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Abstract Length, life history and ecological characteristics of landed fish communities were studied over a 10‐year period to test theories of fishing disturbance during a time of increased gear and closure management in heavily utilised fisheries. It was predicted that with greater management restrictions: (1) the earliest and fastest responses in the fishery will be seen in those species with faster turnovers, or relatively lower vulnerabilities to fishing; (2) the fishery would transition to a landed catch with higher mean trophic levels, and greater mean body lengths. In addition, the removal of a non‐selective, small‐mesh seine nets should benefit the catch of gears that previously had the greatest species selectivity overlap with the seine net. Many predictions were supported, although maximum lengths and lengths at maturity responded more rapidly than anticipated. The response to eliminating the non‐selective seine net was a more rapid increase in sizes caught by gears with a larger overlap in size (hook and lines) than species selectivity (gill nets). The simultaneous comparison of management systems over time indicates that open‐access fishing grounds can benefit from restrictions imposed in adjacent fishing grounds. The study indicated that multi‐species coral reef fisheries management objectives of maximising yields, as well as maintaining the fish community’s life‐history diversity, require management trade‐offs that balance local socio‐economic and biodiversity needs.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of recreational fishing in Portugal over the last 20 years, along with the multiplicity of pressures affecting inland fisheries, demands the urgent recognition of the social and economic values. Sport-angling information is still inadequate to formulate management actions. To address this issue, a regional survey on freshwater recreational fishing in all the municipalities of the Guadiana River Basin was carried out in 1999. The survey, based on 1998 data, provided information on the profile of anglers, preferences as regards reservoirs and sections of rivers fished, frequency of fishing trips, motivation, expenditure, fish species caught, an estimation of total catch and its destination, interest in competitions, enforcement and personal opinions. The results recommended improved communication and feedback between users, and mechanisms for future regional development and management of recreational fisheries.  相似文献   

In this study we show how substantial gains towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) can be achieved by different single-species management. We show that fishing has much less impact on stocks if fish are caught after they have reached the size (Lopt) where growth rate and cohort biomass are maximum. To demonstrate our point we compare the impact of three fishing scenarios on 9 stocks from the North Sea and the Baltic. Scenario (1) is the current fishing regime, scenario (2) is a new management regime proposed by the European Commission, aiming for maximum sustainable yield obtained from all stocks, and scenario (3) is set so that it achieves the same yield as scenario (2), albeit with fishing on sizes beyond Lopt. Results show that scenarios (2) and (3) are significant improvements compared to current fishing practice. However, scenario (3) consistently shows least impact on the stocks, with seven-fold higher biomass of demersal fishes and an age structure similar to an unfished stock. This allows juveniles and adults to better fulfil their ecological roles, a major step towards the goals of ecosystem-based fisheries management. We give examples where scenario (3) is practiced in successful fisheries. We present a new interpretation of the relative yield per recruit isopleth diagram with indication of a new target area for fisheries operating within the context of EBFM. We present a new expression of the relative biomass per recruit isopleth diagram, which supports our analysis. We conclude that size matters for precautionary and ecosystem-based fisheries management and present a list of additional advantages associated with fishing at Lopt.  相似文献   

The biological impact and the social characteristics of different artisanal (professional) and recreational fishing techniques on the marine resources of a coastal Mediterranean area were compared. Data were from artisanal and recreational surveys carried out between 2006 and 2010. Competition between recreational (particularly spear fishing) and artisanal fishers for the natural resources is important as 52% of the 98 species surveyed were caught by both types of fishers. A total of 87 species were caught by all artisanal fishing gears together (of which 84% were retained and 16% discarded). Recreational fishing caught 58 species of which none was systematically discarded. The two fishing techniques that raise major environmental concerns are spear fishing (very selective in terms of species and/or sizes and high intrinsic vulnerability of catches) and trammel netting (highest number of species discarded and highest number of species endangered). Important challenges from the social standpoint were found that need to be taken into account in the management of coastal fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea including: progressive disappearance of the artisanal fisheries, ageing of the artisanal fisher populations and decline in the number of fishing gears used by artisanal fishers.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of motorized boats, partnerships and multispecies catches characterize the fisheries of São Francisco River, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fishing activity based on 109 interviews, carried out in the wet (high water: February and March) and dry (low water: July and August) seasons, with professional fishermen are described. Aiming to identify the fishery income components, a covariance model was proposed, with the income as the response variable, related to the factors: fishing ground; use of motorized or paddle boat; seasonality; presence of fishing assistant; and the following covariates: capture in weight in the week prior to the interview; fisherman experience in yrs; and distance (km) travelled for fishing. The results indicated that the main contributions to income were the absence of an engine (because of high price of the fuel), the absence of a partner (because of low capture) and the amount of fish caught by the fishermen.  相似文献   

