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转 Bt基因棉中棉所 30第 I期 (1 998年 7月2 5~ 2 6日开花 )棉铃花后 1 0 d的体积和单铃重分别较轮回亲本中棉所 1 6增加 8.57%和 1 1 .88% ,表明其库强度较高 ;而第 II期 (8月 3~ 5日开花 )和第 III期 (8月 1 2~ 1 4日开花 )棉铃的早期 (铃龄 1 0 d前 )及各期棉铃的中后期 (铃龄 1 0 d后 )体积和单铃重均低于中棉所 1 6,并且其瘪子数随开花期推延快速增加 ,反映了该品种源器官供应能力的不足。中棉所 30棉铃纤维对同化产物的竞争力较强 ,每饱子纤维数、每饱子皮棉重、每铃皮棉重和衣分基本上极显著或显著高于中棉所 1 6,而铃壳和种子的物质积累减少 ,铃壳比例、饱子数、饱子重和子指降低 ,瘪子数上升  相似文献   

李邦发  周俊儒 《种子》1997,(6):27-30
对87个试验点的资料分析,绵阳26的主要性状与产量的回归方程为:y=-1084.3321+5.265x1 9.0142x2+5.2486x3+8.3796x4+6.3627x5。经偏回归和偏相关分析,产量构成因素中,千粒重,有效穗对绵阳26的产量贡献和影响最大(b'4=1.2769.b'2=1.1272,R2y0=0.7287,R4y0=005689);而千粒重、有效穗、穗粒数之间为负相关,存在着不同程度的制约关系。在本资料现有产量的基础上,稳定千粒重,主攻穗数和穗粒数的提高,是发挥绵阳26高产潜力的决定因素。  相似文献   

供钾水平对棉花产量构成及其与产量相关性的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
采用34个棉花材料,于2007-2008年在田间条件下研究供钾水平对棉花产量及其构成因素和二者之间相关关系的影响.结果表明,施钾可显著提高棉花产量,在气候条件不利的2008年表现更为明显;铃数受供钾水平的影响最大,其次为铃重,衣分受影响最小.偏相关分析和通径分析结果表明,缺钾条件下衣分与产量的关系相对密切,而供钾水平对...  相似文献   

Summary To provide genetic basis for apricot (Prunus armeniaca Lam.) breeding, inheritance and correlation of yield components including self-compatibility, self-pollinated fruiting rate, fertile flower rate, average fruit weight and fruit number per plant were studied with 5-year-old seedlings of apricot F1 hybrids from ‘Katy’ × (‘Xinshiji’, ‘Katy’ × (‘Hongfeng’ and ‘Katy’ × (‘Taianshuixing’, respectively. Using the criteria that cultivars with self-pollinated fruiting rate ≥6% were self-compatible(SC), we found that the ratios of self-compatible (SC) to self-incompatible (SI) individuals were 27:25, 9:12 and 15:19 in the above three families, respectively, and conformed to the ratio of 1:1 segregation by χ2 test, indicating that the S-locus of ‘Katy’ was heterozygous and self-compatibility was dominant to self-incompatibility. Twenty-seven seedlings from the F1 population of ‘Katy’ × ‘Xinshiji’ were chosen for S-allele-specific PCR. As a result, four S-genotypes with the ratio of 10:6:4:7 were obtained, which was linear to the 1:1:1:1 ratio by χ2 test. Great differences in self-compatibility degree were observed among seedlings even with the same S-genotype. In the F1 populations, a very extensive segregation in self-pollinated fruiting rate, fertile flower rate and average fruit weight was observed, and average values of these traits were lower than that of mid-parent. Therefore, these traits were confirmed to be quantitative. However, significant differences were found in broad heritability (H b 2) of following three characters: the H b 2 of self-pollinated fruiting rate (87.1% – 91.4%) was the greatest, with the variation mainly resulted from inheritance; fertile flower rate (36.8% – 49.1%) was the least and its variation was mainly caused by environmental factors. In addition, self-pollinated fruiting rate and fertile flower rate had very significantly positive correlations with single plant yield, so both may play important roles in the determination of single plant yield. In contrast, correlation between yield and average fruit weight was not significant.  相似文献   

