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The dynamics of soil water was investigated in a Mediterranean vineyard during the 2003-2007 period in order to identify the inter-seasonal modification of water storage due to intercropping. The intercrop was a mixture of tall fescue and rye grass. Soil water content was measured on 3 m soil profiles (plus one 5 m profile) as was runoff from local stands.Great variations in soil refilling were observed over the years, for both the bare soil and intercrop treatments. The complete refilling occurred once and it was associated with a rise of the water table up to less than 2 m from the soil surface in the low part of the field. During the other years, the wetting front was identified between 1 m and 2.3 m at spring in the bare soil treatment, deeper in the lowest part of the field. The available soil water content at bud-break was influenced by the topography. A higher infiltration was observed in the intercropped treatment. Runoff kinetics was compared to rainfall kinetics in a selection of three rain events differing by duration and intensity. The curve number method was used to perform the analysis of runoff at a 1-day time-step rather than the quarter of an hour time-step of the registrations. With this method, the time limitation of water balance studies for Mediterranean vineyards would be partially removed.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of temperature increases and irregular rainfall distribution, associated with climate change, on water availability for rainfed vineyards cultivated in a Mediterranean climate area. The study includes the analysis of the interrelations between precipitation distribution, temperature, evapotranspiration and runoff rates, and the resulting water storage in vineyards soils of the Penedès region (NE Spain). A hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to classify the years according to water availability. The influence of water stored into the soil on yield for some one of the main vine varieties cultivated in the area is analysed. A vineyard, representative of the land management practices in this area, was selected for soil moisture monitoring and runoff evaluations, as well as for grape yield, which was compared with yields recorded in other plots.According to rainfall distribution and water availability, the 12 analysed years represent five different situations: wet years with positive and negative water balance; dry years; years with average annual rainfall but irregularly distributed throughout the year leading to a negative water balance; and extreme situations. Significant water deficits were observed in years in which total rainfall amount was above the annual average in the area, being similar to those observed in dry years: in 8 of the 12 analysed years deficits higher than 100 mm (up to 309 mm) during the growing period (budbreak-harvest) were recorded. At annual scale, 42% of the analysed years recorded deficits ranging between 27.7 and 191.4 mm. In the driest years, and those with more irregular rainfall distribution, soil moisture contents below the wilting point were reached. The high intensity rainfalls, producing important runoff losses (in many cases out of the periods in which crop water needs are higher), together with the increasing temperature trends, which give rise to significant evapotranspiration increases (values up to 32% higher than the average were recorded during the study period), are the main responsible factors for the water deficits recorded during grape development. Winegrape yield was influenced by the water stored into the soil, bloom-veraison or during budbreak-bloom depending on the variety.  相似文献   

