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吉林省玉米施肥效果与肥料利用效率现状研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
【目的】本研究通过收集整理2005~2013年国家测土配方施肥项目在吉林省布置的1110个“3414”田间试验,分析了施用氮、磷、钾肥对玉米产量、经济效益的影响,测算了氮、磷、钾肥的利用效率,目的在于明确当前生产条件下吉林省玉米的施肥效果与肥料利用效率,为肥料的合理施用与配置提供依据。【方法】选取玉米“3414”田间试验的处理1(N0P0K0)、处理2(N0P2K2)、处理4(N2P0K2)、处理6(N2P2K2)和处理8(N2P2K0),分别记为不施肥(CK)、不施氮(-N)、不施磷(-P)、氮磷钾配施(NPK)和不施钾(-K)处理,研究不同施肥处理下的玉米产量、产值、施肥利润和产投比,比较增施氮、磷、钾肥的增产效应以及不同肥料的农学效率、偏生产力和肥料贡献率。另外,分析不施肥处理(缺素处理)玉米产量与相应肥料贡献率之间的关系,并利用模型进行模拟。【结果】不施肥条件下,当前吉林省玉米的平均产量和产值分别为6.6 t/hm2和1.21×103 yuan/hm2。施肥可显著提高玉米的产量和经济收益,其中以NPK处理的玉米产量和施肥利润最高,平均分别为10.1 t/hm2和5.07×103 yuan/hm2,其后分别为-K处理(8.9 t/hm2、3.27×103 yuan/hm2)、-P处理(8.7 t/hm2、2.83×103 yuan/hm2)和-N处理(7.7 t/hm2、1.39×103 yuan/hm2)。在其他养分施用基础上,增施氮、磷、钾肥可平均分别增产2.36 t/hm2(35.1%)、1.39 t/hm2(18.0%)和1.18 t/hm2(14.9%),平均施肥利润分别为3.68×103、2.24×103和1.80×103 yuan/hm2。当前生产条件下,吉林省玉米在氮磷钾配施条件下的肥料农学效率、偏生产力和肥料贡献率分别为11.4 kg/kg N、32.8 kg/kg和34.7%,而增施氮、磷、钾肥的平均农学效率分别为14.3 kg/kg N、20.5 kg/kg P2O5和17.2 kg/kg K2O,平均偏生产力分别为61.1、146.4和142.4 kg/kg,平均肥料贡献率分别为23.4%、14.1%和11.9%。分析发现,氮磷钾肥配施(或某一肥料)的肥料贡献率随不施肥处理(或相应缺素处理)玉米产量的提高而显著下降,且关系符合对数函数模型,说明提高基础地力可减少对外源肥料的依赖。【结论】吉林省玉米氮磷钾肥的增产效果和肥料利用率相比全国平均水平较高,但仍需重视氮肥管理以稳产增效,继续大力推广平衡适量施肥理念及相应技术,在实现作物增产的同时提高肥料利用效率并促进土壤培肥。  相似文献   

不同施肥对鲜食玉米生长及肥料农学利用率的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过田间小区试验,分析比较了不同施肥处理对鲜食玉米生长指标、产量、品质、光合特性、土壤酶活性以及肥料农学利用率等指标的影响.试验共设置5个处理,分别为:CK(不施用任何肥料),T1(常规化肥用量+普通有机肥),T2(常规化肥用量+生物有机肥),T3(化肥减施30%+生物有机肥),T4(化肥减施30%+生物有机肥+氨基酸...  相似文献   

施肥推进了玉米生长及N缺乏的定量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence that nitrogen (N) fertilization tends to accelerate maturation as well as increase rates of growth has received little attention when diagnosing N deficiencies in corn (Zea mays L.). Such a tendency could be a potential source of errors when the diagnosis is solely based on comparing plants with different rates of growth. Whether N fertilization could accelerate rates of growth and maturation was tested in a field study with 12 paired plots representing relatively large variability in soil properties and landscape positions. The plots were located under conditions where preplant N fertilization reduced or avoided temporary N shortages for some plants but did not reduce for other plants early in the season. We measured corn heights to the youngest leaf collar, stages of growth and chlorophyll meter readings (CMRs). The added N advanced growth stages as well as increased corn heights and CMRs at any given time. Fertilization effects on corn heights, growth stages and ear weights were statistically significant (P 〈 0.05) despite substantial variability associated with landscape. Reductions in growth due to a temporary shortage of N within a growth stage might be partially offset by longer periods of growth within that stage to physiological maturity. Temporary shortages of N, therefore, may produce symptoms of N deficiency in situations where subsequent additions of N should not be expected to increase yields. Recognition of these two somewhat different effects (i.e., increase growth rates and advance growth stages) on corn growth could help to define N deficiency more precisely and to improve the accuracy of diagnosing N status in production agriculture.  相似文献   

