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To understand the relations between water use and yield in response to crop load, two experiments were conducted in olive (cv. Morisca), during six consecutive years (2002-2007) in an experimental orchard located in Badajoz, Southwest Spain. Experiment 1, assessed the responses during the early years of the orchard (2002-2004) using four irrigation treatments that applied fractions of the estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) (125%, 100%, 75% and 0%) and three crop load levels (100%, 50% and 0% of fruit removal, termed Off, Medium and On treatments). Experiment 2 assessed the response of more mature trees (2005-2007) to three irrigation treatments (115%, 100%, and 60% of ETc) and the natural crop load which were Off, On, and Medium in 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively. Yield was reduced by water deficits and so did the estimated tree transpiration which was linearly related to yield (y = 1.2302x − 21.15, R2 = 0.8864), showing the high sensitivity of cultivar Morisca to water deficits. The relations between fruit number and fruit weight showed that high crop loads had lower fruit weights and oil yield, a decrease that was more pronounced as water deficits increased. The yield response to water supply in the control and excess treatments, and the observations on the water relations of these two treatments suggest that the calculations made using the FAO method (Doorenbos and Pruit, 1974) with the crop coefficient proposed by Pastor et al. (1998) and the reduction coefficient (Fereres et al., 1982) to apply 100% of ETc in the control treatment, underestimated the ETc of the orchard. The results indicate that, although the absence of fruits lead to reduced water use as compared to situations of medium and high crop loads, canopy size was much more determinant of orchard water requirements than crop load.  相似文献   

Growth and yield responses of developing almond trees (Prunus amygdalus, Ruby cultivar) to a range of trickle irrigation amounts were determined in 1985 through 1987 (the fifth through seventh year after planting) at the University of California's West Side Field Station in the semi-arid San Joaquin Valley. The treatments consisted of six levels of irrigation, ranging from 50 through 175% of the estimated crop evapotranspiration (ETc), applied to a clean-cultivated orchard using a line source trickle irrigation system with 6 emitters per tree. ETc was estimated as grass reference evapotranspiration (ET0) times a crop coefficient with adjustments based upon shaded area of trees and period during the growing season. Differential irrigation experiments prior to 1984 on the trees used in this study significantly influenced the initial trunk cross-section area and canopy size in the 50% ETc treatment and 125% ETc treatment. In these cases, treatment effects must be identified as relative effects rather than absolute. The soil of the experimental field was a Panoche clay loam (nonacid, thermic, Typic Torriorthents). The mean increase in trunk cross-sectional area for the 3-year period was a positive linear function (r 2 = 0.98) of total amounts of applied water. With increases in water application above the 50% ETc treatment, nut retention with respect to flower and fertile nut counts after flowering, was increased approximately 10%. In 1985 and 1987, the nut meat yields and mean kernel weights increased significantly with increasing water application from 50% to 150% ETc. Particularly in the higher water application treatments, crop consumptive use was difficult to quantify due to uncertainty in estimates of deep percolation and soil water uptake. Maintenance of leaf water potentials higher than –2.3 MPa during early nut development (March through May) and greater than –2.5 MPa the remainder of the irrigation season (through August) were positively correlated with sustained higher vegetative growth rates and higher nut yields.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed in a low-density olive orchard (69 trees ha−1) to study the recovery from water stress of olive trees under different irrigation managements. The effect of water stress on oil quality was also examined. The trees were subjected to one of four irrigation treatments: rain-fed conditions, irrigation with either 100% or 125% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) level, or a deficit treatment in which only 60 mm of water were provided (at different times depending on the weather and phenological stage of the crop). The irrigation water in the deficit treatment was some 43% of the water applied in the 125% treatment. Plant water relations were determined periodically by measuring the water potential of covered leaves and the stomatal conductance at midday. The trees in the water deficit and rain-fed treatments rapidly recovered from water stress after receiving irrigation water or autumn rainwater, respectively, reaching the condition of the fully irrigated trees. However, stomatal conductance took longer to recover. Recovery at mid-summer in the deficit treatment was related to the amount of water in the soil; in autumn, however, this relationship was not so clear in rain-fed trees. The effect on oil quality was recorded in terms of the total concentration of phenolic compounds (TP). This was strongly related to the water stress integral, suggesting that the effect of irrigation on this variable occurs year-round and not just during the oil accumulation phase. Thus, even with low doses of water it should be possible to significantly reduce the TP concentration. Since recovery from water stress is rapid when irrigation is concentrated in the second half of summer, such an irrigation regimen might allow efficient use of the limited amounts of water available in central Spain.  相似文献   

