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The ‘ICP on effects on materials’ was launched in 1985, within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution with the aim to find an approach for clearing the main gaps in the knowledge about material degradation caused by environmental impacts. The project was organized as a staggered8 year's material exposure programme accompanied by an extensive measuring programme for environmental parameters. During the evaluation of the 4 years data set it took shape that the most efficient parameters for quantifying the material degradation are the mass loss and especially for copper the corrosion volumes. Bronze already reacts extremely sensitive on low SO2 concentrations. The starting corrosion rate for copper is suprisingly high. A strong impact of chloride on the formation of pin holes for sheltered copper could be detected without showing high mass loss. At simultanous presence of ozone the corrosive action is catalysed by it's oxidation power and leads to severe mass loss. Based upon the 4 years data set for most of the materials preliminary dose-response-functions have been prepared. For the first time a synergetic effect of SO2 and ozone has been demonstrated in a field exposure.  相似文献   

Most estimates of emission are concerned with the nation state level. This paper will discuss methods utilised in the estimates of emissions to the atmosphere of sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen from a densely populated and heavily industrialised region of the United Kingdom. Data on power generation, industrial plant, fuel usage, air, sea and road transportation, and human population statistics have been integrated into a method to provide regional emission estimates. The resulting emission patterns are described in terms of sources and emission density. Spatial and temporal patterns are identified and major sources of emissions discussed in terms of national control programmes. Transportation is the dominant source of oxides of nitrogen emissions whilst power generation is the dominant source of sulphur dioxide. The relative importance of the North West as an emission source within the UK is assessed. The change in the strengths of acidifying emissions between 1987 and 1992 is discussed and the rate of change in emission magnitudes between the North West region and the UK as a whole compared.  相似文献   

Based on combined information available from air quality monitoring data and long-range transport models, European population exposure to SO2, NO2 and O3 has been estimated. This information has been combined with the results of epidemiological studies assessing strength of association between the exposure and health effects to estimate an impact of the pollution on health in Europe. The analysis indicates that a considerable number of health problems, ranging from mild irritation of the respiratory system to increased mortality, can be attributed to short-term peaks of pollution observed in Europe. Chronic impacts of prolonged elevated SO2 levels on lung function are estimated to occur in close to10 million people in Europe.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of concentrations and flux densities (using the eddy correlation technique) for O3 over a vineyard for 20 days during July and August 1991. These were compared with modelled dry deposition velocities (V d), using (a) a module in the air quality model known as ADOM (Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model), which was modified to apply over a specific site, (b) a version of the ADOM module that employs a modified canopy resistance and (c) versions of ADOM which use two new canopy resistance formulations that are referred to as Wesely and Massman, respectively. The Massman parameterization is valid only locally since it was tuned to the site's ozone data. Here it is used as a benchmark for model comparisons. The observed V dhad an average value of about 0.5 cm s?1 during the day and about 0.2 cm s?1 at night. Compared to the modified ADOM, the new parameterizations yielded results that were in better agreement with the observations at night. During the daytime, the original ADOM and the Wesely estimates were much larger than the observations, the Massman values were slightly smaller, and the modified ADOM showed a better agreement. We speculate that the underestimation of the Massman V dvalues during the day may have been caused by the ADOM aerodynamic resistance rather than the Massman canopy resistance. It is hypothesized that the original ADOM module and its modified version may need a revised aerodynamic or an additional canopy resistance at night in order to bring the estimates closer to the observations.  相似文献   

Precipitation concentrations in 1989 on a European scale were obtained from national organisations responsible for wet deposition monitoring in their countries and from the EMEP database. In total, results from about 750 monitoring locations scattered over Europe were gathered. Spatial analysis based on Regionalised Variable Theory revealed auto-correlation in all ion concentrations and reasonable bounded models were fitted to the experimental variograms. Maps of concentrations of acidifying components and base cations were compiled on a 50×50 km scale using the block-kriging interpolation technique. To obtain fluxes, concentrations were multiplied by long-term mean precipitation amounts from the EPA database. An extensive uncertainty analysis was performed to assess the quality of the maps.  相似文献   

The results of several separately performed field studies on air quality in south-western Poland (Black Triangle) are presented In the period 1988–1993 atmospheric aerosol measurement and precipitation/deposition samples were collected at three locations of mountain region (810–1490 m asl). Precipitation was monitored in forest ecosystem using a 24-gauge network was carried out during June–October 1992 and 1993. The occurence of cloud at ground level over hills is difficult to categorize and quantify in mountain terrain and has constituted a basic part of our studies. Precipitation/deposition samples (seven rain and three cloud collectors) in the Karkonosze Mountains were collected over the period 1994–1995 (four field campaigns were conducted) to examine aqueous chemical interactions between constituents in samples. Meteorological data measured at the site included temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and the amount of precipitation.  相似文献   

