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The dry deposition of base cations to a Norway spruce stand was estimated by multiplying the ratio of the ion deposition to the sodium deposition on a surrogate surface with the dry deposition of sodium on the forest stand. The method can in principle only be applied to species that are present only in particles, but the method gives reasonable results when tested on ions that are also dry deposited in other forms (SO 4 2– . NO 3 and NH 4 + ). The atmospheric input and especially the dry deposition of base cations is an important replacement for the loss of base cations from the soil by run-off. The calculated internal circulation of K+ and Ca2+ showed maxima synchronously with rainfall maxima and constitute 71% and 53%, respectively, of the net throughfall deposition. The internal circulation of Ca2+ was almost equal to the SO2 uptake.  相似文献   

A convenient non-electric method for estimating the dry deposition of base cations on a coniferous forest is presented. The dry deposition is estimated by multiplying the ratio of the base cation deposition to the sodium deposition on a surrogate surface with the dry deposition of sodium on the forest stand (throughfall technique). The surrogate surface is designed to resemble the needles in a coniferous forest with respect to particle deposition. Atmospheric non-marine dry deposition measured using the surrogate surface was compared to model calculated depositions. There was a good agreement for calcium but not for potassium.  相似文献   

Precipitation concentrations in 1989 on a European scale were obtained from national organisations responsible for wet deposition monitoring in their countries and from the EMEP database. In total, results from about 750 monitoring locations scattered over Europe were gathered. Spatial analysis based on Regionalised Variable Theory revealed auto-correlation in all ion concentrations and reasonable bounded models were fitted to the experimental variograms. Maps of concentrations of acidifying components and base cations were compiled on a 50×50 km scale using the block-kriging interpolation technique. To obtain fluxes, concentrations were multiplied by long-term mean precipitation amounts from the EPA database. An extensive uncertainty analysis was performed to assess the quality of the maps.  相似文献   

Observations show that pollutants from large emission sources may cause significant air concentrations 500 to 1000 mi away. Very acid precipitation occurs in such periods. The scavenging is often intensified by the topography. Case studies will be presented with special emphasis on acid precipitation in Scandinavia. Large scale dispersion models have been developed recently in order to estimate the long range transport of air pollutants. The models take into account chemical transformations as well as deposition of pollutants. The calculations will be compared with observations from airplanes and surface stations. A simple model has been integrated over a long period of time in order to derive the best value for the decay rate of SO2. This best value is based on a day-by-day comparison with surface observations.  相似文献   



Understanding of the interactions between cations, mineral particles, and organic matter (OM) in soils is of paramount importance in plant nutrition and environmental science, and thus, these phenomena have been studied extensively. At present, an effective and simple tool to investigate these interactions does not exist. Based on previous studies of Wien effect in suspensions, the interactions of cations with soil mineral particles, complicated by the presence of organic matter, can be easily determined by means of Wien effect measurements, which was the objective of this study.

Materials and methods

A paddy soil originating from a yellow-brown soil, rich in organic matter, served as a test sample, from which the clay fraction of less than 2 μm in diameter was separated. Organic matter of aliquots of the clay fraction was removed by the oxidation with hot H2O2, and the natural and OM-free samples were saturated with various cations: Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cd2+. The effects of OM present in the paddy soil on the interactions between the cations and the soil mineral particles were investigated by measuring the suspension Wien effect with a homemade apparatus, SHP-2.

Results and discussion

The weak electrical field electrical conductivities (EC0) of suspensions of the natural soils saturated with various cations were higher than those of the OM-free soils. The rate of increase in electrical conductivity of suspensions of the OM-free soil, except that of suspensions saturated with Na+, at electrical field strengths >50~100 kV?cm?1 was higher than those of the natural soil suspensions. The presence of OM increased the mean free binding energies of cations other than Na+. The increasing binding energies for K+ and Ca2+ were 0.56 and 0.57 kJ?mol?1, respectively, which were significantly larger than the increase for Cd2+ as only 0.03 kJ?mol?1. The binding energies of various cations on both natural and OM-free soils were all in the order: Na+?<?K+?<?Ca2+≈Cd2+. As opposed to its effect on the binding energies, the presence of OM reduced the mean free adsorption energies of the cations. Except for Na+, the adsorption energies of K+, Ca2+, and Cd2+ at field strengths >50 kV?cm?1 were lower in the natural soil as compared with the OM-free soil, and the differences between the adsorption energies became larger with increasing field strengths. The presence of OM made the zeta potential of the soil particles saturated with Na+ and K+ positive, and the particles saturated with Ca2+ and Cd2+ negative.


