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致命的诱惑极致诱惑诱惑你的味蕾诱惑你的胃幸福是一种健康的香味美滋美味胡吃海塞尽美味嘴馋肚歪坏肠胃  相似文献   

一、合理使用诱惑气味的作用与意义,诱惑气味是在警犬搜爆训练中,用于增加搜索难度,提高警犬搜索能力不可或缺的训练手段。能够较好地在搜索过程中排除诱惑气味干扰,准确无误锁定嗅源客体,是检验警犬搜爆是否具备实战作业能力的重要依据。  相似文献   

充分利用警犬的特殊功能与各种刑事犯罪破坏活动作斗争,同时预防犯罪和揭露犯罪、提供诉讼证据、为维护社会治安服务,是警犬技术工作的中心工作。面对当前突发事件、暴力案件逐步升级,犯罪手段日趋狡猾、多变、残忍,证据信息易逝性、危害结果速扩性的严峻形势,如何充分发挥警犬技术的作用,为侦查破案服务,是每一位  相似文献   

"灯红酒绿是温柔陷阱,鲜花掌声能冲昏头脑"。每个人身边都有多种多样的诱惑,金钱、名利、富贵和美色。它具有一种神秘的吸引力,引诱别人走入歧途。做为一名采油队的基层干部来说,身边的显性诱惑和  相似文献   

目前,工业化生产的鱼饲料营养已很全面。但大部分饲料未被鱼吞食而沉入水底,造成浪费。如果饲料中拌入适量的诱惑剂来吸引鱼的摄食,则可解决这个问题。最好的诱惑剂是甜菜碱,即从甜菜加工副产品中提取的苷氨酸三甲丙脂。 在国外甜菜碱早已作为水产饲料的有效成分使用,它是新一代化学引诱剂的主要成分之一,是一种结晶状的生物碱化合物。  相似文献   

传统的刑事犯罪侦查工作中存在讯问方式简单粗暴、非法取证、超期羁押嫌疑人、对嫌疑人的权利告知流于形式、限制律师会见等问题,新《刑事诉讼法》修改对非法证据排除规则的确立,使得传统的职务犯罪侦查模式受到冲击。检察机关应当在更新侦查手段、注重证据转化等方面加以改进,注重保障人权,不断加强对职务犯罪的查办力度。  相似文献   

目前,工业化生产的鱼饵料营养很全面,但很多颗粒饵料未被鱼吞食而沉入池底,因此造成了浪费。在饵料中掺入微量诱惑剂来  相似文献   

李永祥 《警犬》2011,(7):32-34
充分利用警犬的特殊功能与各种刑事犯罪破坏活动作斗争,同时预防犯罪和揭露犯罪、提供诉讼证据、为维护社会治安服务,是警犬技术工作的中心工作。面对当前突发事件、暴力案件逐步升级,犯罪手段日趋狡猾、多变、残忍,证据信息易逝性、危害结果速扩性的严峻形势,如何充分发挥警犬技术的作用,为侦查破案服务,是每一位带犬民警要研究的重要课题。十多年来,通过警犬技术在命案侦破中的运用,我的感受很深,  相似文献   

辨认是公安机关刑事侦查常用的措施,辨认笔录也成为刑事诉讼中一种重要的证据。在司法实践中,由于辨认规则的不规范、不完善而出现冤假错案,或者使辨认成为一种补全证据的刻意行为。分析我国公安机关侦查辨认现状及存在的问题,有助于辨认规则的完善和刑事侦查工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   

正一、"合成战"的概念解读"合成战"是公安部于2010年9月在黑龙江召开的全国公安机关刑侦工作座谈会上提出的。会议提出,全国刑侦部门在当前及今后一个时期要以打好"合成战、科技战、信息战、证据战"为重点,大力推进侦查方式的转变创新,努力实现"多破案、快破案、办好案"的目标。所以,"合成战"应该是指在侦查领域侦查活动中,由多种侦查资源和力量参与,借助一定的指挥体系、工作制度、  相似文献   