The need for sophisticated irrigation strategies in fruit tree orchards has led to an increasing interest in reliable and robust sensor technology that allows automatic and continuous recording of the water stress of trees under field conditions. In this work we have evaluated the potential of the leaf patch clamp pressure (LPCP) probe for monitoring water stress in a 4-year-old ‘Arbequina’ hedgerow olive orchard with 1667 trees ha−1. The leaf patch output pressure (Pp) measured by the LPCP probe is inversely correlated with the leaf turgor pressure (>50 kPa). Measurements of Pp were made over the entire irrigation season of 2010 (April to November) on control trees, irrigated up to 100% of the crop water needs (ETc), and on trees under two regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies. The 60RDI trees received 59.2% of ETc and the 30RDI trees received 29.4% of ETc. In the case of the RDI trees the irrigation amounts were particularly low during July and August, when the trees are less sensitive to water stress. At severe water stress levels (values of stem water potential dropped below ca. −1.70 MPa; turgor pressure < 50 kPa) half-inversed or completely inversed diurnal Pp curves were observed. Reason for these phenomena is the accumulation of air in the leaves. These phenomena were reversible. Normal diurnal Pp profiles were recorded within a few days after rewatering, the number depending on the level of water stress previously reached. This indicates re-establishment of turgescence of the leaf cells. Crucial information about severe water stress was derived from the inversed diurnal Pp curves. In addition Pp values measured on representative trees of all treatments were compared with balancing pressure (Pb) values recorded with a pressure chamber on leaves taken from the same trees or neighbored trees exposed to the same irrigation strategies. Concomitant diurnal Pb measurements were performed in June and September, i.e. before and after the period of great water stress subjected to RDI trees. Results showed close relationships between Pp and Pb, suggesting that the pressure chamber measures relative turgor pressure changes as the LPCP probe. Therefore the probe seems to be an advantageous alternative to the pressure chamber for monitoring tree water status in hedgerow olive tree orchards.  相似文献   

Water requirements of olive orchards are difficult to calculate, since they are influenced by heterogeneous factors such as age, planting density and irrigation systems. Here we propose a model of olive water requirements, capable of separately calculating transpiration (E p), intercepted rainfall evaporation (E pd) and soil evaporation (E s) from the wet and dry fraction of the soil surface under localized irrigation. The model accounts for the effects of canopy dimension on E p and of the wetted soil surface fraction on E s. The model was tested against actual measurements of olive evapotranspiration (ET) obtained by the eddy covariance technique in a developing olive orchard during 3 years. The predicted ET and crop coefficients showed good agreement with the measured data. The model was then used to simulate the average water requirements of two mature orchards using 20-year meteorological datasets of Cordoba (Spain) and Fresno (CA, USA). Average annual ET of a 300 trees ha−1 orchard at Cordoba was 1,025 mm, while the same orchard at Fresno had an average ET of 927 mm. Transpiration losses were 602 mm at Cordoba and 612 mm at Fresno. Evaporation from the soil can have a large effect on olive ET; thus, olive crop coefficients (K c) are very sensitive to the rainfall regime.  相似文献   

