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杀菌剂银泰防治小麦纹枯病研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用室内离体平皿法和田间小区试验测定了植物源农用杀菌剂银泰 (有效成分 :4 -丁酰基苯酚 )对小麦纹枯病菌 Rhizoctonia cerealis生长的抑制作用和对该病害的防治效果。结果表明 ,20%银泰乳油在 0~ 100μg/mL范围内随着浓度提高对小麦纹枯病菌的抑制作用增强 ,其 EC50 和 EC95分别为 36.11和 97.66μg/L;EC95明显小于对照药剂井冈霉素的检测数值 (327.6 4μg/L )。20%银泰乳油 200、400和 800mg/L防治小麦纹枯病的效果分别为 85.8%、89.3%和 92.3% ,与对照药剂甲基硫菌灵 400mg/L的防效 (87.0% )相当。  相似文献   

敌力脱防治小麦纹枯病药效评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
敌力脱(丙环唑)和井冈霉素两种药剂采用生长速率法,室内毒力测定地小麦纹枯病菌的EC60分别为0.33mg/L和0.27mg/L;EC99为30.07mg/L和640.82mg/L;田间施药10d防效分别为86.72%和76.58%,且在95%水平上差异性显著。表明25%敌力脱乳油防治小麦纹枯病优于井冈毒素。  相似文献   

立克秀拌种防治小麦纹枯病和全蚀病试验研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
1996~1997年分别在自然病地和土壤混合接菌条件下,应用立克秀6%悬浮种衣剂和2%湿拌剂拌种进行防治小麦纹枯病和小麦全蚀病试验,结果表明:立克秀悬浮种衣剂以100kg麦种拌50mL、67mL,湿拌剂按种子重量0.2%拌种和对照药剂10%三唑醇可湿性粉剂按种子重量0.4%拌种4个处理防效显著;尤以立克秀悬浮种衣剂67mL/100kg种子拌种防效最高,对纹枯病平均防效50.76%~64.03%,对全蚀病平均防效45.20%,增产幅度为16.13%~22.13%。而立克秀悬浮种衣剂较湿拌剂防病保产效果更为突出。立克秀拌种比三唑醇拌种安全性高,对小麦生长和发育无不良影响。  相似文献   

小麦纹枯病生防芽孢杆菌的筛选及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从河南、北京等地采集小麦植株,分离得到202株内生芽孢杆菌,平板拮抗测定获得27株对小麦纹枯病菌拮抗效果明显的菌株。温室盆栽测定了27个菌株对小麦纹枯病的生防效果,其中菌株M-1、W-2和W-3的防治效果分别为60.4%、59.4%和56.6%。对3株生防菌株进行了分类学鉴定,M-1为多粘类芽孢杆菌,W-2为地衣芽孢杆菌,W-3为枯草芽孢杆菌。  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani causes pre- and post-emergence damping-off, root and hypocotyl rot and foliar blight in soybean. Foliar blight has resulted in yield losses of 31–60% in north and northeast Brazil. The aim of this study was to characterize isolates of R. solani associated with soybean in Brazil. Among 73 Rhizoctonia isolates examined, six were binucleate and 67 were multinucleate. The multinucleate iso1ates were characterized according to hyphal anastomosis reaction, mycelial growth rate, thiamine requirement, sclerotia production, and RAPD molecular markers. Four isolates that caused hypocotyl rot belonged to AG-4 and using RAPD analysis they grouped together with the HGI subgroup. Another isolate that caused root and hypocotyl rots was thiamine auxotrophic, grew at 35°C, and belonged to AG-2-2 IIIB. All 62 isolates that caused foliar blight belonged to AG-1 IA. RAPD analysis of R. solani AG-1 IA soybean isolates showed high genetic similarity to a tester strain of AG-1 IA, confirming their classification. The teleomorph of R. solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris was produced in vitro by one AG-1 IA isolate from soybean. The AG-4 and AG-2-2 IIIB isolates caused damping-off and root and hypocotyl rots of soybean seedlings cv. FT-Cristalina, under greenhouse conditions. The AG-2-2 IIIB isolate caused large lesions on the cortex tissue, that was distinct from the symptoms caused by AG-4 isolates. The AG-1 IA isolates caused foliar blight in adult soybean plants cv. Xingu under the greenhouse and also in a detached-leaf assay.  相似文献   

