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We evaluated the hemodynamic effects of IV and intraaortic (aortic root) administration of 7.5% NaCl solution on hemodynamics in anesthetized cats with severe hypovolemia. Hypovolemic shock was induced by exsanguinating cats to a mean arterial blood pressure of 50 mm of Hg, which was maintained for 30 minutes prior to treatment. Shed blood volume was 38.4 +/- 2.1 ml/kg of body weight. The cats were treated with a small volume (4 ml/kg) of 0.9% NaCl solution IV, 7.5% NaCl solution IV, or 7.5% NaCl solution administered into the aortic root. The IV administration of 0.9% NaCl solution did not improve hemodynamics. The IV administration of 7.5% NaCl solution induced rapid restoration of arterial blood pressure, aortic blood flow, and cardiac contractility. Total peripheral vascular resistance decreased. The administration of 7.5% NaCl solution into the aortic root induced a further deterioration in hemodynamics resulting in death in 3 cats and a marked improvement in hemodynamics similar to that observed after IV administration of 7.5% NaCl solution in 2 cats. The duration of the beneficial hemodynamic effects after IV or intra-aortic administration of 7.5% NaCl solution did not exceed 60 minutes. Results of these studies suggested that either the IV or intra-aortic administration of 7.5% NaCl solution in cats can induce beneficial hemodynamic effects that may be of value in the field resuscitation of hypovolemic patients.  相似文献   

A comparison of the haemodynamic benefits of small volume hypertonic saline (2,400 mOsm/litre) versus isotonic saline (300 mOsm/litre) was conducted in 12 adult horses using a haemorrhagic shock model. The horses were anaesthetised and intravascular catheters placed for the measurement of haemodynamic data. Mean systemic arterial pressure was then reduced to 50 to 60 mmHg by controlled haemorrhage and maintained at that level for 40 mins. Cardiac output, stroke volume, mean systemic arterial pressure, plasma volume and urine production decreased significantly following blood loss. Hypertonic or isotonic saline was administered randomly by intravenous infusion and haemodynamic data recorded for a 2 h period. Treatment with hypertonic saline produced rapid elevations in cardiac output, stroke volume, mean systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures, cardiac contractility and urine output, and was accompanied by expansion of the plasma volume. The changes in cardiac output and stroke volume were maintained for the duration of the recording period, whereas increases in mean systemic arterial pressure were not as remarkable. Infusion of isotonic saline caused only transient increases in cardiac output and mean systemic and pulmonary arterial pressure, and cardiac output; urine output and plasma volume did not change. This study indicates that hypertonic saline produces haemodynamic improvements in experimentally induced haemorrhagic shock in horses.  相似文献   

The effects of hypertonic saline solution (HTSS) combined with colloids on hemostatic analytes were studied in 15 dogs. The analytes evaluated included platelet counts, one-stage prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, von Willebrand's factor antigen (vWf:Ag), and buccal mucosa bleeding times. The dogs were anesthetized, and jugular phlebotomy was used to induced hypovolemia (mean arterial blood pressure = 50 mm of Hg). Treatment dogs (n = 12) were resuscitated by infusion (6 ml/kg of body weight) of 1 of 3 solutions: HTSS combined with 6% dextran 70, 6% hetastarch, or 10% pentastarch. The control dogs (n = 3) were autotransfused. Hemostatic analytes were evaluated prior to induction of hypovolemia (baseline) and then after resuscitation (after 30 minutes of sustained hypovolemia) at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 6 and 24 hours. All treatment dogs responded rapidly and dramatically to resuscitation with hypertonic solutions. Clinically apparent hemostatic defects (epistaxis, petechiae, hematoma) were not observed in any dog. All coagulation variables evaluated, with the exception of vWf:Ag, remained within reference ranges over the 24-hour period. The vWf:Ag values were not statistically different than values from control dogs, and actual values were only slightly lower than reference ranges. Significant (P < or = 0.04) differences were detected for one-stage prothrombin time, but did not exceed reference ranges. The results of this study suggested that small volume HTSS/colloid solutions do not cause significant alterations in hemostatic analytes and should be considered for initial treatment of hypovolemic or hemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