Organic matter affected the interactions of cations with soil mineral particles significantly. Binding and adsorption energies, which were quantitative measures of the interactions between cations and soil particles, could be determined by Wien effect measurements in suspensions. The binding energies on natural soils were larger than those on the corresponding OM-free soils, and the adsorption energies on the natural soils were lower than those on OM-free soils.  相似文献   

The loss of fertilizer N from golf greens can be high depending upon management (irrigation schedule, N source, rate and timing of fertilizer application) as well as soil conditions. Although soil organic matter (SOM) is acknowledged as a major source of N and other nutrients, its potential as an N source seems to be neglected in the management of golf greens. The susceptibility of SOM to degradation is one indication of how active a role SOM plays as a nutrient source. An extraction method developed by Olk et al. [Geoderma 65 (1995) 195] distinguishes humic acid fractions by their binding to dominant stabilizing soil cations and separates them into calcium-bound (CaHA) and non calcium-bound or mobile (MHA) fractions. Mobile humic acid is a relatively young, N-rich HA fraction that does not appear to form stable complexes with Ca. The MHA could therefore play a greater role in nutrient availability than CaHA. We determined C and N distributions within SOM extracted from these two HA fractions in 11 golf greens ranging in age from 4 to 28 yr. Because SOM in golf greens is recently formed, and MHA is an N-rich fraction representing an early stage of SOM evolution, we hypothesized that the MHA fraction would account for a larger proportion of soil organic N than CaHA. The amounts of both HA-C and HA-N increased significantly with green age. MHA accounted for a larger proportion (20-27%) of total soil C than CaHA-C (8-14%). MHA was also enriched in N compared to CaHA with consistently smaller C-to-N ratios. Thus, the greater abundance of MHA and its higher N concentration accounted for a larger proportion of soil organic N (24-45%). The equivalence of MHA-N ranged between 250 kg N ha−1 for a 4 yr-old green and 775 kg N ha−1 for a 21 yr-old green. Thus, soils of established greens contain significant quantities of labile SOM rich in N that could through mineralization supply part of the fertilizer N requirement of turf grass. A greater understanding of the dynamics of this resource is needed if we are to manage golf greens for optimal use without negative consequences to the environment.  相似文献   

Existing mechanistic models of denitrification in clods of soil describe the anaerobic activity in the centres of the clods, but they neglect the role of particulate organic materials. We therefore studied the effect of particulate organic matter on denitrification in soil both under pasture and in arable cultivation. Clods were separated into two compartments: (i) particulate organic matter and adhering soil exceeding 200 μm (coated POM), and (ii) the matrix (the rest of the soil). Potential denitrification and production of CO2 were then estimated on coated POM, matrix and unfractionated soil. The quantity and the quality of coated POM were assessed individually in 100 clods from the pasture and 100 from the arable land. The rate of potential denitrification was similar in unfractionated soil from these treatments. However, it was 70 times greater in the coated POM than in the matrix from the arable soil. Production of CO2 was nine times greater in the coated POM than in the matrix from the pasture soil and 33 times greater in the arable soils. These observations were the basis for a mechanistic model of denitrification, taking into account contributions from coated POM and the matrix. Denitrification rates in a computerized representation of clods from both pasture and arable soil had approximately the same distribution as experimental data both in the matrix and coated POM contributions in the cropped soil and in the matrix alone in the pasture soil. Coated particulate organic matter can explain more than half of the denitrification and most of the variation in denitrification when it increases microbial activity sufficiently and the soil structure limits the supply of O2.  相似文献   

