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Fossil energy is the material basis of human survival, economic development and social progress. The relationship between energy consumption and economic growth is becoming increasingly close. However, energy consumption is the major source of greenhouse gases, which can significantly affect the balance of the global ecosystem. It has become the common goal of countries worldwide to address climate change, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and implement sustainable development strategies. In this study, we applied an approximate relationship analysis, a decoupling relationship analysis, and a trend analysis to explore the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth using data from Kazakhstan for the period of 1993–2010. The results demonstrated:(1) the total energy consumption and GDP in Kazakhstan showed a "U"-type curve from 1993 to 2010. This curve was observed because 1993–1999 was a period during which Kazakhstan transitioned from a republic to an independent country and experienced a difficult transition from a planned to a market economy. Then, the economic system became more stable and the industrial production increased rapidly because of the effective financial, monetary and industrial policy support from 2000 to 2010.(2) The relationships between energy consumption and carbon emissions, economic growth and energy exports were linked; the carbon emissions were mainly derived from energy consumption, and the dependence of economic growth on energy exports gradually increased from 1993 to 2010. Before 2000, the relationship between energy consumption and economic growth was in a recessional decoupling state because of the economic recession. After 2000, this relationship was in strong and weak decoupling states because the international crude oil prices rose and energy exports increased greatly year by year.(3) It is forecasted that Kazakhstan cannot achieve its goal of energy consumption by 2020. Therefore, a low-carbon economy is the best strategic choice to address climate change from a global perspective in Kazakhstan. Thus, we proposed strategies including the improvement of the energy consumption structure, the development of new energy and renewable energy, the use of cleaner production technologies, the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure, and the expansion of forest areas.  相似文献   

2000-2009年乌鲁木齐市湿沉降变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏疆 《干旱区研究》2012,29(3):529-533
根据乌鲁木齐市2000-2009年酸沉降观测资料,分析主要控制指标的特征变化。结果表明:乌鲁木齐市的湿沉降污染严重,除氮湿沉降为1.06 g·m-2,与全国平均水平基本持平外;硫湿沉降为3.21 g·m-2、钙湿沉降为3.22 g·m-2,均高于其他省市。硫湿沉降主要源于本地SO2的排放,近年来又有加重的态势;而氮沉降对湿沉降的贡献有增强趋势,同时钙湿沉降的降低有可能导致湿沉降酸化的加剧。  相似文献   

利用2009年乌鲁木齐4个大气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)观测站点资料,采用离子色谱仪分析了TSP中水溶性离子成分。结果表明:① 2009年乌鲁木齐市区3站总离子浓度为151.28 μg/m3,白杨沟为40.83 μg/m3。4站NO3-/SO42-比值较小,表明乌鲁木齐大气污染主要来自于固定污染源。② 2009年乌鲁木齐4站TSP中SO42-、Ca2+、NO3-和NH4+的浓度高于其他各离子,各站离子浓度有明显的季节变化特征,采暖期各离子浓度明显增加,SO42-、NO3-增幅最大。③ 对各主要离子进行相关性分析,得到NH4+与SO42-的相关系数为0.828,与NO3-的相关系数为0.659,说明铵盐化合物主要以硫酸铵和硝酸铵的形式存在;SO42-与NO3-的相关性很大,相关系数为0.973,表明二者主要来自二氧化硫和氮氧化物,排放方式与在大气中的传输途径较一致;地壳元素Ca2+和Mg2+有很好的相关性,相关系数是0.914,表明二者来源相似,可能主要来自风沙土壤尘、道路尘和建筑尘。  相似文献   