Isolates ofRhizoctonia solani were adapted in vitro to grow on a medium amended with tolclofos-methyl at a concentration 500 times that which initially almost completely inhibited growth.Acquired resistance was retained after five transfers on a fungicide-free medium. Pathogenicity of resistant isolates was not reduced, but their growth rates on PDA were significantly lower than those of the original isolates. Recovery of the resistant isolates was not improved on a selective medium amended with tolclofos-methyl.Samenvatting Na overenting op een medium dat tolchlofos-methyl bevatte, raakten enkele isolaten vanRhizoctonia solani gewend aan 500 maal de dosis die oorspronkelijk bijna alle groei verhinderde.Resistente isolaten vanR. solani bleven minder gevoelig voor tolchlofos-methyl na vijf overentingen op een medium zonder het fungicide. De pathogeniteit van resistente isolaten was niet verminderd, maar hun groeisnelheid op PDA was significant vertraagd vergeleken bij die van de oorspronkelijke isolaten. Isolatie van de resistente stammen werd niet verbeterd op een selectief medium waaraan tolchlofos-methyl was toegevoegd.  相似文献   

立枯丝核菌的生物防治   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40  
本文扼要叙述了立枯丝核菌生防因子的种类生防几生防因子在根部的定殖,并讨论了有关问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The association of binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) AG-K with soybean and the interaction of BNR, R. solani AG-4, and soybean seedlings were investigated to elucidate the mechanism of biocontrol of R. solani by BNR. Sixty-hour-old seedlings were inoculated and incubated in a growth chamber at 24 degrees C; plants were examined with light microscopy and with scanning and transmission electron microscopy at various times following inoculation. BNR grew over hypocotyls, roots, and root hairs, but only colonized epidermal cells. Hyphae of BNR appeared to attach to the epidermis and, 5.5 h following inoculation, began penetrating cells by means of penetration pegs without forming distinct appressoria or infection cushions. There was evidence of cuticle degradation at the point of penetration. Infection hyphae moved to adjacent epidermal cells by direct penetration of epidermal radial walls. There were epidermal and cortical cell necrosis, beginning with the fragmentation of the tonoplast and followed by the disintegration of cytoplasm, organelles, and plasma membranes. Cell necrosis was also observed in adjacent cells where there was no evidence of BNR hyphae. Cell walls were not destroyed. After 144 h, there was noevidence of BNR hyphae in cortical cells. Attempted penetrations were observed, but papillae formed on the inside of cortical cell walls. Pre-inoculation of soybean seedlings with BNR 24 or 48 h before inoculation with R. solani (1 cm between inocula) affected the growth of R. solani on soybean tissue. There were fewer hyphae of R. solani, the hyphae branched sparingly, and infection cushions were rare when compared with hyphal growth on soybean inoculated only with R. solani. These effects were observed before the BNR hyphae began to intermingle with the hyphae of R. solani on the surface of the inoculated host. Preinoculation of soybean seedlings 24 h before inoculation with R. solani significantly (P = 0.05) reduced disease incidence and severity caused by R. solani AG-4. The lesions caused by R. solani always appeared distally, not proximally, to the BNR inoculum. The interactions of intermingling hyphae of BNR and R. solani were examined in vitro and on the surface of the host. There was no evidence of lysis, mycoparasitism, inhibition of growth, or any other form of antagonism between hyphae. The results of these studies strongly suggest that induced resistance is the mechanism of biocontrol of R. solani on soybean by BNR. The inhibition of hyphal growth of R. solani on the surface of soybean tissue preinoculated with BNR appears to be a novel characteristic of induced resistance.  相似文献   

A search was made forRhizoctonia solani-suppressive soils by establishing many small experimental plots, half of which were planted withRhizoctonia-infected seed potatoes and the other half with disinfected seed stock. The sclerotium index of the harvested tubers was compared witht that of the seed potatoes. In suppressive soils, the sclerotium index of the harvest is much lower than that of the seed potatoes. None of the plots on holocene marine soils (loamy sand, sandy loam, clay loam and clay) proved to be suppressive in 1978 and 1979. Only on pleistocene, slightly acid sandy soil suppressiveness was observed. In 1978, four out of twelve plots showed suppressiveness when the plots were planted with seed potatoes produced on a sandy soil. In 1979, only two out of thirtyone plots were slightly suppressive when planted with seed potatoes produced on a young clay loam from a new polder. A higher percentage of sclerotia on tubers from sandy soils proved to be infected with antagonistic fungi (73%) than of those on tubers from marine clay or loam soils (25%). Factors that influence suppressiveness are suggested.  相似文献   

