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Maria Beger Hedley S. Grantham Kerrie A. Wilson Peter J. Mumby Daniel R. Brumbaugh 《Biological conservation》2010,143(3):565-130
Conservation plans are usually developed for regions that encompass only one environmental realm (terrestrial, freshwater or marine) because of logistical, institutional and political constraints. This is inadequate because these realms often interact through processes that form, utilize and maintain interfaces or connections, which are essential for the persistence of some species and ecosystem functions. We present a conceptual framework for systematic conservation prioritization that explicitly accounts for the connectivity between the terrestrial, marine, and freshwater realms. We propose a classification of this connectivity that encompasses: (1) narrow interfaces, such as riparian strips; (2) broad interfaces, such as estuaries; (3) constrained connections, such as corridors of native vegetation used by amphibians to move between natal ponds and adult habitat; and (4) diffuse connections, such as the movements of animals between breeding and feeding habitats. We use this taxonomy of inter-realm connectivity to describe existing and new spatial conservation prioritization techniques that aim to promote the persistence of processes that operate between realms. 相似文献
Enhanced Hg deposition to productive marine systems may result in concurrent increases in monomethyl Hg (MMHg) concentrations of marine fish. Consequently, it is important to understand what effects an increasing Hg supply may have on the marine food chain. A simple ocean model is employed to estimate the fraction of total Hg inputs which is required to sustain “average” marine fish MMHg concentrations annually. Calculations show that upwelling zones require 20% of total annual Hg inputs, coastal zones 5%, and open-ocean regions only 0.02%. The value for coastal areas is similar to that calculated for the acidified basin of Little Rock Lake, Wisconsin, a small fresh water seepage lake. These calculations point to Hg source strength and rates of particle scavenging as being key factors in controlling the rate of transport to sites of methylation (and subsequent entry into the marine food chain). If biological variables (scavenging rates, primary productivity) remain constant while anthropogenically-derived Hg deposition increases, it is likely that concentrations in marine biota (including fish) will rise in accord. 相似文献
The influence of trophic level as measured by δ15N on mercury concentrations in freshwater organisms
K. A. Kidd R. H. Hesslein R. J. P. Fudge K. A. Hallard 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1995,80(1-4):1011-1015
The relationship between mercury (Hg) concentrations in freshwater biota and trophic position, as defined by stable nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N), was examined in 6 lakes in northwestern Ontario. The heavier isotope of nitrogen (15N) increases an average of 3 parts per thousand (‰) from prey to predator and is used as a measure of an organism's trophic position. Dorsal muscle from lake trout, burbot, walleye, northern pike, white sucker, lake cisco, lake whitefish, and yellow perch was analyzed for Hg and δ15N using flameless atomic absorption and mass spectrometry respectively. Within each lake, log Hg was significantly related to δ15N (r 2 ranged from 0.47 to 0.91,P<0.01). For four species, yellow perch, northern pike, lake cisco, and lake trout, log Hg was positively related to δ15N (r 2 ranged from 0.37 to 0.47,P≤0.09) across all lakes. We also used δ15N measurements (assuming a 3‰ shift between an organism and its diet) and the developed within-lake regression equations to calculate a prey Hg for each individual fish. These food Hg values were then used to predict predator Hg using Norstromet al's bioenergetics model. Predicted results were strongly correlated to measured Hg concentrations (r=0.91,P<0.001), indicating that δ15N has potential to be used in modeling. 相似文献
Deposition of methylmercury (MeHg) and mercury (Hg) to a coniferous forest have been investigated using field measurements. Samples of open field (OF) wet deposition, throughfall (TF) and litterfall (LF) have been collected and analyzed for MeHg and Hg during the period November 1991 to April 1994. Average concentrations in TF were 22.8 and 0.38 ng L?1, for Hg and MeHg, respectively. Concentrations in OF precipitation were 11.9 and 0.37 ng L?1, for Hg and MeHg, respectively, during the same period. Considerable differences were found for Hg in TF and OF which was attributed to a dry deposition of Hg. Hg in LF contributes a deposition of equal size as in TF. The relations between OF, TF and total Hg deposition were approximately 1∶1,5∶3. A decrease in OF Hg was found over the three year period studied. MeHg deposition in OF was also found to decrease during the same period whereas the TF MeHg showed a slight increase. Dry deposition of MeHg is also an important process in a coniferous forest although the flux to the forest floor is not via TF but rather as MeHg in LF. 相似文献