侦查监督作为检察机关法律监督职能的一部分.对刑事诉讼活动的正常运行至关重要。但在司法实践中,侦查监督却存在诸多问题,如立案监督缺乏操作机制与程序保障、撤案监督无章可循以及强制措施监督缺乏等。要解决以上问题,发挥侦查监督的保障作用。文中认为通过建立刑事立案备案、撤案备查及强制措施的事后备查制度,赋予检察机关一定的机动侦查权,检察机关当前面临的问题与困境能得到很好地解决。  相似文献   

A lateral radiograph of the pharyngeal region provides a technique for identifying pharyngeal disorders, including entrapment of the epiglottic cartilage and dorsal displacement of the soft palate. Epiglottic cartilage length, predicted from radiographs by measurement from the body of the thyroid cartilage to the tip of the epiglottis (thyroepiglottic length), was well correlated to actual length at postmortem examination (r2 = 0.98). Thyroepiglottic length, corrected for magnification, was 8.76 +/- 0.44 cm in 24 healthy Thoroughbreds. Nine Thoroughbreds with entrapment of the epiglottic cartilage and 6 with dorsal displacement of the soft palate had significantly short thyroepiglottic lengths--6.59 +/- 0.33 cm and 6.43 +/- 0.40 cm, respectively. The nasopharyngeal diameter of the Thoroughbreds with dorsal displacement of the soft palate was significantly less than the nasopharyngeal diameter of healthy Thoroughbreds. There was no significant difference between healthy and abnormal Thoroughbreds for pharyngoepiglottic, laryngeal, or tracheal measurements as determined from the lateral radiographs. The head should be placed in a normal resting position to obtain the pharyngeal radiograph. Maximum dorsiflexion of the head significantly increased the pharyngoepiglottic distance, whereas maximum ventriflexion significantly decreased this distance. The nasopharyngeal diameter during dorsiflexion was significantly greater than during ventriflexion. This investigation documented that a lateral pharyngeal radiograph provides important diagnostic information for evaluating suspected pharyngeal disorders in Thoroughbreds with airway obstruction of the cranial part of the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

魏雯 《草地学报》2014,22(2):249-254
综合运用3S技术和实地调查的方法,对太仆寺旗1986—2009年间的土地利用变化情况进行分析,探讨土地利用变化背景下生态服务价值量的变化,以及土地利用变化对生态环境产生的影响。结果表明:1986—2009年,研究区林地和建设用地面积有所增加,其中林地面积增长速度最快;而耕地、草地和水域面积均有所减少。土地利用变化引起了生态环境的改变,对生态服务价值也产生了一定的影响。研究时段内生态服务价值呈上升的趋势。从不同土地利用类型来看,林地的生态服务价值增长最快,对总的生态服务价值贡献最大;从各单项服务功能价值来看,气体调节、气候调节、土壤形成与保护、生物多样性保护、原材料及娱乐文化功能价值持续增加,主要得益于退耕还林(草)政策的实施。2000年以来,研究区植被状况得到了明显改善,但区域所面临的土地退化和干旱缺水等主要生态问题还未得到根本解决,生态服务功能还未完全改善和恢复。在今后的生态环境建设中,应该结合研究区的实际情况,综合考虑各种因素,对土地资源进行合理的配置。  相似文献   

运用层层推进的逻辑方法,逐步论证了知识产权犯罪的罪过形式只能是故意,不可能是间接故意,只能是直接故意但可能存在非典型的直接故意,最后阐述了准确把握罪过形式的理论与实践意义.  相似文献   

