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饱和水汽压差是土壤-植被-大气连续体水分传输过程的关键影响因素,在全球气候变化背景下,预测西北地区饱和水汽压差,对于植被恢复和农林业气象灾害风险评估具有重要的现实意义.基于西北五省(区)1990—2019年月饱和水汽压差值,采用趋势分析和小波分析等方法研究了西北地区饱和水汽压差年际变化特征和周期性变化规律;采用指数模型...  相似文献   

为了比较几种常用的光响应模型和气孔导度模型对红提葡萄的适用性,利用LC pro+便携式光合仪,测定了大田土壤水分状况良好情况下果粒膨大期和浆果成熟期篱架红提葡萄对光强的响应过程。采用常用的光响应模型(非直角双曲线模型、直角双曲线修正模型)和气孔导度模型(Ball-Barry模型、气孔导度机理模型)对光合速率及气孔导度进行拟合,同时将气孔导度Ball-Barry模型与光合速率的光响应非直角双曲线模型进行耦合,并与Jarvis模型进行比较,分析了红提葡萄气孔导度的光响应特征。结果表明:非直角双曲线模型和直角双曲线修正模型均可较好地拟合红提葡萄光合速率光响应过程,但通过非直角双曲线模型获得的初始量子效率(α)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)、光补偿点(LCP)与实测值更接近,拟合效果更佳(R2≥0.987);气孔导度随光合速率的增大而增大,应用Ball-Barry模型拟合该过程得到的决定系数较大(R2≥0.715),均方根误差较小(RMSE≤0.0127),较气孔导度机理模型能更好地拟合红提葡萄气孔导度与光合速率的关系;构建的Ball-Barry模型与非直角双曲线的耦合模型整体上可以描述气孔导度对光强的响应(R2≥0.703),但拟合高光强下气孔导度精度较低,与耦合模型相比,Jarvis模型模拟值与实测值更加接近(R2≥0.839),且均方根误差最小(RMSE≤0.0106),说明Jarvis模型拟合效果优于耦合模型。研究结果可为定量分析葡萄叶片气孔调节行为和计算光合生产力提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了探究西北旱区制种玉米水氮胁迫条件下的生理节水机理,设置充分灌溉(FI)与亏缺灌溉(DI)处理,以及施氮(N150)与不施氮(N0)处理,分析了不同水氮模式下叶水势与气孔特征的变化规律。结果表明:充分灌溉条件下,施氮主要通过增加气孔开度和气孔数量提高气孔导度,与不施氮处理相比,气孔开度提高19.46%,气孔数量增加8.46%;亏缺灌溉条件下则通过增加单位面积开放气孔数量和降低气孔开度来应对水分消耗,提高抗旱能力,与充分灌溉相比,亏缺灌溉气孔开度平均降低21.38%,气孔数量平均增加14.08%;增加灌水量能极显著增大气孔开度(P<0.05)和提高玉米叶片黎明和正午叶水势值,促进作物蒸腾作用;FIN150处理较DIN150处理黎明和正午叶水势均值分别上升了3.30%和2.00%,FIN0处理较DIN0处理黎明和正午叶水势均值分别上升了13.41%和14.29%;亏缺灌溉条件下,施氮处理黎明和正午叶水势均值分别上升了2.87%和0.17%。干旱导致气孔导度及正午叶水势的降低可以通过增施氮肥得到部分补偿。  相似文献   