Chaudhary Dhiraj Kumar Bailon Mark Xavier Kim Hwansuk Reible Danny Hong Yongseok 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2022,22(9):2578-2591
Journal of Soils and Sediments - In this study, the effectiveness of in situ sediment capping was investigated as a remediation option for total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in the... 相似文献
Y. H. Lee K. Bishop C. Pettersson Å. Iverfeldt B. Allard 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1995,80(1-4):455-465
The subcatchments of two tributaries and the headwater mire of the 50 ha Swartberget catchment were studied. Monthly sampling was conducted during 1993 on the two tributaries and at the outlet of a mire. This was complemented by more intensive sampling during spring flood and a rain-driven episode at the end of July. Samples were analyzed for total methylmercury (MeHg), total mercury (Hg-tot) and TOC. The MeHg and TOC content of water were also fractionated into humic and non-humic components. Outputs budgets based on continuous flow monitoring and monthly volume weighted average concentrations of MeHg/ Hg were calculated for the subcatchments of the two tributaries and the mire. There was a pronounced decline in MeHg concentrations at all sampling locations during the spring flood. A clear pattern of the seasonal variation in the MeHg outputs was evident at all three sampling locations. Minimum MeHg concentrations occurred during spring flood and increased during the summer to peak levels in the autumn before tapering off during the winter (except for at the mire). The mire had larger increases in MeHg concentrations during the summer and did not decline during the winter. The warmth and increased soil humidity may promote the biogeochemical processes, including methylation, demethylation which make MeHg available for export by runoff from the soil. Variations in Hg-tot concentrations were differed from MeHg in streams that there were increases in Hg-tot concentrations with flow during both spring flood and the July rain event in runoff from the forested tributaries. The highest outputs of both humic and non-humic MeHg occurred during summer from all subcatchments. Those high outputs extended into the autumn at the mire. The largest monthly output of Hg-tot was during the spring flood period and the next largest was during the period of summer rainfall. Despite the similarity in mineralogy and atmospheric deposition on the two tributary subcatchments, there was ca 30% larger ouput of MeHg per unit area from the tributary which had deeper riparian peats. The output of Hg-tot, however, was higher on the catchment with the shallower riparian peats. The difference in the geometry of the riparian zone may contribute to these differences in output. The annual output concentrations at the mire outlet of MeHg was 0.65 ng /L and of Hg-tot was 4.04 ng/L. In the main tributary MeHg was 0.42 ng/L and Hg-tot was 3.64 ng/L. In the Västrabäcken tributary, the mean MeHg concerntration was 0.25 ng/L and the Hg-tot concerntration was 4.02 ng/L. Among the three subcatchments the largest annual output fluxes of MeHg were from the mire, 0.16 g/km2*yr, the next from Kallkällbäcken below the mire, 0.12 g/km2*yr, and the lowest from Västrabäcken, 0.08 g/km2*yr. 相似文献
We have developed a methodology based on interactive ecotoxicological models —experimental ecosystems —, to quantify actions and interactions of abiotic and contamination factors, on bioaccumulation and transfer of Hg compounds (HgCl2 and CH3HgCl) in freshwater systems. The first stage in the research program is based on a three compartment system : water, natural sediment and rooted macrophytes. Several abiotic factors are considered (temperature, pH, photoperiod, light intensity), in relation to two contamination sources-water column and sediment. Among the many results obtained, Hg accumulation in aquatic plants from the water source reveals small differences between the two chemical forms of the metal, the ratios between Hg concentrations in the whole plants being close to 1.5, in favor of MeHg ; after contamination by the sediment source, these ratios are higher than 20, always in favor of MeHg. Comparative study of a very large number of ecotoxicological conditions, resulting from the crossing of two or three levels for the different abiotic and contamination factors taken into account, shows important interactions, especially between pH and temperature, with reference to Hg bioaccumulation. 相似文献
