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Morphology of the surface of apical membranes of ependymal cells has been studied in the whole ventricular system of the brain in goat and sheep fetuses using a scanning electron microscope. The surface structure of the ependymal lining surface in fetuses of small ruminants is very similar to that in adult animals. Supraependymal cells were found only in the lower part of the third cerebral ventricle in goat fetuses, but not in sheep fetuses. In small ruminants the ependymal surface is already regionally differentiated within the end of the first half of prenatal development. Fetal ependyma of goats and sheep, unlike the adult ependyma, is characterized by a high secretory activity, which is independent of sex or age of fetuses.  相似文献   

The dorsal lingual surfaces of adult owl (Strix uralensis) were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The length of the tongue was about 2 cm. The tip of the tongue of the owl was bifid. Three parts were distinguished in the tongue of the owl: the apex, the body and the root of the tongue. The conical region between the lingual apex and lingual root was a very wide area. There were thread‐shaped processes/cells of epithelium in the lingual apex. The small or large conical papillae were observed on the lingual body. The many openings of the lingual glands existed in the lingual body and lingual root.  相似文献   

This study aims to show the distribution and the three-dimensional structure of the lingual papillae in the arctic fox. The macro- and microscopic structure of the tongue and its lingual papillae was studied in 11 adult arctic foxes. Two types of mechanical papillae were distinguished on the dorsal surface of the tongue – filiform papillae and conical papillae. The gustatory papillae in the arctic fox are represented by fungiform, vallate and foliate papillae. The keratinized filiform papillae on the anterior part of tongue are composed of one big posterior process accompanied by 10–12 secondary anterior processes. The number of anterior processes of filiform papillae undergo a complete reduction within the area between the posterior part of the body of the tongue and area of the vallate papillae. The conical papillae cover the whole dorsal surface of the root of the tongue, including the lateral parts surrounding the area of the vallate papillae and the posterior part of the root. The size of the conical papillae increases towards the root of the tongue but their density decreases. In the arctic fox, there are three pairs of vallate papillae distributed on the plan of a triangle. The diameter of vallate papillae in each successive pair is bigger. The wall surrounding the body of the vallate papilla and its gustatory trench is composed of six to eight conical papillae joined at various degree. The foliate papillae on both margins of the tongue consist of seven to nine laminae.  相似文献   

The study of lingual surfaces and the surface of interface epithelium-connective tissue of the tongue of Bradypus torquatus was performed by employing the light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The results revealed that the rostral part of the tongue presents a round apex and covered by filiform and fungiform lingual papillae and a ventral smooth surface. It was observed that the epithelial layer of the dorsal surface possesses the basal, spinosum, granular and cornified epithelial cells. The lamina propria is characterized by a dense connective tissue forming the long, short and round papillae. Numerous typical filiform papillae are located especially in the rostral part intermingled for few fungiform papillae, which were revealed in three-dimensional SEM images. Usually, the fungiform papillae are located in the border of rostral apex of the tongue exhibiting the rounded form. They are covered by keratinized epithelial cells. In the fungiform papillae, several taste pores were observed on the surface. The vallate papillae presented numerous taste buds in the wall of epithelial cells, being that the major number of taste buds is located on the superior half of vallate papilla. The taste pores are surrounded by several laminae of keratinized epithelial cells. The samples treated with NaOH solution and examined by SEM revealed, after removal of the epithelial layer, the dense connective core in original disposition, presenting different sizes and shapes. The specimens stained with Picrosirius and examined by polarized light microscopy revealed the connective tissue, indicating the collagen fibres type I and type III.  相似文献   

藏山羊研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究对分布在青藏高原地区的藏山羊,定点进行了系统研究。结果表明,藏山羊盛产山羊绒,西藏那曲成年公羊平均为253.0g,母羊为233.2g;四川德格相应为128.8g和75.9g。绒纤维物理性能好,两地母羊绒纤维细度分别相应为16.02μm和14.19μm,伸直长度为5.27cm和5.10cm。并兼具有板皮品质优良,有一定的产肉性能,暖季抓膘能力强,肉的品质好的特点。藏山羊群体内个体生产性能差异甚大,产乳和繁殖性能较低,尚需加强选育提高。同时,应改善饲养管理条件,提高饲养水平,以发挥其生产潜力。  相似文献   

