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一、抓好防疫工作是预防畜禽传染病的根本 加入世贸组织后,我国的肉食品必须按照国际标准生产、加工,这就需要我们攻克一系列的技术难关,尤其是在保证畜产品质量及减少药物残留等方面,否则,就无法与国际同行业竞争.  相似文献   

朝鲜农业科学院兽医学研究所的研究人员最近开发出能够预防猪传染病的高效能疫苗。 据朝鲜中央通讯社报道,新开发的疫苗主要预防猪感染大肠菌性肠毒血症。大肠菌性肠毒血症具有很强的传染性,猪感染后会很快死亡。目前世界上尚没有治疗这种病的药物,而只有采取预防的方法。  相似文献   

单妹 《中国猪业》2007,(9):38-39
疫苗是预防畜禽传染病的有效措施,但是由于许多养殖户对疫苗知识了解的不多,往往不能有效的使用疫苗,不仅影响了疫苗的使用效价还可能延误预防时间,造成不必要的损失。为了使广大养殖户能进一步做好防疫工作,现将疫苗使用中的一些注意事项,介绍如下:[第一段]  相似文献   

新病原微生物的出现.新病原微生物的出现导致了传染病新病种的出现和流行。新的病原微生物主要来自两个方面:(1)自然界固有的致突变因素以及放射源、抗菌药物、生物防治和生活中应用的化学物质均可能成为微生物的诱变因素,导致新的致病性突变微生物的出现和流行;(2)日益广泛的基因工程研究(基因重组、质粒转移、细菌杂交等)  相似文献   

冬季传染病的预防是畜禽安全生产中的全面、系统的任务。冬季天气寒冷,畜禽要安全越冬,为保持理想的经济效益,必须采取严格的预防措施,控制畜禽传染病的发生。1贯彻预防为主的方针现代畜禽生产面临着饲养环境污染,流通范围扩大,饲养管理不完善的现实问题。生产经营者必须  相似文献   

张伟 《家禽辑要》1992,8(3):50-50

了解疫苗、正确使用疫苗是预防畜禽传染病的有效措施,但是由于许多农牧民朋友对疫苗的知识了解不多,往往不能正确选用、使用疫苗,影响了养殖业的发展。为了使广大养殖户尽快了解和掌握疫苗的知识,做好畜禽疾病的防疫工作,保证养殖业健康、稳定的发展,故对此做一简单的论述。  相似文献   

农户养殖畜禽由于规模小.防疫意识不强.加之饲养管理不善.防治措施不力.技术水平不高,往往引起畜禽传染病的发生.从而造成经济损失。因此,农户养殖畜禽做好疫病的预防应主要做好以下几点。  相似文献   

目前,部分农村地区的兽药市场还不很规范,兽药来源比较复杂,养殖户稍有不慎,就有可能用到假药、劣质药、过期药或淘汰药.为了增加养殖户对兽药的维权知识,保护广大养殖者的利益,笔者根据自己从事兽药技术服务工作多年的经验,提醒养殖户在购买兽药时,应注意以下几个方面的问题.严格把关.  相似文献   

高致病性禽流感的防控工作涉及到免疫、消毒灭源、禽类及其产品检疫、疫情处置、饲养管理等诸多环节,但长期的实践证明,人是决定性因素,其关键还在于防控工作的责任管理。多年来,我市通过不断的探索和完善,积累了一定的实践经验,也为确保防控效果发挥出了明显的作用。  相似文献   