This study assesses the long-term suitability of regulated (RDI) and sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) implemented over the first six growing seasons of an almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb] orchard grown in a semiarid area in SE Spain. Four irrigation treatments were assessed: (i) full irrigation (FI), irrigated to satisfy maximum crop evapotranspiration (100% ETc); (ii) RDI, as FI but receiving 40% ETc during kernel-filling; (iii) mild-to-moderate SDI (SDImm), irrigated at 75–60% ETc over the entire growing season; and (iv) moderate-to-severe SDI (SDIms), irrigated at 60–30% ETc over the whole season. Application of water stress from orchard establishment did not amplify the negative effects of deficit irrigation on almond yield. Irrigation water productivity (IWP) increased proportionally to the mean relative water shortage. SDIms increased IWP by 92.5%, reduced yield by 29% and applied 63% less irrigation water. RDI and SDImm showed similar productive performances, but RDI was more efficient than SDImm to increase fruiting density and production efficiency (PE). We conclude that SDIms appears to be a promising DI option for arid regions with severe water scarcity, whereas for less water-scarce areas RDI and SDImm behaved similarly, except for the ability of RDI to more severely restrict vegetative development while increasing PE.  相似文献   

The impact that different regulated-deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments exert on a 12-year-old orange orchard (Citrussinensis L. Osbeck, cv. salustiano) was studied from 2004 to 2007. The experiment consisted of a control irrigation treatment which was irrigated at 100% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) values for the whole season, and three deficit treatments imposed as a function of the water-stress index (WSI), which is defined as the ratio of the actual volume of water supply to the ETc rate. In our case, these WSI values were 0.75, 0.65, and 0.50, respectively. The stem-water potential at noon (ΨStem) was used as a parameter to estimate the water status of the plant. Yield and fruit quality was evaluated at harvest in each treatment (taking into account the temporal variability of the results due to the climatic characteristics of each of the years of this study) and an overall analysis was made using the whole dataset. Significant differences were found in fruit quality parameters (total soluble solids and titrable acidity), which also showed significant regression coefficients with the values of the integrated stem-water potential. These results led us to conclude that in mature orange trees grown under these conditions, regulated-deficit irrigation has important and significant effects on the final fruit quality, but the effects are not so clear-cut in tree yield, where the differences in the case of reducing a 50% of the crop ETc, were not considered to be statistically significant despite an approximate 10% decrease in fruit yield. A global rescaled distance cluster analysis was performed in order to summarize the main relationships between the variables evaluated and to establish a different correlation matrix. Finally, a classification tree was derived and principal-component analysis was undertaken in order to identify and evaluate the variables which had the strongest effect on the crop response to different irrigation treatments.  相似文献   

Using a correlation between trunk diameter fluctuation (TDF) and stem water potential (SWP) it appears possible to determine water deficit threshold values (WDTV) for young cherry trees. This correlation must be based on a significant effect between SWP and at least one variable associated with the vegetative or reproductive growth of the trees. The objectives of this study are: (1) to determine the effect of several irrigation treatments on vegetative and reproductive growth and the SWP of young cherry trees; (2) to determine the correlation between TDF and SWP, and; (3) to propose a first approximation of SWP and TDF water deficit threshold values for young cherry tree plants. The experiment was carried out between September and April of the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 seasons, in Quillota, in the Valparaiso region, central Chile. The irrigation treatments consisted of applications of 50% (T50), 100% (T100) and 150% (T150) of potential evapotranspiration (ET0) over the two growing seasons, using a randomized complete block design (RCB). The effect of irrigation scheduling was observed on: apical shoot growth rate (GRAS), branch cross-sectional area (BCSA), canopy volume (CV), annual length of accumulated growth (ALAG) and productivity. This effect showed that the T50 treatment caused lower SWP (measured pre-dawn), vegetative growth and productivity. The fruit quality variables (cracking and size) were not affected by the different treatments. Combining the vegetative growth, productivity and SWP results shows that the water deficit threshold value, as a first approximation, is between 50% and 100% of ET0, and therefore the critical SWP for defining irrigation frequency should be close to −0.5 MPa. Upon applying a post-harvest drought period (14 days without irrigation), a linear correlation was determined both between SWP and maximum daily trunk shrinkage, MDS (R2 = 0.69) and between SWP and trunk growth rate, TGR (R2 = 0.57). Using these correlations and the SWP reference value, reference values were obtained for MDS (165 μm) and TGR (83 μm day−1), which would permit automated control of water status in young cherry trees.  相似文献   