The effects of treatment with small volume hypertonic (2400 mOsm/litre) and isotonic (300 mOsm/litre) saline on serum electrolyte and biochemical concentrations, haemograms and blood gases were evaluated in 12 horses using a haemorrhagic shock model. Intravascular catheters were placed surgically for sample collection prior to anaesthesia. Controlled haemorrhage was initiated and continued until mean systemic pressure reached 50 to 60 mmHg. Hypertonic or isotonic saline (2 litres) was administered by intravenous infusion and data collected for 2 h. Following haemorrhage, packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin, blood glucose concentrations and erythrocyte numbers increased whereas plasma total protein and albumin concentrations decreased. Infusion of hypertonic saline resulted in a further decrease in total protein and albumin concentrations. Glucose concentrations and other haematological variables were unaffected. Isotonic saline administration did not affect electrolyte, total protein or albumin concentrations. Concentrations of sodium and chloride were unaffected by hypotension but increased significantly following hypertonic saline treatment, exceeding normal values during the immediate post treatment period. Serum osmolality increased concurrently. No significant changes in arterial and venous blood gas values were observed with haemorrhage or isotonic saline treatment. A transient decrease in arterial and venous blood pH and a sustained decrease in venous bicarbonate and base excess concentrations occurred following hypertonic saline administration. No significant increases in any serum biochemical concentrations occurred during hypotension or following infusion of either isotonic or hypertonic saline. These results demonstrate that small volume hypertonic saline can be administered safely to horses without producing extreme changes in electrolyte concentrations, blood gases or haematological parameters.  相似文献   

