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Architectural design of Dongting Lake Museum takes River dolphin ripples in the Dongting Lake as the theme, tries to integrate into the local wetland environment and ecological resources of the Dongting Lake, in order to realize the dream of making a great museum for the most gorgeous lake. The overall layout follows the concept of coexistence of real and virtual, integration of exterior and interior, and the architectural image symbolizes the river dolphin ripples, which is extremely harmonious in the whole natural environment. The design integrates planning, building, landscape and interior spaces, adopts technical means and ecological green to integrate the building into the environment, and presents us a tremendous ecological wetland museum that floats on the lake like a fish, an islet, a sail or a hill.  相似文献   

"Digital City" has gradually emerged,promoting the digitalization of urban landscape design,and meanwhile,virtual reality (VR) technology allowing us to create and experience the virtual world has come into reality.The use of VR technology in the urban landscape design,and interactive 3D dynamic view,multi-source information fusion and system simulation of the entity behavior will be beneficial to generate the simulation environment of urban landscape design on the computer,and guide the scientific development of urban landscape design.On this basis,this article analyzed the connotation of VR technology and basic characteristics of urban landscape artistic design based on the overview of previous studies on the urban landscape design in multiple aspects,and further explored the application of key technology in the VR-based simulation of urban landscape artistic design,to provide the reference and idea for urban landscape design,and improve overall effect of urban landscape artistic design.  相似文献   

Digital City has gradually emerged,promoting the digitalization of urban landscape design,and meanwhile,virtual reality (VR) technology allowing us to create and experience the virtual world has come into reality.The use of VR technology in the urban landscape design,and interactive 3D dynamic view,multi-source information fusion and system simulation of the entity behavior will be beneficial to generate the simulation environment of urban landscape design on the computer,and guide the scientific development of urban landscape design.On this basis,this article analyzed the connotation of VR technology and basic characteristics of urban landscape artistic design based on the overview of previous studies on the urban landscape design in multiple aspects,and further explored the application of key technology in the VR-based simulation of urban landscape artistic design,to provide the reference and idea for urban landscape design,and improve overall effect of urban landscape artistic design.  相似文献   

By analyzing influence of color on human physical and psychological conditions, and combining with color application in hospital landscape designs, it was proposed that colors should be reasonably applied in hospital landscape designs, and different spaces should be created to satisfy various needs of patients. In this way, hospital landscapes will be more considerate and even play a helping role in medical rehabilitation  相似文献   

Courtyard is a signifi cant component of architectural design because it is an important living place that plays a positive role in improving the living environment. This paper reviewed basic principles of small courtyard landscape design, and analyzed the way of integrating plants and other landscape elements in small courtyards.  相似文献   

By reviewing development history and current situation of Huizhou Dockyard,this paper took concentrated,scattered,changing as the theme,adopted the design concepts of integrating functions and cultures,followed the principle of applicable,economical,beautiful,ecological and human-concerned,to build a comfortable urban park.  相似文献   

Through interpreting significance of low-carbon landscape, and analyzing common problems in landscape design industry, paths of low-carbon landscape design were explored from the following perspectives: establishing low-carbon index system for the landscape construction of eco-city; constructing scientific and reasonable spatial layout; using landscapes to interpret low-carbon concepts; enhancing the carbon sink function of urban green spaces; choosing reasonable landscape materials; reducing landscape maintenance cost. The study aims at applying low-carbon concepts in all design projects to achieve sustainable development of urban landscapes.  相似文献   

Plant landscaping in courtyard design was studied from four perspectives of building, water, road, garden setting and plant landscaping. Landscape designs in Guangzhou Baiyun Hotel, the Humble Administrator's Garden (Suzhou), and bamboo pathway of Small Yingzhou in the West Lake (Hangzhou) to improve scientific and artistic properties of plant landscaping, and develop economic, social and ecological effects of garden green spaces to the most.  相似文献   

The current situation of plants in Shilihe Beach of the Huaxi National Urban Wetland Park was investigated and analyzed. The results show that there are about 181 species of landscape plants in this park, of which arbors and shrubs are dominant. Various species of plants grow differently because of different types of artificial maintenance. The overall partition of the wetland park dose not follow the features of a river-type wetland and is not clear. In this park, the planting area of hygrophyte is far less than that of terrestrial plants. As a result, the wetland park is evolving into a public garden. It is suggested that the overall design of the park should be conducted in accordance with site characteristics and resources, and the park should be developed and built reasonably based on the principle that the ecology is a priority.  相似文献   

Landscape is an expression symbol with the time dimension influenced by historical process. Time not only influences landscape project and changing process of regional materials all the time, but also shapes forms and cultural connotations of landscape. Proceeding from basic concepts of time dimension in landscape design, influence and significance of time in landscape design were explored from the perspectives of presentation (material changes), perception (spatial experience) and culture (historical process) of time dimension.  相似文献   