  • 1. Dolphins are often claimed to compete with fisheries, including through removal of substantial biomass. To calculate the biomass removed by fisheries and the degree of resource overlap with dolphins in a coastal area of Greece, estimates of dolphin abundance based on photographic capture–recapture were combined with an assessment of fishing effort and catch.
  • 2. The estimated total biomass consumed annually by local dolphin populations – 15 short‐beaked common dolphins and 42 common bottlenose dolphins – was 15.5 and 89.8 tonnes, respectively. The total biomass removed by the local fishing fleet (307 fishing boats) was 3469.2 tonnes, i.e. about 33 times greater than that removed by dolphins.
  • 3. Dolphins removed 2.9% of the total biomass, fisheries 97.1%. Nine purse seiners (representing only 3% of the active fishing fleet) were responsible for 31.9% of biomass removal. Similarity of biomass composition between dolphins and fisheries was expressed by a Pianka index of 0.46 for common dolphins and 0.66 for bottlenose dolphins.
  • 4. Overlap differed according to fishing gear. Common dolphin overlap was higher with purse seiners (0.82), and lower with beach seiners (0.31), bottom trawlers (0.11) and trammel boats (0.06). There was virtually no overlap with longliners (0.02). Bottlenose dolphin overlap was higher with trammel boats (0.89) and bottom trawlers (0.75), and lower with longliners (0.38), purse seiners (0.24) and beach seiners (0.18). There was minimal overlap (0.12) between the two dolphin species.
  • 5. This study suggests that ecological interactions between dolphins and fisheries in this coastal area have minor effects on fisheries. Conversely, prey depletion resulting from overfishing can negatively affect dolphins. Fisheries management measures consistent with national and EU legislation are proposed to ensure sustainability and to protect marine biodiversity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Declining fisheries catches are a global trend, with management failing to keep pace with growth in fishing effort and technological advances. The economic value of Honduras’ catches was estimated within the industrial and artisanal sectors. Catches were found to be 2.9 times greater than the official statistics between 1950 and 2015. The merging of industrial and artisanal catch data masked the decline in industrial catches and hid the strong growth of artisanal fisheries. In 1996, annual artisanal fisheries landed catches surpassed the industrial fishery sector, and in 2000, the annual net value of artisanal fisheries eclipsed the value of the industrial fisheries. These data highlight the importance of artisanal fisheries in Honduras and challenge the long‐held belief that the industrial sector contributes more to the national economy. The global paucity of fisheries data highlights the need for comprehensive strategies to collect more detailed and accurate fisheries data.  相似文献   

Fish stock assessment is a crucial tool for resource management. Small‐scale fisheries are often multispecies and multigear. This study focuses on the search for patterns in the Ilhéus small‐scale fishery using landing data from 2000 to 2006 and climatic data. Ocyurus chrysurus and Ephinephelus spp. were the most commonly landed fish. The number of fishing trips was higher in the winter, when winds were weaker and temperatures lower. When the temperature increased, catches of Seriola dumerili were higher. Coryphaena hippurus and some rays were more abundant in the summer in the presence of stronger winds, intense rainfall and higher air temperature. Large catches of Lutjanus spp. and Scomberomorus spp. were obtained in the autumn. There is an annual seasonality in the fishery, with a cyclical landing pattern regardless of the years considered. These results are important in view of climate change, and specific strategies for better fisheries management are recommended.  相似文献   