A variety of treatment strategies for nephrosplenic entrapment of the large colon are reported, with conflicting evidence in the published literature as to the preferred treatment option. The aim of this study is to provide a systematic meta-analytical assessment of the efficacy of different treatment strategies in horses with confirmed or suspected nephrosplenic entrapment. This study involves meta-analysis including nonrandomized studies. A comprehensive literature search was performed from January 1970 to January 2017. Inclusion criteria were retrospective studies involving horses with confirmed and suspected nephrosplenic entrapment. A meta-analysis was performed using a random effects model, with the effect size calculated as an odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. Statistical significance was P < .05. Out of 84 peer reviewed publications that met the search criteria, 19 relevant studies were identified. Using an OR as the effect size, the meta-analysis noted that the choice of medical or surgical therapy had no statistically significant effect on survival (P = .134). Patients treated via the rolling technique were no more likely to resolve with medical management than those treated via jogging (P = .187). Patients treated with phenylephrine were no more likely to exhibit medical resolution than patients that did not receive phenylephrine, either when all medical treatment methods were considered (P = .290), or when rolling under general anesthesia was used (P = .331). Treatment strategy, including medical versus surgical therapy, does not affect the likelihood of resolution of nephrosplenic entrapment. However, the lack of randomized trials means the results should be treated with caution and case selection remains important..  相似文献   

炭疽是一种危害较大的人兽共患传染病.《炭疽防治技术规范》要求,出现人感染病例后,需要制定调查方案,实施畜间炭疽紧急流行病学调查.调查方案制定时,应确定调查的目的、范围、方式、时限,以及采样数量、检测方法、实施要求等.实施调查时,应先划定区域,基于风险抽样,以减少工作量,同时做好个人防护和车辆消毒工作;及早申请公安部门介...  相似文献   

Future competition horses may suffer from health impairments due to complex or partial genetic components as well as to management faults in respects to keeping, feeding and health prophylaxis against infectious diseases. This health risks exist during the whole rearing period: from late pregnancy till far beyond weaning. Health impairments reduce trade value and practical use, and interfere with aspects of animal protection. In the field of breeding permission, first in stallions, applied research ist needed. For horse farms a praxis-oriented comprehensive advisory service should be established.  相似文献   

Transendoscopic laser axial division of epiglottic entrapment can be performed in the standing horse with sedation and a local anesthetic, obviating the need for general anesthesia. The diode or Nd:YAG laser energy can be transmitted via a flexible fiber through the biopsy channel of the videoendoscope and can provide excellent cutting and hemostasis. Division of the membrane is performed with controlled strokes over the dorsal aspect of the membrane from the caudal edge of the entrapment toward the rostral tip, until the epiglottis is freed. Approximately 1,000 to 3,000 J are required to perform the procedure. Postoperative management consists of antimicrobial and systemic, as well as local anti-inflammatory, medication. The horse will require approximately 2 weeks of convalescence before returning to exercise.  相似文献   

我国现行的有关野生动物保护的刑事司法解释颁布于2000年,至今未做调整。在2016年修订了野生动物保护法情况下,该司法解释在两个关键问题上亟待修改。一是应当确定野生动物的法律内涵,明确并非所有人工驯养繁殖动物均属于野生动物。其标准在于其遗传结构和生活习性是否仍保持野生种群的特征;二是需要明确即便有部分人工驯养繁殖动物属于野生动物,也应当与真正的野生动物区别对待。二者在定罪量刑的标准上应有所不同,以保证司法公平正义的实现。  相似文献   

This paper provides an investigation into some of the key practical issues for minimizing the cost of DNA testing. Previous studies focused on maximizing the utility of genotyping by prioritizing individuals for genotyping. For logistical reasons, individuals may have to be genotyped in groups rather than individually, and the best group to genotype is expected to differ from the same-sized group chosen when individuals are genotyped sequentially. In a calibration step, simulated populations and full knowledge of genotypes were used to discover the best group(s) to genotype. The characteristics of these groups were then targeted in an optimization step, using normally available information for group formation in targeted populations. Contrasts were made among predictive indices for: (i) individuals, with genotyping between each individual; (ii) individuals, with genotyping occurring group-at-a-time; and (iii) groups, using group variables as criteria. The results of this investigation allow the determination of the value of moving from individual to group genotyping, reveal the favourable attributes of individuals for group formation, and lead to methods to form groups for genotyping. The approach used has applications in reducing genotyping costs in both experimental and commercial populations for both quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection and monitoring.  相似文献   

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