Degradation studies of nitralin [4-(methylsulfonyl)-2.6-dinitro-N.N-dipropylaniline] were performed with pure cultures of Rhizactoma solani Kühn. Czapek Dos Broth was selected as the growth medium and contained no components which interfered with extraction and subsequent TLC analysis. Ten to I I degradation products were detected after 14 to 21 days incubation at 33°C, The nonpolar fraction (ethyl acetate exlraclahkl contained at least nine compounds visible on TLC plales. Only one product other than the parent nitralin was identified the monoalkylated derivate. 4-(meihylsulfonyl)-2.6-dinitro-N-pro-pylanilinc. After 21 days approximately 10% of the original nitralin could be detected. The aqueous phase (after ethyl ace-late extraction) was concentrated, placed on a Sephadex G10 column and separated into at leasi two products. No 14CO2 evolution was detected from 14C-ring labeled nitralin. Dégradation de la nilralinepar Rhizoclonia solani Dcs ètudes de dégradation de la nitraline [4-(méthylsulfonyl)-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropilanihne) ont été effectuées avec des cultures pures de Rhizurtvnia solani Kühn. Le milieu de culture de Czapek. Dox, Broth, a été choisi; il ne contenait pas de composés qui auraient pu interférer a vet I'extraction el avec l'analyse chromalographique en couchc mince ulténeure. Dtx à 11 produits de dégradation ont été décelés après 14 à 21 jours d'incubation à 33 C, La fraction non polaire (extructible par l'acétate d'éthyle) contenait iu minimum 9 composés visibles sur les chromatogrammes Un produit seulement. autre que la nitralinc apparentée. a été identific. le dèrivé monoalkylé. 4-(methylsulfonyl)-2.6-dinilro-N-propylflniline, Aprés 2l jours. 10% environ de la nitralinc origmale avait pu ètre décelée. La phase aqueuse (aprés extraction à l'acétate d'ethyle) a été con-centrée. placée sur une colonne de Scphadex G10 el séparée en deux produits au moins. II n'a pas été décelé d'èevolution du 14CO2 provenant du cycle marqué au 14C de la nitraline. Abhau van Nitrulirt durch Rhizoctonia solani Es wurden Abbaustudien mit Nitralin unter Verwendung von Rcinkulturen von Rhizoctonia solani Kühn durchgeführt. Also Wuchsmedmm wurde Czapek Dox Broth verwendet. das keine Substanzen enthielt. die die Extraktion und die daraffogende dünnschichtchromatographische Analyse störten. Nach einer Inkuhationszeit von 14 bis 21 Tagen nei einer Temperatur von 13°C. fturden 10 bis 11 Abbauprodukte nachgewiesen. Die nicht-polare Fraktion (extrahierbar mil Äthylacetal) enthielt mindestens 9 auf Dünnschichtplatten sichtbare Verbindungen Eine Substanz wurde identifiziert—das monoalkylierte Derivat 4-(Methylsulfonyl)-2.6-dinitro-N-propylanilin Nach 21 Tagen konnten noch ungefähr 10% des ursprünglichen Nitralins nach. gewiesen werden. Die wässrige Phase (nach Extraktion mit Äthylacetat) wurde eingeengt und auf einer Sephadex G 10 Säule in mindestens 2 Verbindungen aufgetrennt. Aus l4C-ring-markiertem Nitralin konnte keine 14CO2 -Freisetzung nachge-wiesen werden.  相似文献   