The effects of mid-summer regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments were investigated on Clementina de Nules citrus trees over three seasons. Water restrictions applied from July, once the June physiological fruit drop had finished, until mid September were compared with a Control treatment irrigated during all the season to match full crop evapotranspiration (ETc). Two degrees of water restrictions were imposed based on previous results also obtained in Clementina de Nules trees ( [Ginestar and Castel, 1996] and [González-Altozano and Castel, 1999]). During the RDI period, deficit irrigation was applied based on given reductions over the ETc, but also taking into account threshold values of midday stem water potential (Ψs) of −1.3 to −1.5 MPa for RDI-1 and of −1.5 to −1.7 MPa for RDI-2. Results showed that water savings achieved in the RDI-2 treatment impaired yield by reducing fruit size. On the contrary, the RDI-1 strategy allowed for 20% water savings, with a reduction in tree growth but without any significant reduction in yield, fruit size nor in the economic return when irrigation was resumed to normal dose about three months before harvest. Water use efficiency (WUE) in the RDI trees was similar or even higher than in Control trees. RDI improved fruit quality increasing total soluble solids (TSS) and titratable acidity (TA). In conclusion, we suggest that the RDI-1 strategy here evaluated can be applied in commercial orchards not only in case of water scarcity, but also as a tool to control vegetative growth improving fruit composition and reducing costs associated with the crop management.  相似文献   

‘Chok Anan’ mangoes are mainly produced in the northern part of Thailand for the domestic fresh market and small scale processing. It is appreciated for its light to bright yellow color and its sweet taste. Most of the fruit development of on-season mango fruits takes place during the dry season and farmers have to irrigate mango trees to ensure high yields and good quality. Meanwhile, climate changes and expanding land use in horticulture have increased the pressure on water resources. Therefore research aims on the development of crop specific and water-saving irrigation techniques without detrimentally affecting crop productivity.The aim of this study was to assess the response of mango trees to varying amounts of available water. Influence of irrigation, rainfall, fruit set, retention rate and alternate bearing were considered as the fruit yield varies considerably during the growing seasons. Yield response and fruit size distribution were measured and WUE was determined for partial rootzone drying (PRD), regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and irrigated control trees.One hundred ninety-six mango trees were organized in a randomized block design consisting of four repetitive blocks, subdivided into eight fields. Four irrigation treatments have been evaluated with respect to mango yield and fruit quality: (a) control (CO = 100% of ETc), (b) (RDI = 50% of ETc), (c) (PRD = 50% of ETc, applied to alternating sides of the root system) and (d) no irrigation (NI).Over four years, the average yield in the different irrigation treatments was 83.35 kg/tree (CO), 80.16 kg/tree (RDI), 80.85 kg/tree (PRD) and 66.1 kg/tree (NI). Water use efficiency (WUE) calculated as yield per volume of irrigation water was always significantly higher in the deficit irrigation treatments as compared to the control. It turned out that in normal years the yields of the two deficit irrigation treatments (RDI and PRD) do not differ significantly, while in a dry year yield under PRD is higher than under RDI and in a year with early rainfall, RDI yields more than PRD. In all years PRD irrigated mangoes had a bigger average fruit size and a more favorable fruit size distribution.It was concluded that deficit irrigation strategies can save considerable amounts of water without affecting the yield to a large extend, possibly increasing the average fruit weight, apparently without negative long term effects.  相似文献   