Several types of pollutants are currently entering the territorial waters of Kuwait from a variety of sources. Some pollutants, especially petrochemicals, are known to be potentially mutagenic and/or carcinogenic. Some of these chemical pollutants may enter the tissues of aquatic organisms and eventually the human body. The presence of such chemicals in the marine environment might create a serious health hazard. The marine environment of Kuwait was monitored for the presence of mutagenic chemicals using living organisms such as shrimp, clams and algae as bioindicators. These organisms were collected from selected sites within Kuwait territorial waters. Their tissues were extracted in ethanol and screened for genetically active chemicals by two standard bacterial assays, the Fluctuation Test and the Ames Test. Salmonella typhimurium TA98 was used as a tester strain. The data obtained from this study indicated that the shrimp, algae and clam samples were polluted with low concentration of frameshift mutagens. Due to the limited scope and nature of this study it was impossible to determine the source(s) of input or the chemical nature of these pollutants. 相似文献
In fall 1993, two intercomparisons were conducted with laboratories performing mercury (Hg) and methylmercury (CH3Hg) analysis in water. The first, conducted at the La Grande complex in northern Québec, involved two provincial universities and evaluated their respective sampling and analytical protocols. Some samples were spiked with a known amount of CH3HgCl and HgCl2 to evaluate the accuracy of the results. Samples preserved with HCl at pH<2 were analyzed up to 45 days after sampling without any change in the total Hg concentration. Filtration at the analytical lab of samples that had been previously frozen resulted in almost complete loss of Hg and CH3Hg. It is recommended that filtration, if required, should be performed at the sampling point. The second intercomparison examined only analytical performances and included a total of seven laboratories which analyzed two samples from the Experimental Lake Area, in Northwestern Ontario. The standard deviation was 24 and 14% in total Hg for the first five labs and 31 and 21% in CH3Hg for the first four labs. The average spike recovery in total Hg measured by three labs was 101±9%, but the two labs that performed spike recoveries on CH3Hg obtained variable results in one case and a constant negative bias in the other case. Standard addition on all samples is recommended to assure the accuracy of CH3Hg analysis. 相似文献
E. A. Henry L. J. Dodge-Murphy G. N. Bigham S. M. Klein C. C. Gilmour 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1995,80(1-4):509-517
A total mercury (total Hg) and methylmercury (CH3Hg) mass balance was developed for Onondaga Lake, NY, based on sampling of tributaries, sediments, water column, and biota in 1992. Thein situ flux of total Hg and CH3Hg from sediments to the overlying water and the rate of net CH3Hg production in the water column were determined experimentally. Fluxes from atmospheric deposition, groundwater, and volatilization were estimated from limited field data and the literature. Ultraclean sampling and analytical techniques developed specifically for Hg were used. Results indicate that tributaries contribute the majority of total Hg entering the lake (13.6 kg in 1992). Other sources of total Hg included groundwater flux (0.02 kg), atmospheric deposition (0.44 kg), and flux from sediments (0.056 kg). Net sedimentation (11.1 kg), outflow (2.8 kg), and volatilization (0.016 kg) were sinks for total Hg. The two major sources of CH3Hg were tributaries (0.26 kg) and net CH3Hg production in the water column (0.60 kg). Flux from sediments accounted for only 0.017 kg CH3Hg. Net sedimentation (0.47 kg), outflow (0.24 kg), and net uptake, by fish (0.20 kg) were sinks for CH3Hg. Gross sedimentation of CH3Hg exceeded net sedimentation by 90%, suggesting that release of CH3Hg from settling particles is a significant process. 相似文献
Zhong Shunqing Qiu Guangle Feng Xinbin Lin Cynthia Bishop Kevin 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2018,18(2):578-585
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Much attention is directed to the accumulation of mercury and methylmercury (MeHg) in rice grown on Hg-contaminated paddy fields, since they pose a risk to the... 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(11):1385-1397
