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Field experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of soil matric potential (SMP) on tomato yield, evapotranspiration (ET), water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) under drip irrigation condition in North China Plain. The experiment included five treatments, which controlled SMP at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitter higher than −10 (S1), −20 (S2), −30 (S3), −40 (S4) and −50 kPa (S5), respectively, after tomato plant establishment. The results showed that different SMP affected irrigation amount and tomato ET. Irrigation amount decreased from 185 mm (S1) to 83.6 mm (S5) in 2004, and from 165 mm (S1) to 109 mm (S5) in 2005, respectively. The ET decreased from 270 mm (S1) to 202 mm (S5) in both years. However, it was found that SMP did not affect the tomato yield significantly, for the range of SMP investigated. Both WUE and IWUE increased as SMP decreased. The maximum WUE (253 and 217 kg/ha mm) and IWUE (620 and 406 kg/ha mm) were for S5 in 2 years, whereas the minimum WUE (178 and 155 kg/ha mm) and IWUE 261 and 259 kg/ha mm) were for S1 in 2004 and 2005. Based on the above results, therefore, it is recommended that if the tomatoes are well irrigated (SMP is higher than −20 kPa) during establishment, controlling SMP higher than −50 kPa at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitter can be used as an indicator for drip irrigation scheduling during following period of tomato growth in North China Plain.  相似文献   

A 3-year experiment was conducted in an extremely dry and saline wasteland to investigate the effects of the drip irrigation on salt distributions and the growth of cotton under different irrigation regimes in Xinjiang, Northwest China. The experiment included five treatments in which the soil matric potential (SMP) at 20 cm depth was controlled at −5, −10, −15, −20, and −25 kPa after cotton was established. The results indicated that a favorable low salinity zone existed in the root zone throughout the growing season when the SMP threshold was controlled below −25 kPa. When the SMP value decreased, the electrical conductivity of the saturation paste extract (ECe) in the root zone after the growing season decreased as well. After the 3-year experiment, the seed-cotton yield had reached 84% of the average yield level for non-saline soil in the study region and the emergence rate was 78.1% when the SMP target value was controlled below −5 kPa. The average pH of the soil decreased slightly after 3 years of cultivation. The highest irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) values were recorded when the SMP was around −20 kPa. After years of reclamation and utilization, the saline soil gradually changed to a moderately saline soil. The SMP of −5 kPa at a depth of 20 cm immediately under a drip emitter can be used as an indicator for cotton drip irrigation scheduling in saline areas in Xinjiang, Northwest China.  相似文献   

为探讨水、盐、氮三因素对棉花生长的耦合效应及最优水肥制度,分别设置了4种灌溉定额(1 575,2 100,2 625,3 150 m3/hm2)、4种施氮量(0,150,300,450 kg/hm2)和4种土壤盐分(非盐化土、轻度、中度和重度盐化土),通过盆栽试验,研究了水、氮、盐对膜下滴灌棉花产量的影响.结果表明:灌溉定额、施氮量和土壤盐分与棉花产量之间符合回归模型,模型对水氮盐的耦合效果较好;单因素对棉花产量影响按因素排序由大到小为灌水量,土壤含盐量,施氮量;耦合作用的影响按因素排序由大到小为盐氮,水氮,水盐;水氮施加量对棉花产量的影响均存在阈值,低于此阈值,棉花增产效果较为明显;中、重度土壤盐分含量明显抑制棉花生长;通过回归模型进行耦合分析,最适合研究区的水肥盐耦合方式为轻盐土壤、灌溉定额2 677 m3/hm2和施氮量202 kg/hm2.本研究可为盐碱区棉田水肥高效利用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Saline water has been included as an important substitutable resource for fresh water in agricultural irrigation in many fresh water scarce regions. In order to make good use of saline water for agricultural irrigation in North China, a semi-humid area, a 3-year field experiment was carried out to study the possibility of using saline water for supplement irrigation of cucumber. Saline water was applied via mulched drip irrigation. The average electrical conductivity of irrigation water (ECiw) was 1.1, 2.2, 2.9, 3.5 and 4.2 dS/m in 2003 and 2004, and 1.1, 2.2, 3.5, 4.2 and 4.9 dS/m in 2005. Throughout cucumber-growing season, the soil matric potential at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitter was kept higher than −20 kPa and saline water was applied after cucumber seedling stage. The experimental results revealed that cucumber fruit number per plant and yield decreased by 5.7% per unit increase in ECiw. The maximum yield loss was around 25% for ECiw of 4.9 dS/m, compared with 1.1 dS/m. Cucumber seasonal accumulative water use decreased linearly over the range of 1.5-6.9% per unit increase in ECiw. As to the average root zone ECe (electrical conductivity of saturated paste extract), cucumber yield and water use decreased by 10.8 and 10.3% for each unit of ECe increase in the root zone (within 40 cm away from emitter and 40 cm depths), respectively. After 3 years irrigation with saline water, there was no obvious tendency for ECe to increase in the soil profile of 0-90 cm depths. So in North China, or similar semi-humid area, when there is no enough fresh water for irrigation, saline water up to 4.9 dS/m can be used to irrigate field culture cucumbers at the expense of some yield loss.  相似文献   