Different atmospheric, source, and surface conditions can result in substantially different ranges of atmospheric transport of air pollutants; for example, even for anthropogenic S and N, the ranges can vary from about 101 to 105 km. In this report, the emphasis is on indicating some of the reasons for the great variability of these ranges. Thus, some of the complexities of dry deposition, atmospheric chemistry, and precipitation scavenging are described, and it is demonstrated how synoptic-scale meteorologic conditions can control both dry and wet deposition. On the other hand, it is suggested that the mean, tropospheric-residence time of particulate S and N from fossil-fuel combustion in temperate latitudes is probably about a week, but the amount of this material remaining airborne after a week can be large, since the amount is expected to have a log-normal distribution over an ensemble of realizations. Applications of the results to the U.S./Canadian acid-rain issue, to episodic-deposition events, and to global-scale atmospheric pollution are indicated.  相似文献   

An eulerian long-range transport model for the calculation of concentrations of SO2, SO4, NO x , and NO3 and wet and dry depositions of SO x (sum of SO2 and SO4) and NO y (sum of NO, NO2 and NO3) over Europe is presented. The model is developed in such a way that only routinely available, analyzed or prognostic meteorological fields are required as input data. In this way it is possible to obtain a forecast of the air quality during smog episodes. For evaluation of smog episodes the model provides a way to estimate the contributions of different sources and the effect of emission scenarios. The model has been evaluated for four winter and three summer episodes. The modeled concentrations of SO2 and SO, are in agreement with the available measurements. A less good agreement is found for NO2 and NO x (sum of NO and NO2) concentrations. For these components the model tends to underpredict the measured values.  相似文献   

多尺度特征融合的柑橘冠层施药沉积量分类模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统农作物冠层施药沉积量分类模型分类准确率低、网络模型参数量大且运算速度慢的问题,该研究提出一种改进的SPP-Net-Inception-v4模型。该模型通过构建稀疏网络结构平衡各个模型子网间的计算量,利用3个Inception模块生成施药沉积量在柑橘冠层热红外图像的稠密有效特征数据;在模型的卷积层与全连接层间创新性接入空间金字塔池化网络(Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network, SPP-Net),进行一次历遍提取热红外图像特征信息,再通过空间池化操作融合3种池化方式提取的多尺度特征,实现柑橘冠层热红外图像施药沉积量表现特征的提取与融合。搭建多环境因素自主控制试验环境,模拟无人机低空采集柑橘冠层热红外图像,应用3个分类模型进行对比试验,试验结果表明,SPP-Net-Inception-v4模型与Inception-v4和ResNet-152两种模型相比,准确率分别提高1.58%和3.26%,模型训练完成冻结后占用计算机存储空间大小分别降低13%和24%,表明SPP-Net-Inception-v4模型在降低模型规模的基础上,提高了柑橘树冠层施药沉积量分类的准确率,可为精准农业航空中无人机植保技术的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

In a greenhouse, seven identical mini-ecosystems, simulating soft water ponds, were exposed to different types of artificial rain water. The effects of rain water containing H2SO4 and nitrate, and rain water containing ammonium sulphate on water quality and vegetation were studied and compared. Causal relations were established between rain water quality, water chemistry and changes in floristic composition. Ammonium sulphate deposition, particularly, strongly affected water quality and vegetation development. Although ammonium sulphate deposition was only slightly acid, due to nitrification it acted as an important acid source, causing acidification to pH=3.8. Under acidified conditions, ammonium sulphate deposition lead to a luxuriant growth ofJuncus bulbosus andAgrostis canina. In the mini-ecosystems, H2SO4 deposition with a pH of 3.5 only decreased the pH of the water to 5.1 within 1 yr. The acidification of water appeared to be coupled with changes in alkalinity, sulphate, Al, Cd, Ca, Mg, K and inorganic-N. It is concluded that in NH3-affected regions in The Netherlands, the high atmospheric deposition of ammonium sulphate probably contributes to a large extent in the acidification, eutrophication and floristic changes of oligotrophic soft waters.  相似文献   

Based on an ecosystematic approach within the comprehensive SANA (Regeneration of the atmosphere above the new federal states) -project the influence of industrial air pollutants (SO2, NOx, alkaline fly ashes) on the vitality of mycorrhizae, mycorrhizal frequency, and on parameters of root growth such as root biomass and necromass and distribution of different root classes in the soil horizons was investigated. The studies were conducted in three comparable Scots pine ecosystems in eastern Germany which were exposed to different deposition loads of air pollutants during the time of the former German Democratic Republic. Site specific differences were obtained for all parameters investigated. The reference plot Neuglobsow (background deposition) revealed the highest number of vital mycorrhizae, highest mycorrhizal frequency, and largest biomass of finest roots in the humus layer. At the impact-sites Roesa and Taura (heavy and moderate deposition) located near Halle/Bitterfeld and Leipzig, the number of vital mycorrhizae was reduced and the life-span of mycorrhizae of reduced vitality was elongated. Finest root biomass and necromass of the humus layer were also lower at these plots as compared to Neuglobsow. At Neuglobsow a higher turnover of mycorrhizae and finest roots of the humus layer is assumed. The reduced growth of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal finest roots at the two pollution impacted sites Roesa and Taura is seen as an adaptation mechanism of the root system to high nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