Provision of woodfuel is an important ecosystem service of dry forests and woodlands.However,charcoal production through selective logging of preferred hardwood species has the potential to alter the physiognomic composition of the residual or re-growth woodlands and may lead to their deterioration and degradation.This study,conducted through forest inventory in Mutomo District in Kenya,assessed the impact of charcoal production on unprotected dry woodlands in terms of tree density,targeted species basal area,species richness,evenness and Shannon diversity.The parameters of the disturbed woodlands were evaluated for significant differences with those of the neighbouring protected Tsavo East National Park,which served as a reference for an ecologically undisturbed ecosystem.By evaluating a consequence of tree harvesting for charcoal production,this study confirmed the overall significant differences between the protected and unprotected woodlands in all the tested parameters.To confirm if the differences in the land-covers of the woodlands had any influence on their degradation,all mentioned parameters were compared between the four differentiated classes and their respective control plots in the protected areas.At the "land-cover level",the statistically significant difference in the basal area of tree species preferred for charcoal production between the protected and unprotected open trees confirms that the class with a high density of large mature trees is the prime target of charcoal producers.In addition,there seems to be a general trend of lower values of tree species richness,evenness and Shannon diversity for the unprotected woodlands subjected to charcoal production.On the other hand,the disturbed woodlands display the potential to recover through their comparably high saplings density.The findings make an important contribution to the discourse on the impact of charcoal production in dry woodlands,a topic that is highly controversial among researchers.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation belts in arid regions of Central Asia are endangered to lose their ecosystem services due to intensified land use.For the development of sustained land use,management knowledge of plant performance in relation to resource supply is needed.We estimated productivity related functional traits at the edges of the habitat of Populus euphratica Oliv.Specific leaf area(SLA) and carbon/nitrogen(C/N) ratio of P.euphratica leaves growing near a former river bank and close to moving sand dunes in the Ebinur Lake National Nature Reserve in Xinjiang,Northwest China(near Kazakhstan) were determined and daily courses of CO2 net assimilation(PN),transpiration(E),and stomatal conductance(gs) of two consecutive seasons were measured during July-August 2007 and June-July 2008.Groundwater level was high(1.5-2.5 m below ground) throughout the years and no flooding occurred at the two tree stands.SLA was slightly lower near the desert than at the former river bank and leaves contained less N in relation to C.Highest E and g s of P.euphratica were reached in the morning before noon on both stands and a second low maximum occurred in the afternoon despite of the unchanged high levels of air to leaf water vapor pressure deficit(ALVPD).Decline of g s in P.euphratica was followed by decrease of E.Water use efficiency(WUE) of leaves near the desert were higher in the morning and the evening,in contrast to leaves from the former river bank that maintained an almost stable level throughout the day.High light compensation points and high light saturation levels of PN indicated the characteristics of leaves well-adapted to intensive irradiation at both stands.In general,leaves of P.euphratica decreased their g s beyond 20 Pa/kPa ALVPD in order to limit water losses.Decrease of E did not occur in both stands until 40 Pa/kPa ALVPD was reached.Full stomatal closure of P.euphratica was achieved at 60 Pa/kPa ALVPD in both stands.E through the leaf surface amounted up to 30% of the highest E rates,indicating dependence on water recharge from the ground despite of obviously closed stomata.A distinct leaf surface temperature(Tleaf) threshold of around 30℃ also existed before stomata started to close.Generally,the differences in gas exchange between both stands were small,which led to the conclusion that micro-climatic constraints to E and photosynthesis were not the major factors for declining tree density with increasing distance from the river.  相似文献   

Root infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi in seedlings of three oak species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The combination of soil infestation with Phytophthora cinnamomi and repetitive flooding was studied on 1-year-old plants of Quercus ilex (holm oak) and Q. suber (cork oak). In a second experiment, using 2-year-old plants of the same species and of red oak ( Q. rubra ), the soil infestation was followed by two drought-rewatering cycles. Oak predawn leaf water potential (PLWP) and stomatal conductance (gs) were monitored during both experiments. Root infection, root loss, wilting and mortality were assessed at the end of the experiments. Q. ilex exhibited the highest susceptibility to P. cinnamomi , and Q. rubra the lowest. Root infections caused by P. cinnamomi were more severe in the flooding than in the drought experiment. The most noticeable effect of the infection on plant water relations was a decrease in stomatal conductance. This occurred at different times after inoculation, varying with species susceptibility and experiment. Inoculation with P. cinnamomi induced a decrease of PLWP in Q. ilex plants, and in some Q. suber plants exhibiting a severe root loss. The results further showed that the relationship between PLWP and gs was modified by infection with P. cinnamomi . The combination of flooding and infection with P. cinnamomi acted synergistically on the water relations of Q. ilex . By contrast, there was no significant increase in disease severity due to the postinoculation water stress imposed on the oaks.  相似文献   

In Patagonia, arid and semiarid lands are being affected both by inappropriate management practices, which are leading to degradation, and by volcanic activity, whose effects are still unclear. This study aimed to test whether superficial deposition of volcanic tephra could benefit two of the most prominent Patagonian forage grass species (Poa ligularis and Pappostipa speciosa var. speciosa). Pots with P. ligularis and P. speciosa were kept under wet (W) and dry (D) conditions in the presence (T+) or absence (T?) of tephra for 105 days, and then were all well-watered. We determined the effects of tephra on soil water retention and conservation, soil moisture content (% v/v), plant growth, stomatal conductance (gs), and gs recovery capacity. The water regime significantly affected both species performance and gs. The presence of tephra increased soil water conservation, soil moisture content in wet conditions, and P. ligularis gs in wet conditions, and decreased senescence in dry conditions (9% in P. ligularis and 16% in P. speciosa). The presence of tephra allowed roots to grow in 8/10 and 2/10 pots in W conditions for P. ligularis and P. speciosa, respectively, and in only 1/10 pots in D conditions, only for P. ligularis. Tephra was also associated with gs recovery after dry conditions. Poa ligularis was more positively affected by tephra than P. speciosa, probably because P. ligularis has higher phenotypic plasticity. The positive effects of tephra may increase the resilience and resistance of P. speciosa and P. ligularis to periods of water shortage.  相似文献   

