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《Crop Protection》1986,5(3):218-224
Two hundred and fifty-two open-pollinated faba bean accessions from diverse origins were evaluated for their ability to retard the development of the rust, Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) Schroet. in small adjacent plots during the period 1978–1981. A mixture of rust isolates from Manitoba was used as the inoculum in the first 2 years and cultures of the rust races 1 and 3 were used in subsequent years. Significant differences at the 1% level were found between accessions for the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and the final rust severity in the various trials. Mass selections (MS) and single-plant selections (SPS) were made from accessions for the slow-rusting character. Eight populations and/or families from accessions 2N6 (MS), 2N29 (SPS), 2N43 (MS and SPS), 2N122 (SPS), ILB938 (MS), ILB(332X133)A (MS) and ILB(332X133)B (MS) consistently had low AUDPC values and were considered to be slow rusters. Four additional progenies from accessions 2N291 (MS), 2N319 (SPS), ILB697 (MS) and ILB866 (MS) had intermediate AUDPC values and were considered to be moderate rusters. The other progenies were either fast rusters or showed inconsistent AUDPC values. Rust development and spread were also evaluated in isolated test plots using one slow-, one moderate- and one fast-rusting mass-selected plant population. Populations were found to be similarly ranked in both adjacent and isolated plots, confirming the adequacy of using small adjacent plots in evaluating the slow-rusting characteristics of large numbers of accessions or progenies derived by MS or SPS.  相似文献   

Rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae) has recently been noted with increased frequency and earliness on spring-sown beans (Vicia faba) at Rothamsted. In 1982 an experiment was made to assess the damage and yield loss, if any, being caused by the disease. Plots received benomyl sprays to control chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) or not, maneb plus mancozeb (protective) or propiconazole (systemic) fungicide applied twice or three times to control rust, or no fungicide at all. Rust was first found on 7 July and sprays were applied from 9 July but by 19 August plants of all treatments were dead. Fungicides controlled disease development during July and at harvest overall yields were 4·51 and 5·43 t/ha in unsprayed and sprayed treatments respectively. The difference was accounted for by the weight of individual grains and not by the number of pods per plant or grains per pod. Previously rust has been considered unimportant in the UK but its potential for damage is considerable.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2005,91(2-3):125-130
Stem rot, a fungal disease caused by Sclerotinia trifoliorum Eriks., is often a serious problem in many important forage legumes including faba beans (Vicia faba L.). Understanding the inheritance of resistance to the disease is essential for effective breeding of resistant cultivars. Experiments were conducted to study the inheritance of resistance to stem rot of faba beans. The F1, F2, and the backcross generations of five crosses between four resistant and four susceptible populations (Alto × Polycarpe, A-90 × Polycarpe, ILB-1814 × A-247, A-90 × A-244, VT × Tanagra) were used. The eight populations were crossed properly in the field, and progenies of F1 and F2, as well as backcross progenies of F1 with each of their parents, were evaluated for resistance to stem rot disease under controlled conditions after artificial inoculation of the plants with carrot root pieces colonized by the fungus. On the assumption that inheritance of stem rot resistance is governed by a single dominant gene, no significant differences were found between the observed and the expected frequencies of resistance for progenies, except for one cross. As the expression of resistance to the disease fits the expected ratios for a single dominant gene model, it is concluded that the inheritance of resistance to sclerotinia stem rot in the evaluated faba bean populations is controlled by a single dominant gene.  相似文献   