A better understanding of the agronomic importance of planting date and the influence of cold temperatures and photoperiod during germination and plant growth may lead to better management strategies for cultivation of the sweet white lupin (Lupinus albus). The effects of planting date (temperature and photoperiod) were determined on the number of days to flowering, yield and yield components of four early to medium and one late sweet white lupin genotype in a field trial at Potchefstroom, South Africa, planted during February 1996 to January 1997. Moisture stress was avoided through regular irrigation. Duration of the developmental phases planting date to emergence, emergence to floral initiation, initiation to first flower, duration of flower and days to physiological and harvest maturity was related to field measurements of temperature and photoperiod. Differences in the main determinants of yield, i.e. seeds per pod, pods per plant, single seed mass (SSM), plant and pod height and yield, were measured. Results showed that both temperature and photoperiod influence the growth and development of the Lupinus albus genotypes ‘Esta’, ‘Hantie’, ‘Tifwhite’, ‘Kiev’ and ‘LAL 186’. Temperature influences include the effect of vernalization at seedling emergence. Minimum grass temperatures under 5 °C at emergence are effective for vernalization. However, after grass temperatures at emergence increased again from June to December, to gether with an increase in the photoperiod length, ‘Tifwhite’ as well as the other genotypes still flowered earlier, confirming that these cultivars are long‐day plants, which is in accordance with controlled‐environment data. Cool vernalizing temperatures thus not only influence obligate vernalization requiring genotypes such as ‘Tifwhite’, but also influence the non‐obligate genotypes studied. Plan‐ting date had a significant influence on pods per plant, single seed mass (SSM) and seed yield. In all trials laterplanting, from June to November, decreased SSM and seed yield. The highest seed yield of 1.5 t ha?1 was obtained for the 10 June planting date and the lowest average yield of 0.450 t ha?1 for the 5 November planting date.  相似文献   

A 2-year trial has been carried out in northern Italy on soybean (cv. Hodgson) grown in lysimeters, comparing three soil water regimes (well-watered conditions and water stress during vegetative and reproductive stages) at two sowing dates. Plant evapotranspiration and water uptake depth were calculated from volumes of water independently supplied to eight lysimeter layers; at harvest, plant architecture, yield components and fruit distribution along the main stem and lateral branches were evaluated.
Although water stress intensity was not severe, crop evapotranspiration and water uptake depth were severely restricted by water shortage. Both low water-availability and late sowing significantly modified the architecture of plants, decreasing total height, number and length of internodes and lateral branches. Seed allocation along the stem was shifted downwards both by delaying the sowing date and by reducing the water supply; the component most responsible for yield decrease was the number of pods per plant, while unit seed weight was only slightly affected by water stress. Grain yield reduction was higher when water availability was inadequate during the reproductive phase in the early-sown crop and during the vegetative stage in the late-sown crop. This suggests that the intensity of the water shortage, plant phenological stage of stress application, as well as the date of stress application within the growing season determine the yield response of soybean.  相似文献   