2009年8月至2010年3月在乌鲁木齐市及城郊,通过大气颗粒物采样器、气体被动采样器对大气氮素干沉降进行连续性监测。结果表明:除NH3浓度值ISFR(土肥所)高于XIEG(生地所)外,其他活性氮成分的浓度XIEG均大于ISFR。NO2-N,NH3-N(气态),PNO 3--N,PNH 4+-N(气溶胶态)和PM10(...  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐大气环境质量评价模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用模糊集理论中的贴近度和权距离概念建立了一种改进的大气环境质量评价模型,并应用该模型对乌鲁木齐大气环境质量进行了评价,结论与事实相符合。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐地基GPS数据的解算和应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵玲  梁宏  崔彩霞 《干旱区研究》2006,23(4):654-657
介绍了全球定位系统(GPS)地基遥感水汽的基本原理和方法.对2004年8月1~31日乌鲁木齐地基GPS站观测数据和IGS星历,应用GAMIT软件进行解算.结合相应的地面温度、气压观测数据,反演乌鲁木齐站2004年8月大气水汽总量间隔为1 h的变化曲线,与探空资料进行对照均方根偏差为2.1 mm,实验的结果初步验证了地基GPS观测为气象服务的可行性和可靠性.  相似文献   

Due to increasing global demand for crop production and energy use, more and more reactive nitrogen(Nr) has been generated and emitted to the environment. As a result, global atmospheric nitrogen(N) deposition has tripled since the industrial revolution and the ecological environment and human health have been harmed. In this study, we measured dry and wet/bulk N deposition from July 2013 to December 2015 in a semi-arid grassland of Duolun County, Inner Mongolia, China. The samples of dry and wet/bulk N deposition were collected monthly with a DELTA(DEnuder for Long Term Atmospheric sampling) system and with Gradko passive samplers and a precipitation gauge. The measured results show that the annual mean concentrations of NH_3, NO_2, HNO_3, particulate NH_4~+(pNH_4~+) and particulate NO_3~-(pNO_3~-) in atmosphere were 2.33, 1.90, 0.18, 1.42 and 0.42 μg N/m3, respectively, and that the annual mean volume-weighted concentrations of NH_4~+-N and NO_3~--N in precipitation were 2.71 and 1.99 mg N/L, respectively. The concentrations of Nr components(including NH_3, NO_2, HNO_3, p NH_4~+, pNO_3~-, NH_4~+-N and NO_3~--N) exhibited different seasonal variations. Specifically, NO_2 and HNO_3 exhibited higher concentrations in autumn than in summer, while the other Nr components(NH_3, pNH_4~+, pNO_3~-, NH_4~+-N and NO_3~--N) showed the highest values in summer. Based on measured concentrations of Nr components and their deposition velocities estimated using the GEOS-Chem global atmospheric chemical transport model, the calculated annual mean dry deposition fluxes were 3.17, 1.13, 0.63, 0.91 and 0.36 kg N/(hm~2·a) for NH_3, NO_2, HNO_3, p NH_4~+ and pNO_3~-, respectively, and the calculated annual mean wet/bulk deposition fluxes were 5.37 and 3.15 kg N/(hm~2·a) for NH_4~+-N and NO_3~--N, respectively. The estimated annual N deposition(including dry N deposition and wet/bulk N deposition) reached 14.7 kg N/(hm~2·a) in grassland of Duolun County, approaching to the upper limit of the N critical load(10–15 kg N/(hm~2·a)). Dry and wet/bulk deposition fluxes of all Nr components(with an exception of HNO_3) showed similar seasonal variations with the maximum deposition flux in summer and the minimum in winter. Reduced Nr components(e.g., gaseous NH_3 and p NH_4~+ in atmosphere and NH_4~+-N in precipitation) dominated the total N deposition at the sampling site(accounted for 64% of the total N deposition), suggesting that the deposited atmospheric Nr mainly originated from agricultural activities. Considering the projected future increases in crop and livestock production in Inner Mongolia, the ecological and human risks to the negative effects of increased N deposition could be increased if no mitigation measures are taken.  相似文献   

