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徽州古村落农业文化遗产活态保护模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱生东  赵蕾 《中国农学通报》2014,30(11):315-320
作为一种新兴的世界遗产类型,农业文化遗产的保护迫在眉睫,但具体的保护方法却极其匮乏。古徽州地区是文化遗产资源的富集区,具有文化遗产保护的优良传统,积累了丰富的遗产保护经验。徽州古村落是中国传统村落的典型代表,蕴含着极其丰富的农业文化遗产,并具有地域文化底蕴深厚、遗产资源内涵丰富、遗产品味等级高等优势。借鉴徽州文化遗产保护的经验,可以从保护遗产的文化生态空间、做好遗产的修复复活、加强遗产的活态传承、挖掘文化遗产的现代价值等方面来探索农业文化遗产的活态保护,这是非常必要而现实的。  相似文献   

Urbanization is an inevitable trend of the development of human civilization. In the process of urbanization, human have learned lessons from protecting and inheriting cultural heritage or damaging and destroying it, and also accumulated precious experience, fi nally formed a reasonable path to harmoniously deal with the relationship between urbanization and cultural heritage protection. Besides, the accomplishment has been incorporated into the cause of the symbiosis of cultural diversity and the construction of harmonious cities. China's contemporary urbanization has been developing rapidly, thus its cultural heritage protection is facing severe challenges. However, the relationship between urbanization and cultural heritage protection is not completely confl icting. Coordinative development between the two is increasingly becoming a social consensus. The win-win result of China's urbanization and cultural heritage protection will make its own contribution to the progress of world's urbanization and cultural heritage protection.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市文化景观遗产的保护与开发研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
叙述了文化景观、文化景观遗产的概念和类别,并将哈尔滨市文化景观遗产分类。经过实地考察与大量的资料查阅,发现了遗产保护中存在的问题,并提出了遗产保护的对策,同时得出了由“点”到“面”的整体性保护、节制性的开发、品牌化、市民为主,政府协力和文化景观遗产申报5种保护模式,希望能对哈尔滨市文化景观遗产的保护与合理开发产生一定的指导意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

Under the violent impact of the social transformation period,traditional cultural heritage faces a great crisis of protection,inheritance and development.In the context of collapse of basic structure of traditional rural society,the protection of traditional cultural heritage becomes an important task in the new period.Although both the state and the society attach great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage,it still faces a huge crisis of disappearance.In the system,this is because cultural elite list system and intangible cultural heritage protection system are confronted with many practical problems.The cultural elite of the rural society,as main group of intangible culture inheritance,is always ignored and this has become a hidden trouble for cultural heritage protection.In this situation,it is recommended to constantly restore excellent cultural ecological environment,improve the supporting facilities of the intangible cultural protection system,cultivate cultural elites of rural areas at the level of endogenous driving force,improve the rural centripetal force centering on cultural elites,restore its functions in transmitting culture and guiding value in rural society,and rebuild the folk cultural elite regeneration mechanism,so as to real y push the intangible cultural heritage protection towards the sustainable development of inheritance.  相似文献   

小麦超高产形态生理指标与配套栽培技术体系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
根据“九五”科技规划 ,国家把小麦超高产形态生理指标与配套技术体系研究列为重中之重科技攻关招标课题 ,这对深入开展小麦超高产栽培理论与技术的研究以及全国小麦生产的发展和栽培学科的进步都具有重要意义。经过 5年各中标单位协作攻关 ,在不同试验基点进行多层次、多学科的试验研究 ,完成了招标课题规定的各项主要任务指标 ,进行了八项小麦超高产形态生理指标及技术指标的研究 ,提出了“三优二促一控一稳”的超高产栽培技术体系 ,并在生产实践中示范推广取得显著社会、经济效益。现将主要研究结果简要介绍如下 ,以期为进一步开展小麦超…  相似文献   