Methods for the isolation and identification of the pyrimidine glucoside, vicine, in extracts of broad beans, are described, By thin-layer chromatography, five fluorescing or fluorescencequenching components of the extracts are identifiable. One of them, which has been isolated from the mixture, is identified as vicine, 2:4-diamino-5:6-dihydroxypyrimidine-5-(-D-glucopyranoside).  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to study the effect ofcooking on protein solubility profiles of mycorrhizal inoculated, phosphorusand sulphur fertilized faba beans under two water regimes. The resultsindicated that cooking significantly (p 0.05) increasedthe G3-glutelin fraction as well as the insoluble protein butsignificantly (p 0.05) decreased the globulin and albuminfractions; prolamin, G1-glutelin and G2-glutelin fractionswere slightly increased. Mycorrhizal inoculation and mycorrhiza +phosphorus + sulphur fertilization significantly (p 0.05) increased albumin content. All fertilizer treatments significantly (p 0.05) decreased the insoluble protein.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of eleven foliar-applied fungicides on faba bean rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) J. Schröt.) and on the seed yield of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) were studied in growth chambers and in the field in Spain. Fungicides were tested at recommended and reduced rates. All the fungicides tested provided very effective preventive control in the growth chamber studies. Triazoles (difenoconazol, epoxiconazol, tebuconazol) and their mixtures with benzimidazoles (carbendazim-flutriafol and carbendazim-flusilazole) provided the most effective curative effect, even at 25% of recommended concentrations. They were followed by dithiocarbamates, copper dithiocarbamate mixture, carboxamide and chlorothalonil. Triazoles, benzimidazole-triazole mixtures and carboxamide maintained their effect until 15 days after fungicide application.Under field conditions, rust infection caused 22-26% yield reduction. All fungicides except mancozeb caused a significant decrease in disease severity under field conditions, but only treatments with triazoles and benzimidazole-triazole mixtures provided significant yield increases (22.7-15.6%) when applied twice. Three applications of oxycarbosin or copper-mancozeb were needed to provide a significant yield increase. Dithiocarbamates (thiram, maneb or mancozeb) or chlorothalonil reduced rust severity but did not provide a significant yield increase.  相似文献   

A method for the estimation of vicine in leguminous seeds and related material has been developed. It involves the extraction and isolation of mixed pyrimidine bases, thin layer chromatography and spectrophotometry. Results obtained withVicia faba (broad bean) samples from various sources are recorded and reference made to data obtained from some other leguminous crops.  相似文献   

The effects of fungicides used to control Rhynchosporium secalis in winter barley were investigated in five field trials in Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Benzimidazole resistance was present in the R. secalis population of each site. Fungicide performance was evaluated in terms of disease control, maintenance of green leaf area, grain yield and grain quality. Samples of R. secalis isolates taken before and after treatment in each field were assessed for sensitivity to carbendazim in the laboratory. Carbendazim contributed little to disease control, the maintenance of green leaf area, grain yield or grain quality. Carbendazim was associated with a significant increase in disease severity in some plots. Treatments containing carbendazim, either alone or in mixture, caused an increase in the proportion of carbendazim-resistant isolates within R. secalis populations. Propiconazole-containing treatments performed well in terms of disease control, maintenance of green leaf area and grain quality. They caused no change in carbendazim resistance frequency.  相似文献   

菜用型蚕豆稀植优化栽培研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以蚕豆品种“云豆324”为材料,探讨在云南昆明地区稀植情况下的蚕豆种植密度、单位面积尿素用量、硫酸钾肥用量与产量、植株生长状况的优化组合的关系。结果表明:在土壤肥力水平较高的情况下,菜用型蚕豆最高产量的最佳密度为7.40万株/hm^2、最佳尿素施用量为61.20kg/hm^2、最佳钾肥施用量为121.10kg/hm^2,干籽粒产量最高可以达3640.0kg/hm^2。随着密度的增加单株产量减少、有效分枝数减少,呈规律性变化;单株的结荚数呈同样变化规律;单株籽粒数也同样减少;从百粒重分析,密度间的变化规律不明显,其他处理间有差异。  相似文献   

The effects of domestic processing methods like soaking for 12 h dehulling, ordinary cooking of whole as well as dehulled seeds at 151bs/inch2 pressure for 15 and 25 min, and germination for 24, 36 and 48 h were observed on trypsin inhibitor (TIA) and tannin content of two varieties of faba bean viz. VH-131 and WF. A non-significant reduction in TIA was observed on soaking and dehulling, while tannins showed a reduction of 42 and 51% on soaking in VH 131 and WF, respectively. Dehulled seeds showed a decline in tannin content by 70 to 73% in two varieties. There was a significant reduction in TIA (75–76 per cent) and tannin (76–81%) on cooking, while autoclaving for 25 min almost completely eliminated both of these stress factors. Germination of seeds for 48 h led to a reduction of 64–65% in TIA and 90–91% in tannins, which was more than germination for 24 and 36 h. Soaked seeds gave positive results of both these antinutrients.  相似文献   