Deficit irrigation after harvest has been proven to be a more profitable strategy for producing loquats due to its effects on promoting earlier flowering and harvest date next season. To determine water savings which most advance flowering and harvest dates, an experiment was established to compare phenology, fruit quality and yield in ‘Algerie’ loquats over two consecutive seasons. In this experiment some trees were programmed to receive 50%, 25% or 0% of the water applied to controls (RDI50%, RDI25%, and RDI0%, respectively) from mid-June to the end of July (6 weeks). Fully irrigated trees acted as first controls while trees undergoing previously tested postharvest deficit irrigation (25% of water applied to controls; RDILong) from early June up to the end of August (13 weeks of RDI total) acted as second controls. All deficit irrigation treatments promoted earlier flowering when compared to fully irrigated trees; the greatest advancement in full bloom date (27 days) was achieved with severe short term RDI (RDI0% and RDI25%). The trees suffering an extended period of water stress advanced full bloom date but to a lesser extent (13 and 18 days; 2004/2005 and 2005/2006, respectively). Earlier bloom derived in an earlier harvest date without detrimental effects on fruit quality and productivity. In this regard, the most severe RDI (RDI0%) advanced mean harvest date the most (7 and 9 days, depending on the season), and increased the percentage of precocious yield to the highest extent. Productivity was not diminished by reduced irrigation in either season. Fruit size and grading was enhanced thanks to RDI in both seasons. Earliness and better fruit class distribution under RDI also improved fruit value and gross revenue enabling farmers both to increase earning and economize on water.  相似文献   

Management of salinity may include establishing trees in saline areas to enhance discharge and may enable productive use of saline land. Field studies of the performance of trees in saline conditions are generally confined to the initial years after planting, and little quantitative data are available on the relationship between the growth rates of eucalypt species to soil salinity in field conditions at later ages (e.g. 10 years). In this study, the growth of irrigated Eucalyptus globulus, E. grandis and E. camaldulensis is examined in relation to soil salinity measured using an electromagnetic induction device (EM38).The EM38 was found to be an effective tool in determining survival and growth responses of three Eucalyptus species to levels of soil salinity. Differences in measured tree survival, stand volume and leaf area index were correlated with soil salinity. Of the three species, E. globulus performed best in terms of survival and volume growth to age 10 years under slight to moderate salinity conditions, while E. camaldulensis performed best under moderate to severe soil salinity. The ranking of these species for salinity tolerance is consistent with pot trials and younger field trials.This study highlighted the high spatial variability associated with soil salinity, and studies relating the growth of trees in the field should best be analysed on an areal or stand basis, thereby accounting for variability of salt stored in the soil, and reducing the influence of inter-tree competition on growth-salinity relationships. These results have implications for site selection and management of eucalypts in saline areas.  相似文献   