沸石作为土壤结构改良基质和缓释肥料基质 ,对改善土壤养分向植物的供应状况有十分重要的作用 ,在国内外的农业生产中得到较广泛的应用[1~4] 。据研究资料报道 ,在土壤中施用沸石不会引起有效磷和肥料中水溶性磷的固定 ,还能改善土壤供钾状况[5] 。在CEC较小的土壤中施用 ,  相似文献   

渭北旱塬春玉米施肥效果及肥料利用效率研究   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6  
总结2006~2009年陕西省渭北旱塬测土配方施肥项目184个3414试验数据,从区域角度上分析当前生产条件下渭北旱塬玉米施肥效果,以及施肥量、 土壤肥力水平对玉米产量、 经济效益、 肥料利用效率等的影响,为提高渭北旱塬玉米产量和肥料高效利用提供依据。结果表明, 施用氮(N)、 磷(P2O5)、 钾 (K2O)肥玉米分别增产2177、 1157和656 kg/hm2, 增产率为34.0%、 15.2%和7.9%,增收2901、 1517和733 Yuan/hm2,对玉米产量的贡献率分别为23.0%、 12.6%和7.0%, 农学效率分别为9.4、 10.5和9.5 kg/kg。施肥增产、 增收效果以及肥料贡献率均表现为N>P2O5>K2O, 农学效率表现为P2O5>K2O>N。施用氮、 磷、 钾肥均可显著提高玉米产量,但过量施用氮、 磷、 钾肥产量不再增加,且经济效益和肥料利用效率均显著降低。推荐施肥处理化肥增产、 增收效果、 对产量的贡献率以及农学效率均最高。土壤肥力对化肥肥效有显著影响,施肥于中、 低肥力土壤既能实现养分高效利用又能获得较大经济效益。与20世纪80年代相比,当前氮肥肥效明显降低,磷、 钾肥肥效明显升高。  相似文献   

唐君 《南方农业》2013,(10):19-21
选择重庆市巫山县典型黄色石灰土壤类型,按农业部《测土配方施肥技术规范》对玉米进行"3414"肥料效应田间试验,并运用数理统计方法对试验结果进行肥料效应及最佳经济产量进行分析,结果表明本区域该类型中等肥力土壤玉米最佳经济产量为609.19 kg/667 m2;氮、磷、钾肥最佳施肥用量是N 16.3 kg/667 m2,P2O56.2 kg/667 m2,K2O 6.7 kg/667 m2(N∶P2O5∶K2O=1.00∶0.38∶0.41);同时,在一定的施用量范围内,对玉米的增产效益是氮肥大于钾肥,钾肥大于磷肥。  相似文献   

采用粒片状肥料实现夏玉米一次施肥的可行性研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
【目的】为探求夏玉米高产一次性施肥技术,根据夏玉米需肥特性,研制大小一致、 含等量氮磷钾养分的新型压缩片状肥料,将此肥料施在玉米植株适宜的位置,实现单株定量精准施肥。【方法】将尿素、 磷酸一铵和氯化钾肥料按夏玉米需肥特性合理配比,粉碎、 充分混匀后采用液压机压缩为重7.0 g的片状肥料,每2片含有每株玉米所需的氮磷钾养分; 在夏玉米苗期,将2粒片状肥料分别施在两株玉米中间两边间隔约15 cm处,施肥深度约10 cm,使得每株玉米四周都有肥料持续供应养分。采用田间试验分别在河南鹤壁和山东菏泽研究了单株定量施肥、 缓释肥及常规施肥对夏玉米产量、 干物质积累、 氮代谢、 氮磷钾养分积累量及氮肥利用效率的影响。【结果】鹤壁和菏泽夏玉米施氮肥显著增产15.1%~19.5%和13.8%~16.1%。单株定量一次性施肥叶片硝酸还原酶活性在大喇叭口期和吐丝期分别较习惯2次施肥高7.45%和5.57%,谷氨酰胺合成酶活性分别高9.88%和6.18%; 植株氮、 磷和钾素积累量均略有增加,氮肥农学效率和氮肥当季利用率分别高1.24 kg/kg和3.41个百分点,产量平均增加2.5%。【结论】夏玉米单株定量一次性施肥叶片硝酸还原酶、 谷氨酰胺合成酶活性、 干物重、 植株氮磷钾养分积累量与习惯2次施肥、 缓释肥一次性施肥效果相当,产量和氮肥利用效率略有增加,实现了高产和一次性施肥的目标。  相似文献   