Potato tubers were evaluated as a source of antioxidants and minerals for the human diet. A genetically diverse sample of Solanum tuberosum L. cultivars native to the Andes of South America was obtained from a collection of nearly 1000 genotypes using microsatellite markers. This size-manageable collection of 74 landraces, representing at best the genetic diversity among potato germplasm, was analyzed for iron, zinc, calcium, total phenolic, total carotenoid, and total vitamin C contents. The hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of each genotype was also measured using the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. The iron content ranged from 29.87 to 157.96 microg g-1 of dry weight (DW), the zinc content from 12.6 to 28.83 microg g-1 of DW, and the calcium content from 271.09 to 1092.93 microg g-1 of DW. Total phenolic content varied between 1.12 and 12.37 mg of gallic acid equiv g-1 of DW, total carotenoid content between 2.83 and 36.21 microg g-1 of DW, and total vitamin C content between 217.70 and 689.47 microg g-1 of DW. The range of hydrophilic ORAC values was 28.25-250.67 micromol of Trolox equiv g-1 of DW. The hydrophilic antioxidant capacity and the total phenolic content were highly and positively correlated (r = 0.91). A strong relationship between iron and calcium contents was also found (r = 0.67). Principal component analysis on the studied nutritional contents of the core collection revealed that most potato genotypes were balanced in terms of antioxidant and mineral contents, but some of them could be distinguished by their high level in distinct micronutrients. Correlations between the micronutrient contents observed in the sample and the genetic distances assessed by microsatellites were weakly significant. However, this study demonstrated the wide variability of health-promoting micronutrient levels within the native potato germplasm as well as the significant contribution that distinct potato tubers may impart to the intake in dietary antioxidants, zinc, and iron.  相似文献   

Long-term atmospheric deposition of Pb has been measured using lake sediment cores. The average ‘whole-lake’ Pb burden was measured for several lakes in each of four regions located throughout Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Since the regions were remote to any point source of Ph, large scale variation in atmospheric transport could be studied. The results indicate that Pb deposition is highest in South-Central Ontario, where lake burdens ranged from 312 to 432 mg m?2, and that it decreases in an eastward direction into Quebec. Lowest deposition was at the site farthest north, Schefferville, Quebec, where fallout was 31 to 42 mg m?2, less than one-tenth of that previously observed in South-Central Ontario. Lead-210 dating of sediment cores from the northern site showed that input to these remote lakes has occurred over the same time period as in the southern sites.  相似文献   

Fire affects large parts of the dry Mediterranean shrubland, resulting in erosion and losses of plant nutrients. We have attempted to measure these effects experimentally on a calcareous hillside representative of such shrubland. Experimental fires were made on plots (4 m × 20 m) in which the fuel was controlled to obtain two different fire intensities giving means of soil surface temperature of 439°C and 232°C with temperatures exceeding 100°C lasting for 36 min and 17 min. The immediate and subsequent changes induced by fire on the soil's organic matter content and other soil chemical properties were evaluated, together with the impact of water erosion. Seven erosive rain events, which occurred after the experimental fires (from August 1995 to December 1996), were selected, and on them runoff and sediment produced from each plot were measured. The sediments collected were weighed and analysed. Taking into account the variations induced by fire on the soil properties and their losses by water erosion, estimates of the net inputs and outputs of the soil system were made. Results show that the greatest losses of both soil and nutrients took place in the 4 months immediately after the fire. Plots affected by the most intense fire showed greater losses of soil (4077 kg ha?1) than those with moderate fire intensity (3280 kg ha?1). The unburned plots produced the least sediment (72.8 kg ha?1). Organic matter and nutrient losses by water erosion were related to the degree of fire intensity. However, the largest losses of N‐NH4+ and N‐NO3 by water erosion corresponded to the moderate fire (8.1 and 7.5 mg N m?2, respectively).  相似文献   