Precision irrigation in grapevines could be achieved using physiologically based irrigation scheduling methods. This paper describes an investigation on the effects of three midday stem water potential (midday ΨS) thresholds, imposed from post-setting, over water use, vegetative growth, grape quality and yield of grapevines cv. Cabernet Sauvignon. An experiment was carried out on a vineyard located at the Isla de Maipo, Metropolitana Region, Chile, throughout the 2002/03, 2003/04 and 2004/05 growing seasons. Irrigation treatments consisted in reaching the following midday ΨS thresholds: −0.8 to −0.95 MPa (T1); −1.0 to −1.2 MPa (T2) and −1.25 to −1.4 MPa (T3) from post-setting to harvest. Results showed significant differences in grape quality components among treatments and seasons studied. In average, T3 produced smallest berry diameter (6% reduction compared to T1), high skin to pulp ratio (13% increment compared to T1) and significant increments in soluble solids and anthocyanins. Improvements in grape quality attributes were attributed to mild grapevine water stress due to significant reductions in water application (46% for T2 and 89% for T3 less in average, both compared to T1). This study found significant correlations between midday ΨS and berry quality components, no detrimental effects on yield by treatments were found in this study. This research proposes a suitable physiological index and thresholds to manage RDI and irrigation scheduling on grapevines to achieve high quality grapes on mild water stress conditions.  相似文献   

The impact that different regulated-deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments exert on a 12-year-old orange orchard (Citrussinensis L. Osbeck, cv. salustiano) was studied from 2004 to 2007. The experiment consisted of a control irrigation treatment which was irrigated at 100% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) values for the whole season, and three deficit treatments imposed as a function of the water-stress index (WSI), which is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of water supply to the ETc rate. In our case, these WSI values were 0.75, 0.65, and 0.50, respectively. The stem-water potential at noon (ΨStem) was used as a parameter to estimate the water status of the plant. Yield and fruit quality was evaluated at harvest in each treatment (taking into account the temporal variability of the results due to the climatic characteristics of each of the years of this study) and an overall analysis was made using the whole dataset. Significant differences were found in fruit quality parameters (total soluble solids and titrable acidity), which also showed significant regression coefficients with the values of the integrated stem-water potential. These results led us to conclude that in mature orange trees grown under these conditions, regulated-deficit irrigation has important and significant effects on the final fruit quality, but the effects are not so clear-cut in tree yield, where the differences in the case of reducing a 50% of the crop ETc, were not considered to be statistically significant despite an approximate 10% decrease in fruit yield. A global rescaled distance cluster analysis was performed in order to summarize the main relationships between the variables evaluated and to establish a different correlation matrix. Finally, a classification tree was derived and principal-component analysis was undertaken in order to identify and evaluate the variables which had the strongest effect on the crop response to different irrigation treatments.  相似文献   

