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苜蓿主要害虫有棉铃虫、苜蓿斑螟、盲蝽、蚜虫、蓟马、红蜘蛛,豆芫菁等十余种。近两年来,在苜蓿田中较为少见的苜蓿斑螟发生面积较大,危害比较严重,已成为苜蓿田中的主要虫害之一。  相似文献   

苜蓿主要害虫有棉铃虫、苜蓿斑螟、盲蝽、蚜虫、蓟马、红蜘蛛,豆芫菁等十余种.近两年来,在苜蓿田中较为少见的苜蓿斑螟发生面积较大.危害比较严重,已成为苜蓿田中的主要虫害之一.  相似文献   

<正>斑蝥学名眼斑芫菁,在动物分类学上属节肢动物门、昆虫纲、鞘翅目、芫箐。据考证,中药斑蝥是指南方大斑蝥(大斑芫箐)和黄黑小斑蝥(眼斑芫箐)。前者分布在全国大部分地区,以安徽、江苏、湖北、福建、广东、广西和台湾等省(区)为多。还有绿芫箐、锯角豆芫箐、地胆等。1斑蝥的药用价值传统中医药认为斑蝥性味辛、寒、有毒。归大肠、小肠、肝、肾经,有逐瘀破积、蚀肌攻毒之功效,主治症瘕痞块;外用治恶疮、疥癣、牛皮癣、淋巴结核、疯狗咬伤等症。  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿是一种优质的豆科牧草,种植多,面积大,因此较容易产生虫害。紫花苜蓿的虫害会严重影响紫花苜蓿的产量造成严重的经济损失。通过对紫花苜蓿生长过程中各个阶段的观察和研究,总结了几种紫花苜蓿生长过程中常见的病虫,并根据不同病虫研究了相应的防治方法。研究发现,主要的病虫有苜蓿叶象、蚜虫、芫菁、车轴草叶象甲、车轴草根瘤象共5种。  相似文献   

目前在我国还没有苜蓿专用除草剂 ,为此 ,特地选取主要用于大豆田的除草剂咪草烟进行了苜蓿田除草效果试验 ,现将试验结果总结如下。1 材料和方法1 1 供试药剂 通用名称为咪草烟 ,商品名称为豆施乐 ,化学名称为 5 -乙基 -2 ( 4 -异丙基 -4-甲基-5 氧代 -2 -咪唑啉 -2 -基 ) -3 -吡啶羧酸 ,制剂为 5 %豆施乐水剂。1 2 试验地点 设在辽宁省阜新市细河区四合镇黄家沟村 80 0 40 0平方米水浇苜蓿草地。供试苜蓿田为沙壤土 ,pH值 6 8,有机质含量 0 78。 5月 1 7日播种 ,品种为巨人 ,播量 1千克 667平方米 ,试验期间苜蓿田二次灌水。1 …  相似文献   

在鄂尔多斯地区,通过不同时间的覆盖和灌溉处理,比较准格尔苜蓿两年间越冬率、田间土壤温度、土壤容积含水量的差异,对准格尔苜蓿越冬性进行了回归分析。结果表明,两年间,封冻前灌水的准格尔苜蓿越冬率最高。封冻期,封冻前至解冻前覆盖的苜蓿田土壤温度极显著高于其他处理;返青期,解冻前至返青覆盖的苜蓿田土壤温度最高。封冻前,封冻前灌水的苜蓿田土壤容积含水量极显著高于其他各处理;解冻后,解冻后灌水的苜蓿田土壤容积含水量最高。解冻后苜蓿田土壤容积含水量与准格尔苜蓿越冬率呈极显著正相关,并且对苜蓿越冬能力起了最主要和最直接的作用。  相似文献   

运用为害指数法,对宁夏地区主栽的26个苜蓿品种进行了室内蓟马抗性评价试验。田间蓟马种类以牛角花齿蓟马(Odontothrips loti)为主,占混合种群数量的75%,室内试虫群体结构与大田相仿。结果表明:供试26个苜蓿品种中,先行者、甘农9号、WL298HQ、耐盐之星、三得利5个品种的为害指数小于25.00%,对蓟马表现出较强的抗性;而皇后、盐宝、阿迪娜、WL354HQ 4个品种为害指数大于40.00%,对蓟马表现出较弱的抗性。同时从株高、分枝数及干草产量等方面对不同苜蓿品种抗性进行了初步研究。试验表明,蓟马为害后,抗性较强的苜蓿品种其株高绝对增长率、分枝相对增长率及干草产量损失率均高于抗性较弱的苜蓿品种。  相似文献   