[Objective] Removal of redundant buds and decapitation of fruiting branches are important pruning measures for cotton production. The effects of the two procedures on source–sink activity, yield, and fiber quality were studied to provide a scientific basis for a simplified pruning method. [Method] A field trial was carried out in bottomland of the Yellow River valley, Zhengzhou, Henan Province in 2014–2015 using cotton ‘Lumianyan 28’. Treatments consisted of removal of redundant buds, decapitation of fruiting branches, and removal of redundant buds and decapitation of fruiting branches in combination (RDR treatments). Redundant buds and tops of fruiting branches were retained in the control (CK). The source–sink size and activity, yield traits, fiber quality, and economic return were recorded. [Result] The RDR treatments increased the leaf area index and total dry matter accumulation, and increased the sink-source ratio at advanced growth stages compared with CK. In the middle growth period, the RDR treatments increased indoleacetic acid (IAA) content and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and decreased abscisic acid (ABA) content in the leaf. Moreover, the RDR treatments increased IAA content and SOD activity, and decreased ABA content in seeds of pre-summer bolls and summer bolls, whereas the IAA and ABA contents and SOD activity in fibers showed the opposite trend to that of seeds. The lint yield following removal of redundant buds, decapitation of fruiting branches, and combined removal of redundant buds and decapitation of fruiting branches was increased by 4.43%, 5.17%, and 9.31%, respectively, but no significant difference was observed among these treatments. Decapitation of fruiting branches had amore marked effect on yield than removal of redundant buds, and these two treatments applied in combination had a cumulative effect on yield. The RDR treatments had no significant effect on fiber quality. Decapitation of fruiting branches increased economic return, but removal of redundant buds reduced economic return, and the effect on economic return of removal of redundant buds and decapitation of fruiting branches in combination was inconsistent. [Conclusion] The RDR treatments generally improved the source–sink relationship, enhanced source and sink activity, and increased cotton yield. However, the increase in yield and economic benefits were less marked. We recommend simplified pruning techniques without removal of redundant buds and decapitation of fruiting branches for large-scale cultivation of cotton.  相似文献   

黔西北山区小麦产量构成因素及高产育种途径研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
唐映军 《种子》2003,(1):8-9
采用多元回归、多元相关分析法,分析了黔西北山区小麦产量构成因素,结果表明,在三要素中,决定产量的主导因子是穗数,其次是千粒重,最后是穗粒数,在此基础上提出了本区小麦高产育种应走大穗较多穗型求高产的育种途径,为本区小麦产量进一步提高提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

A series of lines, differing in isozyme genotype, were constructed by selection from within three cultivars of Lolium perenne. Field assessment of the progeny of these selected line? revealed variation in yield and timing of inflorescence emergence. This variation between lines from within a cultivar could not be accounted for by the differing levels of homozygosity attained. In some instances differences in yield were associated with homozygosity for specific alleles at the PGI/2 locus, background genotype was however, of major importance. The variation identified could be attributable to founder effects or possible linkage of quantitative trail loci to the PGI/2 locus.  相似文献   

播种期和种植密度对小麦新品种豫农202产量构成的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
合理的播种期和种植密度有助于挖掘小麦品种的产量潜力。利用裂区试验研究了播种期和种植密度对小麦新品种豫农202产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明:播种期对小麦新品种豫农202的产量及其构成因素影响较小,除对穗数的影响达显著水平外,其它均不显著。种植密度则影响较大,除对千粒重的影响不显著外,其它均达到显著或极显著水平,特别是对穗数和穗粒数影响的显著程度非常高。在不同的播种期下各种植密度间产量差异较大,但产量构成因素差异较小。在不同播种期和种植密度下,穗数对产量的直接影响较大,其次是穗粒数,千粒重的直接影响很小。该品种的适宜播种期应该在10月8日至10月25日,早播情况下选择120万/ hm2基本苗较合适,中晚播情况下选择240万/ hm2。  相似文献   

小麦生物产量、收获指数与产量关系的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
利用11个小麦新品种(系),对生物产量、收获指数与籽粒产量的关系进行了研究。结果表明,生物产量与籽粒产量的表型和遗传正相关均达极显著水平,收获指数与籽粒产量的表型正相关也达极显著水平。生物产量的遗传潜力及与籽粒产量的密切程度均大于收获指数,说明进一步提高产量的途径应是维持现有收获指数水平,主要通过提高生物产量,协调提高二者之间的关系来实现。  相似文献   