辽宁绒山羊改良新疆山羊的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验用辽宁绒山羊与新疆母山羊进行杂交改良,经过9年多的工作,取得了大量数据,证明杂交改良效果好,改良羊与父母本的适应性一样强,杂交羊的产绒量有了明显的提高。杂交1代、2代、3代周岁母羊产绒量分别比当地山羊高76.22克、114.65克、131.05克;分别提高53.99%、81.21%、92.82%,各组平均抓绒量间有极显著的差异(P<0.01)。这项研究结果对提高我区山羊生产将会起到积极作用,具有一定的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

德江山羊是贵州省皮肉兼用的地方优良品种 ,具有早熟、繁殖力高、板皮质量好等优点。但个体小、产肉性能差。为提高德江山羊生产性能 ,承地区行署的重视支持 ,1999年 6~ 9月先后引进了波尔山羊公羊 5只 ,在煎茶镇长寓坨部分农户和覃大才羊场、堰塘乡关口村张家、关家屋基组部分农户 ,组建了 3个波尔山羊改良点 ,开展了波尔山羊的杂交改良试验 ,现报道如下1 试验材料和方法1 1 供试羊群 :分别在关口、长寓坨两个点各选择体型外貌、生长发育及个体基本相近的本地未孕经产母羊 44只 ,按年龄结构比例随机分为对照和试验组 (见表 1) ,每组 2 2…  相似文献   

山羊心脏淋巴系的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在40例山羊心外膜下多点注入30%普鲁士蓝氯仿溶液,解剖观察心脏淋巴管及其淋巴流向;选择注射较好的心脏标本制成透明铺片,镜下观察测定淋巴管管径,并摄影记录。结果表明,山羊心脏的毛细淋巴管起自一盲端,并吻合成淋巴管丛,淋巴管有瓣膜,粗细不均。三级淋巴管汇入锥旁室间沟或冠状沟附近的四级淋巴管。四级淋巴管汇合成淋巴干,山羊心脏的淋巴干分2种类型,即双干型与单干型。淋巴干一般注入气管支气管左淋巴结,有时右淋巴干直接注入胸导管。心房壁薄,淋巴管比心室少而细  相似文献   

山羊卵母细胞孤雌激活及孤雌胚的体外培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了比较不同的激活方法对卵母细胞孤雌激活的影响,以及培养液(CR1aa)中添加不同类型的血清对孤雌激活胚体外发育的影响。采用Eth 6-DMAP、A23187 6-DMAP和Ion 6-DMAP三种方法激活山羊卵母细胞,Eth 6-DMAP组孤雌激活胚的卵裂率和囊胚率(35.2%和4.8%)显著低于A23187 6-DMAP组(68.9%和24.1%)和Ion 6-DMAP组(88.1%和48.0%),表明以Ion 6-DMAP激活最为理想。在培养液(CR1aa)与颗粒细胞共同培养条件下,分别添加100 mL/L的发情牛血清(OCS)、胎牛血清(FBS)和新生牛血清(NCS)。添加OCS和FBS后,孤雌胚囊胚率分别为48.1%和45.0%,显著高于添加NCS组(26.0%)。表明OCS、FBS和NCS能有效的提高孤雌胚的体外发育能力,尤其是对提高孤雌胚的囊胚发育能力更佳。  相似文献   

以安哥拉山羊、建昌黑山羊、一代羊(F1)、二代羊(F2)、三代羊(F3)、二代与三代同质个体横交后代(H)为供试羊只,采用形态遗传标记、生化遗传标记和分子遗传标记确定安哥拉山羊改良建昌黑山羊生产马海毛的横交方案。结果:F2、F3 和H白色毛被分别为93 5%、100%和100%,毛被同质和基本同质个体分别为27 7%、70 2%和65 3%;成年羊产毛量随代数增加而增加,但F3 和H与F2,H 与F3 公、母羊分别对应比较,差异均不显著(P>0 05)。成年羊体重F1 和F2 增加,杂种优势明显,但F3 母羊则不显著(P>0 05),H还有下降(P>0 05)。平均基因杂合度和一致度安哥拉山羊、建昌黑山羊、F3、H分别为0 113 1 和0 886 9, 0 062 1 和0 937 9, 0 110 3 和0 889 7, 0 110 4和0 889 6。安哥拉山羊与F3 和H的遗传距离小,分别为0 003 9和0 004 0,遗传相似系数大,相应为0 996 1、0 996 0。群体内谱带相似系数,安哥拉山羊、F2、F3 和H分别为0 454 0,0 407 6,0 611 3 和0 610 9。且F3 和H均极显著大于安哥拉山羊(P<0 01)。综合研究表明,可在F2 和F3 代中选择理想同质个体进行横交。  相似文献   

