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In vitro tests with the urease inhibitor flurofamide demonstrated that the final inhibitory concentration of 0.5-4 microM on the growth of nine ureaplasma strains was largely ureaplasmastatic, requiring prolonged incubation to have a ureaplasmacidal effect. Intramuscular injection of flurofamide successfully eliminated genital infections of ureaplasma in sheep only when the treatment was repeated on two consecutive days. A dose rate of 5-20 mg/kg body weight eliminated the organism from naturally infected sheep, but 15-25 mg/kg body weight was required to eliminate the infection from eleven of fourteen experimentally, newly infected sheep. Administration of the flurofamide orally in the drinking water failed to eliminate ureaplasmas from any of twenty newly infected sheep.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,红星四场发生绵羊巴氏杆菌病.由于发生数量较少,没有采取菌苗的防制,一般以治疗为主.90年代以后,该场羊总体数量很大,相对发病的数量也就多了.通过反复实践,摸索出了一些有效的防治措施,使该病的发生率、死亡率大大下降.但仍偶尔发生此病.该病有一典型剖检变化:肾发黑,当地都称"黑腰子病".现将绵羊的巴氏杆菌病的调查及防治情况报告如下.  相似文献   

1自然地理概况 庆城县隶属甘肃省庆阳地区管辖,地处陇东黄土高原残塬沟壑区,总面积约2600km^2,其中耕地面积54866.67hm^2,天然草场面积126666.67hm^2,人工种草35333.3hm^2,其中紫花苜蓿14666.67hm^2。县内山、川、塬兼有,地势北高南低,从北向南倾斜,海拔1000—1600m,  相似文献   

Information regarding antimicrobial use in sheep is scarce. In 2001, a scrapie surveillance program was initiated in Alberta that also provided a mechanism for collecting other sheep health data including antimicrobial use information between April 2001 and April 2002. A major objective of this study was to describe antimicrobial use in the Alberta sheep industry. This was done by obtaining qualitative antimicrobial use information from all flocks (n = 212) providing cull ewes to the program using a brief, primarily flock-level, questionnaire. The respondents' flocks represented 13.6% of the total provincial flock in Alberta in 2001. By a substantial amount, the most frequent method of administering antimicrobials was through injection followed by in-feed, oral (liquids, pills, boluses), and in-water routes, respectively. Drug-specific use data were collected for injectable antimicrobials only, with the most commonly used antimicrobial classes being penicillins followed by tetracyclines. Producers rarely treated some or all of their flock with injectable antimicrobials after discovering an individual sick animal. Adult sheep were the most common age group treated with injectable antimicrobials and the most frequent reason for injectable antimicrobial use was mastitis followed by respiratory problems. This study provides some initial insight regarding antimicrobial use in Alberta sheep flocks. However, collection of more drug-specific data (drug type, dose/concentration, duration of treatment) for noninjectable routes of administration should be conducted in future studies. Assessing antimicrobial use in other sectors of the Alberta sheep industry (feedlots) and other provinces across Canada would also be beneficial.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the genetics of polymorph systems of Transferrin in Garole sheep breed. The present study was conducted on 95 adult Garole sheep comprising 52 ewes and 43 rams, maintained at Sheep and Goat Breeding Farm of West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, West Bengal, during the period from April–September, 2009. The polymorphism of transferrin was determined through SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique. It was found that the transferrin type was controlled by five codominant alleles (TfA, TfB, TfC TfD and TfE) in Garole sheep. These five alleles, because of co-dominant nature of inheritance, determined the occurrence of nine transferrin genotypes in the analyzed flock. Four (TfAA, TfBB, TfCC and TfDD) of these were homozygous and the remaining five (TfAD, TfBC, TfBD, TfCD and TfDE) heterozygous. It was found that the TfDD genotype (0.263) was predominant while TfDE genotype (0.042) was least common in the analyzed flock. Frequencies of other genotypes were as: TfCD(0.242), TfBD(0.126), TfCC(0.084), TfBB(0.074), TfAA(0.063), TfAD and TfBC (0.053 for each genotype ) in whole population. From the result it was found that in whole population combined, the heterozygotic genotypic frequency (0.516) was more than that of homozygotic genotypic frequency (0.484). Considerable variations were recognized in the frequencies of transferrin alleles. In the whole population frequencies of transferrin alleles were found to be TfA = 0.089, TfB = 0.163, TfC = 0.232, TfD = 0.495 and TfE = 0.021. Transferrin system has shown an absence of genetic equilibrium among the analyzed herd (χ2 value = 51.31). In conclusion, there were polymorphism in Transferrin types and the presence of differences among the frequencies of the five alleles by categories could be a source of genetic variation in Garole sheep.  相似文献   