The well-preserved small historic cities and towns in China that have went through thousands of years of vicissitudes play a signifi cant role in studying the town history and architectural spaces,and inheriting behavioral cultures of the locals.However,driven by economic profi ts,the current protection and development of ancient towns focus on ancient images,but neglect behavioral cultures and spiritual connotations,lose their evolution sequence and the relationship between tangible and intangible characters.Protection of ancient towns,as the author asserts,means not simple restoration and simulation of ancient buildings,or blind pursuit of new approaches,but equal importance to repairing architectural forms,protecting the environmental spaces,and intangible behavioral cultures and spiritual connotations of the locals that have been or will be lost in the history.It is the signifi cance of protecting ancient town environment and its history and culture.  相似文献   

作为世界重要农业文化遗产和世界文化遗产的双遗产地,在申遗成功后,如何利用遗产地资源发展生态农业来达到消除贫困、保护生物多样性并传承民族文化是云南元阳哈尼梯田目前面临的主要问题。种子系统作为哈尼梯田农业文化遗产的物质基础、梯田稻作和景观的核心,千余年来维持着当地人民的繁衍和生存,而稻种种内遗传多样性又是当地农业长期稳定发展和粮食安全的根本。本文主要分析哈尼梯田稻种多样性种植在抗病稳产中的作用、特征和优势,探讨种子系统在维持农户生计和文化遗产保护中的作用,提出以稻作农耕为基础持续的、长久性的、具有经济、文化和社会效益的扶贫策略,为当地农业可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

赫哲族渔文化是赫哲族传统民族文化的核心,也是中国渔文化中具有典型特色的不可或缺的重要部分。笔者通过对同江市街津口赫哲族乡这个赫哲族的主要传统聚居区的调研,发现赫哲族渔文化的传承与保护状况堪忧,而只有捕鱼为生、以鱼为食的生产生活方式才是赫哲族在与周围环境渐趋融合的过程中唯一保留的最为完整的传统渔文化。为此,必须采取有力的措施,加紧挖掘、整理、抢救和保护赫哲族渔文化遗产,让这一世代相传的民族文化继续呈现出鲜活的生命力。  相似文献   

Takes the renovation of Nantou Ancient City in Shenzhen for example, this study reveals the opportunities and challenges brought by the renovation of the ancient city to the conservation of cultural heritage via analyzing the problems existing in the cultural heritage conservation of Nantou Ancient City and excavating the cultural heritage value of the ancient city. Based on it, this study put forwards some suggestions on the excavation and the inheritance of cultural heritage value, in order to seek the interactive relationship and promote the coordinated development between the ancient city and the cultural heritage.  相似文献   

In this paper, the content of rockery protection was discussed through the analysis of a series of documents such as the convention, declaration, and regulations concerning heritage protection in accordance with the principles of authenticity and integrity. Through the analysis of the influence factors of the rockery and its environment, it is proposed that the rockery protection should strengthen environmental protection on the basis of the protection of the body of a rockery. From the perspectives of structure, skill, materials and function, the contents of the rockery protection and the human settlement environment where the rockery is located, the external environment and internal environment of the rockery space were analyzed, and the contents of the rockery protection were preliminarily proposed.  相似文献   

This paper firstly made an overview of foreign and domestic theories and methods of landscape architecture heritage protection.It studied the landscape architecture heritage from policies and regulations,investment management,talent cultivation,and popular science education.Then,it discussed problems of landscape architecture heritage protection in China:lack of legislation,weak awareness of heritage resources,overdevelopment of heritage resources,and vacancy in management and monitoring of heritage resources.Finally,it came up with recommendations that competent authorities of Chinese government should attach greater importance to heritage management,talent cultivation,and fund input,integrate with advanced management methods of developed countries,and exploring a landscape architecture heritage protection and management mode suitable for national conditions of China at levels of thought,methods,and technology.  相似文献   