为明确黑龙江省乔灌木树种对美国白蛾的适生性, 本试验选取水曲柳、白桦、榆叶梅3种林木的叶片于室内饲养美国白蛾4~6龄幼虫, 研究幼虫取食量及生长发育情况。结果表明:取食3种林木叶片的美国白蛾4龄幼虫累计死亡率差异不显著(P>0.05), 5、6龄幼虫累计死亡率由高到低为榆叶梅>白桦、水曲柳(P<0.05); 取食榆叶梅叶片的美国白蛾幼虫发育到6龄时全部死亡, 而取食水曲柳、白桦叶片的幼虫能完成生活史。美国白蛾4龄幼虫取食量由大到小为水曲柳>白桦、榆叶梅(P<0.05), 5龄的为水曲柳>白桦>榆叶梅(P<0.05), 6龄的为水曲柳>白桦(P<0.05)。美国白蛾4、5龄幼虫龄期长短顺序为榆叶梅、白桦>水曲柳(P<0.05), 取食水曲柳和白桦的美国白蛾6龄幼虫龄期长短差异不显著(P>0.05); 成虫期长短顺序为水曲柳>白桦(P<0.05), 而幼虫期和蛹期长短顺序与成虫期相比正相反(P<0.05)。取食水曲柳、白桦叶片的美国白蛾化蛹率、羽化率、产卵量及幼虫生长指数、蛹生长指数差异均不显著(P>0.05)。说明水曲柳和白桦为美国白蛾潜在适生寄主, 榆叶梅不适合其生长; 与白桦相比, 美国白蛾更喜欢取食水曲柳叶片, 且成虫寿命更长。这为预防美国白蛾传入定殖潜在适生树种、有针对性地采取措施保护黑龙江省林木提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The transpiration rate of plant is physically controlled by the magnitude of the vapor pressure deficit(VPD) and stomatal conductance. A limited-transpiration trait has been reported for many crop species in different environments, including Maize(Zea mays L.). This trait results in restricted transpiration rate under high VPD, and can potentially conserve soil water and thus decrease soil water deficit. However, such a restriction on transpiration rate has never been explored in maize under arid climatic conditions in northwestern China. The objective of this study was to examine the transpiration rate of field-grown maize under well-watered conditions in an arid area at both leaf and whole plant levels, and therefore to investigate how transpiration rate responding to the ambient VPD at different spatial and temporal scales. The transpiration rates of maize at leaf and plant scales were measured independently using a gas exchange system and sapflow instrument, respectively. Results showed significant variations in transpiration responses of maize to VPD among different spatio-temporal scales. A two-phase transpiration response was observed at leaf level with a threshold of 3.5 k Pa while at the whole plant level, the daytime transpiration rate was positively associated with VPD across all measurement data, as was nighttime transpiration response to VPD at both leaf and whole plant level, which showed no definable threshold vapor pressure deficit, above which transpiration rate was restricted. With regard to temporal scale, transpiration was most responsive to VPD at a daily scale, moderately responsive at a half-hourly scale, and least responsive at an instantaneous scale. A similar breakpoint(about 3.0 k Pa) in response of the instantaneous leaf stomatal conductance and hourly canopy bulk conductance to VPD were also observed. At a daily scale, the maximum canopy bulk conductance occurred at a VPD about 1.7 k Pa. Generally, the responsiveness of stomatal conductance to VPD at the canopy scale was lower than that at leaf scale. These results indicate a temporal and spatial heterogeneity in how maize transpiration responses to VPD under arid climatic conditions. This could allow a better assessment of the possible benefits of using the maximum transpiration trait to improve maize drought tolerance in arid environment, and allow a better prediction of plant transpiration which underpin empirical models for stomatal conductance at different spatio-temporal scales in the arid climatic conditions.  相似文献   

为探明滴灌方式下不同水分处理对陕北风沙区温室油桃生长的适用性,选择5a生早熟油桃"秦光6号",设置3个滴灌处理W1、W2、W3和当地漫灌处理(CK)4个水分处理,当任一滴灌处理的土壤含水率达灌水下限50%θf,开始统一灌水,灌水上限分别为90%θf(W1)、75%θf(W2)、60%θf(W3)。经过2017年的预试验处理后,于2018年测定桃树新梢生长量、茎干日最大收缩量(MDS)、叶片叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)、果径以及产量和水分利用效率(WUE)等指标。结果表明:新梢生长量和滴灌灌水量呈正相关,各生育期的MDS均值存在显著差异(P<0.05);各处理叶片的SPAD值在果实第二膨大期和成熟采摘期差异显著,W2在果实生长期SPAD整体居高。果实的生长情况:CK的成熟果实横径和缝径分别为44.3、46.0 cm,而W2达53.3、55.9 cm;W1和W3的单株果个数较W2(49.3)分别高20.8%和5.7%,CK则低至40.7个;但W2单果重显著高于其他处理,达到106.39 g。W1、W...  相似文献   