Forest soils contain a variable amount of organic N roughly repartitioned among particles of different size, microbial biomass and associated with mineral compounds. All pools are alimented by annual litter fall as main input of organic N to the forest floor. Litter N is further subject to mineralization/stabilization recognized as the crucial process for the turnover of litter N. Although it is well documented that different soil types have different soil N stocks, it is presently unknown how different soil types affect the turnover of recent litter N. Here, we compared the potential mineralization of the total soil organic N with that of recent litter-released N in three beech forests varying in their soil properties. Highly 15N-labelled beech litter was applied to stands located at Aubure, Ebrach, Collelongo, which differ in humus type, soil type and soil chemistry. After 4-5 years of litter decomposition, the upper 3 cm of the organo-mineral A horizon was sampled and the net N mineralization was measured over 112 days under controlled conditions. The origin of mineralized N (litter N versus soil organic N) was calculated using 15N labeling. In addition, soils were fractionated according to their particle size (>2000 μm, 200-2000 μm, 50-200 μm, <50 μm) and particulate organic matter (POM) was separated from the mineral fraction in size classes, except the <50 μm fraction. Between 41 and 69% of soil organic N was recovered as POM. Litter-released 15N was mainly to be found in the coarse POM fractions >200 μm. On a soil mass basis, N mineralization was two-fold higher at Aubure and Collelongo than at Ebrach, but, on a soil N basis, N mineralization was the lowest at Collelongo and the highest at Ebrach. On a soil N (or 15N) basis, mineralization of litter 15N was two to four-fold higher than mineralization of the average soil N. Furthermore, the δ15N of the mineral N produced was closer to that of POM than to that of the mineral-bound fraction (<50 μm). Highest rates of 15N mineralization happened in the soil with the lowest N content, and we found a negative relationship between accumulations of N in the upper A horizon and the mineralization of 15N from the litter. Our results show that mineral N is preferentially mineralized from POM in the upper organo-mineral soil irrespective of the soil chemistry and that the turnover rate of litter N is faster in soils with a low N content.  相似文献   

The contributions of major anthropogenic source regions to wet and dry deposition of total S in eastern Canada are estimated for a winter month and a summer month with the ASTRAP model. Results indicate that the U.S. and Canada contribute approximately equal amounts to total S deposition in Canada; Canadian sources contribute more than one half of dry deposition and less than one half of wet deposition.  相似文献   


Plants grown in acidic soil usually require relatively high amounts of available phosphorus (P) to optimize growth and productivity, and sources of available P are often added to meet these requirements. Phosphorus may also be made available at relatively high rates in native soil when roots are colonized with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Addition of P to soil usually reduces root‐AMF colonization and decreases beneficial effects ofAMF to plants. In glasshouse experiments, soil treatments of P [0 P (Control), 50 mg soluble‐P kg?1 as KH2PO4 (SP), and 200 mg P kg?1 as phosphate rock (PR)], organic matter (OM) at 12.5 g kg?1, AMF (Glomus darum), and various combinations of these (OM+SP, OM+PR, AMF+SP, AMF+PR, AMF+OM, AMF+OM+SP, and AMF+OM+PR) were added to steam treated acidic Lily soil (Typic Hapludult, pHw=5.8) to determine treatment effects on growth and mineral acquisition by chickpea (Cicer areitinum L.). The various treatment applications increased shoot dry matter (DM) above the Control, but not root DM. Percentage AMF‐root colonization increased 2‐fold or more when mycorrhizal plants were grown with AMF, OM+SP, and OM+PR. Regardless of P source, plant acquisition of P, sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and potassium (K) was enhanced compared to the Control, and mineral enhancement was greater in PR compared to SP plants. Mycorrhizal plants also had enhanced acquisition of macronutrients. OM+SP and OM+PR enhanced acquisition of P, K, and Mg, but not Ca. Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Al were generally lower than Controls in SP, RP, AMF+PR, AMF+SP, and OM plants, and mycorrhizal plants especially had enhanced micronutrients. Relative agronomic effectiveness values for shoot DM and shoot P, Ca, and Mg contents were considerably higher for PR, including OM+PR, AMF+PR, and AMF+OM+PR, than for SP. PR and OM applications to AMF plants are low‐cost attractive and ecologically sound alternatives to intensive use of P fertilizers for crops grown in acidic soils.  相似文献   