Agricultural food production in arid and semi-arid regions faces the challenge to ensure high yields with limited supply of water. This raises the question to which extent irrigation supply can be reduced without detriment to yield. Our study focuses on the yield-water uptake relationship for maize in the moderate water stress range in order to determine the onset of stress-induced dry-matter and yield losses. Compensatory plant responses under moderate stress levels are discussed in relation to seasonal climatic conditions.Summer-sown and spring-sown maize were irrigated with a decreasing amount of water in a field experiment in Pakistan. Water supply ranged from 100% water required to maintain soil at field capacity (FC) to 40% of FC. The average dry-matter and yield levels were slightly higher for summer-sown (15.0 Mg ha−1) compared to spring-sown maize (13.1 Mg ha−1). The onset of significant dry-matter and yield reduction started at the least irrigation treatment in both seasons. The amount of water required to avoid production losses was 272 mm in the summer-sown maize during the autumn growing season, and 407 mm for the spring-sown maize in the summer season, when the evaporative demand of the atmosphere was +27% higher. Water use efficiency (WUEET), normalized by vapour pressure deficit, of the summer-sown maize which was 10.0 kg kPa m−3, was +15% higher compared to the spring-sown crop; while the irrigation water productivity (2.9 kg m−3) was +11% more. WUEET increased over the whole range of applied water deficits for summer-sown maize, while the spring-sown crop showed a decreasing WUEET in the less irrigated treatment. Due to the higher efficiency in summer-sown maize, the potential in irrigation reduction without production losses (129 mm) was higher compared to the spring-sown maize (57 mm). Our results showed that in Pakistan water saving irrigation practices can be applied without yield loss mainly during the cooler growing season when the crop can efficiently compensate a lower total water uptake by increased use efficiency. For spring-sown maize the increasing evaporative demand of the atmosphere towards summer implies a higher risk of yield losses and narrows the range to exploit higher irrigation water productivity under moderate water deficit conditions.  相似文献   

Production and water use in lettuces under variable water supply   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of a variable water supply on the water use, growth and yield of two crisphead and one romaine (i.e., Cos) lettuce cultivar were examined in a field experiment using a line source sprinkler system that produced a range of water regimes that occur in growers fields. Four locations at increasing distances from the main line were monitored through the season (i.e., from thinning to harvest, 28–63 days after planting (DAP)). These locations at the end of the season corresponded to: (1) rewatering to field capacity (FC); (2) watering with a volume 13% below that required in the field capacity treatment (0.87*FC); (3) 30% below FC (0.70*FC); and (4) 55% below FC (0.45*FC). A linear production function for dry matter accumulation and fresh weight vs. crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined for lettuce during this period, giving a water use efficiency for dry matter of 1.86 g m–2 mm–1 and for fresh weight of 48 g m–2 mm–1 . For lettuce irrigated to field capacity, ETc between thinning and harvest was 146 mm; maximum crop coefficients of 0.81–1.02 were obtained at maturity (55–63 DAP). For the three irrigation treatments receiving the largest water application, ETc was higher in the Cos culivar than in the two crisphead lettuce cultivars which had similar ETc. Plant fresh weight was more sensitive than dry weight to reduction in water supply. In the FC treatment, root length density and soil water extraction were greatest in the top 0–45 cm, and decreased rapidly below 45 cm depth. Soil water extraction by roots increased at lower depths when irrigation was reduced. Instantaneous rates of leaf photosynthesis and leaf water potential showed no response to the irrigation treatments in this study, despite differences in biomass production. Evaporation was determined to be the major component of ETc for 45 of the 63 days of the growing season. The large loss of water by evaporation during mid-season and the apparent insensitivity of lettuce to the volume of irrigation during this period may provide an opportunity for reducing irrigation applications.  相似文献   