Dispersal of Botrytis fabae spores and the development of chocolate spot lesions were monitored in crops of winter-sown field beans during the 1980/81, 1981/82 and 1982/83 seasons. The greatest numbers of B. fabae spores collected on horizontal sticky slides exposed in crops were associated with periods of heavy rain and numbers declined if weather was dry. Amounts of chocolate spot developing on leaves of young potted plants exposed in crops near the slides followed the same trends as spore numbers. When numerous spores were collected, abundant chocolate spot developed on the leaves of tagged plants in the crops. Benomyl sprays were applied (at 0·5 kg a.i./ha) either after peaks in numbers of spores collected or according to crop growth stages. Sprays applied in January–April generally gave no increase in yield whether or not timed according to spore peaks. The greatest yields were obtained from plots sprayed in late May, at the midflowering stage of crop growth.  相似文献   

The behavior of seven faba bean breeding lines toward Orobanche foetida and Orobanche crenata infestation was examined under field, pots, and in vitro conditions and compared to reference cultivars. The breeding lines presented resistance reaction to Orobanche spp. in different experiment conditions. In infested field by O. foetida, the grain yield reduction ranged from 55.7 to 83% for the breeding lines compared to 97% for the susceptible cultivar Badï. Lines L6 and L7 were the less affected by Orobanche parasitism considering severity, number of emerged Orobanche, and yield. In pots, the number of attachments varied from .6 to 3.4 and from 1.4 to 6.4 for the breeding lines against 10.4 and 12.3 for Badï inoculated, respectively, by O. foetida and O. crenata. In Petri dish experiment, Orobanche germination reached the highest rates; 69.9 and 59.7%, respectively, with O. crenata and O. foetida for Badï. For the breeding lines, it ranged from 6.3 to 44.9% for O. crenata and from 4.8 to 40.8% for O. foetida. Moreover, all breeding lines showed low tubercles number and delay in Orobanche attachments as compared to Badï. All breeding lines, except L5, maintained an acceptable level of resistance to Orobanche species manifested by a reduced Orobanche germination rate, low Orobanche number and dry weight, delay of attachments, and higher grain production compared to Badï. L5 seems to be less resistant even it behaves better than Badï in different culture conditions. The studied breeding lines could be recommended as resistance sources or candidates for varieties registrations.  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1987,6(3):163-170
The uptake and translocation of daminozide and the triethanolamine salt of 2,4-D(2,4-D-TEOA) were determined radiochemically 24 h after application to leaves of Vicia faba (field bean). Chemicals were applied in aqueous solutions as monosize spray drops of varying diameters (50–500 μm), the volume median diameter (VMD):number median diameter (NMD) ratio of the droplet spectra being < 1 · 03. Daminozide was applied at concentrations of 0·17–2·4 g/l in volumes of 10–90 l/ha, providing doses of 5–215 g/ha. 2,4-D-TEOA was applied at 0·20–5·0 g acid equivalent (a.e.) per litre in 20–190 l/ha to provide doses of 4–420 g a.e. per hectare. Uptake of daminozide was 9·3 ± 2·6% (mean ± standard deviation), of which 26 ± 4·4% was translocated out of the treated leaflet, with 25 ± 6·5% of the translocated 14C being redistributed in an acropetal direction. Equivalent values for 2,4-D-TEOA were: 16 ± 5·5% uptake, 70 ± 8·0% translocation and 12 ± 4·9% acropetal redistribution. The quantity of both chemicals taken up increased with increasing dose (r2 > 0·92). Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the efficiency of uptake (%) of both chemicals was not related to drop size or number, leaf coverage, concentration of active ingredient (a.i.) or application volume. For both chemicals, percentage uptake was inversely related to applied dose, and uptake and translocation were interrelated.  相似文献   

Faba bean phenolic compounds encompassed phenolic acids, flavonols, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins. Roasting faba beans for 120 min decreased the total phenolic, flavonoid and proanthocyanidin contents by 42, 42 and 30 %, respectively. Roasting beans for 120 min decreased the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity, total equivalent antioxidant capacity and ferric reducing antioxidant power by 48, 15 and 8 %, respectively. High performance liquid chromatography-post column derivatisation revealed the generation of new phenolic compounds as a result of roasting. Antioxidant mechanism of bean less-polar phenolic compounds was largely based on free radical scavenging activity. The bean phenolic compounds with reducing capability were heat stable. Roasted faba bean extracts (70 % acetone, v/v) were fractionated into relatively polar and non-polar fractions; the latter contributed the majority of the antioxidant capacity. The extracts from beans with different seed coat colours differed in their phenolic compositions, which suggest different levels of potential benefits to health. Although roasting initially lowers the bean antioxidant capacity, prolonged roasting at 150 °C for 60 min and longer causes generation of new phenolic compounds and an increased antioxidant capacity. The findings encourage a wider ultilisation of faba beans for human foods particularly in baked/roasted products.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):189-195