玉米一次性分层施肥技术研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
三种土壤上的田间试验和盆栽试验的结果表明,玉米全肥一次性分层基施用明显好于一次性浅基施和一次性深基施,与分期施肥法相比,二者的产量相接近,这种施肥法完全可以代替分期施肥法,并达到省工省力的目的。  相似文献   

施肥对玉米养分吸收利用、产量及肥料效益的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
分别于2006年和2007年,通过田间小区试验,研究了施肥对玉米养分吸收利用及产量的影响.结果表明,2006年测土推荐施肥处理(NPK)植株的N、P2O5、K2O吸收量分别比不施肥处理提高54.94%、41.87%、67.72%,每形成100 kg子粒的养分吸收量N 3.15 kg、P2O5 0.71 kg、K2O 3.90 kg.施肥对玉米增产效果显著,NPK处理的增产率达到28.90%,氮、磷、钾肥对玉米产量的贡献率分别是6.18%、20.69%、12.42%,每千克N、P2O5、K2O对玉米的增产效益分别是2.83、27.45、36.15 kg.两年的试验都表明磷素是供试土壤的第一养分限制因子,氮素的增收效益较小,因此要重视磷、钾肥的施用,减少氮肥的用量,均衡土壤养分比例来提高化肥施用的效益.  相似文献   

腐植酸尿素对玉米生长及肥料氮利用的影响   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
【目的】 利用腐植酸对氮肥的增效作用,通过研究尿素中腐植酸添加量对玉米生长及肥料氮 (15N) 吸收、分配的影响,以期为腐植酸提高尿素肥效提供理论及实践依据。 【方法】 将腐植酸增效剂按 1%、5%、10%、20% 的比例分别添加到普通尿素中,利用熔融法制备四种腐植酸尿素试验产品 (HAU1、HAU2、HAU3 和 HAU4) ,在土柱栽培试验中利用同位素15N 示踪法,研究在等氮量 (施氮量 0.1 g/kg 干土) 投入情况下,尿素中腐植酸添加量对玉米生长,玉米肥料氮吸收、分配及肥料氮在不同土层分布的影响。 【结果】 与普通尿素处理 (U) 相比,1) 四种腐植酸尿素处理均可显著提高玉米地上部生物量和籽粒产量,分别提高 5.5%~13.8% 和 6.3%~17.3%,且随着腐植酸添加量的增加而提高。2) 腐植酸尿素提高了玉米籽粒、茎、穗轴中的肥料氮含量,但差异不显著,同时降低了苞叶中的肥料氮含量;腐植酸尿素可显著提高玉米地上部和籽粒肥料氮的吸收量,分别增加 11.6%~17.0% 和 16.8%~25.9%,但随着腐植酸添加量的增加,叶和苞叶中的肥料氮吸收量会有所降低;腐植酸尿素的肥料氮收获指数提高 2.5~4.2 个百分点。3) 腐植酸尿素可显著提高15N 肥料利用率和15N 肥料土壤残留率,并降低15N 肥料损失率,15N 肥料利用率提高 5.9~8.6 个百分点,15N 壤残留率提高 1.4~2.5 个百分点,损失率降低 7.3~11.2 个百分点。4) 玉米收获后,土壤中的肥料氮主要残留在 0—50 cm 土层,腐植酸尿素在 0—90 cm 土层中的肥料氮累积残留量比普通尿素高 5.2%~10.1%。 【结论】 与普通尿素相比,在腐植酸增效剂添加比例为 1%~20% 的范围内,腐植酸对尿素均具有较好的增效作用,随着腐植酸添加量的增加,玉米籽粒产量逐渐增加;腐植酸还可促进玉米叶片和苞叶中的肥料氮向籽粒的转运,提高玉米肥料氮收获指数及籽粒肥料氮吸收量;同时还可提高尿素在土壤中的残留量,减少氮素淋溶损失。   相似文献   


