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Under the macro-background of all-for-one tourism, this study analyzes the related concepts and characteristics of inquiry-based learning tourism to understand the significance and role of developing inquiry-based learning tourism in China.With Binzhou as the object of study, this study also explores the development of inquiry-based learning tourism products from the aspects of the product development idea, level, framework and marketing, with a view to providing references for implementing inquiry-based learning tourism activities in other regions.  相似文献   

Given the dramatic divergence of postwar performance across the developing world despite almost half a century of accumulated technical expertise in the advice offered by the academic and donor communities, it has become increasingly clear that a study of differential development patterns over time requires an analysis of not only what happened but also why it happened. This paper seeks to bridge this gap by attempting to endogenize policy choice in different developing country settings in order to elucidate why similar policy advice is so often differently received. It is my basic premise that a country's initial conditions—its natural resource endowment, organic nationalism, and ability to attract foreign capital—explain why some LDCs pursue a relatively linear path toward “modem-growth” organizational characteristics, while others exhibit policy oscillations en route. A theoretical framework is developed to trace such causal relationships as they play themselves out in a political economy context over time. The policy responses to external shocks of Mexico, the Philippines and Taiwan, three countries differing in terms of various dimensions of their initial conditions, are then examined, along with their consequent performance over the past thirty years in order to empirically test the hypotheses laid out in the framework.  相似文献   

From the perspective of experience economy, this paper proposed that traditional temple sightseeing has been unable to meet needs of tourists, temple cultural sites must pay more attention to visitors' experience in tourism development. On the basis of analyzing characteristics of temple cultures in the Mount Tai and problems in its tourism development, strategies for the development of temple cultures in the Mount Tai were given from the perspective of experience economy.  相似文献   

旅游形象设计是我国现阶段旅游规划的发展方向和重要内容。本文以河北省狼牙山森林公园为对象,采用适用于各类型旅游地的形象设计技术体系进行全面分析。在此基础上,在CIS理论的基础上重新构建在旅游形象设计框架下对该公园的旅游形象进行了多方案设计,对该公园的合理开发保护有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

During the construction of multifunctional landscape(MFL) actor-network, economic, social, and ecological functions presented significant differences, which resulted from the different roles and effects of various heterogeneous actors according to the tourism experience. In Hekou Village at the border area between China and North Korea, the roles and effects of heterogeneous actors during the MFL actor-network construction were analyzed by means of the analytic network process(ANP), which verified the Groundings-Entrepreneurship-Markets(GEM) theoretical framework of the MFL actor-network that assumed tourism experiences were core actors, and economic, social, and ecological landscape actors acted as support. Research results showed that in the MFL actornetwork construction, social and economic functions of landscapes were strong, while ecological and tourism experience functions were weak and that folk customs and land utilization were key actors of the MFL actor-network construction. In the MFL actor-network construction, actors played different roles and had different effects on the network. Intelligence facilities and rurality were critical to drive the MFL actor network translation process and pass through "obligatory passage point". By changing the interaction mode and intensity of the actors, the MFL actor-network could be promoted.  相似文献   

上海位于东海之滨的独特地理位置与悠久的人类经济活动,赋予了上海旅游资源浓郁的海洋特征,在其几千年的发展过程中,形成了许多特色鲜明的海洋文化体系,为海洋文化旅游业的发展提供了有利条件。首先介绍了海洋文化与海洋文化旅游,指出上海在其发展进程中与海洋形成的密切关系,认为上海具有发展海洋文化旅游的巨大优势,因此,提出利用这些优势,从制度、观念、教育、可持续发展等层面发展上海海洋文化旅游,以很好的促进上海海洋文化旅游健康快速发展。  相似文献   

森林养生旅游产品体系开发及构建研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过文献查阅整理和多年旅游策划的实践,发现森林环境养生优势明显,同时对养生旅游市场进行了分析,发现生态养生旅游具有3个特点,即普适性、高复游率和综合消费较大。文章对中国传统养生文化的内涵进行了挖掘,并将其与可持续发展、市场导向、体验化、个性化相结合,构建了新的森林养生旅游产品体系,共分3类:一为生产性旅游产品,如林下养殖基地、林下种植基地等;二为生活性旅游产品,如养生餐厅、树屋等;三是游憩性旅游产品,如大氧吧广场、野营地等。研究旨在为当前森林旅游及林下经济的发展提供参考,也为森林养生旅游项目的系统策划提供理论基础。  相似文献   

日照农村和农业旅游开发研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
孔悉茹 《中国农学通报》2012,28(26):311-316
中国农业旅游发展较晚,目前关于农业旅游的研究尚不成熟。为了解决“三农”问题和实现可持续发展,必须做好农村和农业旅游开发研究。通过对日照市所辖农村区域旅游资源和发展现状的调研,提出农村和农业旅游开发必须树立大农村旅游观念,充分利用和深入挖掘当地旅游资源,采取有效措施做好农村区域旅游规划和旅游目的地规划、旅游产品策划和投融资,以保证旅游开发顺利进行和科学运营,从而实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

In recent years, leisure individual travel has become a trend of tourism development.Visitors are highly dependent on the public service system of scenic spots.The educational circles at home and abroad are paying more and more attention to the study of tourism public services.Based on the theory of tourist satisfaction evaluation, this paper made an empirical study on the tourism public service system of Kunyu Mountain National Forest Park.It was found that there was a contradiction between the demand for tourism public services and the actual supply in Kunyu Mountain National Forest Park.Based on this, some measures were put forward, such as strengthening the construction of tourist information signs in scenic spots, strengthening the construction of communication facilities and convenient services for tourists, strengthening the training and supervision of service practitioners, and construction of organizations for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of tourists.  相似文献   