The effect of moisture stress on yield and yield components of five winter wheats and their F1, hybrids were investigated by maintaining the material at 80 % and 50 % field capacity respectively. Yield, kernel number, and kernel mass of the secondary tillers were affected severely by moisture stress. Kernel number and kernel mass of both primary and secondary tillers were correlated to yield significantly (r > 0.75) at both moisture levels. The rankings of the characters most significantly correlated to yield remained much the same at moisture levels despite a significant cultivar X moisture level interaction.  相似文献   

 为探讨不同抗虫棉品种在滨海盐碱地的产量和熟相及其对去早果枝的反应,以早发型(鲁棉研17、21)、晚发型(鲁棉研18、22)抗虫棉和两者的F1杂交种(01H00、01H01)为材料,于2006-2007年在东营市盐碱棉田进行了试验观察。结果表明,早发型和晚发型抗虫棉品种间的早熟性和熟相存在显著差异,两者的杂交种在2006和2007年分别比常规种增产5.7%~14.5%和4.7%~6.8%,并表现出较好的熟相。早发型常规抗虫棉去早果枝增产5.6%~8.4%,早衰得到延缓;晚发型常规抗虫棉去早果枝减产9.3%~13.1%,表现晚熟。利用不同熟相类型的常规抗虫棉配置杂交组合以及对早发抗虫棉品种去早果枝都是延缓早衰、提高盐碱地棉花产量的有效途径。  相似文献   

对9份杂稻新质源不育系及3份核供体相同的滇一型不育系水稻的花粉败育特点和花时特征进行了研究。结果表明:绝大部分新质源不育系与滇一型不育系具有相同的花粉败育特点,以染败为主,而IR58025/南29-48//测64为细胞质源的楚粳23A,花粉败育以典败为主,云恢290//旱谷香糯/滇榆为细胞质源的合系42A,圆败、典败花粉占总花粉量的一半,以IR58025/南29-48//测64为细胞质源的合系42A,圆败、典败花粉占总花粉量的20%。新质源不育系与滇一型不育系花时相比,各具特色,表现不一,以核供体楚粳23的花时集中,花时高峰出现;以核供体为合系42的花时集中且提前现象,有利于制种;以核供体为合系41花时不集中,但开花较晚。  相似文献   

以红肉蜜柚五年生结果树为材料,调查其结果枝分布位置、结果枝径粗、长度、叶片数,研究结果枝生物学指标与成花的关系。结果表明,在树冠垂直方向上结果枝主要分布在30~89cm区域,占总量的77%,90~120cm区域呈减少趋势,仅占总量的23%,120cm以上区域几乎没有花穗;结果枝径粗从2~6mm均可成花,2.5mm占13%,3mm占44.5%,4mm占15%,5mm占13%,以3mm成花率最高;结果枝长度从5~24cm均有成花,长度11cm成花率占19.3%,14cm占28.3%,17cm占21%,以长度14cm的成花率最高;不同区域最佳叶片数与成花关系有所不同,30~59cm区域以6片叶、60~89cm区域以7片叶、而90~120cm区域则以8片叶成花率高,有明显的随着结果枝分布区域的上升最佳成花叶片数增多的趋势。  相似文献   

刘丽  蔡迪花 《中国农学通报》2018,34(16):100-105
为提高武都的核桃产量与品质,分析不同气象条件下核桃不同品种的物候期、产量构成要素变化及其对气候因子的响应情况。本研究以甘肃陇南市武都山区“万亩核桃园”为试验地点,在2012—2013 年开展核桃‘温185’、‘强特勒’2 个品种的物候期及产量构成要素的连续性观测,分析不同年份2个品种物候期及产量构成要素的变化特征,并结合同期气象资料,研究核桃产量构成要素与主要气象因子的关系。结果表明:(1)不同品种、不同年份的核桃物候期存在较大的差异;(2)尽管2013 年核桃‘温185’的枝条生长量明显长于2012年,但由于2013年前期气温异常偏高,加之降水量偏少,造成后期果实生长量小于2012 年。然而,由于‘强特勒’的物候期较‘温185’晚了20 天左右,其2013 年枝条、果实生长量均较2012 年大,前期的高温并未影响其生长发育;(3)2012、2013 年核桃‘温185’枝条、果实生长量与温度、降水呈正相关,而与日照时数呈不显著负相关,其中与最低温度的相关性最显著。就温度而言,2013年的相关性明显弱于2012年,表明气温异常偏高不利于核桃产量的提高。  相似文献   