The acid- and base-buffering properties of 84 non-calcareous surface soil samples were studied by batch titration with HCI or KOH at a constant ionic strength of I = 0.1. The soil samples were classified according to their pH of zero point of titration (ZPT). Differential buffer values, dB(H) or dB(OH) (H+ or OH? as meq kg?1 needed to reduce or increase the soil pH sequentially by 0.5 units, respectively), were introduced to describe the course of titration curve and the intensity of buffer action. In all soils, the first acid-buffer value, dB(H)0→0.5, varied from 8 to 78 meq kg?1 and the second one, dB(H)0.5→1, from 10 to 138 meq kg?1. The corresponding base-buffer values, dB(OH)0→0.5 and dB(OH)0.5→1, ranged from 10 to 48 and from 14 to 44 meq kg?1, respectively. The most acid soils were most strongly buffered against acid, and the soils with the highest initial pH against base. The results reveal the acid-buffering by exchange reactions to be very important. In the soils with ZPT≦5.4, the first acid-buffer value was dependent on the content of organic matter and oxalate-soluble Al, whereas in the more acid soils the role of clay became significant. Thus, it was concluded that at higher pHs the foremost inactivation of H+ is attributable to soil components of pH-dependent charges, and the significance of constituents of permanent charges to increase with proceeding acidification. In strongly acid soils (ZPT≦4.8) the very effective buffering seemed to be primarily due to the dissolution of Al-hydroxides and, thus, to exert detrimental effects on the edaphic environment. The general rank of soil factors explaining the variation in the base-buffer values was in accord with the neutralization sequence, i.e. the strongest acid in the soil being neutralized first. In the strongly acid soils (ZPT≦4.8) the base-buffer values seemed to depend on the clay as well as KCl- and NH4OAc-extractable Al, whereas in the soils with higher initial pH mostly on organic C.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of soil salinity on dry matter production, grain yield, and the uptake, distribution and redistribution of mineral nutrients in irrigated grain sorghum. Soil salinity (EC, 3.6 mS/cm) reduced seedling establishment by 77%, and dry matter and grain yields per plant by 32%; grain yield/ha was reduced by 84%. Salinity reduced grain number per head, but not individual grain size. The accumulation of dry matter and most nutrients was reduced by salinity, but the distribution and redistribution of nutrients within the plant were largely unaffected. Redistributed dry matter provided 52 and 31% of the grain dry matter for control and salt‐affected plants, respectively. Salt‐affected plants had a greater proportion of their sulfur (S), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), and chloride (Cl) in stems and leaves than control plants at maturity. Grain had 50–90% of the nitrogen <N), phosphorus (P), S, and Mg, 20–50% of the potassium (K), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu), but < 20% of the calcium (Ca), Na, Cl, and iron (Fe) contents of the whole plant. Over 65% of the N and P, and from 20 to 30% of the K, S, Mg, Cu, and Zn was redistributed from the stem and leaves to grain. There was no redistribution of Ca, Na, Cl, Fe, and Mn. Leaves were more important than the stem as a source of redistributed N, but the leaves and stem were equally important as sources of redistributed P, K, S, Mg, and Cu. Redistribution from the stem and leaves provided 80% of the K and 20–50% of the N, P, S, Mg, Zn, and Cu accumulated by grain. Concentrations of Na, and especially Cl, were high in vegetative organs of salt‐affected plants, but not in grain. It was concluded that although moderate salinity was detrimental to the establishment and yield of grain sorghum, it had little effect on patterns of distribution and extents of redistribution of mineral nutrients.  相似文献   

奶源生产是发展有机奶的首要环节,也是最重要的环节之一。建设有机奶奶源基地是保持正常奶源生产的有力保障。有机奶及其生产已成为发达国家的奶品消费及生产主流。虽然我国已制定了《OFDC有机认证标准》,但真正的有机奶生产还没有开始。人们需要更多的高品质的奶品。根据我国《OFDC有机认证标准》中提出的要求,结合多年从事奶源基地建设的实际经验,提出了在国内有机奶奶源基地建设理念,并在养殖工艺(包括引中、饲料、疾病防治等)、设施结构、环境控制(包括消毒隔离、粪污处理等)3个方面进行了研究与探讨;并就我国发展有机奶奶源基地建设中可能出现的问题以及解决办法进行了讨论,为我国发展有机奶奶源基地建设、走奶业可持续发展之路、生产优质安全的有机奶提供了一些切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