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of nitrogen fertilizer sources of ammonium sulphate and municipal sewage sludge on yield, N content and uptake of the maize (Zea mays L.). Nutrient and heavy metals were determined in soil and plant. The experiment with three sludge rates (256, 513 and 1026 kg total N ha?1 or 9.5, 18.0 and 38.1 t ha?1 sludge), two nitrogen rates (80 and 160 kg N ha?1) and zero-N control were conducted on a clay loam soils under irrigated conditions in Eastern Anatolia region in Turkey. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Yield, N content and total N uptake of maize increased significantly with sludge application. 9.5 t and 19.0 t ha?1 sewage sludge applications did not significantly affect heavy metal content of leaf and grain. However, 38.1 t ha?1 sludge applications increased leaf Pb and Zn. DTPA-extractable Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn concentrations of the soil increased at applications of 38.1 t ha?1 sewage sludge, whereas applications of 9.5 t and 19.0 t ha?1 sludge only resulted in elevated levels of Cu and Zn, We conclude that if sewage sludge is to be used in production of maize, applications rate up to 19 t ha?1 could be accepted. However, this means also that the N requirement of maize crop is not covered by the sludge; therefore, the rest of nitrogen could be supplied as inorganic N.  相似文献   

中国五个典型城市污水厂污泥中重金属的形态分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Metal content and bioavailability are often the limiting factors for application of sewage sludge in agricultural fields. Sewage sludge samples were collected from five typical urban wastewater treatment plants in China to investigate their contents and distribution of various chemical fractions of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Pb and Mo by using the BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction procedure. The sludges contained considerable amounts of organic matter (31.8%- 48.0%), total N (16.3-26.4 g kg^-1) and total P (15.1-23.9 g kg^-1), indicating high potential agricultural benefits of their practical applications. However, total Zn and Ni contents in the sludge exceeded the values permitted in China's control standards for pollutants in sludges from agricultural use (GB 4284-1984). The residual fraction was the predominant fraction for Mo, Ni and Cr, the oxidizable fraction was the primary fraction for Cu and Pb, and the exchangeable and reducible fractions were principal for Zn. The distribution of different chemical fractions among the sludge samples refiected differences in their physicochemical properties, especially pH. The sludge pH was negatively correlated with the percentages of reducible fraction of Cu and exchangeable fraction of Zn. The sludges from these plants might not be suitable for agricultural applications due to their high contents of Zn, Ni and Cr, as well as high potential of mobility and bioavailability of Zn.  相似文献   

污泥与秸秆掺烧过程及污泥灰中重金属含量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
焚烧是处理污泥的一种有效方式,但处理过程中会产生重金属等污染物,若对焚烧后的污泥灰进行填埋等处理会污染土壤,因此降低污泥灰中重金属含量是亟待解决的问题.基于此,在一台实验室规模的管式炉中,研究了350~650℃下污泥与玉米秸秆的掺烧反应.主要目的是探究不同温度及秸秆掺混比对燃烧灰中8种重金属(Zn、Mn、Pb、Sb、A...  相似文献   

In order to reclaim a clay quarry, a topsoil material was mixed with gravelly spoil at different ratios and with various rates of sewage sludge. The influence of three spoil/topsoil ratios (1:1, 2:1 and 3:1) and three sludge rates (40, 80 and 120 t ha−1) on chemical properties of the resulting material was investigated, with emphasis on heavy metal (Fe, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn) contents. The mixtures topsoil/spoil/sludge were water saturated and incubated for 15 or 30 days in a chamber under controlled conditions. The incubated samples were analysed for pH, total carbon and nitrogen, and total, available, exchangeable and soluble heavy metals. The addition of spoil to the topsoil increased the volume of material available, by utilizing an inert material unsuitable by itself to grow plants. The addition of sewage sludge repaired the disadvantages of the spoil, increasing the pH and the organic matter contents. The total heavy metal contents in the mixtures followed the sequence Fe>>Mn>>Zn, Cu>Ni. All except Cu were within the ranges allowed for agricultural lands. The available heavy metals constituted a small fraction of total contents and decrease with time due to complexation and immobilization processes. The exchangeable and soluble fractions were almost negligible; only small amounts of Mn, Zn and Cu were detected. Therefore, the risk of contamination by heavy metals is insignificant in the conditions investigated. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

聚环氧琥珀酸对污泥中镉的萃取作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Polyepoxysuccinic acid (PESA), as an environmental benign biodegradable chelant, was used to remove heavy metals from the sewage sludge of Shanghai Taopu Wastewater Treatment Plant. The extraction of cadmium (Cd) from sewage sludge using aqueous solution of PESA was studied. It was found that PESA was capable of extracting Cd from the sludge, and the extraction efficiency was dependent on both pH and the concentration of the chelating reagent. The extraction efficiency decreased gradually with increasing of pH, whereas the dependency on pH decreased as the concentration of PESA increased. In the case of the high PESA to total metal ratio, e.g., 10:1, the extraction efficiency reached above 70% within the pH range from 1 to 7. The highest extraction efficiency obtained in the experiment was 78%. By comparing the contents of the heavy metals in sewage sludge before and after the extraction, it was found that the extracted Cd came mainly from the four fractions: acid-soluble, reducible, oxidizable, and water-soluble fractions.  相似文献   