As an example of atmospheric nitrogen(N) deposition,the paper summarizes the definition,form and amount of nutrient from the environment(NFE) and the relationship between NFE and anthro-pogenic reactive N emission.Based on our own study and published articles,we find that N wet and dry deposition has been an important nutrient resource in agricultural and natural ecosystems in China.The total amount of N deposition and other environment-derived N in China was up to 18 Tg N/a,equal to ap-proximately 60% of the national N fertilizer consumption.Nitrogen deposition is expected to contribute substantially to nutrient cycling and net primary productivity in various ecosystems.Therefore,it is crucial to utilize this environment-derived nutrient resource by integrated nutrient resource management in order to realize the sustainable development of both agricultural and non-agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   

艾比湖盐尘对植物生理性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为确定盐尘暴对荒漠植物和农作物生长的影响,采集不同强度盐尘影响区的盐爪爪(Kalidium foliatum)、骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)、新疆枸杞(Lycium dasystemum)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)和花花柴(Karelinia caspica)叶片,提取叶片表面和内部可溶性盐分阳离子,研究大气盐尘、叶片表面和叶片内部盐分阳离子含量之间的相关性。同时在室内模拟盐分离子对农作物带来的影响,以杂交油葵G101和玉米新玉78-16为研究对象,观察幼苗期的叶片上干式和湿式飘洒含盐粉尘及其水溶液的生理特征。用原子吸收分光光度法、火焰光度法测定叶片中可溶性阳离子含量。结果表明:荒漠植物叶片上盐分变化和植物的生长没有明显的相关性。模拟实验结果显示:叶片对Na~+具有很强的吸收性,叶片对Na~+的吸收和必要元素K~+的吸收有很强的抑制作用;叶片对Mg~(2+)的吸收没有明显的规律性,但处理区和对照区玉米叶片Mg~(2+)含量有明显差异;玉米对Ca~(2+)的吸收随时间逐渐减弱、油葵对Ca~(2+)的吸收略有增强,但变化幅度很小,玉米和油葵出现叶片枯萎变黄等现象,干式飘...  相似文献   

本文首次报道新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐周围地区的盘星藻属5种,4变种,其中4株,4变种为新疆新记录,这些结果是对1991年7月和1995年4-6月所采集的87号标本鉴定后获得的。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市大气污染物浓度空间格局变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对2004-2009年乌鲁木齐市三个大气环境质量自动监测点位的数据分析,得出在城市布局不断调整的条件下,各区域的污染因子年均浓度变化较大。表现为市南片区整体污染物质浓度较高、市中区SO2和NO2增加速度较快、市北片区PM10增长速率较大浓度已接近污染最严重的市南片区。从监测数据分析来看,城市空间污染物质浓度变化相当明显,市中区的主要污染物以SO2为主,市南、北区则以PM10为主。  相似文献   

我国沙漠旅游景区开发的现状和前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沙漠旅游在我国已逐渐受到青睐,相应的景区开发也初成规模。目前景区开发仍以观光游览项目为主体,但也注重了游客的旅游体验和生态教育,沙漠资源多和其他资源合并开发,但存在开发的同质性问题。我国的沙漠旅游景区大致分为风景主导类型、地质公园类型、生态展示类型、综合性类型和探险科考功能突出的类型等。放眼未来,旅游开发应当和沙产业紧...  相似文献   

近年来,东亚地区严重沙尘暴的频发趋势,使沙尘暴成为当今社会广泛关注的重大生态和环境问题。本文利用一个以较高精度的地理信息数据为基础、具有清晰风蚀物理学概念的沙尘暴数值模式集成系统,对2002年3月19~22日主要沙尘暴事件的气象背景条件、起沙源、起沙率以及沙尘输送进行了模拟和较为细致的数值分析,并将结果与常规气象观测和卫星资料进行了对比。结果表明该模式对气象背景、沙尘源和沙尘输送的空间分布和时间演变有较好的模拟能力;起沙区域主要是蒙古国的巴彦洪戈尔省南部、南戈壁、东戈壁省,我国内蒙古阿拉善盟地区、锡林郭勒盟地区、甘肃北部和青海北部;起尘量最大的中心在内蒙古阿拉善盟地区的巴丹吉林沙漠和腾格里沙漠,平均达15mgm-2s-1;沙尘输送主要发生在对流层低层,在垂直运动较强的地方可以向上输送到500hPa。  相似文献   