The cardiac effects of hypertonic saline (HS, 7.5% NaCl) were evaluated using a number of indices derived from the left ventricular (LV) pressurevolume relationship. Left ventricular end-systolic elastance (elastance), the slope of the endsystolic pressure-volume relationship, end-systolic elastance normalized for enddiastolic volume (elastance(norm), the rate of rise of LV pressure (dP/dtmax), and dP/dtmax/end-diastolic volume were used to assess myocardial contractility. Pigs were anaesthetized with isoflurane and instrumented for haemodynamic measurements, LV pressure, and volume (conductance catheter) determinations. Elastance was determined during transient (8–10 s) caudal vena caval balloon occlusion. Following instrumentation, the end-tidal isoflurane concentration was reduced and maintained at 1 minimum alveolar concentration (1.5%). Pigs were randomly administered either 0.9% NaCl (n= 7) or HS (n =9) at a dose of 4 ml/kg, over 3 min into the right atrium. There were no significant differences in LV or haemodynamic measurements between isotonic saline and HS treated pigs at any time point. Elastance, elastance(norm) and dP/dtmax/end-diastolic volume did not change in either treatment group. In contrast, dP/dtmax) increased significantly (P < 0.015) at 5 min compared to baseline after treatment with HS. End-diastolic volume increased significantly from 5 to 30 min following treatment with HS. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure increased significantly at 5 and 60 min in HS treated pigs. Central venous and pulmonary arterial wedge pressures, and cardiac index increased significantly at 5 min after treatment with HS. Total peripheral resistance decreased significantly at 5 min, followed by a return to baseline in the HS group. These results suggest that HS is not a positive inotrope in the anaesthetized pig and that increases in cardiac index are primarily due to an increased preload.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypertonic saline and hydroxyethyl starches have been proposed as alternatives to isotonic crystalloids for reversal of hypovolemia in horses with colic. However, no direct comparison of these fluids has been performed in a clinical setting. HYPOTHESIS: Preoperative administration of hypertonic saline or pentastarch would produce similar effects on intra operative hemodynamics in horses with colic. ANIMALS: Thirty horses requiring colic surgery were enrolled in this prospective, randomized, open-label clinical trial. Inclusion criteria were owner consent, and at least 2 of 3 clinicopathologic abnormalities: packed cell volume >45%, plasma total solid concentration >8.0 g/dL, and blood lactate concentration >2.5 mM. METHODS: Study horses were randomly assigned to receive 4 mL/kg hypertonic saline or pentastarch before induction of anesthesia. Hemodynamic measurements were recorded every 30 minutes during anesthesia. Cardiac output (CO) was measured by the lithium dilution method. CO and stroke volume (SV) were indexed by body weight. Data were analysed using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Post hoc comparisons were performed using the Bonferroni test. RESULTS: Cardiac index (CI) was higher in the pentastarch group compared with the hypertonic saline group from 30 to 150 minutes after induction (P = .04). SV index was higher in the pentastarch group at 30 (P = .025) and 60 minutes (P = .04). Mean arterial pressure of horses in both groups was lower at 90 minutes compared with 30 and 60 minutes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Preoperative administration of pentastarch results in better CI than hypertonic saline, for 150 minutes after anesthetic induction. The effect of this improved global blood flow on regional perfusion or clinical outcome remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic effects of hypertonic saline solution (HSS) resuscitation on endotoxic shock were examined in pentobarbital-anesthetized calves (8 to 20 days old). Escherichia coli (055:B5) endotoxin was infused IV at dosage of 0.1 microgram/kg of body weight for 30 minutes. Endotoxin induced large decreases in cardiac index, stroke volume, maximal rate of change of left ventricular pressure (+dP/dtmax), femoral and mesenteric arterial blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, urine production, and mean aortic pressure. Severe pulmonary arterial hypertension and increased pulmonary vascular resistance were evident at the end of endotoxin infusion. Treatment with HSS (2,400 mosm of NaCl/L, 4 ml/kg) or an equivalent sodium load of isotonic saline solution (ISS: 300 mosm of NaCl/L, 32 ml/kg) was administered 90 minutes after the end of endotoxin administration. Both solutions were infused IV over a 4- to 6-minute period. Administration of HSS induced immediate and significant (P less than 0.05) increase in stroke volume and central venous pressure, as well as significant decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance. These effects were sustained for 60 minutes, after which all variables returned toward preinfusion values. The hemodynamic response to HSS administration was suggestive of rapid plasma volume expansion and redistribution of cardiac output toward splanchnic circulation. Plasma volume expansion by HSS was minimal 60 minutes after resuscitation. Administration of ISS induced significant increase in cardiac index, stroke volume, femoral arterial blood flow, and urine production. These effects were sustained for 120 minutes, at which time, calves were euthanatized. Compared with HSS, ISS induced sustained increase in mean pulmonary arterial pressure and only a small increase in mesenteric arterial blood flow.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The haemodynamic effects of intravenously (iv) administered hypertonic saline solution (7.2%, 4 ml/kg of body weight [bwt]) were investigated in normovolaemic ponies during halothane anaesthesia (dorsal recumbent position, intermittent pressure ventilation). Heart rate, arterial blood and pulmonary artery pressures, cardiac output, and arterial blood gases were measured throughout the experiment while related haemodynamic parameters (cardiac index, systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance, stroke volume, ventricular work) were calculated.
A transient decrease in arterial blood pressure occurred during the administration of the hypertonic solution. Significant increases in cardiac output and index, stroke work, and systolic arterial pressure were observed 5 min after the administration of the hypertonic infusion. A gradual normalization of the increased parameters occurred afterwards. Heart rate and arterial blood gases remained constant throughout the study. No clinical side-effects, except for an increase in urinary production in the recovery period, were seen during and after anaesthesia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The clinical efficacy of IV administered hypertonic saline solution and hypertonic bicarbonate solution (HBS) in the treatment of inappetent diarrheic calves has not been compared yet. HYPOTHESIS: HBS is more advantageous than hypertonic saline in the treatment of calves with severe metabolic acidosis. ANIMALS: Twenty-eight dehydrated, inappetent calves with neonatal diarrhea. METHODS: In 2 consecutive clinical studies, calves were initially treated with saline (5.85%; 5 mL/kg body weight [BW] over 4 minutes; study I: N = 16) or bicarbonate solution (8.4%; 10 mL/kg BW over 8 minutes; study II: N = 12), respectively, followed by oral administration of 3 L isotonic electrolyte solution 5 minutes after injection. Clinical and laboratory variables were monitored for 72 hours. RESULTS: Treatment failed in 6 calves of study I and in 1 calf of study II as indicated by a deterioration of the general condition. All treatment failures had more severe metabolic acidosis compared with successfully treated calves before treatment. In the latter, rehydration was completed within 18 hours after injection; metabolic acidosis was corrected within 24 hours (study I) and 6 hours (study II) after injection. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Diarrheic calves with slight metabolic acidosis (base excess [BE] >-10 mM) can be treated successfully with hypertonic saline. HBS is appropriate in calves without respiratory problems with more severe metabolic acidosis (BE up to -20 mM). Intensive care of the calves is required to ensure a sufficient oral fluid intake after the initial IV treatment.  相似文献   