基于3 a连续冬小麦-夏玉米覆膜轮作试验校准和验证AquaCrop模型的适用性,模拟研究了气候变化对夏玉米生长、产量和水分利用的影响,分析了覆膜措施对气候变化的应对效果。结果表明:关中地区(以武功、宝鸡和西安地区为例)年平均温度呈逐年递增趋势,温度增加幅度由高到低依次为宝鸡、西安和武功,增温速率分别为0.20、0.12℃·10a~(-1)和0.09℃·10a~(-1);降雨量呈逐年递减趋势,减少幅度大小依次为西安、宝鸡和武功,减小量分别为3.59、3.23 mm·10a~(-1)和2.64 mm·10a~(-1)。AquaCrop模型在关中地区表现出了良好的适用性,可以较好地模拟连续覆膜条件下作物的产量指标、水分利用和生长的动态变化,冠层覆盖度模拟值和实测值之间的均方根误差(RMSE)介于1.1%~15.3%,生物量模拟值和实测值之间的RMSE介于0.626~2.540 t·hm~(-2),土壤贮水量模拟值和实测值之间的RMSE介于12.6~47.4 mm。模拟研究表明,上世纪60年代以来,随着气温不断升高,武功、宝鸡和西安地区的夏玉米生育期均呈逐年缩短趋势,特别是1980s以来,减少幅度达2.76、4.82 d·10a~(-1)和5.94 d·10a~(-1);在不同的降水年型下,覆膜处理产量均高于裸地处理,且其变异系数较小;在干旱气候条件下,覆膜处理依然可以获得一定的籽粒产量,与裸地处理相比,覆膜处理表现出了较好的稳产效应。同时,覆膜处理有效减少了玉米苗期土壤表层蒸发(平均减少7.6 mm),从而在土壤中保蓄更多的降雨;覆膜处理虽然增加了土壤耗水量,但其通过保蓄土壤水分,稳定作物产量,有效提高了玉米的水分利用效率。因此,关中地区旱作覆膜可以有效适应当地气候变化,在一定程度上应对干旱气候,具有较好的增产稳产效应。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of Trichogramma species is a potential key strategy in integrated pest management. However, its effectiveness depends on the use of chemicals that do not interfere with parasitism and parasite population growth. Here, a study was made of the effects of synthetic insecticides on Trichogramma pretiosum and Trichogramma exiguum in different hosts (Ephestia kuehniella, Plutella xylostella and Spodoptera frugiperda) and the influence of International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC/WPRS) methodology in selectivity studies using different Trichogramma species. The insecticides used were commercial formulations (triflumuron at a concentration of 0.2 mL L?1 water, etofenprox at a concentration of 0.47 mL L?1 water and endosulfan at a concentration of 7.5 mL L?1 water); the control treatment consisted of distilled water. Eggs attached to cardboard cards were offered to parasitoids inside glass cages. Parasitised eggs, parasitism and adult emergence rates and parasitism reduction were evaluated. RESULTS: Endosulfan and etofenprox, classified as class‐4 toxic products, were extremely toxic to the parasitoids. Triflumuron, classified as a non‐toxic product, was selective to the parasitoids in eggs of all hosts. CONCLUSIONS: The methodology recommended by IOBC/WPRS influenced results regarding the use of different species of parasitoids, and the use of a single parasitoid species in their experiment is questionable. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of the phytotoxin fusaric acid (FA) on the biocontrol traits of two biocontrol strains Paenibacillus polymyxa WR‐2 and SQR‐21. The results showed that the growth of both WR‐2 and SQR‐21 decreased with increasing FA concentration, and at 70 and 80 μg mL?1 FA, respectively, the strains were unable to grow. The biocontrol traits of both strains were negatively affected by FA concentration higher than 2·5 μg mL?1. However, at 2·5 μg mL?1 FA, biofilm formation and root colonization were not affected and there was even a positive effect on the production of spores and hydrolytic enzymes (protease and β‐l,3‐glucanase). The production of fusaricidin‐type antifungal compounds was increased with an increase in FA concentration up to 50 and 60 μg mL?1 for WR‐2 and SQR‐21, respectively. The production of antifungal volatile organic compounds by WR‐2 and SQR‐21 was increased only at 2·5 μg mL?1 FA. The effect of FA on the overall metabolic activity of WR‐2 and SQR‐21 was also determined. This study will help to understand the response of P. polymyxa strains to FA and will help to improve their biocontrol efficiency.  相似文献   

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