针对柴达木盆地枸杞生产对水-肥-盐综合管理的需求,布置了5个滴灌施肥灌溉比例(施肥量分别为当地枸杞施肥量的10%、30%、50%,70%、90%)的田间试验,试验通过控制滴头正下方20cm处的土壤基质势下限为-20kPa进行滴灌水盐调控和施肥灌溉。结果表明:在柴达木地区,当滴头正下方20cm深度土壤基质势控制在-20kPa以上时,滴灌施肥灌溉阶段土壤盐分会增加,但是土壤仍属于非盐渍土,低耐盐植物可以生长;冬灌盐分淋洗效果显著,冬灌后土壤盐分基本可以维持平衡;随着施肥比例的增加,枸杞的株高、茎粗、冠幅增长率及干鲜果产量先增加再降低,当施肥比例为70%时达到最大;滴灌高频施肥灌溉有利于提高枸杞的产量、灌溉水利用效率和肥料利用率,并且当施肥比例为当地枸杞施肥量的70%左右时,枸杞产量高、灌溉水利用效率高、肥料偏生产力高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses that (1) the tree Acacia senegal competes for water with associated agricultural crops, and the soil water content would vary spatially with tree density and type of management; (2) the microclimate created by trees would favourably affect the soil water content and improve the growth of associated agricultural crops. Trees were grown at 5 m × 5 m or 10 m × 10 m spacing alone or in mixture with sorghum or sesame. Soil water content was measured using a neutron probe at three depths, 0–25, 25–50 and 50–75 cm; and at different stages of crop development (early, mid, and late). Crop growth and yield and the overall system performance were investigated over a 4-year period (1999–2002). Results showed no significant variation in the soil water content under different agroforestry systems. Intercropping also resulted in a higher land equivalent ratio. No significant variation was found between yields of sorghum and sesame when these crops were grown with or without trees. The averages crop yields were1.54 and 1.54 t ha−1 for sorghum; and 0.36 and 0.42 t ha−1for sesame in intercropping and pure cultivation, respectively. This suggests that at an early stage of agroforestry system management, A. senegal has no detrimental effect on agricultural crop yield. However, the pattern of resource capture by trees and crops can change as the system matures. There was little competition between trees and crops for water suggesting that in A. senegal agroforestry systems with 4-year-old trees the clay soil has enough water to support the crop growth over a whole growing season up to maturation and harvest.  相似文献   

将具有保墒增温等优点的地膜覆盖栽培方法,与具有节水增产适时适量的局部浸润滴灌集成创新,形成优势互补相得益彰的膜下滴灌技术,是我国典型的内陆干旱新疆农业节水实践成果,这一技术已在新疆灌区大面积应用,成为我国干旱农业区实施节水灌溉的重要发展模式。随着膜下滴灌技术的应用实践,该技术在具有节水增产、增温保墒等特点的同时,由于膜下滴灌特有的介面特征,显现出在水盐运行环境、运移变化特点、脱盐程度等方面与传统和单一的灌溉方式有着明显不同的特点。综述了近年来新疆灌区有关膜下滴灌条件下的水盐运移、脱盐变化等主要方面试验研究和实践效果,提出了利用膜下滴灌的水盐运移规律而实施脱、排盐应用研究方向。  相似文献   