本文从国内外对半荒漠划分指标、概念的歧义,分析了半荒漠的内涵、外延、自然环境特征及在我国的具体分布;探讨了半荒漠及干旱地区的关系、区别;明确了半荒漠的划分指标及其概念,从并防沙治沙角度出发,提出了把半荒漠人为特定的新生事物气候带,并列于草原与荒漠之间。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市地表灰尘重金属含量及其健康风险   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过实地调查,对乌鲁木齐市地表灰尘重金属进行研究。结果表明:Cr,Cu,Pb,Zn平均含量分别超出相应自然土壤背景值2.31~7.98倍,Mn,Fe含量与背景值差别不大,说明Cr,Cu,Pb,Zn主要来自人为输入,Mn,Fe主要来自自然输入。手-口接触行为是人体摄入地表灰尘重金属的主要途径,其次为皮肤吸收和呼吸吸入。重金属对人体的非致癌风险表现为:Cr>Pb>Cu>Zn;且儿童的非致癌风险要大于成人。但总体来看,乌鲁木齐市地表灰尘重金属非致癌风险较小,不会对城市人群造成明显的健康危害;重金属Cr目前尚未形成致癌风险,但其潜在生态危害值得重视。  相似文献   

为明确沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria入侵我国西藏自治区边境地区的路线,利用基于气象研究与预报模型的昆虫三维轨迹分析程序,结合沙漠蝗的飞行行为参数和气象资料,对其入侵时的迁飞路径及低空气流特征进行分析。结果表明,2020年6月,西南季风和热带气旋所产生的西南低空急流持续贯穿我国藏南边境,为沙漠蝗迁飞提供了便利条件,其中6月27日以后的气流适合邻国沙漠蝗虫源入侵我国,且与沙漠蝗入侵我国西藏自治区边境地区的实际时间一致。进一步对虫源地进行分析,发现入侵我国的沙漠蝗种群有效虫源地主要分布在尼泊尔中西部。  相似文献   

为了解西安市冬季PAHs(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,多环芳烃)沉降污染,采集各功能区2017年11月至2018年1月的大气降尘,应用高效液相色谱仪测定16种PAHs含量,分析PAHs组成特征、污染水平、生态和健康暴露风险并估算其沉降通量。结果显示:西安市冬季大气降尘中PAHs含量范围为10.22~63.90μg/g,平均值为30.11μg/g,大气降尘中∑PAHs含量在灞桥热电厂最高。不同功能区样点的大气降尘中PAHs的组分构成存在差异,工业区样点的高分子量PAHs占比较高,文教区和旅游区样点的低分子量PAHs占比相对较高。冬季各月份大气降尘通量、∑PAHs沉降通量和∑_7CPAHs沉降通量均在工业区样点中最高。大气降尘通量与∑PAHs沉降通量之间存在较强相关性。基于BaP的毒性当量浓度和生态效应区间法对PAHs的潜在风险评价结果显示,西安冬季大气降尘中PAHs处于中等或较高生态风险。PAHs暴露的健康风险ILCR模型结果显示,西安市冬季大气降尘中PAHs在三种暴露途径下对儿童和成人的ILCR_总值除个别样点低于10~(-6),其余均在10~(-6)~10~(-4)之间,表示存在人体可耐受的致癌风险。  相似文献   