20 0 1年入夏以来 ,我市部分县区暴发了以小尾寒羊发病为主的矛形双腔吸虫病 ,该病呈地方性流行 ,发病死亡率高 ,给我市的养羊业造成了极大危害。笔者对该病发生较严重的河口区新户乡、六合乡、利津县陈庄镇进行了深入调查。报告如下。1 流行情况 该病呈明显的季节性发作 ,以 7、8月份发病率最高。从品种上看 ,小尾寒羊的发病率明显高于洼地绵羊和山羊 ;从年龄上看 ,成年羊发病率高 ,尤以青年羊发病最为严重 ,羔羊很少发病 ;从饲养方式上看 ,放牧羊群发病严重 ,圈养羊发病率明显降低。病程长短不一 ,一般 4~ 5天 ,长的可达 1 0天。2 临…  相似文献   

伊犁垦区绵羊球虫流行情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对伊犁垦区9个羊场34只绵羊球虫感染现状的调查,共发现绵羊艾美耳科艾美耳属的球虫12种。并对各虫种进行测量、形态描述和体外发育时间的观察。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过对肌肉氨基酸和脂肪酸的检测,探讨杜泊羊与小尾寒羊杂交对肌肉风味的影响,为选育优质肉羊品种提供理论依据。结果表明:从氨基酸总量来看,杜寒F1较小尾寒羊和杜泊羊分别提高30.06%和0.57%,杜寒F2较小尾寒羊和杜泊羊分别提高29:49%和0.13%;从主要脂肪酸含量来看,杜寒F1较小尾寒羊和杜泊羊分别降低0.29%和10.05%,杜寒F2较小尾寒羊和杜泊羊分别降低13.54%和22.01%;从挥发性脂肪酸来看,杜寒F1较小尾寒羊和杜泊羊分别降低2.93%和6.44%,杜寒F2较小尾寒羊和杜泊羊分别降低21.24%和24.09%。杂交后代杜寒F1和杜寒F2氨基酸含量有所提高,同时能够降低羊肉膻味。  相似文献   

河北省是羊育肥养殖大省,养殖地域分布较广,总体数量较大,养殖类型也比较齐全,近年来规模化程度提升较快,养殖效益较好,是试下农民脱贫致富的有力抓手,同时也为北京、天津等地的"菜篮子"工程做出了贡献.但随着河北省规模化养殖量的逐年增加,肉羊养殖业对环境的影响也越来越大.为了探寻能够形成有效绿色生态循环养殖的产业链的路径,笔...  相似文献   

石河子紫泥泉种羊场绵羊球虫种类调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对石河子紫泥泉种羊场的绵羊球虫种类及感染现状进行了调查,共发现艾美耳球虫11种,分别是小型艾美耳球虫(E.parva)、似绵羊美耳球虫(E.ovinodalis)、巴库艾美耳球虫(E.bakuensis)、颗粒艾美耳球虫(E.granulosa)、阿撒他艾美耳球虫(E.ahsata)、槌型艾美耳球虫(E.intricata)、韦不里吉艾美耳球虫(E.weybridgensis),对各虫种卵囊进行了测量和形态描述。  相似文献   

Lupinosis was produced in sheep in four experiments by administering a toxic extract of Phomopsis leptostromiformis by various routes and at various dose rates. The course of the intoxication was followed by plasma biochemical analyses for a number of electrolytes, metabolites and enzymes. Results from these analyses suggested that in addition to being an hepatotoxicity, lupinosis also resulted in injury to muscle, kidney and adrenal cortex. This was confirmed by microscopic examination of these tissues.  相似文献   

Claw diseases pose a major problem for dairy and sheep farms. As well as systemic treatments of these illnesses by means of drug injection, veterinarians discuss the application of footbaths for the local treatment of dermatitis digitalis or foot rot. On farms footbaths are used with different substances and for various purposes. The author presents the requirements for veterinary medicinal products (marketing authorization and manufacturing authorization) and demonstrates the operation of the "cascade in case of a treatment crisis". In addition, the distinction between veterinary hygiene biocidal products and veterinary medicinal products and substances to care for claws is explained.  相似文献   

目的为了解大通县绵羊住肉孢子虫病的感染情况。方法2005年07月至2006年07月期间,对大通县屠宰场的羊胴体运用病原总调查方法,进行了住肉孢子虫感染情况的调查。结果被检查的200只绵羊胴体中,检查出住肉孢子虫的119只,感染率为59.5%。每0.1 g肌肉中,感染强度在1~130之间,平均感染强度7.8。从不同部位的感染来看,膈肌、心肌、食道肌、咽喉肌、半膜肌的感染率分别为:85.8%、68.5%、51.5%、22.5%、70.5%。膈肌中住肉孢子虫主要以长梭形为主,占被检出的34%;心肌中以椭圆为主,占被检出的39%;食道肌中以长纺锤形为主,占被检出的48.5%;咽喉肌中以椭圆形为主,占被检出的60%;半膜肌中以长纺锤形为主,其虫体清晰,占被检出的65.2%。结论食道肌和膈肌感染强度较高,对绵羊进行检疫时需首先检查这两个部位  相似文献   

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