorthippus unicolor (Ikonn.), and Euchorthippus vittatus Zheng, and so on, in Siping area of Jilin Province, China. The results revealed the following: (1) There was weak positive expression of the c-kit protein in spermatogonia and the positive granules were thinner; (2) there was a strong positive expression of the c-kit protein in primary spermatocyte and the positive granules became the largest than in all developmental stages; (3) the c-kit protein positive expression became stronger in secondary spermatocyte, while the positive granules became thinner; (4) there was strong positive expression of the c-kit protein and the positive granules were thinner in mature sperm, which were distributed on its head and tail; (5) there were strong positive protein granules massing at the end of spermary; (6) the positive intensity of the c-kit protein in spermatogenesis was significantly different among different species of locusts. The data suggested that the c-kit protein may play a crucial role in spermatogenesis as well as maintain the physiological action of sperms and fertilization, regulate the developmental speed of spermatogenesis, and/or maintain species isolation, etc.  相似文献   

The conformation of DNA in the granuloblast of the human leukaemia(HL) is also different from that of the normal human (HN) was determined by the fluorescence titration.These results show the view that DNA conformation variety is related with the canceration of human cell.  相似文献   

Shallow Radar soundings from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveal a buried deposit of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) ice within the south polar layered deposits of Mars with a volume of 9500 to 12,500 cubic kilometers, about 30 times that previously estimated for the south pole residual cap. The deposit occurs within a stratigraphic unit that is uniquely marked by collapse features and other evidence of interior CO(2) volatile release. If released into the atmosphere at times of high obliquity, the CO(2) reservoir would increase the atmospheric mass by up to 80%, leading to more frequent and intense dust storms and to more regions where liquid water could persist without boiling.  相似文献   

The ultra-structure of mother and outer daughter scales of Lilium Oriental hybrid Sorbonne were studied using transmission electron microscope to examine the sub-cellular localization of starch and lip...  相似文献   

Sequential ultrasonograms of the cervix and uterus were taken in both cross and logitudinal sections at different periods of involution in eleven postpartum Jerscy cows,and in the meantime the concentrations of oestridiol-17β and progesterone in peripheral circulation of the cows were measured by radioimmunoassay(RIA).Cervical involution was showed in detail by using ultrasound scaaner during its whole involuting phase,and the oestrus could be indicated by the differences of the ultrasonograms of the genital tract at the time.It took 46.7 3.9 days for the cervix to complete involution after calving,and its involuting rate was delayed by the occurence of the periparturient fatty liver and injury of the cervix during parturtion.  相似文献   

The basic principles of the partial and multiple coherence ananlysis and their utilization on vibration source idenfification are discussed in detail in this paper,The partial coherence analysis is the effective method of vibration source identification in multiple input-single output systems.Formerly,there was not any this kind of unction in the signal processor,and there was not and special software too.The software which we developed and used in the 7T 17S signal processor has this function.This software can be used not only for the parial and multiple coherence analysis of signal,but also for the correlation analysis,power spectrum analysis,transfer function analysis et al.We used this software to make the identifcation of the vibration source of the car floor board of electrical measuring vehicle,and to find the main factors which effect the vibration of the ear board.The excellent result was obtained.This method can also be used for making the identifications of noise source and other sources.  相似文献   

1 Introduction   Hypophosphorus in cows is very common in the world.Sixty percent samples of pas-turage have the low content of phosphorus(<0 .1 5% ) in Ireland and40 % soil in some district of the Soviet Union in normal dissection.The phenomenon of hypopohosphatemia,hemolysis and hemoglobinuria resulted from low- phosphorous of circumstance(<0 .1 0 % inpasturage,rough 0 .50︼g/ g soil for utilize in pasture field) and microthermal climate (Jan-uary to March) in the west part of Heilongji…  相似文献   

Seed coating can make soybean seedling grow more strongly and reinforce the resistance of soybean plant.Sodium alginate and chitosan are high-molecular compound of two different kind,have the characteristic of promoting the crop growth,Using sodium alginate and chitosan as coating materials under different concentration can improve the growth and photosynthesis obviously and can decrease pollution because of their characteristics.The analysis show that the effects of Sodium Alginate on soybean plant are better than chitosan and the best concentration is 0.5g.kg^-1.  相似文献   