Gliocladium roseum was found to be the most common and probably the most effective mycoparasite in potato fields in the northern parts of the Netherlands. It is able to parasitize and kill living hyphae at temperatures of 12°C and higher. Sclerotia ofR. solani are often infected and killed by this fungus under suitable conditions, i.e. at temperatures of 16°C and more. Killing of sclerotia by other antagonistic organisms was also observed. It is also shown by not parasitic fungi and is caused by toxins produced by the antagonist.The development of theG. roseum population was studied during the growth of a potato crop in two soils. In both soils its initial level was very low. In both a slightly acid sandy soil and a neutral sandy loam, suppression ofR. solani can occur;G. roseum accumulated in the former mainly under continuous potato crops,Colletotrichum coccodes was the main antagonist in the latter.Samenvatting In de meeste Nederlandse aardappelakkers komen schimmels voor dieRhizoctonia solani kunnen aantasten en doden. De meest algemene, en waarschijnlijk ook de meest belangrijke, die we tot nu toe vonden, isGliocladium roseum (Tabel 1). Het is bekend, dat deze schimmel stoffen produceert die voorR. solani giftig zijn. Met behulp hiervan kanG. roseum, evenals andere antibiotisch actieve micro-organismen, ook de sclerotiën doden (Tabel 2). Voor doding doorG. roseum is de temperatuur een factor van belang. Hyfen worden nog gedood bij een temperatuur van 12°C, waarbij de sclerotiën niet meer aangetast kunnen worden. Gedurende het winterseizoen worden sclerotiën door deze schimmel naar alle waarschijnlijkheid niet gedood.De ontwikkeling van de populatie vanG. roseum en andere antagonisten vanR. solani werd gevolgd in aardappelvelden op een licht zure zandgrond en op een neutrale zware zavel. Op de zandgrond werden twee proefplekken bemonsterd: één waarop voor het vierde achtereenvolgende jaar aardappelen werden geteeld en één met een vruchtwisselingsschema van graan, bieten en aardappelen.In de zandgrond nam in het groeiseizoen de populatie vanG. roseum toe. Op de proefplek waar voor het vierde jaar achtereen aardappelen stonden werdR. solani vanaf half augustus onderdrukt, evenwel niet volledig. Ook in het vruchtwisselingsstuk breiddeG. roseum zich flink uit, doch een onderdrukking vanR. solani werd niet bereikt.In de zware zavel nam de populatie vanG. roseum niet toe. Hier werdR. solani — uit besmet pootgoed — onderdrukt doorColletotrichum coccodes (zelf een pathogeen van stolonen) en antagonistische bacteriën. De resultaten zijn vermeld in Tabel 3.De besmetting van de geoogste knollen met sclerotiën, zoals die voorkwam op de zandgrond, is in Tabel 4 vermeld. Op de zavel leverde schoon pootgoed een bijna schone oogst (2% van de knollen was zeer licht bezet met sclerotiën). Besmet pootgoed leverde een oogst met 58% schone knollen, 35% met een zeer lichte en 7% met een iets zwaardere sclerotiënbezetting. Hoewel uit 100% besmet pootgoed een veel schonere oogst werd verkregen, was eerder toch een beschadiging van het gewas opgetreden. Pas tegen het eind van het groeiseizoen werdR. solani flink onderdrukt.  相似文献   

水稻纹枯病的发生流行与控制技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻纹枯病自20世纪60年代在大冶地区流行以来,发病程度逐年加重,成为大冶水稻3大病害之首,对水稻生产构成严重威胁。近几年,通过试验研究,逐步形成了一套行之有效的综合防治方法,能有效地控制水稻纹枯病的发生与危害。  相似文献   

Trichoderma cultures were isolated locally from soils and screened on potato-dextrose agar against Rhizoctonia solani. Several isolates of T. harzianum reduced the growth and build up of populations of R. solani and to a lesser extent of Fusarium solani in sterilized soil. In field experiments, biological control of R. solani and F. solani infections in tobacco transplants was achieved by adding T. harzianum (T77) to methyl-bromide-fumigated seedbeds before seed was sown. There was also increased growth and leaf yield that was not directly correlated with disease control. Triadimenol fungicide, integrated with the Trichoderma treatment, enhanced disease control.  相似文献   