We examined, over the postharvest seasons of 2005–2007, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) for its potential of saving water and maintaining fruit yield and quality in ‘Summit’ sweet cherry. The postharvest irrigation treatments were: full irrigation (Control), receiving 80% of water in Control (RDI-80%), and receiving 50% of water in Control (RDI-50%). Midday stem water potential (Ψstem) was used for assessing plant water status. In 2006, trees produced a large crop and commercial fruit thinning had to be applied, whereas 2007 was a low crop year. The RDI treatment, first applied in 2005, reduced fruit set in 2006 and also reduced root winter starch concentration. In 2006, fruit set was lower in RDI-50% than in Control. But fruit thinning had still to be done with the final yield being the same among treatments. In 2007, RDI-50% produced more fruit and higher yields than Control. Relationship between postharvest Ψstem and crop load in the following season varied according to the year. They were negatively correlated in 2006 and positively correlated in 2007. Fruit firmness did not vary with irrigation treatments in any of the years. Fruit soluble solid concentration (SSC) and fruit relative dry matter (RDM) for RDI-50% was the highest in 2006 when RDI-50% trees had the lowest fruit set. In 2007, SSC and RDM for RDI-50% were the lowest with the trees having the highest fruit set and crop load at harvest. This study indicates that RDI-50% firstly applied in an “off” year, after crop has been harvested, can maintain fruit yield at similar levels to fully irrigated trees while saving water by 45%. Correction of biennial bearing and partial saving of thinning costs are additional advantages of this treatment.  相似文献   

We investigated the long-term effects of different deficit irrigation (DI) options on tree growth, shoot and leaf attributes, yield determinants and water productivity of almond trees (Prunus dulcis, cv. Marta) grown in a semiarid climate in SE Spain. Three partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation treatments encompassing a wide range of water restriction (30%, 50% and 70% of full crop requirements, ETc) and a regulated deficit irrigation treatment (RDI, at 50% ETc during kernel-filling) were compared over three consecutive growth seasons (2004–2006) to full irrigation (FI). The results showed that all deficit irrigation treatments have a negative impact on trunk growth parameters. The magnitude of the reduction in trunk growth rate was strongly correlated through a linear relationship with the annual volume of water applied (WA) per tree. Similarly, a significant relationship was found between WA and the increase in crown volume. In contrast, leaf-related attributes and some yield-related parameters (e.g., kernel fraction) were not significantly affected by the irrigation treatments. Except in PRD70, individual kernel weight was significantly reduced in the deficit irrigated treatments. Kernel yield, expressed in percent of the maximum yield observed in the FI treatment, showed a linear decrease with decreasing WA and a slope of 0.43, which implies that a 1% decrease in water application would lead to a reduction of 0.43% in yield. Water productivity increased drastically with the reduction of water application, reaching 123% in the case of PRD30. Overall, our results demonstrate the prevalence of direct and strong links between the intensity of the water restriction under PRD – i.e., the total water supply during the growing season – and the main parameters related to tree growth, yield and water productivity. Noteworthy, the treatments that received similar annual water volumes under contrasted deficit irrigation strategies (i.e., PRD70 and RDI) presented a similar tree performance.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is the most important industrial and summer cash crop in Syria and many other countries in the arid areas but there are concerns about future production levels, given the high water requirements and the decline in water availability. Most farmers in Syria aim to maximize yield per unit of land regardless of the quantity of water applied. Water losses can be reduced and water productivity (yield per unit of water consumed) improved by applying deficit irrigation, but this requires a better understanding of crop response to various levels of water stress. This paper presents results from a 3-year study (2004-2006) conducted in northern Syria to quantify cotton yield response to different levels of water and fertilizer. The experiment included four irrigation levels and three levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer under drip irrigation. The overall mean cotton (lint plus seed, or lintseed) yield was 2502 kg ha−1, ranging from 1520 kg ha−1 under 40% irrigation to 3460 kg ha−1 under 100% irrigation. Mean water productivity (WPET) was 0.36 kg lintseed per m3 of crop actual evapotranspiration (ETc), ranging from 0.32 kg m−3 under 40% irrigation to 0.39 kg m−3 under the 100% treatment. Results suggest that deficit irrigation does not improve biological water productivity of drip-irrigated cotton. Water and fertilizer levels (especially the former) have significant effects on yield, crop growth and WPET. Water, but not N level, has a highly significant effect on crop ETc. The study provides production functions relating cotton yield to ETc as well as soil water content at planting. These functions are useful for irrigation optimization and for forecasting the impact of water rationing and drought on regional water budgets and agricultural economies. The WPET values obtained in this study compare well with those reported from the southwestern USA, Argentina and other developed cotton producing regions. Most importantly, these WPET values are double the current values in Syria, suggesting that improved irrigation water and system management can improve WPET, and thus enhance conservation and sustainability in this water-scarce region.  相似文献   