In a small‐plot trial different doses of sewage sludge (equivalent 82‐330 tons of dry matter per hectare) were incorporated in 0—25 cm depth (1982—1985). The aim of the investigations was to study the fate of the heavy metals Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Cr, to determine their concentration in different soil fractions using a sequential extraction method and to ascertain their uptake by Zea mays L. plants. Eleven years after the last application the metals supplied with the sludge had moved as far as 50 cm in depth. The concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Cr in the saturation extract of the sampled soil layers were closely correlated with the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). This result suggests that the heavy metal displacement was partly connected with the DOC movement in the soil. Considerable amounts of Zn and Cd coming from sewage sludge were found in the mobile fractions of the soil. Cu, Ni, and Pb were located especially in organic particles, and Cr was obviously bound by Fe‐oxides. Nine years after the last application the binding species of heavy metals were still different compared with those in the untreated soil. The whole withdrawal of heavy metals by plants yielded <1 % of the applied amounts. In the case of Zn the uptake from the sludge amended soil decreased during the experimental period. No similar tendency was observed for the other elements. In any case their annual variations of uptake exceeded the effect of sludge application.  相似文献   

Abstract. A predictive model of metal concentrations in crops was developed to optimize soil liming and sludge application strategies at a dedicated sewage sludge disposal site. Predictions of metal concentrations in plant tissue were derived from measured values of soil metal concentration, humus content and soil pH. The plant and soil data used to parameterize the model were collected on site using quadrat sampling of mature crop and underlying topsoil. The uptake model was used to map predicted metal concentrations in wheat grain and forage maize based upon a database of soil characteristics (metal content, % humus and pH) measured as part of a routine geochemical survey of the site. The effect of a management strategy to modify uptake of Cd by wheat by changing soil pH was investigated. The effect of soil dust adhering to maize plants at harvest was also simulated to investigate the importance of this pathway for Cd transfer to animal feed such as silage.
The model gave satisfactory predictions for uptake of Cd and Zn but less useful simulations for Pb, Cu and Ni. The results for Cd uptake showed a greater dependence on soil pH in the case of wheat in comparison to maize. It is suggested that, for the study site, liming to pH 7.0 will reduce Cd concentrations in wheat grain to within EC legal standards. However the Cd content of maize may still exceed these guidelines, with a relatively minor contribution from contamination with soil dust.  相似文献   


The fast pace of cropland loss in China is causing alarm over food security and China’s ability to remain self-reliant in crop production. Mudflats after organic amendment can be an important alternative cropland in China. Land application of sewage sludge has become a popular organic amendment to croplands in many countries. Nevertheless, the land application of sludge to mudflats has received little attention. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to investigate the impact of sewage sludge amendment (SSA) at 0, 30, 75, 150 and 300 t ha?1 rates on soil physicochemical properties, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) growth and heavy metal accumulation in mudflat soil. The results showed that the application of sewage sludge increased organic matter (OM) content by 3.5-fold while reducing salinity by 76.3% at the 300 t ha?1 rate as compared to unamended soil. The SSA reduced pH, electric conductivity (EC) and bulk density in mudflat soil, increased porosity, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and contents of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), exchangeable potassium ions (K+), sodium ions (Na+), calcium ions (Ca2+) and magnesium ions (Mg2+) in comparison to unamended soil. There were 98.0, 146.6, 291.4 and 429.2% increases in fresh weight and 92.5, 132.4, 258.6 and 418.9% increases in dry weight of perennial ryegrass at 30, 75, 150, and 300 t ha?1, respectively, relative to unamended soil. The SSA increased metal concentrations of aboveground and root parts of perennial ryegrass (p < 0.05). The metal concentrations in perennial ryegrass were Zn > Cr > Mn > Cu > Cd > Ni, and the metal concentrations in roots were significantly higher than aboveground parts. The metal accumulation in perennial ryegrass correlated positively with sludge application rates and available metal concentrations in mudflat soil. Land application of sewage sludge was proved to be an effective soil amendment that improved soil fertility and promoted perennial ryegrass growth in mudflat soil. However, heavy metal accumulation in plants may cause food safety concern.  相似文献   

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