Located in Yunlong Dali, Nuodeng salt-village has thousands of years deep in Bai history, culture of the precipitation, the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Bai nationality. In Bai settlement formation and development history, its diverse natural appearances and rich cultural styles have the dual characteristics in natural and cultural heritage. Nuodeng salt-village is a connection between central plains culture and South Asia culture, also a complete ecological museum. By this time, this essay put Jinan springs under the view of mixed heritage based on the background of its history and geography, to identify the natural and cultural value of Nuodeng salt-village by comparison and conclude the heritage protection planning accordingly.  相似文献   

韦妮妮 《中国农学通报》2019,35(14):151-156
在韩国的农业文化遗产保护性工作中,其政策扶持体系扮演着至关重要的角色,责任清晰的属地管理、农业文化遗产的动态保护与多功能利用等机制对广西加强农业文化遗产保护和开发有着重要的借鉴意义。文章介绍了韩国重要农业和渔业遗产系统实践并总结吸取其有益经验,同时分析了广西民族地区农业文化遗产发展现状,重点从完善保护机制、合理划分责任(政府、社会、个人责任)、强调活态的文化遗产保护等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

古树名木价值等级的评估研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
古树名木作为自然、文化遗产具有重要保护意义。笔者以北京古树名木调查为基础,运用德尔菲法从3个方面价值(自然、文化、景观)确定古树名木价值评估体系,同时运用层次分析法提出古树名木价值评估标准,构建价值评估模型,将古树名木定性分为A级、AA级、AAA级、AAAA级、AAAAA级5种级别,为其资源保护提供一套综合考虑的价值衡量体系。  相似文献   

大豆机械化“深窄密”高产配套栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“深窄密”机械化大豆高产栽培技术是在吸收、消化、利用、提高国外大豆窄行密植技术的基础上,以矮秆品种为突破口,吸收垦区“三垄”栽培技术的精华--深松与分层施肥而逐步形成的新的大豆栽培技术。此栽培技术是以矮秆品种为基础,以气吸式播种机或精良点播机为载体,结合“深”即深松、深施肥与分层施肥;“窄”即窄行缩小行距;“密”即增加密度,保持群体匀度的综合配套技术。较“三垄”栽培技术增产20%以上,增产幅度700-1000kg/hm^2。比“三垄”栽培增收1000元/hm^2以上。  相似文献   

Firstly,the composition and value of heritage in Nihegou Village having the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems(GIAHS) were analyzed,and then dilemmas,challenges and opportunities for the protection and development of the village were studied.Finally,ways of sustainable development of the vil age were discussed.  相似文献   

After entering the 21 st century,under the influence of urbanization and industrial transformation,China's industrial heritage protection is faced with enormous challenges.In the next 10 years,China's urban planning will enter a turning period from increment planning to inventory planning.Among objects of effective land use,industrial use will stand in the breach,which pushes the industrial heritage to the crossroad of protection or non-protection.Therefore,it is essential to study how to effectively use industrial land under the premise of protecting industrial heritage value.In view of these issues,this paper presents some thoughts about how to protect cultural value of industrial heritage in the period of inventory planning.  相似文献   

古槐树的保护与复壮研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对古槐树的生长环境和生长状况的调查,并对植株叶片营养元素含量和生长地周边的土壤中营养元素含量进行定量分析,结果表明:土壤中的营养极度缺乏,根系得到的营养物质极为有限,这样,使根系无法生长,造成树体的伤害。在给古槐施用肥料中有必要增加N、P、Ca、Mg、Zn等营养元素,使古槐能更旺盛地生长。还对古槐树的保护和复壮提出措施,以期为延缓古树的衰老提供理论依据和切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

By introducing cultural landscape theories and attaching importance to practical application of theories, this paper analyzed protection and development of ancient Pingyao City under the guidance of relevant theories. Taking Pingyao for example, application of theories in practices will be better understood, and the role of human geography in urban planning reflected. Referring to the protection and development cases of famous historic and cultural cities, this paper analyzed historical and cultural context, and spatial environment of Ancient Pingyao City from the perspectives of culture and geography, and proposed suggestions for the protection and development of ancient city under the guidance of human geography theories.  相似文献   

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