Intensification of olive cultivation by shifting a tree crop that was traditionally rain fed to irrigated conditions, calls for improved knowledge of tree water requirements as an input for precise irrigation scheduling. Because olive is an evergreen tree crop grown in areas of substantial rainfall, the estimation of crop evapotranspiration (ET) of orchards that vary widely in canopy cover, should be preferably partitioned into its evaporation and transpiration components. A simple, functional method to estimate olive ET using crop coefficients (K c=ET/ET0) based on a minimum of parameters is preferred for practical purposes. We developed functional relationships for calculating the crop coefficient, K c, for a given month of the year in any type of olive orchard, and thus its water requirements once the reference ET (ET0) is known. The method calculates the monthly K c as the sum of four components: tree transpiration (K p), direct evaporation of the water intercepted by the canopy (K pd), evaporation from the soil (K s1) and evaporation from the areas wetted by the emitters (K s2). The expression used to calculate K p requires knowledge of tree density and canopy volume. Other parameters needed for the calculation of the K c’s include the ET0, the fraction of the soil surface wetted by the emitters and irrigation interval. The functional equations for K p, K pd, K s1 and K s2 were fitted to mean monthly values obtained by averaging 20-year outputs of the daily time step model of Testi et al. (this issue), that was used to simulate 124 different orchard scenarios.  相似文献   

Water requirements for olive oil production and the effects of deficit irrigation were determined while considering the relative fruit loads on trees occurring as a result of biennial bearing cycles. Two Israeli olive (Olea europaea) varieties (Barnea and Souri) were evaluated for growth and yield parameters in a 4-year field study where five relative irrigation rates were applied. Increasing irrigation increased stem water potential, vegetative growth, and olive fruit yield with the increases tapering off at application rates reaching 75–100% of potential crop evapotranspiration. Tree water status, growth, and fruit characteristic parameters were highly affected by both fruit load and by irrigation level. Oil yield increases as a function of increased irrigation were initiated for each cultivar only following an ‘off’ season when the treatments lead to higher vegetative growth. The increased oil yields as a function of increased irrigation were primarily explained by higher tree-scale capacity for carrying fruit, especially as irrigation alleviated measureable water stress. For the Barnea cultivar in ‘on’ years, a secondary effect due to increased oil per fruit as irrigation increased was evident, particularly at the higher application rates.  相似文献   

Efficient irrigation regimes are becoming increasingly important in commercial orchards. Accurate measurements of the components of the water balance equation in olive orchards are required for optimising water management and for validating models related to the water balance in orchards and to crop water consumption. The aim of this work was to determine the components of the water balance in an olive orchard with mature ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees under three water treatments: treatment I, trees irrigated daily to supply crop water demand; treatment D, trees irrigated three times during the dry season, receiving a total of about 30% of the irrigation amount in treatment I; and treatment R, rainfed trees. The relationships between soil water content and soil hydraulic conductivity and between soil water content and soil matric potential were determined at different depths in situ at different locations in the orchard in order to estimate the rate of water lost by drainage. The average size and shape of the wet bulb under the dripper was simulated using the Philip’s theory. The results were validated for a 3 l h−1 dripper in the orchard. The water amounts supplied to the I trees during the irrigation seasons of 1997 and 1998 were calculated based on the actual rainfall, the potential evapotranspiration in the area and the reduction coefficients determined previously for the particular orchard conditions. The calculated irrigation needs were 418 mm in 1997 and 389 mm in 1998. With these water supplies, the values of soil water content in the wet bulbs remained constant during the two dry seasons. The water losses by drainage estimated for the irrigation periods of 1997 and 1998 were 61 and 51 mm, respectively. These low values of water loss indicate that the irrigation amounts applied were adequate. For the hydrological year 1997–1998, the crop evapotranspiration was 653 mm in treatment I, 405 mm in treatment D and 378 mm in treatment R. Water losses by drainage were 119 mm in treatment I, 81 mm in treatment D and 4 mm in treatment R. The estimated water runoff was 345 mm in treatments I and R, and 348 mm in treatment D. These high values were due to heavy rainfall recorded in winter. The total rainfall during the hydrological year was 730 mm, about 1.4 times the average in the area. The simulated dimensions of the wet bulb given by the model based on the Philip’s theory showed a good agreement with the values measured. In a period in which the reference evapotranspiration was 7.9 mm per day, estimations of tree transpiration from sap flow measurements, and of evaporation from the soil surface from a relationship obtained for the orchard conditions, yielded an average daily evapotranspiration of 70 l for one I tree, and 48 l for one R tree.  相似文献   