膜下滴灌条件下土壤水盐运移研究综述   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
将具有保墒增温等优点的地膜覆盖栽培方法,与具有节水增产适时适量的局部浸润滴灌集成创新,形成优势互补相得益彰的膜下滴灌技术,是我国典型的内陆干旱新疆农业节水实践成果,这一技术已在新疆灌区大面积应用,成为我国干旱农业区实施节水灌溉的重要发展模式。随着膜下滴灌技术的应用实践,该技术在具有节水增产、增温保墒等特点的同时,由于膜下滴灌特有的介面特征,显现出在水盐运行环境、运移变化特点、脱盐程度等方面与传统和单一的灌溉方式有着明显不同的特点。综述了近年来新疆灌区有关膜下滴灌条件下的水盐运移、脱盐变化等主要方面试验研究和实践效果,提出了利用膜下滴灌的水盐运移规律而实施脱、排盐应用研究方向。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify and compare the effects of two different deficit irrigation (DI) strategies (regulated deficit irrigation, or RDI, and partial rootzone drying, PRD) on almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb) fruit growth and quality. Five irrigation treatments, ranging from moderate to severe water restriction, were applied: (i) full irrigation (FI), irrigated to satisfy the maximum crop water requirements (ETc); (ii) regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), receiving 50% of ETc during the kernel-filling stage and at 100% ETc throughout the remaining periods; and three PRD treatments – PRD70, PRD50 and PRD30 – irrigated at 70%, 50% and 30% ETc, respectively, during the whole growth season. The DI treatments did not affect the overall fruit growth pattern compared to the FI treatment, but they had a negative impact on the final kernel dry weight for the most stressed treatments. The allocation of water to the different components of the fruit, characterized by the fresh weight ratio of kernel to fruit, appeared to be the process most clearly affected by DI. Attributes of the kernel chemical composition (lipid, protein, sugar and organic acid contents) were not negatively affected by the intensity of water deprivation. Overall, our results indicated that PRD did not present a clear advantage (or disadvantage) over RDI with regard to almond fruit growth and quality.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects of irrigation amount and partial rootzone drying (PRD) on water relations, growth, yield and wine quality of Vitis vinifera cv. ‘Tempranillo’ during two consecutive years in a commercial vineyard with a deep, light-clay soil located in Requena, Valencia, Spain. Partial rootzone drying applied at two amounts (100% and 50% of the estimated crop evapotranspiration), was compared to conventional drip irrigation, and also to rainfed vines. Results showed that the effects of irrigation amount on yield and wine quality were different between years. In 2003 with low yield values (around 6.3 t ha−1) irrigation did neither affect grape production nor wine quality. However, in the following year, with much higher general yield (17 t ha−1), the high irrigation dose increased yield by 30% compared to rainfed vines and it also increased must total soluble solids and wine alcohol content. In both seasons, PRD did not significantly affect physiological parameters, nor growth, yield or fruit and wine quality, when compared to the same amount of water applied by conventional drip irrigation. Overall these results suggest that, under our experimental conditions, it was the irrigation amount rather than the system of application what affected vine performance, indicating the difficulties of successfully employing the PRD type of irrigation with a drip system in heavy and deep soils.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the effect of elevated CO2 concentration, irrigation and nitrogenous fertilizer application on the growth and yield of spring wheat in semi-arid areas. A field experiment was conducted at the Dingxi Agricultural Experiment Station during 2000–2002. According to the experimental design, the CO2 concentration increased to 14.5, 40 and 54.5 μmol mol−1, respectively, by NH4HCO3 (involving CO2) application, direct application of CO2 gas and combination of fertilizer NH4HCO3 plus CO2 application, which are equal to CO2 concentration of the Earth's atmosphere in the next 5, 15 and 20 years. The fertilizer application was divided into three levels: application of NH3NO3 (250 kg h m−2), NH4HCO3 (500 kg h m−2) and no fertilizer. Irrigation was divided into two levels: with 90 mm irrigation in the growth period and without irrigation. They can be combined as eight treatments. Each treatment was replicated three times. The results showed that elevated CO2 concentration owing to CO2 application leads to remarkable increase in leaf area index (LAI) and shoot biomass, and also generates the higher value of leaf area duration (LAD) that can benefit the photosynthesis in the growth stage and yield increase in crop compared than the no CO2 application treatment. When CO2 concentration elevated by 14.5, 40 and 54.5 μmol mol−1 with irrigation and fertilization, correspondingly, the grain yield increased by 6.3, 13.1 and 19.8%, respectively, whereas without irrigation and fertilization, the grain yield increased by only 4.2% when CO2 concentration increased to 40 μmol mol−1. Meanwhile, irrigation and fertilization can result in larger and deeper root system and have significantly positive influences on higher value of root/shoot (R/S) and water use efficiency. The grain yields in irrigation, irrigation plus NH3NO3 application and irrigation plus application of NH4HCO3 treatments are 73.4, 148.0 and 163.6% higher than that of no-irrigated and no-fertilized treatment, suggesting that both irrigation and fertilizer application contribute to remarkable increase of crop yield. In all treatments, the highest water use efficiency (WUE, 7.24 kg h m−2 mm−1) and grain yield (3286 kg h m−2) consistently occurred in the treatment with 90 mm irrigation plus fertilizer NH4HCO3 and elevated CO2 concentration (54.5 μmol mol−1), suggesting that this combination has an integrated beneficial effect on improving WUE and grain yield of spring wheat. These results may offer help to maintain and increase the crop yields in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

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