A new methodology based in the use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective tools to obtain information about marine recreational fisheries (MRF) is presented. The squid and cuttlefish fishery of the Ría of Vigo (NW Spain) was selected because it is managed in a data‐poor environment. In‐depth interviews (57) were conducted with fishers, collecting ecological and socio‐economic information. A cartography of fishing grounds based on their knowledge was obtained, while the intensity of effort and catches was mapped by the monitoring of two vessels with low‐cost GPS data loggers. The 102 shore anglers and 248 recreational boats catch 8 t/year of European squid Loligo vulgaris and 11 t/year of common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (11% of total catches on these species in the area). Shore anglers fish from 11 ports, while boat fishers use 14 fishing grounds (covering 30 km2). Most of the catches (86%) are landed by boats, and their CPUE is higher in the outer part of the Ría of Vigo. The use of fishers’ knowledge and cost‐effective monitoring is encouraged to obtain information for the management of MRF. Given the economic contribution of MRF (260,000 €/year in direct expenses), this activity should be considered in the regulations.  相似文献   

Following implementation in a range of other resource sectors, a number of credit‐like systems have been proposed for fisheries. But confusion exists over what constitutes these nascent ‘fisheries credit’ systems and how they operate. Based on a review of credit systems in other sectors, this study fills this gap by defining how credit systems function and what credits add to prevailing fisheries management. In doing so, we distinguish ‘mitigation’ and ‘behavioural’ fishery credits. Mitigation credits require resource users to compensate for unsustainable catches of target species, by‐catch species or damaging practices on the marine environment by investing in conservation in a biologically equivalent habitat or resource. Behavioural credit systems incentivize fishers to gradually change their fishing behaviour to more sustainable fishing methods by rewarding them with, for instance, extra fishing effort to compensate for less efficient but more sustainable fishing methods. The choice of credit system largely depends on the characteristics of specific fisheries and the management goals agreed upon by managers, scientists and the fishing industry. The study concludes that fisheries credit systems are different but complimentary to other forms of management by focusing on ‘catchability’ or gear efficiency in addition to effort or catch quota, affecting overall economic efficiency by setting specific goals as to how fish are caught. Credit systems therefore incentivize specific management interventions that can directly improve stock sustainability, conserve habitat and endangered species, or decrease by‐catch.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the relationship between basic metrics in recreational fishing and the size of the fishing ground. Data were obtained from individual angling logbooks collected by the Czech Fishing Union over 12 years on 212 fishing grounds located in the regions of Prague and Central Bohemia in the Czech Republic. Small fishing grounds had the highest catch, yield, numbers of fishing visits and numbers of angling guard controls per hectare. Medium‐sized fishing grounds had the highest catch, yield, and numbers of both fishing visits and angling guard controls per fishing ground. Anglers returned to medium‐sized fishing grounds most frequently. The percentage of anglers who caught and took home at least one fish decreased with increasing size of the fishing ground. In conclusion, basic metrics in recreational fishing are related to the size of the fishing ground, which thus plays an important role in fisheries management.  相似文献   

Abstract  Artisanal fisheries are important socially, nutritionally and economically. Poverty is common in communities dependent on such fisheries, making sustainable management difficult. Poverty based on material style of life (MSL) was assessed, livelihoods surveyed and the relationship between these factors and fishery data collected using a fish landing study were examined. Species richness, diversity, size and mean trophic level of catches were determined for six fishing gears in an artisanal fishery in south-west Madagascar. There was little livelihood diversification and respondents were highly dependent on the fishery. No relationship was found between poverty and gear use. This suggests that poverty does not have a major impact on the nature of the fishery; however, this study was dominated by poor households, so it remains possible that communities with more variation in wealth might show differences in fishing methods according to this parameter. The fishery was heavily exploited with a predominance of small fish in the catches. Beach seines caught some of the smallest fish, overlapped in selectivity with gill nets and also had the highest catch per fishers. Thus, a reduction in the number of beach seines could help reduce the catch of small fish and the overlap in selectivity among gears.  相似文献   