Population Biology of the Rhizoctonia solani Complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Microsphaeropsis sp. strain P130A was evaluated for the control of tuber-borne inoculum of Rhizoctonia solani based on the viability of sclerotia produced in vitro and on both the viability and production of tuber-borne sclerotia. The interactions between the antagonist and the pathogen, as well as the effect of the toxins produced by the antagonist on mycelial growth of R. solani were studied using transmission electron microscopy. On sclerotia produced in vitro, for all incubation periods (1 to 42 days), Microsphaeropsis sp. significantly reduced germination. Percent germination of sclerotia treated with Microsphaeropsis sp. decreased with increasing incubation period from an average of 82.0% after 1 day to stabilize at an average of 5.8% after 35 days. Similarly, percent germination of tuber-borne sclerotia was significantly lower when tubers were treated with Microsphaeropsis sp. Both 2% formaldehyde and Microsphaeropsis sp. treatments significantly reduced sclerotia germination to approximately 10% after 42 days of incubation at 4 degrees C. Furthermore, on tubers treated with the antagonist, the number of sclerotia per square centimeter decreased from 1.6 to 0.5 during the 8 months of storage at 4 degrees C, whereas an increase from 1.2 to 7.8 sclerotia per square centimeter was observed on untreated tubers. Microsphaeropsis sp. (strain P130A) colonized hyphae of R. solani within 4 days after contact on culture media. Transmission electron microscopic observations showed that the antagonist induced a rupture of the pathogen plasma membrane and that a chitin-enriched matrix was deposited at sites of potential antagonist penetration. Host penetration was not associated with pathogen cell wall alterations, which occurred at the time of progress of the antagonist in the pathogen cytoplasm. In the presence of a crude extract of Microsphaeropsis sp., cells of R. solani showed cytoplasm disorganization and breakdown of plasma membranes. Antibiosis and mycoparasitism were involved in the antagonism of R. solani by Microsphaeropsis sp., but the sequence by which these events occur, as well as the significance of wall appositions produced by R. solani, is yet to be established.  相似文献   

The seed potatoes used in these experiments had been grown in a slightly acid pleistocene sandy soil or in a marine, holocene sandy loam. They were free of sclerotia ofR. solani or lightly or moderately speckled with them. Seed potatoes from the sandy soil produced plants that suffered less fromRhizoctonia than plants from seed potatoes that had been grown on the marine sandy loam. Similarly harvested tubers had, in a non-conducive soil and in conducive soils with a (very) low inoculum density ofR. solani, fewer sclerotia when they came from seed potatoes grown in an acid sand. In each soil, the degree of infestation of the crop not only depended on the severity of infection of the seed potatoes, but also on their origin. With regard to sclerotia production on tubers, three types of soil were distinguished: suppressive, conducive with a high, and conducive with a very low inoculum density ofR. solani. The differences in infestation and in the amounts of sclerotia on tubers between the crop grown from seed potatoes from the sandy soil and that from seed potatoes from the marine sandy loam soil, is attributed to a richer load of antagonists on the former and possibly to a larger proportion of saprophyticRhizoctonia strains among their sclerotia. The antagonists seem to be inhabitants of the subterranean parts of the plant and to function independently of the soil. This implies possibilities for their use in biological control.  相似文献   

Characterization of Rhizoctonia solani from potato in Great Britain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
One hundred and thirty five isolates of Rhizoctonia solani were obtained from British potato crops between 2001 and 2003. Isolates were assigned to anastomosis group (AG) using conventional PCR assays for AG2-1 or AG3 or through the observation of hyphal interactions, where appropriate. A previously published primer set was modified in this study to enhance specificity for AG3PT. Most of the isolates (92·6%) belonged to AG3PT whilst some (6·7%) belonged to AG2-1. Only one isolate recovered (0·7%) belonged to AG5. Isolates of AG2-1 were diverse, with variation in both the length of the rDNA intergenic spacer 1 (IGS1) region and the categories of hyphal interaction observed between pairings of AG2-1 isolates. No variation in the length of the rDNA IGS1 region was observed amongst the AG3 isolates collected. Tests carried out on potato stems with a sub-set of the isolates revealed a wide range of aggressiveness amongst AG2-1 isolates. Sequencing of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the AG2-1 isolates and construction of a neighbour joining tree with other AG2-1 sequences available indicated that AG2-1 isolates with the short IGS1 region were closely related. This is the first investigation which provides evidence of the relative AG composition of R. solani populations causing disease in potato crops in Great Britain.  相似文献   

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