2007年选择扎兰屯市人工种植的紫花菖蓿田,从春季萌发后开始定点定期调查田间杂草的种类及发生危害规律,通过调查明确了扎兰屯市紫花苜蓿田杂草共计有14种,分属于8科,13属;当地的优势杂草及发生特点,并且制定出了杂草的综合防治技术,对指导苜蓿田的除草具有实用价值。  相似文献   

苜蓿田杂草对苜蓿的生长具有很大的危害,需要采取有效措施防除杂草。笔者介绍了多种苜蓿田杂草的防除措施,希望对苜蓿种植者有所帮助。  相似文献   

为了明确长春地区苜蓿田害虫和天敌种类及其田间消长规律,试验通过定期田间调查,初步鉴定了苜蓿害虫22种,主要包括半翅目、鞘翅目和直翅目昆虫;天敌7种,主要包括鞘翅目、双翅目和半翅目等昆虫;分析了主要害虫(蚜虫、叶蝉、蝽)以及优势天敌(瓢虫类)的田间种群消长规律,即豆无网长管蚜的消长动态呈单峰型,牧草盲蝽、三点盲蝽和大青叶蝉的消长动态呈双峰型,而七星瓢虫、异色瓢虫和龟纹瓢虫的消长动态亦呈双峰型。  相似文献   

The protozoan diseases, coccidiosis and cryptosporidiosis, are important enteric diseases of sheep and goats, resulting in diarrhea, inefficient weight gains, and occasionally death. Coccidiosis is a widespread, serious economic disease affecting animals who are preweaned, recently weaned, or in unsanitary, stressful, or crowded conditions, as well as after entering feedlots. The Eimeria species in sheep and goats are relatively host specific. Control is accomplished through sanitation and by incorporating one of the modern coccidiostats, such as lasalocid or decoquinate, in feed or salt to ensure an intake of approximately 1 mg of drug per kg of body weight per day for at least 30 consecutive days. Prevention and control of coccidiosis results in significantly greater weight gains and production, whereas disease with or without treatment is likely to result in inefficient production and economic loss to the producer. Cryptosporidiosis, caused by Cryptosporidium parvum, is primarily a disease of lambs and kids less than 30 days of age and is usually a milder disease than coccidiosis. Infective oocysts are passed in feces and are transmitted by oral ingestion. Oocysts readily infect a variety of animals, including humans. Cryptosporidiosis is a prevalent disease in neonatal ruminants and in humans. Effective treatments are not available, but because the disease is usually mild and self-limited, supportive care, primarily hydration, is important. Control is strict sanitation and quarantine of sick animals. Disinfection of contaminated housing with ammonia or formalin will kill the oocysts. The cyst-forming coccidia diseases, toxoplasmosis and sarcocystosis, utilize two hosts in their life cycles: sheep or goats and carnivores. Abortions and reproductive failures are major manifestations of disease. Control is through elimination of carnivore feces from the premises through management.  相似文献   

Pheochromocytomas (PCCs) and paragangliomas (PGLs) are described in several species. In humans and dogs they have many similarities: the excessive catecholamine release in hormonally active PCC causes similar clinical signs, the frequency of metastasis is similar, and they are histopathologically almost identical. Surgery is curative when PCC and PGL have not metastasized, while only palliative treatment is possible for patients with metastatic disease. Mutations in succinate dehydrogenase subunit B (SDHB) are associated with metastatic behaviour in human PCC/PGL and the same mutation has been described in dogs. The dog might therefore be a suitable model for study of the pathogenesis of metastatic PCC and PGL in humans. Further molecular studies of common tumourigenic pathways and comparative studies of histopathology of human and canine PCC and PGL are warranted.  相似文献   

Rabbits and rodents are popular pets and are often presented to veterinarians for evaluation and medical treatment. Anesthesia in exotic pets is required for many diagnostic and surgical procedures and is associated with a higher perioperative risk in rabbits and rodents when compared with dogs and cats. Inhalation anesthetic agents are commonly used as the sole source of anesthesia in small rodents, whereas injectable agents in combination with inhalation anesthesia are often used for rabbits and larger rodents. Analgesia is an important component of exotic pet medicine. Although it may be difficult to recognize signs of pain in companion exotic mammals, adequate pain management should always be provided. Opioid and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are the analgesic medications of choice, but others should be considered (e.g., local anesthetic agents). This article provides an update of the current literature regarding anesthesia and analgesia in rabbits and rodents.  相似文献   