Inland fisheries underpin food security in many tropical countries. The most productive inland fisheries in tropical and subtropical developing countries occur in large river–floodplain systems that are often impacted by land cover changes. However, few studies to date have assessed the effects of changes in floodplain land cover on fishery yields. Here, we integrated fisheries and satellite‐mapped habitat data to evaluate the effects of floodplain deforestation on fishery yields in 68 floodplain lake systems of the lower Amazon River, representing a wide range in relative amounts of woody, herbaceous and non‐vegetated land cover. We modelled relative fish yields (fish capture per unit effort [CPUE]) in the floodplain lakes as a function of the relative amounts of forest, shrub, aquatic macrophyte and bare/herbaceous habitats surrounding them. We found that forest amount was positively related (= .0003) to multispecies CPUE. The validity of these findings was supported by rejection of plausible alternative causative mechanisms involving habitat‐related differences in amount of piscivores, fishing effort, lake area, and habitat effects on CPUE of the nine taxa dominating multispecies yields. Our results provide support to the idea that removal of floodplain forests reduces fishery yields per unit effort. Increased protection of floodplain forests is necessary to maintain the food, income and livelihood security services provided by large river–floodplain fisheries.  相似文献   

Managing fisheries resources to maintain healthy ecosystems is one of the main goals of the ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF). While a number of international treaties call for the implementation of EAF, there are still gaps in the underlying methodology. One aspect that has received substantial scientific attention recently is fisheries‐induced evolution (FIE). Increasing evidence indicates that intensive fishing has the potential to exert strong directional selection on life‐history traits, behaviour, physiology, and morphology of exploited fish. Of particular concern is that reversing evolutionary responses to fishing can be much more difficult than reversing demographic or phenotypically plastic responses. Furthermore, like climate change, multiple agents cause FIE, with effects accumulating over time. Consequently, FIE may alter the utility derived from fish stocks, which in turn can modify the monetary value living aquatic resources provide to society. Quantifying and predicting the evolutionary effects of fishing is therefore important for both ecological and economic reasons. An important reason this is not happening is the lack of an appropriate assessment framework. We therefore describe the evolutionary impact assessment (EvoIA) as a structured approach for assessing the evolutionary consequences of fishing and evaluating the predicted evolutionary outcomes of alternative management options. EvoIA can contribute to EAF by clarifying how evolution may alter stock properties and ecological relations, support the precautionary approach to fisheries management by addressing a previously overlooked source of uncertainty and risk, and thus contribute to sustainable fisheries.  相似文献   

Understanding and managing fishery selectivity to target species and desirable size are instrumental to fisheries management. China, as the world's largest producer of marine capture fisheries, has been widely perceived to possess unselective domestic fisheries. To date, this perception remains largely anecdotal and conjectural, hindering the development of evidence-based and effective management solutions. Here, we conducted a literature review to examine the magnitude and scale of unselective fisheries in China. By collating and analysing 140 fishery-level and 807 species-level records from 66 peer-reviewed publications from 2010 to 2021, we found that primary target species were absent in 59% of fisheries, while unidentifiable low-value and juvenile mixed catch were universal. Key commercial taxa were subject to nationwide multi-gear and multispecies fisheries, each involving an average of 3.33 types of gear and accounting for less than 25% of catch individually. The ‘permissible gears’ defined by the national gear regulatory catalogue were selective over target species and caught negligible by-products, though they were used less frequently, representing only 24% of catch records. While unselective fishing can provide seafood supplies for China's large population and potentially facilitate balanced harvest, management actions are needed to control the fishing pressure on primary target species and by-product species. Amid the ongoing fisheries management reform in China, we proposed management recommendations tailored to China's needs and social contexts, including accounting for the trade-off between socio-economic and ecological goals, contemplating impacts of unselective fishing when implementing TAC programmes, and strengthening fisheries monitoring to inform management at multiple scales.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates the declining state of the major commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria, Kenya, a situation threatening sustainability of the lake's fishery. Data in the present study were derived from resource monitoring programmes that included hydro‐acoustics (2009–2018), trawl net fishing (2011–2018), frame surveys (2000–2016) and catch assessment surveys (2000–2015). The activities provided information on fish stocks and supported advice for fisheries management. The average fish stock densities for Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya of 8.92, 8.25 and 8.19 t/km2, respectively, were relatively similar. Diplomatic and sustainable efforts for harmony in fish harvesting among the fishers of the riparian countries are encouraged given the interdependence of the lake. The Kenyan and River Kagera regions had a higher proportion (≈ 4% each) of big‐sized Nile perch (≥50 cm total length) in 2018, signifying the critical breeding areas for Nile perch. To sustain the fishery, there is need to enforce a 36%–44% effort reduction for all the major fisheries, and enforcement of gear limits to avoid harvesting of immature fish and destruction of the lake ecosystem.  相似文献   