Abstract The profile distribution of total, DTPA‐ and 0.1N HCl‐extractable Cu was determined in 11 Nigerian soil profiles formed from various parent materials including the coastal plain sands, shales, basalt, granite and banded gneiss. Total Cu ranged from 7 to 72 ppm with a mean of 35 ppm0 The soils formed from basalt had the highest values while those on coastal plains had the least content. Generally, there was a higher content in the subsoils than in the surface horizons. The total Cu significantly correlated with percent clay and the free oxide contents of Fe and Mn. DTPA ‐ and 0.1N HCl‐extractable Cu ranged from 0.08 to 2.81 ppm and 0.10 to 7.78 ppm, respectively. Soils on metamorphic rocks gave the highest values of DTPA‐extractable Cu. The DTPA‐extractable Cu ‐was only related to pH but the acid extractable Cu was associated with total Cu, clay, free Fe2O3 and MnO2 contents. 相似文献
Cocking Dean Hayes Robert King Mary Lou Rohrer Mary Jane Thomas Ronald Ward Deanna 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1991,57(1):159-170
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Aquatic Hg contamination extending more than 200 km along the South River, South Fork of the Shenandoah River, and Shenandoah River in western VA has been... 相似文献
A study of total Hg (Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) was performed in a 40 mgd capacity municipal sewage treatment plant in which elemental Hg was used as a seal in 3 trickling filter center columns. Each seal contains several hundred kg of Hg. The seals have leaked repeatedly over time, prompting the current remediation study and ongoing replacement of the Hg seals with mechanical seals. A mass balance conducted three times while the seals were in place showed that the plant acted as a net source of both Hg and MeHg during normal operation. The average amount of Hg released in sludge plus effluent was 157 g Hg and 0.4g MeHg/d. Of this total, 138 g Hg and 0.3 g MeHg were in excess of influent wastewater, and were contributed by the WTP itself. About 95% of the total Hg was released in sludge, with only 6 to 7 g/d released to the receiving water body. However, on average, about 70% of the MeHg leaving the plant was released to the river. Effluent MeHg concentrations were 4–6 ng/L. The plant components that acted as the major sources of both total and MeHg within the plant were the trickling filters (TFs). Metallic Hg accidentally lost from the center column seals has accumulated in the rock filter media and underbedding of the tricking filters. MeHg production across the TFs was positively related to the Hg concentration in each of the TFs. A substantial fraction of the total Hg but not of MeHg was lost to sludge in each settling step. About 50% of the remaining MeHg appeared to be degraded during the tertiary aeration step. 相似文献
W. A. Maher 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1986,29(1):77-84
Trace metal concentrations were measured in the tissues of fish, molluscs, crustaceans and macrophytes from St. Vincent Gulf, South Australia. The concentrations of the measured metals (Cd < 0.025 to 2.1 μg g?1; Cu 0.51 to 9l μg g?1 5 Pb 0.02 to 3.6 ?g g?1; Zn l5 to 110 μg g?1)are similar to those from unpolluted areas and thus give no indication of pollution. 相似文献
Theoretical advances in systematic reserve design aim to promote the efficient use of limited conservation resources and to increase the likelihood that reserve networks enhance the persistence of valued species and ecosystems. However, these methods have rarely been applied to species that rely on spatially disjunct habitats. We used the marbled murrelet, a seabird that requires old-growth forest in which to nest and high quality marine habitats in which to forage, as a case study to explore methods of incorporating multiple ecological values into single species spatial reserve design. Specifically, we used the cost function in MARXAN to include the ecological value of marine habitats while identifying spatial solutions for terrestrial nesting habitat reserves. Including marine values influenced terrestrial reserve designs most when terrestrial habitat targets were low and little or none of the target was represented in pre-existing protected areas. Our results suggest that including marine values in the planning process will influence marbled murrelet terrestrial reserve designs most where substantial terrestrial nesting habitat still exists, where new reserves are relatively unconstrained by pre-existing reserves, or when conservation resources only allow the protection of a small fraction of available habitat. This paper presents a novel framework for incorporating multiple measures of ecological value in the spatial reserve design process and should be particularly useful for species that rely on multiple habitats during their life cycle. 相似文献