During one year, dry and wet deposition onto thirty forest stands is studied by sampling throughfall and bulk precipitation. Nine measurement sites are situated in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) stands, ten in Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and eleven in Oak (Quercus robur L.) stands. Because the stands are situated in each other's proximity (i.e. within a radius of approximately 1.4 km) it is assumed that they experience an approximately equal air pollution load. For the acidifying compounds SO4 2?, NO3 ? and NH4 + spatial variability in wet deposition was small within the area studied. Dry deposition, as estimated by net throughfall, displayed a much higher spatial variability. Significant differences existed between tree species and growing seasons. Douglas fir mostly displayed the highest, Oak the lowest and Scotch pine intermediate values for net throughfall fluxes of acidifying compounds. The annual net throughfall fluxes for nitrogen compounds were significantly higher for the coniferous tree species than the broadleaved tree species. For SO4 2?, however, Oak showed a relatively high throughfall flux during the summer. By comparing the temporal pattern of net throughfall fluxes between the three tree species it was concluded that considerable canopy leaching occurred for SO4 2?, Mg+, PO4 3?, HCO3 ? and K+ in Oak stands during the sprouting of leaves in spring. From surface wash experiments in the laboratory it is concluded that canopy leaching of these ions may also be enhanced when Oak leaves are infected by Oak mildew, a fungal disease caused by the fungus Microshaera aliphilitoides.  相似文献   

结合浑太河流域的下垫面、水文气象、污染源的物理特征,基于实际监测数据,率定验证模型,建立降雨径流、土地利用方式对应下的SWAT模型,对农业面源污染物的迁移-转化过程进行模拟计算,系统解析流域面源污染物排放量、分布特征。划定浑河、太子河、大辽河干流左右岸河流两侧l km、水库周围5 km为缓冲区,改变现有的土地利用方式,恢复天然生态。以常规发展模式为基础,计算在区域生态保护占优模式下污染物产生量。在常规发展模式下,浑太河流域年平均土壤侵蚀模数为400 kg/hm~2,总氮、总磷输出强度为19、7 kg/hm~2;从单位面积上看,总氮、总磷负荷强度最大值分别为317、260 kg/hm~2。总氮、总磷负荷强度空间差异较大,通过面积加权计算,平均负荷强度为29和10 kg/hm~2。在生态保护占优模式下,耕地的氮、磷损失量有所减少,总氮、总磷单位面积年减少量为9.5、0.9 t/hm~2;从农业面源污染物化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)、氨氮来源层面分析,单位面积土地退耕后化学需氧量、氨氮污染物减少量为14、5 kg/hm~2。经比较,在生态保护占优发展模式下面源污染物产生量相对常规发展模式下减少9%,化学需氧量、氨氮、总磷、总氮分别减少5.12%、31.67%、10.40%、25.95%,农业面源污染减排效果明显。研究为实现浑太河流域污染物排放总量不超标、水体水质达标,并确保农业基础地位不动摇,充分挖掘区域农业减排增收潜力提供策略依据。  相似文献   

基于PCA-SVR-ARMA的狮头鹅养殖禽舍气温组合预测模型   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为提高狮头鹅养殖禽舍气温预测精度,提出了基于主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)、支持向量回归机(Support Vector Regression,SVR)融合自回归滑动平均(Autoregressive Moving Average,ARMA)模型的狮头鹅养殖禽舍气温组合预测模型。在建模过程中,运用主成分分析法筛选狮头鹅养殖禽舍气温的关键影响因子,消除变量之间冗余信息,约简预测模型结构;采用SVR-ARMA构建狮头鹅禽养殖舍气温组合预测模型,先通过SVR对气温进行预测,再由基于ARMA模型的残差预测值修正气温预测结果。利用该模型对广东省汕尾市2018年7月21日至2018年7月30日期间的狮头鹅养殖禽舍气温进行预测。结果表明,该组合预测模型取得了良好的预测性能,与标准BP神经网络、标准SVR、PCA-BPNN(反向传播神经网络,BackPropagationNeuralNetwork)、PCA-SVR和PCA-BPNN-ARMA等模型对比分析,其评价指标平均绝对误差、均方根误差和平均绝对百分比误差分别为0.183 2℃、0.454 0℃和0.005 9,均表明所提出的组合模型具有更高的预测效果,不仅能够满足狮头鹅养殖禽舍气温实际精准调控的需要,还为狮头鹅健康养殖和种苗繁育环境精细化管理提供决策。  相似文献   