In Southern Mexico and Central America, inland fisheries form part of the livelihood portfolio of an as-yet unknown number of rural communities. This paper reports on the first comprehensive study of such fisheries located in common property lands (ejidos) of the Mayan Zone in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Given the “data-sparse” nature of these fisheries, with a lack of data available on their current status and on participation levels, a fishery assessment approach was used which included methods from both the natural and social sciences, with a focus on survey methods applied to fishery users, water, fish and creel surveys. Moreover, local knowledge of community residents complemented scientific knowledge in a substantial part of the research. The results, from 48 fishing sites (four with sub-saline waters, the remainder freshwater) indicated (1) a resource base of multi-specific nature with a total of 18 bony fish species in the study area, (2) artisanal (small-scale) fisheries, with very basic technology (notably hand-lines) utilized primarily through barefoot fishing along the shores, or with the aid of rafts and canoes, (3) seasonal fishing, primarily during the dry season (February to May), due to greater accessibility of the sites in those periods, but also related to the end of work on major local livelihoods, (4) both indigenous (Mayan) and non-indigenous fishers, of ages ranging from teenage to senior adults, for most of whom the major occupation was slash-and-burn agriculture, and (5) a mainly male-oriented fishery, but with some women involved in five out of nine ejidos studied. While the key motivation of fishers was subsistence, the study found, for the first time in this form of fishery, that recreation was also a significant goal of many participants. In terms of methodology, the study demonstrated the importance of cross-validating the accuracy of information from informants interviewed in the type of social surveys used here. This combined assessment approach proved effective in providing new information on these previously under-studied fisheries, and may be useful in similar data-sparse situations elsewhere.  相似文献   

  • 1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are expected to function simultaneously as biological conservation and fisheries management tools, but empirical evidence linking biodiversity conservation with fisheries benefits is scarce. Around the Medes Islands marine reserve (Spain, NW Mediterranean) patterns of fish catch diversity, catch (CPUE) and income (IPUE) were assessed and the economic value of diversity for local fisheries was explored by combining a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis with geostatistics.
  • 2. Catch data were derived from the trammel net fleet operating around the MPA to gain information on species diversity, functional diversity, functional redundancy, CPUE and IPUE.
  • 3. Results revealed significant impact of both the fishing prohibition in the MPA and the presence of seagrass beds on diversity metrics, catch and income. Clear differences in functional redundancy in fish assemblages were found within the study area, indicating greater resilience of the fish assemblage against fishing pressure or human impact close to the MPA (?2 km). In contrast, fish assemblages beyond 2 km of the MPA border are more vulnerable to disturbance. High values of diversity, CPUE and IPUE overlapped close to the MPA border and close to seagrass beds.
  • 4. The spatial approach developed suggests that, in addition to the more commonly studied effect of density‐dependent spillover of adult fish, increased levels of ecological diversity and economic diversity can also result in fisheries benefits of an MPA. Hence, the fishing regulations in and around the Medes Islands marine reserve have shown that biological conservation and fisheries benefits can be complementary in the long‐term, which should be considered in future policies for MPAs or MPA networks.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain fisheries were monitored from 1992 until 2000 in the Compartmentalization Pilot Project in Tangail, Bangladesh. In permanent floodplains about 165 ± 28 kg ha?1 of fish was caught annually. For seasonal floodplains, this figure was 83 ± 23 kg ha?1 yr?1. The fish catch exhibited a strong seasonal variation, with the highest catch in October, when the floodwater recedes towards the river, and the lowest catch during the dry season in April/May. The annual catch varied with the extent of flooding, with high catches in wet years and low catches in dry years. The extent of flooding was quantified through a Flood Index. Plotting the annual yields against this Flood Index provided a significant relation (P < 0.05), confirming the existence of a flood pulse. The fishing effort (f) and the catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) were significantly related (P < 0.05), whereby the fishing effort increased with increasing CPUE. The results are discussed within the frame of fisheries management in Bangladesh and highlight the need for long‐term data for proper evaluation of fisheries projects and the development of management schemes, and the difficulty of applying standard surplus production models in floodplain fisheries.  相似文献   

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