Several animal studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of hypertonic saline (HSS) on cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure and brain water content. This study aimed to investigate, using magnetic resonance imaging, whether a small volume of HSS is superior to dextran in vasodilatation of cerebral vessels and reduction of cerebrospinal fluids in dogs. HSS induced a significant expansion of the cross-section of the superior sagittal sinus in the axial transverse section of the pituitary and a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid area in the axial transverse section of the epencephalon more than dextran 40 did (p<0.001, respectively). However, the relative plasma volume in the dog which received dextran 40 was significantly higher after t=30min than in the HSS group (p<0.001). Therefore, it is suggested that HSS might be superior to colloid solutions in improving cerebral circulation, whereas dextran 40 is superior to HSS in enhancing systemic circulation in dogs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a single joint lavage with 7.2% or 15% hypertonic saline solutions (HSS) on the tarsocrural joints of healthy calves. The tarsi of 10 calves were randomly lavaged with 7.2% HSS, 15% HSS, or isotonic saline. Synovial fluid samples were collected aseptically on days 1 (before joint lavage), 2, 3, 4, and 8 for complete cytological analysis. Lameness, joint swelling, and pain were recorded daily. Calves were euthanized on day 8 for gross and histological analyses of synovial membranes and articular cartilage. Synovitis was evaluated using a scoring system reflecting inflammatory changes in synovial membranes.Joints irrigated with HSS were more distended and painful compared with isotonic control joints. Swelling decreased consistently in the joints lavaged with 7.2% HSS, whereas it remained unchanged in joints lavaged with 15% HSS. Slight to moderate lameness was observed in the joints lavaged with 15% HSS. In comparison to isotonic saline joints, total protein concentration was significantly increased on day 2 and 3 for the joints lavaged with 7.2% HSS (P ≤ 0.01) and on days 2, 3, and 4 in the joints lavaged with 15% HSS (P ≤ 0.0006). Gross and histological findings revealed that synovitis was more severe in the joints lavaged with 15% HSS but variable in the joints lavaged with 7.2% HSS. No significant differences were observed for the articular cartilage.Fifteen percent HSS is not recommended for joint lavage. Although irrigation with 7.2% HSS may induce a variable synovitis, it was found appropriate for joint lavage. Its effects on septic joints remain undetermined.  相似文献   

This case report describes ocular and nasal leech infestation (hirudiniasis) in a dog. The patient presented for a suspected ocular foreign body. The patient was sedated to allow proper examination, which revealed a leech foreign body attached to the bulbar conjunctiva adjacent to the inferotemporal limbus of the left eye. A 3.5% hypertonic saline solution was applied topically to the eye in four sequential drops, until the leech detached itself and was removed with a cotton bud. The affected eye was found to have a small corneal ulcer, a small area of scleral haemorrhage, and prominent lymphoid follicles within the third eyelid. Approximately 5 min after the leech was removed, another leech emerged from the left nostril. The patient was sent home on chloramphenicol ointment for treatment of the corneal ulcer, was rechecked 4 days later by an American Board of Veterinary Ophthalmology resident (PM) and found to have a normal ocular exam. This case report highlights that topical hypertonic saline solution (3.5%) can be an effective and easily prepared treatment for ocular and nasal hirudiniasis in veterinary patients.  相似文献   

Blood constituents and vascular volume indices were determined in 5 standing horses by use of 2-period crossover experimental design. Horses were either administered hypertonic (2,400 mosm/kg of body weight, i.v.) or isotonic (300 mosm/kg, i.v.) saline solution. Each solution was administered at a dosage of 5 ml/kg (infusion rate, 80 ml/min). Samples for determination of PCV, plasma volume, blood volume, plasma osmolality, total amount of plasma protein and plasma concentrations of protein, Na, K, and Cl were collected at 0 hour (baseline, before fluid infusion) and 0.5 hour (at the end of fluid infusion), and subsequently, at 0.25- or 0.5-hour intervals for 4.5 hours. All horses were given the predetermined dose of fluids by 0.5 hour after beginning the saline infusion. Values of P < or = 0.05 were considered significant. Administration of hypertonic saline solution was associated with decreased mean body weight by 4.5 hours, but weight change after isotonic saline administration was not significant. Other than body weight and plasma protein concentration, between-trial difference (treatment effect) was not observed for any measured variable or index. The F values indicated that increasing the number of horses would have not changed these results. A time effect was evident across both trials, so that mean (+/- SD) plasma volume increased (12.3 +/- 1.07%) and mean plasma protein concentration (-12.1 +/- 1.03%) and PCV (-11.9 + 0.67%) decreased proportionately and transiently in association with administration of either fluid at that volume. Other time effects included increased plasma osmolality and Na and Cl concentrations. Blood volume estimates and total amount of plasma protein remained unchanged.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a small volume of 7.2% hypertonic saline solution (HSS) could affect M-mode echocardiographic indices in dogs. HSS induced significant increase in heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac index, when the fluid infusion was completed (P<0.05). In the HSS group, the left ventricular end-diastolic volume index, as an index of preload, significantly increased (P<0.05), whereas left ventricular end-systolic volume index were not altered. HSS induced slight increases in ejection fraction at end of infusion despite significantly differences were not observed. In conclusion, HSS did not induce a demonstrable effect on M-mode echocardiographic indices of systolic function-enhance cardiac contractility, but it caused preload augmentation that may contribute to an abrupt and transient increase in cardiac output just after HSS infusion.  相似文献   

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