SUMMARY An inactivated porcine parvovirus (PPV) vaccine for the prevention of PPV-induced reproductive failure in pigs was developed, using virus grown in cell culture, inactivated with beta-propiolactone and adjuvanted with aluminium hydroxide. The vaccine was tested for safety by subcutaneous injection into pregnant gilts. There were no signs of abnormal reactions nor evidence of PPV infection in the gilts or their foetuses when they were sacrificed 6 weeks after vaccination. To demonstrate that the vaccine was immunogenic, pigs were immunised either once or twice with 4 weeks between doses. Resulting antibody titres (haemagglutination inhibition — HAI) ranged from < 8 to 64 (geometric mean of 30) after one dose of vaccine, and from 128 to 512 (geometric mean 256) after two doses. To demonstrate that the vaccine was protective, antibody-negative gilts were vaccinated twice, with 4 weeks between doses, joined after the second dose, and were then infected with virulent PPV 40 to 50 days after joining. In litters from 10 vaccinated gilts, none of 93 foetuses showed evidence of PPV infection. In contrast, in litters from two unvaccinated gilts, all 13 foetuses showed evidence of PPV infection and 10 of these were mummified. The average number of live piglets per litter was 9.2 from vaccinated gilts and 1.5 from unvaccinated gilts. The vaccine was therefore considered to be effective in preventing PPV reproductive failure in susceptible gilts.  相似文献   

导盲犬是一种工作犬,其主要工作是代替视障人士的双眼,为他们领路。导盲犬的原理是利用动物有自我保护的本能,行走会避开障碍物,  相似文献   

A commercially manufactured leptospirosis vaccine containing serovars pomona and hardjo and licensed for use in cattle and sheep was investigated to determine if it would prevent leptospiruria in pigs exposed to serovar pomona. Twenty piglets were each vaccinated twice at an interval of three weeks. Twenty other piglets were unvaccinated and served as controls. Three weeks after the second dose of vaccine all animals were exposed for 64 to 89 days to a natural infection with pomona. During the investigation blood samples were examined serologically and urine samples were examined by dark ground microscopy and cultured for the presence of leptospirae. Attempts were made to culture leptospirae from kidneys at slaughter. Kidneys were also examined histologically for evidence of leptospira infection. One vaccinated animal developed a respiratory disease. It was treated with antibiotics and removed from the trial. Leptosphuria was demonstrated in six of the remaining 19 vaccinated pigs and leptospirae were found in nine of 578 (1.5%) urine samples examined from these animals during the period of exposure. In contrast leptospiruria occurred in 19 of 20 unvaccinated pigs and leptospirae were found in 253 of 642 (39.4%) urine samples examined from these animals. Histopathological lesions consistent with leptospirosis were found in kidneys examined from two of 16 vaccinates and 17 of 18 non-vaccinates. Antibodies to serovar pomona were detected in 12 of 19 vaccinated pigs examined three weeks after the second dose of vaccine and before exposure to infection, and in all of 18 unvaccinated pigs examined after exposure to infection. It was concluded that use of this vaccine in pigs resulted in a significant degree of protection against leptospiruria.  相似文献   

傅文阁 《饲料广角》2007,(17):44-46
深刻理解企业精神如何成为一个合格的华西希望人?如何成为一个华西希望的合格管理干部?作为华西希望人,首先要做到"诚实做人,精明做事,勤奋工作,追求美好",这是我们集团的核心价值观,是我们  相似文献   

动物预防用DNA疫苗又称核酸疫苗或基因疫苗,是编码免疫原或与免疫原相关的真核表达质粒DNA(有时也可是RNA),它可经一定途径进入动物体内,被动物宿主细胞摄取后能转录和翻译表达出抗原蛋白,此抗原蛋白能够刺激机体产生非特异性和特异性两种免疫应答反应,从而起到免疫保护作用。  相似文献   

黄富 《畜牧市场》2010,(1):50-51
为了提高家庭收入,越来越多的农户搞起了养殖。但在饲料贮存过程中,往往有些害虫、微生物和螨类在饲料中进行繁衍,它们不但消耗饲料中的大量营养物质,而且还会降低饲料质量及饲料的有效利用率;同时添加剂和抗生素的不当使用也可能给养殖户带来不可弥补的损失。因此,养殖安全,饲料安全是关键。其具体的是:  相似文献   

猪瘟疫苗及“猪三联苗”是在我国养猪生产中使用几率最多和数量最大的疫苗,但我们发现在不少地方使用这些疫苗后仍然免疫效果不好,甚至免疫失败,查其主要原因是对疫病和疫苗的特点及其性能认识不足甚至误识,再是使用技术失误,为保证免疫效果,现就其关键技术以问答形式做如下叙述,以供在生产实践中应用。  相似文献   

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