Daily intake of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead by consumption of edible marine species 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Falcó G Llobet JM Bocio A Domingo JL 《Journal of agricultural and food chemistry》2006,54(16):6106-6112
The daily intake of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb) through the consumption of 14 edible marine species by the general population of Catalonia, Spain, was estimated. Health risks derived from this intake were also assessed. In March-April 2005, samples of sardine, tuna, anchovy, mackerel, swordfish, salmon, hake, red mullet, sole, cuttlefish, squid, clam, mussel, and shrimp were randomly acquired in six cities of Catalonia. Concentrations of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb were determined by ICP-MS. On the basis of recent fish and seafood consumption data, the daily intake of these elements was calculated for eight age/sex groups of the population. The highest As concentrations were found in red mullet, 16.6 microg/g of fresh weight, whereas clam and mussel (0.14 and 0.13 microg/g of fresh weight, respectively) were the species with the highest Cd levels. In turn, swordfish (1.93 microg/g of fresh weight) and mussel and salmon (0.15 and 0.10 microg/g of fresh weight) showed the highest concentrations of Hg and Pb, respectively. The highest metal intake through fish and seafood consumption corresponded to As (217.7 microg/day), Cd (1.34 microg/day), and Pb (2.48 microg/day) for male seniors, whereas that of Hg was observed in male adults (9.89 microg/day). The daily intake through fish and seafood consumption of these elements was compared with the provisional tolerable weekly intakes (PTWI). The intakes of As, Cd, Pb, and total Hg by the population of Catalonia were below the respective PTWI values. However, the estimated intake of methylmercury for boys, 1.96 microg/kg/week, was over the PTWI. 相似文献
Mercury concentrations were determined in liver, kidney and muscle of belugas, narwhal, whitebeaked dolphins, pilot whales, ringed seals, harp seals and walrus. Tissue collections and analyses were performed largely over the past 10 years. Sampling sites ranged across the Canadian Arctic from the Mackenzie Delta and Banks Island in the west, Grise Fjord in the north, the Atlantic coast in the east and south. High Hg levels in the liver of ringed seals from the western Arctic, collected in 1987 and 1988 were similar to previously-reported values for ringed seals collected in 1973 and 1972 from the same area. Comparison among different marine mammal species showed substantial inherent differences in Hg levels among different species. White-beaked dolphins and walrus had much less Hg than pilot whales. A comparison of Hg levels in ringed seals from locations across the Arctic and Hudson Bay showed that Hg was generally higher in ringed seals from the western than the eastern Arctic, indicating a possible influence of the different geological settings in the eastern and western Arctic. The effect of age was considered in these comparisons. A similar, but less pronounced effect was noted for belugas, with some possible anthropogenic influence on animals in Hudson Bay. The spatial trend in Hg levels in animals appeared to be largely present-day background concentration reflecting geological differences between the eastern and western Arctic. Higher Hg concentration were present in surficial sediments and coastal waters in the western Arctic than the eastern Arctic in accord with the Hg trend observed in seals and belugas. 相似文献
The vertical distribution of Hg in sediment cores from a range of hard- and soft-water lakes in Wisconsin was evaluated in terms of potential sources of Hg during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. For the Madison lakes, the trends in Hg distribution were related to variations in sewage inputs during the last 80 yr. It is unlikely that either inputs of sewage or erosional products are responsible for the observed accumulation of Hg in the most recent sediments from three lakes in northeastern Wisconsin. Background levels varied from 0.01 to 0.24 ppm of Hg (intact sediment basis) in precultural sediments from the Wisconsin lakes investigated. There was no consistent relationship between the concentration of Hg and other sediment components of potential importance in the retention of Hg. 相似文献