The impact of different irrigation scheduling regimes on the quantity and quality of olive oil from a low-density olive grove in southern Portugal was assessed during the irrigation seasons of 2006 and 2007. Olive trees were subjected to one of the following treatments: A—full irrigation; B—sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) with 60% of ETc water applied with irrigation; C—regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) with irrigation water applied at three critical phases: before flowering, at the beginning of pit hardening and before crop harvesting and D—rain-fed treatment. Olive oil yield was significantly higher than rain-fed conditions in 2006, an “on year” of significant rainfall during summer. No significant yield differences were observed in the following “off year”. Among the irrigated treatments, olive oil production of treatment B was 32.5% and 40.1% higher in 2006 and 2007, respectively than the fully irrigated treatment A, despite receiving 49% less irrigation water. Such strategy could allow for an efficient use of water in the region, of very limited available resources, and for modest but important oil yield increase. Nonetheless, on the “on year” of 2006 treatment C used 13.9% of the water applied to treatment B and produced only 23.9% less olive fruits which could also make it illegible as the next possible strategy to use for irrigating olive trees in the region, provided that water is secured latter in the summer, a period of vital importance for oil accumulation and very sensitive to water stress as the poor results of 2007 revealed. The different treatment water regimes did not impact on the chemical characteristics of olive oils that were within the set threshold limits. Similarly, the sensory characteristics of the olive oils as well as bitterness and pungency were negligible for all treatments allowing them to be assessed as of “superior quality”.Overall, irrigation treatments had no influence on the commercial value of produced oils, being all classified as “extra virgin”. Such funding may be of vital importance to farmers willing to further their irrigation area, save water and still retain the protected designation of origin (PDO) seal of quality for their oil.  相似文献   

Determination of temporal and spatial distribution of water use (WU) within agricultural land is critical for irrigation management and could be achieved by remotely sensed data. The aim of this study was to estimate WU of dwarf green beans under excessive and limited irrigation water application conditions through indicators based on remotely sensed data. For this purpose, field experiments were conducted comprising of six different irrigation water levels. Soil water content, climatic parameters, canopy temperature and spectral reflectance were all monitored. Reference evapotranspiration (ET0), crop coefficient Kc and potential crop evapotraspiration (ETc) were calculated by means of methods described in FAO-56. In addition, WU values were determined by using soil water balance residual and various indexes were calculated. Water use fraction (WUF), which represents both excessive and limited irrigation applications, was defined through WU, ET0 and Kc. Based on the relationships between WUF and remotely sensed indexes, WU of each irrigation treatments were then estimated. According to comparisons between estimated and measured WU, in general crop water stress index (CWSI) can be offered for monitoring of irrigated land. At the same time, under water stress, correlation between measured WU and estimated WU based on CWSI was the highest too. However, canopy-air temperature difference (Tc − Ta) is more reliable than others for excessive water use conditions. Where there is no data related to canopy temperature, some of spectral vegetation indexes could be preferable in the estimation of WU.  相似文献   

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