Wei ZHANG 《干旱区科学》2017,9(2):278-286
Desert lake, a unique oasis in desert ecosystems, harbours different bacterial communities. Thus, it is considered as a hub of bacterial diversity. In this study, bacterial diversity in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring, Kumtag Desert, Northwest China was analyzed using high-throughput amplicon pyrosequencing analysis. The sequences of the most abundant OUTs(Operational Taxonomic Units) in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring were compared with the sequences of those most abundant OUTs of various origins from NCBI Gen Bank database to detect the origins of bacteria in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring. Also, bacterial compositions between sediment of Crescent Moon Spring and other desert and lake ecosystems(including desert lakes) worldwide were compared using cluster analysis to determine the possible factors affecting bacterial compositions. In total, 11,855 sequences were obtained and 30 phyla were identified. At the phylum level, the dominant phylum was Proteobacteria with α-Proteobacteria being the first dominant class and the second dominant phylum was Planctomycetes. Our finding that α-Proteobacteria being the first dominant class of Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes being the second dominant phyla are somewhat contradictory with reports from other desert lake sediments. This difference could be resulted from water hydration and conductivity, as well as oligotrophic conditions of Crescent Moon Spring. At the genus level, Rhodobacter, Caldilinea, Planctomyces, and Porphyrobacter were the dominant genera in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring. Comparisons on sequences of the most abundant OUTs(including OTU3615, OTU6535, and OTU6646) between sediment of Crescent Moon Spring and various origins from NCBI Gen Bank database indicate that the origins of bacteria in the sediment of Crescent Moon Spring are likely from the underground water. Furthermore, cluster analysis on comparisons of bacteria compositions between sediment of Crescent Moon Spring and other desert and lake ecosystems(including desert lakes) worldwide shows that at regional scales, bacterial compositions may be mainly affected by geographical patterns, precipitation amounts, and p H values. Collectively, our results provide new knowledge on the bacterial diversity in desert lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市大气污染总量控制和降低机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对乌鲁木齐市2004-2008年大气环境质量数据的统计和分析,结果显示:乌鲁木齐市的大气污染依然严重,对城市大气污染物实施总量控制将是控制城市大气环境污染的主要手段.根据乌鲁木齐市大气污染源调查,通过对环境许可制度、排污权交易、临控体系建设挖制大气污染物排放总量的分析,提出了大气污染物治理措施和目标,为环境管理和有...  相似文献   

The southwestern Iran is one of the regions that are most prone to dust events.The objective of this study is the analysis of the spatial and temporal distributions of dust deposition rate as a key factor for finding the relative impact of the dust.First,the monthly mean aerosol optical thickness(AOT)from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS)was analyzed and compared with the dust amount variations from ground deposition rate(GDR),and the results were further used to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions of dust events in southwestern Iran for the period between 2014 and 2015.Moving air mass trajectories,using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory(HYSPLIT)model,were proven to be a discriminator of their local and regional origin.The results from GDR analysis produced a correlation coefficient between dust event history and deposition rates at dust magnitudes of>0.93 that is meaningful at the 95%confidence level.Furthermore,the deposition rates varied from 3 g/m2 per month in summer to 10 g/m2 per month in spring and gave insight into the transport direction of the dust.Within the same time series,AOT correspondences with MODIS on Terra in four aerosol thickness layers(clean,thin,thick,and strong thick)were shown in relation to each other.The deepest mixed layers were observed in spring and summer with a thickness of approximately 3500 m above ground level in the study area.Investigations of ground-based observations were correlated with the same variations for each aerosol thickness layer from MODIS images and they can be applied to discriminate layers of aeolian dust from layers of other aerosols.Together,dust distribution plots from AOT participated to enhance mass calculations and estimation deposition rates from the thick and strong thick aerosol thickness layers using the results from GDR.Despite all the advances of AOT,under certain circumstances,ground-based observations are better able to represent aerosol conditions over the study area,which were tested in southwestern Iran,even though the low number of observations is a commonly acknowledged drawback of GDR.  相似文献   

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