The question on the capability of fish to feel pain and of suffering are still subject of discussion nowadays. In the article presented, the information available in the literature to date is summarised. Based on this knowledge, the conclusion is drawn that fish are capable of feeling pain and that they are able to suffer in the sense of the word as used in the German animal welfare law.  相似文献   

所谓高校思想政治教育工作中的情感教育,是指高校思想政治教育工作者通过情感交流触发大学生积极的情感体验,唤起大学生自我教育的主动性。通过分析情感教育在高校思想政治教育工作中的重要作用,从而探讨高校思想政治教育工作中开展情感教育的方式与手段。  相似文献   

The dog is a definitive host of the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum, and in many parts of the world, infection is relatively common as determined by serology. Reported seroprevalences usually range from 0 to 20 per cent, however, reports of clinically affected dogs are infrequent. Affected dogs are generally less than six months old and predominantly have signs of an ascending hindleg paralysis, with the associated lesions of polyradiculoneuritis and granulomatous polymyositis. Although any organ may be affected, infections are more common in the central nervous system, muscles, lungs and skin. Ante-mortem diagnosis is difficult but serology and cytology can aid diagnosis. The diagnosis can be confirmed by histology, immunohistochemistry, the use of molecular techniques on biopsy material, or on post-mortem examination. Neospora caninum oocysts are rarely found in faeces and must be differentiated from oocysts of related coccidians such as Hammondia heydorni and Toxoplasma gondii. Hammondia heydorni can cause diarrrhoea in immunosuppressed dogs. Neosporosis should be suspected in young pups with an ascending paralysis of the hindlegs. Treatment with clindamycin and potentiated sulphonamides may be useful in cases where muscular atrophy and fibrosis are absent. Feeding of raw meat is a potential risk factor for infection of dogs and should be discouraged.  相似文献   

The morphology of Cowdria ruminantium is described and its staining characteristics in the vertebrate host and in vitro are summarized. Morphologically, the organisms are characterized in the cytoplasm of endothelial cells, macrophages and reticulo-endothelial cells. Based on the morphology of the internal structure of the organisms, elementary (electron-dense), intermediate and reticulate bodies are identified. Each organism is surrounded by a double membrane and a "capsule" is evident around a few organisms in vitro. Usually, only organisms of the same form are found within a particular vacuole, although mixed colonies are described in the in vitro studies.  相似文献   

DAVITIYANANDA, DANIS and FOLKE RASMUSSEN: Mammary and renal excretion of sulphadoxine and trimethoprim in cows. Acta vet. scand. 1974, 15, 340–355. — In 21 experiments on 5 healthy, nonpregnant cows are sulphadoxine and trimethoprim infused intravenously for maintenance of constant levels of the drugs through the experimental periods. The experiments show that both sulphadoxine and trimethoprim are bound to the proteins in blood plasma and milk. Further it is demonstrated that sulphadoxine (an acid) is excreted into milk in concentrations lower than in blood plasma while trimethoprim (a base) is excreted into milk in concentrations higher than in blood plasma. Both results are consistent with the theory that drugs are excreted through the mammary gland by passive diffusion.Glomerular filtration and back-diffusion are both involved in the renal handling of sulphadoxine and trimethoprim. For trimethoprim active tubular secretion is also demonstrated. Both the mammary and renal handling of sulphadoxine as well as trimethoprim are influenced by the pH of milk and urine, respectively. The experiments underline that it is the unionized, non-protein-bound fraction of the drugs which diffuses through biological membranes.sulphadoxine; trimethoprim; mammary excretion; renal excretion; cow.  相似文献   

Poisoning is a frequent problem in domestic animals. Horses are the third most commonly affected species and pesticides are one of the main causes of toxicosis. Here within are reviewed the most frequent toxicoses where it emerges that the main causes are misuse and accidental exposure. Rodenticides, acetylcholinesterase insecticides followed by herbicides are the main cause of toxicosis and effects of emerging chemicals are being reported. Metaldehyde is still a problem, together with methiocarb. No information has been reported on poisoning with pesticide mixtures.  相似文献   

The most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism in dogs and cats is a solitary adenoma involving an extracapsular parathyroid gland. The prognosis is excellent if the affected parathyroid gland is removed. Nonsurgical methods are discussed, although there are no current data to support any benefit over conventional surgery. The common postoperative complication to consider is hypocalcemia. Hypocalcemia can be successfully managed in these animals if it is anticipated and treated promptly.  相似文献   

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