姑婆山国家森林公园景观格局变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据姑婆山国家森林公园1999年和2009年森林调查资料,在ArcGIS和Fragstas 3.3的支持下对姑婆山国家森林公园景观格局动态变化进行研究。结果表明:研究期间,研究区主要景观类型没有变化,阔叶树、灌木林、杉木林3种主要景观类型面积占总面积的比例由80.44%提高到94.51%;景观基质均为阔叶林,占总面积比例由63.63%提高到75.82%;总斑块数量由301块下降到174块;平均形状指数呈下降趋势;多样指数由1.233下降到0.862;优势度指数则由0.846升高至1.217。总体表现为针叶林向针阔混交林,进而向阔叶林演替,景观趋向连续和稳定。  相似文献   

This text expounds the necessity and importance of small communication space development, comes up with essentials of small space landscape design aiming at some problems arising in human communication, and seeks composition forms of landscape design appropriate for communication, thereby solving conflicts among man, city and nature brought by rapid urban development and working out reasonable and effective means of communication for urban residents.  相似文献   

The modern value of salt culture was analyzed firstly, and then the relationship between salt culture and sports leisure tourism landscape design was discussed. Afterwards, the cultural elements of sports leisure tourism landscape in salt culture were analyzed, and the examples of applying salt culture to sports leisure tourism landscape design were enumerated to explain how to spread salt culture through sports leisure tourism landscape.  相似文献   

Campus landscape as the essence of campus environment accentuates the history, culture and time characteristics of university. Pleasant and elegant campus landscape conveys spirit, aesthetic taste, and cultural connotation of the university; furthermore, it makes people active and struggle for it. Shanshui culture on campus landscape design has important signifi cance and function and appeal to the design conception of landscape and planning strategy to follow the principles of integrity, ecology and comfort.  相似文献   

摸清园博馆油松植株的生长和健康状况,及时准确发现植株存在的健康问题和潜在风险,为短期内实施紧急补救、调整干预措施以及制订长期的树木复壮管理和科学养护方案提供参考依据。本研究系统调查园博馆内栽植的79株油松基本生长和健康指标,计算其健康值、划分健康等级,对其整体健康状况进行评价。结果表明,园博馆室外展园内栽植的油松绝大部分健康状况表现良好,没有差和极差2个健康等级的植株,健康等级为中的植株为9株,占总株数的11.39%,健康等级为良和优的分别为63株和7株,占总株数的79.75%和8.86%。平地和缓坡立地环境下的油松健康状况整体表现优于山地立地环境下的油松表现。在树冠和树干方面的不佳表现,枝叶病虫害、叶斑或变色以及干部病虫害等问题是导致植株健康状况变差、健康值降低的关键指标因素。应围绕引发园博馆油松衰弱的病虫害关键问题,建立基于病虫害发生规律的综合防控措施。此外要以提高和改善油松植株立地条件为目标和导向,科学实施精细化养护管理措施,提高植株的生长势和树势。还应建立树木健康档案制度,加强对油松植株生长状况的定期监测巡查。  相似文献   

蔡清 《中国农学通报》2011,27(31):300-304
景观不仅是一门艺术,更是一门科学。在对景观环境分析的基础上,提出点、线、面是景观造型的基本元素。结合平面构成理论,笔者指出平面构成理论与景观造型的基本元素之间存在形态要素的对应性、美学法则的一致性、形态语言的互通性等3个方面共性。因此,可利用平面构成理论对景观环境的营造进行指导。基于以上观点,以形态要素点、线、面的品质为出发点,探讨景观造型的基本元素的运用特点及手法,从而总结出景观造型的基本元素在景观设计中的应用特点及规律。  相似文献   

基于乡村景观意象的休闲农庄景观规划设计研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目前中国东北地区休闲农庄景观定位方向尚不清晰明确,乡村景观意象规划还在起步阶段。在总结前人对乡村景观意象的理论研究的基础上,归纳出乡村景观意象的概念与基本特征。结合哈尔滨市哈南新城寒地休闲农庄规划设计项目对乡村景观意象进行了新的解读,提出了寒地乡村景观意象的内容与特征要素,并根据寒地乡村的基本特点,探讨了具有满族风情的寒地休闲农庄景观规划设计方法,为寒地乡村发展地域特色性乡村旅游建设提供规划设计实践参考,推动景观意象角度上的探索与开拓。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the landscape components of the golf course from the perspectives of the functionality, beauty and ecology of the golf course, compared the differences between the golf course landscape and the urban garden space landscape in terms of functional requirements, artistic requirements, components, and plant landscaping, and discussed the application of landscape components of the golf course in the of the urban green space landscape design.  相似文献   

基于VRML的虚拟园林设计要素构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
虚拟现实技术应用于园林设计,可利用动态和交互方式对未来的园林进行身临其境的全方位审视,可达到传统的园林效果图所无法达到的效果,然而目前虚拟技术在园林中的应用比较少。笔者基于VRML技术对园林设计要素的(植物、建筑、地形和水体)构建进行探索,实现了园林设计四大要素的三维模型构建和互联网上的漫游与交互功能。研究表明基于VRML构建园林设计要素的方法是行之有效的,而且效果比较好。  相似文献   

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