分析了中国贫困县乡分布现状,指出“三农”问题最突出地区恰恰是乡村旅游资源最丰富地区;挖掘可开发为乡村旅游的“三农”资源共有3大类9个分类近50个细分类;指出以往乡村旅游开发在投资、市场、产品3个方面的主要问题分别是:对农民显失公平、市场秩序混乱、产品简单低俗;构建系统的解决思路:采用立体的“四位一体”开发管理模式,该系统模式能从根本上体现农民利益、管理市场秩序、使资源科学地转化为产品、拓宽乡村旅游产品新类别。  相似文献   

从农业旅游的概念出发,提出上海农业旅游经历了探索成长期和成熟扩展期2个发展阶段,形成了5种经营类型。认为农业旅游的动力机制是由需求系统、引力系统、中介系统和农村支持系统构成。进而指出,在上海农业旅游的发展过程中,改革动力、市场动力、形象动力和社会动力先后在动力机制中发挥主导作用,并形成动态的变化形式。最后提出,由这4个力引发的内生的农村自我发展能力和外生的城市化外援驱动力维系了农业旅游动力机制的运行。  相似文献   

基于莆田定位为世界妈祖文化中心,从文化创意的视角研究妈祖文化旅游地产,旨在把妈祖文化资源优势转变为经济优势,延伸妈祖文化旅游产业链,提高妈祖文化旅游产业的附加值。应用SWOT 分析法分析了莆田拥有发展妈祖文化旅游地产的四大优势:妈祖文化发源地优势、临海且滞后开发的较原始自然环境生态优势、客源市场优势和政策环境优势,因此具有很大的发展空间。针对存在的优势、弱势、机遇和挑战,笔者提出了莆田发展妈祖文化旅游地产的思路:做好资源整合规划;突出旅游房地产的文化特色;提升旅游房地产的环境品质;创新融资平台;注重营销策略。文章为莆田妈祖文化旅游的跨越发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   

The necessity of developing tourism in disaster sites was explored,famous disaster sites in the world were taken for example,and strategies for the tourism development of disaster sites proposed according to the basic theories of sustainable development.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing categories and distribution of tourism resources in Panzhihua City,spatial distribution features of the resources were explored,and spatial combination laws proposed pertinently,quantitative and qualitative methods used to evaluate value of tourism resources in the city,and suggestions given for the hierarchical development of local tourism resources.  相似文献   

Under the market economy system, the development of scenic areas must adhere to the regulation that the scenic resources must be turned into tourism resources under the guidance of scenic area planning at first, then the tourism resources has to be developed into tourism products directed by tourism development planning. Meantime, in this paper, Fengjie Tiankengdifeng Scenic Area Planning and Fengjie Tourism Development Planning are taken as examples to support this viewpoint.  相似文献   

结合山地景观开发利用的农业观光园区规划设计研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
近些年,随着经济、社会发展和人们的需求,农业观光项目正在迅速蔓延开来,但大多数农业观光园区都是在以前基地条件较好的平原或者平地进行改造和建设。本文通过对山东蓬莱“凤凰山庄”的开发规划进行实践研究,运用相关知识,从功能分区的角度,探讨如何利用山地有利的条件,扬长补短,建成具有独特的山地景观特色的农业观光园,以求能够对同类农业观光园的规划有所启示,获得更好的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

This paper defined tourism environment, analyzed the impact of tourism development on the water environment, soil, vegetation and landscape and proposed main measures for protecting tourism environment on this basis.  相似文献   

以磨盘柿为试材,采用0.50μL·L^-1及1.0μL·L^-1浓度1-MCP处理后观察冷藏条件下的贮藏效果。结果表明,1-MCP处理可明显地抑制柿果实硬度、膜相对透性、可溶性固形物含量、可溶性单宁含量以及丙二醛含量的变化,控制果实的软化及生理病害的发生,有效地延缓果实后熟与衰老进程。试验结果还发现,0.50μL·L^-1-MCP处理对柿果实褐变有较好的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Local color is not only the cultural counter in the competition between cities,but the main cultural element that attracts foreign tourists.In recent years,many cities have regarded tourism development as a major mean of reviving ancient towns.The excavation of local culture,material reconstruction of local characteristics,and the resurgence andreproductionof local industries have become an important work in the tourism development of ancient towns.Apart from the discussion of the protection,inheritance,and touristification of tangible cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage,this paper demonstrated the possibility of the integration and production capacity of local characteristic industry resources and analyzed the impact of the integrated development on the lifestyle and living atmosphere of residents in the ancient towns.In this paper,ways to realize the integrated development of the tourism and protection of ancient towns were included as follows:(1)to ensure the principal status of local residents and give full play to their initiatives;(2)to protect the local traditional way of life and improve the public service system;(3)to choose the appropriate development pattern and achieve the diversified development;(4)to improve service facilities in tourism and adjust the structure of tourism products.  相似文献   

Most of the studies on characteristic towns have made policy interpretation and planning convergence as the research focus. There is still a lack of in-depth discussion on the connotation, essence and scientificalness of characteristic towns. Starting from planning rationality and the source of characteristic towns, this study summarizes the cultivation process and essence of characteristic towns, looks forward to its development prospects and expounds the connotation, innovation and scientificalness of characteristic towns in east China's Zhejiang Province and other places. The study believes that the innovation of the characteristic town Zhejiang model is reflected in the three aspects of industrial choice, space carrier and system design, but there are rational logical faults from the existing cases to the promotion of the whole province, from Zhejiang experience to national promotion. From the perspective of planning rationality, the construction of characteristic towns in China is a development model under the leadership of political rationality. Planners should clearly understand and provide technical rational support to improve the practice of characteristic towns.  相似文献   

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