Trunk sap flow of tree is an important index in the irrigation decision of orchard. On the basis of the measured sap flow (SF) of pear tree (Pyrus pyrifolia) in the field, the multiple-linear regression for simulating the SF was obtained after analyzing the relationships between the SF and its affecting factors in this study and an artificial neural network (ANN) technique was applied to construct a nonlinear mapping to simulate the SF, then the simulated SF by two models was, respectively, compared to the measured value. Results showed that trunk SF had significant relationship with the vapour pressure deficit (VPD) in the single-variable analysis method but with soil volumetric water content (θ) using the ANN models with default of different variables. The correlation coefficient (R2), mean relative error (MRE) and root mean square error (RMSE) between the measured and simulated sap flows by the ANN model developed by taking VPD, solar radiation (Sr), air temperature (T), wind speed (Ws), θ, leaf area index (LAI) as the input variables were 0.953, 10.0% and 5.33 L d−1, respectively, and the simulation precision of ANN model was superior to that of multiple-linear regression due to its better performance for the nonlinear relationship between trunk SF and its affecting factors, thus ANN model can simulate trunk sap flow and then may help the efficient water management of orchard.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was to evaluate the potential of the dual approach of FAO-56 for estimating actual crop evapotranspiration (AET) and its components (crop transpiration and soil evaporation) of an olive (Olea europaea L.) orchard in the semi-arid region of Tensift-basin (central of Morocco). Two years (2003 and 2004) of continuous measurements of AET with the eddy-covariance technique were used to test the performance of the model. The results showed that, by using the local values of basal crop coefficients, the approach simulates reasonably well AET over two growing seasons. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between measured and simulated AET values during 2003 and 2004 were respectively about 0.54 and 0.71 mm per day. The basal crop coefficient (Kcb) value obtained for the olive orchard was similar in both seasons with an average of 0.54. This value was lower than that suggested by the FAO-56 (0.62). Similarly, the single approach of FAO-56 has been tested in the previous work (Er-Raki et al., 2008) over the same study site and it has been shown that this approach also simulates correctly AET when using the local crop coefficient and under no stress conditions.Since the dual approach predicts separately soil evaporation and plant transpiration, an attempt was made to compare the simulated components of AET with measurements obtained through a combination of eddy covariance and scaled-up sap flow measurements. The results showed that the model gives an acceptable estimate of plant transpiration and soil evaporation. The associated RMSE of plant transpiration and soil evaporation were 0.59 and 0.73 mm per day, respectively.Additionally, the irrigation efficiency was investigated by comparing the irrigation scheduling design used by the farmer to those recommended by the FAO model. It was found that although the amount of irrigation applied by the farmer (800 mm) during the growing season of olives was twice that recommended one by the FAO model (411 mm), the vegetation suffered from water stress during the summer. Such behaviour can be explained by inadequate distribution of irrigation. Consequently, the FAO model can be considered as a potentially useful tool for planning irrigation schedules on an operational basis.  相似文献   

The introduction of cover crops in vineyards is being tested as it mitigates some undesirable environmental impacts of these cropping systems, such as surface runoff and soil erosion. In some cases, it could even reduce an excessive vegetative vigour of grapevine. However, most of time, wine growers are worried that severe competition for soil resources between the intercrop and grapevines could impair grape yield and quality. WaLIS (Water baLance for Intercropped Systems), a simple model simulating the water resource partitioning in such an association was designed to evaluate and optimize the water regime in intercropped systems.The model is presented and evaluated in this paper in three situations: the same grapevine cultivar (cv. Aranel) with either bare soil, or a temporary intercrop (barley) or a permanent intercrop (tall fescue). All three situations are located in the south of France. It is based on an existing model, designed to simulate the water regime of a bare soil vineyard, which was adapted to take into account the specific features of intercropped systems. Hence it includes a two-compartment representation of the soil particularly adapted to row crops. The simulation of a grass cover growth and its transpiration were added. Finally, particular importance was dedicated to the simulation of surface runoff which was the main source of the original model deviation during the winter period and made difficult multi-year simulations. Now, the model appears to be able to evaluate perennial cropping systems and provide decision support.The WaLIS model simulated the water available for both grapevine and intercrop well, and it proved to be efficient in most of the tested situations and years. The modelling of the water stress experienced by both crops was also generally good and all water fluxes simulated by the model were realistic. The main observed deviation in the simulation of the water soil content occurred during winter, i.e. outside the grapevine growth period. It was very likely due to the use of a constant parameter value for the surface runoff which did not take into account of changes in the soil surface and their effects on water infiltration.Finally, the analysis of sensitivity made on the WaLIS model showed that it is robust and sensitive to a few parameters, which drive the maximal grapevine transpiration and soil evaporation or are linked to the surface runoff simulation. The work also revealed how a good estimate of the total soil water available for each crop is crucial. This model, easy to use and parameterise, can provide sound management advice for designing valuable intercropped cropping systems.  相似文献   