为探究不同基追肥比例对湖南省双季稻产量及干物质积累的影响,以‘湘早籼32号’和‘中嘉早17’为早稻供试品种,‘湘晚籼12号’和‘五优308’为晚稻供试品种,设置6种不同施肥比例(T1~T6)与1个不施肥处理(T7)。研究结果表明:施肥能有效提高水稻产量,比不施肥增产16.07%~91.33%。早稻‘中嘉早17’以基追肥比例8:2:0:0产量最高,为7497.00 kg/hm~2,晚稻‘五优308’以基追肥比例6:2:2:0产量最高,为9387.90 kg/hm~2;早晚稻的干物质积累量均以基追肥比例4:3:3:0较高,是一种有利于干物质积累的施肥方式,前轻后重的施肥方式茎秆重、叶片重、穗重显著低于其他处理,基追肥比例0:5:3:2的根系重与茎秆重分别比其他施肥处理少9.72%~63.84%和6.42%~27.82%,表明肥料后移会减少水稻干物质的积累。因此,在湖南地区重施基蘖肥可促进早稻分蘖的发生,晚稻在重施基蘖肥的基础上适当配施穗肥可增加单位面积颖花数、提高结实率,以此获得双季稻的高产。  相似文献   

The photoperiod‐insensitive barley mutant ‘Atsel’, carrying the recessive gene ea7, was studied together with the donor variety ‘Atlas’ (wild‐type, Ea7) under different daylengths with the aim of analysing pleiotropic effects. Grown under long and short photoperiods ‘Atsel’ flowered about 10 days and 34 days, respectively, earlier than ‘Atlas’. The significantly shorter life‐cycle of the photoperiod‐insensitive mutant resulted in several changes of plant morphology. Tillering, plant height, number of leaves and number of internodes were reduced. A lower number of florets per main spike was observed for ‘Atsel’, but only in the long photoperiod experiment. Finally, photoperiod insensitivity combined with a lower grain yield per plant was most pronounced under long‐day treatment. The data are comparable with results obtained from single chromosome recombinant lines of wheat that have differences in their photoperiod response caused by the genes Ppd1 or Ppd2.  相似文献   

摘要:试验采用单因素随机区组试验,研究了晋单34和农大108生长发育的各个指标,以及影响产量的产量构成因素。得出以下结论:晋单34号的见展叶与光合势等指标低于农大108,产量构成因素(穗数、穗重、穗粒数、百粒重等)低于农大108,耐密性与抗倒伏性,且稳定性均比农大108差  相似文献   

Reliable estimations of the yield response of winter barley to different preceding crops are necessary for the design of crop rotations.
The grain yield and yield components of winter barley (cv. Tapir ) following either rapeseed, oats, wheat or barley were determined in five years of field experiments on a sandy loam (Luvisol) at the Hohenschulen experimental station near Kiel, Germany, F.R. The growth, development and incidence of take-all ( Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici ) was measured in a total of three years. On average over the five years barley grown after oats yielded 0.8 t per ha (11 %) more than barley following wheat which was mainly due to a higher number of ears per m2. Barley following either oats or rapeseed produced a higher dry weight and a larger number of tillers per m2 compared with barley grown after wheat or barley. This effect was already-present at the sampling date before winter. Take-all ratings were constantly higher in barley following a susceptible crop, but only reached a severe level late in the season and therefore could not explain the observed differences in growth, development and subsequently grain yield. Since no other pathogens affected the development other non-pathogenic causes must be considered as main causes for the described observations and yield differences.  相似文献   

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