To clarify the effect of artificial dwarfing induced by uniconazole-P, a gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor, on the snow tolerance of faba bean, we examined the snow damage, non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentration, and resistance to snow molds of the seedlings treated with uniconazole-P. Artificial dwarfing markedly decreased snow damage caused by continuous snow cover for 62 days. NSC concentration, which affects physiological snow tolerance and snow mold resistance, was lower in dwarfed plants than in non-dwarfed plants. However, there was no difference in the rate of decrease of NSC concentration between dwarfed and non-dwarfed plants under cold and dark conditions simulating snow cover. In inoculation tests, the lesions of Pythium iwayamai and Sclerotinia trifoliorum on the leaves detached from dwarfed plants were shorter than those on the leaves from non-dwarfed plants. In artificially dwarfed plants, the leaves were thicker and darker in color, and mesophyll cells were larger and denser than those in the non-dwarfed plants. Our findings suggest that the artificial dwarfing caused by uniconazole-P increased the resistance of the leaves to snow molds, thereby increasing snow tolerance, without increasing NSC concentration. The microstructural changes that occur with dwarfing may be a factor in snow tolerance.  相似文献   

几种杀菌剂防治甜菜褐斑病效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998 年在内蒙古林西进行了3 种杀菌剂防治甜菜褐斑病药效比较试验, 结果表明: 以三苯基醋酸锡效果为最好,褐斑病罹病率较对照低28 个百分点, 甜菜根产量、含糖率、产糖量分别比对照提高22 .3% 、1.1 度、22 .6% 。可在甜菜生产中试用  相似文献   

Propiconazole was more effective than either triadimenol or hexaconazole when applied after infection, for the control of Septoria apiicola on celery seedlings. In three out of four glasshouse experiments, 25 mg propiconazole I−1 controlled S. apiicola completely when applied within 3 days after inoculation. Propiconazole and triadimenol at 5–15 mg l−1 were also effective when applied 2 days after inoculation. Soil applications of a granular formulation of triadimenol (up to 20 mg per plant) controlled S. apiicola for 5 weeks on celery seedlings grown in pots and, in the field, granules at 100 mg per plant applied at planting were effective for 6 weeks. In two other field experiments the most effective treatments were foliar sprays of 25 mg propiconazole l−1 applied every 7–10 days with or without the addition of anilazine or chlorothalonil.  相似文献   

针对盘根肥和斯格利控释肥的田间试验表明:苗床施用盘根肥后秧苗素质整体提高,增加秧苗根系数量、长度,插后缓苗快;本田施用斯格利控释肥可延长肥效、增加产量。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对蚕豆植株光合性能和渗透调节能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用0、50、150、250 mmol/L NaCl处理蚕豆幼苗一定时间后,分别测蚕豆植株的光合性能,根、茎、叶的含水量、渗透势以及有机渗透调节物质可溶性糖和脯氨酸的含量.结果表明:随盐处理浓度的增加,蚕豆叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度均降低,胞间CO2浓度则呈上升变化趋势;蚕豆根、茎、叶的含水量和渗透势逐渐降低,渗透调节能力增强;可溶性糖的含量均高于对照,且在50 mmol/L NaCl条件处理下可溶性糖含量最高;脯氨酸的含量除在50 mmol/L NaCl条件下稍有下降外,随盐处理浓度的增加也大幅度增加.  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1986,5(4):238-244
Control strategies for the aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) (a sporadic pest) on winter wheat are considered in relation to farm type and size, level of inputs and aphid-control costs. Within-year costings allowed strategies to be compared (no control, prophylaxis and forecasting) on the basis of net enterprise profit. No control was never a profitable option. On farms of all types with low yield expectations, prophylaxis was the only strategy which did not incur a risk of financial loss. With higher yield expectations (average or better than average yields on low-input farms and high yields on high-input farms), forecasting of the required accuracy was more profitable than prophylaxis. The forecast accuracy required to improve on prophylaxis was higher when the farmer did his own spraying (80%) than when a contractor was employed (70%), because of the higher cost of the latter. Compared with prophylaxis, the extra net profit from a forecast of 100% accuracy was £55–£125/10 ha (depending on control costs).  相似文献   

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