1 Introduction  Sodium alginate and chitosan are the oceanic natural resources and high molecular com-pound which can promote the plant growth,and protect various plants from harmful organ-isms or prevent plant disease caused by harmful organisms( Makuuch,1 998and Hadwiger,etal. 1 983) .The two materials were used as coating materials,plant promoters,foliar sprayingin soil and so on( Mitchell,1 96 2 ;Brown,982 ;Cuero,1 991 ,Osuji,1 992 ) .Because the two ma-terials are degradable in soil …  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of bovine Piroplasms infections in the Rasǒn area of North Korea.The survey was carried out by light microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained blood smears,PCR,and phylogenetic evolution analysis of 128 blood samples collected from the Rasǒn area.The results showed that the infection rates of the small and large parasites were about 2.5 and 1.5% on average,respectively,in all Theileria sergenti and Babesia ovatapositive blood smears by microscopic examination of blood smears.The detection rate of T.sergenti Giemsa-stained smears was 43.75%,while that with PCR was 67.97%.The detection rate of B.ovata Giemsa-stained smears was 49.21%,while that with PCR was 71.88%.The sequence and phylogenetic analysis of DNA showed 98.84% homology between the 18S rRNA gene sequences of T.sergenti isolates from North Korean and that of Yanbian state from China,indicating the closest genetic relationship between both of them.Moreover,100% homology was shown between the 18S rRNA gene sequence of B.ovata isolates from North Korea and the published sequence AY081192 of GenBank,indicating the closest genetic relationship between both of them.This survey confirmed that Ras n is the endemic area of T.sergenti and B.ovata in North Korea.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to study the grunting of sows during nursing and the sucking be-haviour of piglets. In experimental I,six Yorkshire sows and their litters were observed and managed in farrowing crates.In experimental Ⅱ,six Harbin White sows and their litters were selected and housed in farrowing pens.The behaviours and activities of the sows during nursing and the actities of piglest during sucking were recorded with a portable video camera (PanasonicNV-VX22EN)The results showed that the characteristic patterns of grunting by the sows consist of an initial period of rhythmic grunting at a fairly constant rate and followesd by a period of more rapid grunting,and then a decline in grunting rate toward the completion of nursing.The pattern of vocalization showed by the mothers bears a reliable synchronization to the sucking behaviour of the piglets.The rate of grunting varied little during jostling for teat and nosing the udder.The beginning of slow sucking usually occurred during of just after the increase in grunt rate.The rapid sucking began 15-25seconds after the period of most rapid grunting,fol-lowingthe decrease of grunt rate.afterwards the nursing ended.There were individualities found in sows‘grunting patterns.It is found that vocalizations attracted the piglets to the sows and synchronized sucking activities of piglets,but the results indicated that the premassaging time and numbers of piglets enagaing massaging influ-enced the grunting pattern and the onset of the milk ejection.As more piglets were involved the massaging,the higher the grunting rate peak,the faster the milk ejection.  相似文献   

Using Matlab software, the grain filling process of hybrid wheat 901 and its parents was fitted by Richards equation W = A/(1 + Be^-kt in order to study the characteristics of grain filling of the hybrid. The active grain growth period of the hybrid was 6 d longer than that of Shaan 229, and its final grain weight (43.7 g/1 000 grains) was higher than that of Shaan229 (36.3 g/1 000 grains). N values of 901 and R205 were both less than 1, and their grain growth was faster in the early filling stage, while slower in the middle-late stage. N value of Shaan 229 was 〉1~ and its growth was slower in the early stage and faster in the middle stage. The period of early stage of 901 was shorter and of middle-late stage was longer. The situation of Shaan 229 was totally reversed. For parents, the father plant R205 was similar to hybrid wheat 901, whereas its mother plant K3314A similar to Shaan 229. It has been found that Richards equation was more suitable for fitting the grain filling process of wheat than Logistic equation.  相似文献   

This article investigates the responses of Brassica campestris seedlings to an acute level of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure in a plant growth chamber, and examines whether pretreating plants with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) will alleviate NO2-caused injury. Twenty-eight-day-old B. campestris plants sprayed with 10 mmol L−1 H2O2 aqueous solution (corresponding to approximate 1.0 mg H2O2 per single plant) were exposed to different concentrations of NO2 (0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 μL L−1, respectively) for 24 h under controlled environment. To measure the plant biomass, the plants were fumigated with the same NO2 concentrations as mentioned above for 7 h per day (8.00-15.00) for 7 days. As a control, charcoal filtered air alone was applied. Data were collected on plant biomass, total chlorophyll, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, nitrate and nitrate reductase (NR), antioxidative enzymes, ascorbate (ASA), and malondialdehyde (MDA), immediately after exposure. The results showed that exposure to a moderate dose of NO2 (e.g., 0.25 μL L−1) had a favorable effect on plants, and the dry weight of the above-ground part increased, whereas the exposure to high NO2 concentrations (e.g., 0.5 μL L−1 or higher) caused a reduction in the plant biomass and the total chlorophyll, when compared with the control. In addition, at 0.5 μL L−1 or higher NO2 concentrations, prominent increases in the MDA level and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and NR activities were observed. Exposure to 1 μL L−1 and higher NO2 resulted in necroses appearing on older leaves, and an increase in catalase (CAT) activity, decrease in ASA content, increased accumulation of NO3, and reduction in photosynthesis, when compared with the controls. No changes were detected in stomatal conductance under NO2 fumigation. The pretreatment with 10 mmol L−1 H2O2 alleviated significantly NO2-caused biomass decrease and photosynthetic inhibition when compared with H2O2-untreated plants. Under NO2 fumigation, further induction in SOD and CAT activities occurred in H2O2 treated plants when compared with H2O2-untreated plants. The effect of NO2 on the ASA and MDA contents was also absent in H2O2-treated plants. However, the H2O2 treatment did not alter the nitrate content and NR activity in plants under NO2 fumigation. The H2O2 treatment caused a lower rate of stomatal conductance. Taken together, these data suggest that fumigation with an acute level of NO2 causes oxidative damage to B. campestris seedlings. The H2O2 pretreatment markedly protects plants against NO2 stress and this may be associated with inducible antioxidative level. NO2 fumigation contributes, at least in part, to the enhanced levels of nitrate in B. campestris leaves.  相似文献   

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