奶源生产是发展有机奶的首要环节,也是最重要的环节之一。建设有机奶奶源基地是保持正常奶源生产的有力保障。有机奶及其生产已成为发达国家的奶品消费及生产主流。虽然我国已制定了《OFDC有机认证标准》,但真正的有机奶生产还没有开始。人们需要更多的高品质的奶品。根据我国《OFDC有机认证标准》中提出的要求,结合多年从事奶源基地建设的实际经验,提出了在国内有机奶奶源基地建设理念,并在养殖工艺(包括引中、饲料、疾病防治等)、设施结构、环境控制(包括消毒隔离、粪污处理等)3个方面进行了研究与探讨;并就我国发展有机奶奶源基地建设中可能出现的问题以及解决办法进行了讨论,为我国发展有机奶奶源基地建设、走奶业可持续发展之路、生产优质安全的有机奶提供了一些切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

We have measured the input and output rates of substances to and from both lakes and watersheds in the Sudbury and Muskoka-Haliburton areas of Ontario. At the former location, we have conducted mass balance studies on 5 lakes and their watersheds for 2½ yrs. At the latter site, we have measured mass balances for 6 lakes and about 30 individual watersheds for the past 5 yrs. Substances studied included SO4 2?, NO3 ?, NH4 +, H+, major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) and HCO3 ?. During the course of the investigation at Sudbury we have made several observations that indicate that the inputs of some substances, specifically SO4 2? or SO4 2?-precursors and strong acids, to lakes and watersheds are underestimated when measured as bulk deposition (i.e. by collection in a continuously open container): (a) The output of SO4 2? from the calibrated watersheds was substantially greater than the input measured as bulk deposition. (b) The SO4 2? concentrations of the lakes could not be explained on the basis of the measured inputs. An additional input directly to the lake surface was needed to obtain a mass balance. (c) The net input of acids measured as bulk deposition to the watersheds was much less than the acid consumed, which was estimated by the net output of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Al3+, and the net retention of NO3 ?. (d) The major cation content of the study lakes could be explained on the basis of weathering reactions in the lakes' watersheds only if the input of strong acid had been underestimated. When these observations were quantified, they indicated a major portion of the total input of SO4 2?-precursors and of strong acid was not included in our bulk deposition measurements. Deposition of SO2 is the most likely explanation for these observations.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the stoichiometry of base cations (BCs, including K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) and silicon (Si) (BCs:Si) during soil mineral weathering is essential to accurately quantify soil acidification rates. The aim of this study was to explore the differences and influencing factors of BCs:Si values of different soil genetic horizons in a deep soil profile derived from granite with different extents of mineral weathering. Soil type was typic acidi-udic Argosol. Soil samples were collected from Guangzhou, China, which is located in a subtropical region. To ensure that the BCs and Si originated from the mineral weathering process, soil exchangeable BCs were washed with an elution treatment. The BCs:Si values during weathering were obtained through a simulated acid rain leaching experiment using the batch method. Results showed that soil physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties varied from the surface horizon to saprolite in the soil profile. The BCs:Si values of soil genetic horizons during weathering were 0.3-3.7. The BCs:Si value was 1.7 in the surface horizon (A), 1.1-3.7 in the argillic horizon (Bt), and 0.3-0.4 in the cambic (Bw) and transition (BC) horizons, as well as in horizon C (saprolite). The general pattern of BCs:Si values in the different horizons was as follows: Bt > A > Bw, BC, and C. Although BCs:Si values were influenced by weathering intensity, they did not correlate with the chemical index of alteration (CIA). The release amounts of Si and BCs are the joined impact of soil mineral composition and physical and chemical properties. A comprehensive analysis showed that the BCs:Si values of the soil derived from granite in this study were a combined result of the following factors: soil clay, feldspar, kaolinite, organic matter, pH, and CIA. The main controlling factors of BCs:Si in soils of different parent material types require extensive research. The wide variance of BCs:Si values in the deep soil profile indicated that H+ consumed by soil mineral weathering was very dissimilar in the soils with different weathering intensities derived from the same parent material. Therefore, the estimation of the soil acidification rate based on H+ biogeochemistry should consider the specific BCs:Si value.  相似文献   

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