Aphids are frequently found on conifers, but mass outbreaks are seldom reported. On trees stressed by air pollutants the natural resistance can be broken and insect attack combined with pollution stress may promote plant damages. To evaluate effects of air pollution on conifer aphids Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings have been exposed to gaseous pollutants (O3, SO2 and NO2) in growth chambers. The studied aphid species were Cinara pilicornis Hartig on Norway spruce, C. pinea (Mordv.) and Schizolachnus pineti Fabr. on Scots pine in SO2 fumigations and S. pineti in O3 and NO2 fumigations. C. pilicornis nymphs had peaked dose response to SO2 concentration. Both the first and third instar larvae of C. pilicornis showed highest mean relative growth rate (MRGR) at 100 ppb SO2 concentration. MRGR of C. pinea peaked at 50 and 150 ppb SO2 The response of S. pineti was more inconsistent During fumigation the peak MRGR of S. pineti was at 100 ppb and after exposure at 50 ppb SO2. MRGR of S. pineti nymphs was not significantly affected during fumigation or after the end of fumigation experiment by 100 ppb O3 or 100 ppb NO2 or the mixtures. The results suggest that SO2 affects more distinctively on aphid performance on conifers than O3 or NO2. Especially stem-feeding aphids on spruce can exploit physiological disturbance of host plant under pollution stress.  相似文献   

The Heavy Metal Eulerian Transport (HMET) model has been used to calculate the exchange of As, Cd, Pb and Zn between European countries in 1985. The model was run separately for each emitter country and the computed deposition field was used to calculate the contribution of the emitter to each receptor country. The results of these computations are presented in the form of a country budget matrix for each metal. Accuracy of such computations is dependant on the size and linearity of the numerical method applied to the transport equation. Exchange of heavy metals due to atmospheric transport over Europe is significant. Approximately 30% to 90% of the heavy metals emitted from each country is deposited in other countries. The remaining mass is deposited in European seas, Atlantic Ocean and transported outside the model domain. The largest part of the emission from each country is deposited in the same country. The next largest fraction is transported to the nearest neighbors. The results indicate also a significant long range ransport of heavy metals to the Soviet Union. This is partly justified by the size and location of this receptor country, as well as, the prevailing meteorological conditions in Europe. However, this large transport to USSR is slightly overestimated due to some artificial properties of the numerical method applied to basic model equations. In addition to the country budget, export versus import and emission versus deposition of metals were analyzed for each country. The largest positive difference between export and import was found for Poland, German Federal Republic and Yugoslavia (As, Cd and Zn), and United Kingdom, Italy and Belgium (Pb). The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia are the countries where import of all metals is significantly larger than export. When emission versus deposition of heavy metals is analyzed, the Soviet Union has much higher emissions than deposition of all metals compared to other European countries.  相似文献   

An atmospheric acoustic sounder was operated at the University of Calgary for the period March 1976 to July 1977. The stability of the atmospheric boundary layer has been determined from the acoustic chart records. Comparison of the seasonal cycle of stability with changes in the diurnal variation of NO x , concentrations in Calgary's downtown core indicates that the sounder measurements are relevant to the air quality problem. It is shown that stability criteria derived from sounder records can stratify hourly pollutant concentration data. In addition, the sounder identifies a characteristic state of the urban boundary layer linked with Chinook winds. Evidence is presented that the probability of pollutant build-up in this layer is particularly high (~ 90%) when surface winds are less than 30 km h?1 and from the south quadrant.  相似文献   

基于CFD离散相模型的气流式皮棉清理机参数优化   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
气流式皮棉清理机能有效的清除不孕籽、破籽等杂质,提高皮棉等级,且对皮棉不产生任何损伤。为提高气流式皮棉清理机的除杂效率,降低纤维损耗,对其除杂机理进行了分析。通过建立基于计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)的离散相模型(discrete phase model,DPM)对皮棉纤维轨迹、杂质轨迹分别进行了追踪分析,并对影响落棉率、除杂率的入口速度、出口压力和排杂槽口尺寸3个参数进行了仿真试验。通过正交试验方法,共进行了25组试验。根据正交试验的极差和方差分析,得出了影响气流式皮棉清理机落棉率的参数排序是入口速度槽口尺寸出口压力,影响除杂率的参数排序是槽口尺寸入口速度出口压力。通过建立综合评分标准,得出了气流式皮棉清理机的最优加工参数为入口速度20 m/s,出口压力-650 Pa,槽口尺寸30 mm,此时落棉率为5%,除杂率为90%。通过现场的加工试验验证,表明仿真分析所得出的优化组合和优劣分析是可行的,可为气流式皮棉清理机的加工工艺改善提供依据。  相似文献   

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