Sap flow meters based on the stem heat balance method were used to measure the mass flow rates or water use in young potted tea (Camellia sinensis L.) plants of clones AHP S15/10 and BBK35. The meters were constructed on site and installed onto the stem or branch sections of field growing plants in an experiment originally designed to study the effects of plant population density and drought on the productivity and water use of young tea clones. The objective of the study was to use the SHB method as a first attempt to use sap flow meters for determining the water use of young tea growing in the field under well watered conditions in Tanzania. The results are reported and recommendation made for further work on using the technique.  相似文献   

Free-drainage or “open” substrate system used for vegetable production in greenhouses is associated with appreciable NO3 leaching losses and drainage volumes. Simulation models of crop N uptake, N leaching, water use and drainage of crops in these systems will be useful for crop and water resource management, and environmental assessment. This work (i) modified the TOMGRO model to simulate N uptake for tomato grown in greenhouses in SE Spain, (ii) modified the PrHo model to simulate transpiration of tomato grown in substrate and (iii) developed an aggregated model combining TOMGRO and PrHo to calculate N uptake concentrations and drainage NO3 concentration. The component models simulate NO3-N leached by subtracting simulated N uptake from measured applied N, and drainage by subtracting simulated transpiration from measured irrigation. Three tomato crops grown sequentially in free-draining rock wool in a plastic greenhouse were used for calibration and validation. Measured daily transpiration was determined by the water balance method from daily measurements of irrigation and drainage. Measured N uptake was determined by N balance, using data of volumes and of concentrations of NO3 and NH4+ in applied nutrient solution and drainage. Accuracy of the two modified component models and aggregated model was assessed by comparing simulated to measured values using linear regression analysis, comparison of slope and intercept values of regression equations, and root mean squared error (RMSE) values. For the three crops, the modified TOMGRO provided accurate simulations of cumulative crop N uptake, (RMSE = 6.4, 1.9 and 2.6% of total N uptake) and NO3-N leached (RMSE = 11.0, 10.3, and 6.1% of total NO3-N leached). The modified PrHo provided accurate simulation of cumulative transpiration (RMSE = 4.3, 1.7 and 2.4% of total transpiration) and cumulative drainage (RMSE = 13.8, 6.9, 7.4% of total drainage). For the four cumulative parameters, slopes and intercepts of the linear regressions were mostly not statistically significant (P < 0.05) from one and zero, respectively, and coefficient of determination (r2) values were 0.96-0.98. Simulated values of total drainage volumes for the three crops were +21, +1 and −13% of measured total drainage volumes. The aggregated TOMGRO-PrHo model generally provided accurate simulation of crop N uptake concentration after 30-40 days of transplanting, with an average RMSE of approximately 2 mmol L−1. Simulated values of average NO3 concentration in drainage, obtained with the aggregated model, were −7, +18 and +31% of measured values.  相似文献   

Determination of temporal and spatial distribution of water use (WU) within agricultural land is critical for irrigation management and could be achieved by remotely sensed data. The aim of this study was to estimate WU of dwarf green beans under excessive and limited irrigation water application conditions through indicators based on remotely sensed data. For this purpose, field experiments were conducted comprising of six different irrigation water levels. Soil water content, climatic parameters, canopy temperature and spectral reflectance were all monitored. Reference evapotranspiration (ET0), crop coefficient Kc and potential crop evapotraspiration (ETc) were calculated by means of methods described in FAO-56. In addition, WU values were determined by using soil water balance residual and various indexes were calculated. Water use fraction (WUF), which represents both excessive and limited irrigation applications, was defined through WU, ET0 and Kc. Based on the relationships between WUF and remotely sensed indexes, WU of each irrigation treatments were then estimated. According to comparisons between estimated and measured WU, in general crop water stress index (CWSI) can be offered for monitoring of irrigated land. At the same time, under water stress, correlation between measured WU and estimated WU based on CWSI was the highest too. However, canopy-air temperature difference (Tc − Ta) is more reliable than others for excessive water use conditions. Where there is no data related to canopy temperature, some of spectral vegetation indexes could be preferable in the estimation of WU.  相似文献   

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