This work was conducted to describe the morphological characters of the tongue of Egyptian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). The lingual root and the dorsal middle region of apex and body in addition to the dorsal and ventral surface of lingual tip were devoided from any fungiform papillae. The lingual tip contains conical papillae only. The ventral surface of lingual apex was divided into two portions by the U‐shaped fungiform line into papillary and non‐papillary region. Histological investigation on the lingual surface epithelium and lamina propria submucosa reflects differences in these layers in different parts of the tongue. By SEM, there are two subtypes of filiform papillae: caudally directed papillae on dorsal surface and rostrally directed papillae on the lateral region of ventral surface of lingual apex. There are two subtypes of conical papillae: small slightly rostrally directed papillae on dorsal and ventral surface of lingual tip and large posteromedially directed papillae on dorsal surface of lingual root. The rounded circumvallate papillae consisted of round bulb surrounded by deep circular groove, which surrounded by circular pad. Higher magnification of filiform papillae indicates the presence of microcrests separated by microgrooves, and these microgrooves consisted of microrodes. The fungiform surface having micropores on the tip of elevated tubercle for taste buds pores. All these observed structures (microcrests, microgrooves, microrodes, tubercles, microridges) in a higher magnification allow animals to transport food particles through the oral cavity and help in the defensive behaviour. There are strong correlations between the tongue anatomical characteristics and its functions.  相似文献   

The external morphology of the papillae linguales (papillae filiformes, papillae fungiformes and papillae vallatae) and their connective tissue cores (CTCs) of the greater Japanese shrew‐mole (Urotrichus talpoides) were analysed by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Papillae filiformes were distributed over the dorsal surface of the apex linguae, and on the rostral and caudal regions of the corpus linguae but were less numerous in the mid‐region. They were absent from the radix linguae. A pair of oval papillae vallatae was situated at the border between the corpus linguae and the radix linguae. Papillae foliatae were absent. The epithelial surface of each papilla filiformis consisted of a circular concavity, a ring‐like wall and either a single thumb‐like process or 2–3 slender pointed processes, depending on their location. The morphology of the CTCs of the papillae filiformes also varied regionally. The papillae linguales of the Japanese shrew‐mole were morphologically similar to those of other Talpidae and Soricidae, including the common shrew, particularly with respect to the papillae filiformes in the mid‐ and caudal regions of the corpus linguae.  相似文献   

在重庆市万州区研制、改造楼式羊舍,推广退耕还林地种草和舍养羊综合技术。并测定羊舍的小气候环境,舍养羊的草料消耗量、粪污排放量,比较研究山羊舍养羊与放牧饲养的生长、繁殖、疫病、养殖效益和对生态的影响,为三峡库区等地推广示范提供依据。  相似文献   

本文分别以低硒日粮和加硒日粮喂饲实验母奶山羊,并对实验母羊后代肌肉注射0和0.2mg/kg体重的亚硒酸钠,进行缺硒病研究。结果表明,母羊和羔羊对低硒营养均有明显的应答反应。应用低硒日粮喂饲奶山羊60天以后可引起发病,母羊和羔羊的发病率分别为50%和85.7%,死亡率为50%和71.4%。被检的17种器官组织含硒水平的组间比较均呈显著差异(P<0.05、0.01或0.001)。血硒和被毛硒水平的变化出现较早,其测定结果可作为奶山羊缺硒病的早期诊断指标。  相似文献   

中国山羊生物气候规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用我国山羊品种资源调查资料,对山羊生物学特性的地理分布与气候条件之间关系进行了研究,建立了山羊生物气候模式。  相似文献   

山羊超数排卵处理后排卵时间的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本试验以江苏地方山羊为材料,经FSH超数排卵后,在发情后不同时间屠宰母山羊,并冲洗输卵管获取卵子。试验中发现山羊的排卵时间为发情开始后18~20小时,排卵时部分卵子尚未完成第1次成熟分裂。  相似文献   

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