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With the improvement of living standards, peasants have attached increasing attention to quality of living environment, indoor thermal comfort of rural residence has become a functional need of new countryside residence. Chengdu is a foggy area with shorter sunshine hours, humid air, more foggy but fewer windy days, so local residence is likely to be muggy, which influences comfort of residents seriously. According to relevant researches, most rural residences in Chengdu use only natural ventilation, and the indoor thermal comfort is poor. In view of this, this paper tried to improve indoor thermal comfort and quality of living environment from the perspective of residence functional design.  相似文献   

垄作覆盖栽培对玉米生态生理效应研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为进一步深入探讨垄作覆盖栽培对玉米的作用,综述了垄作覆盖栽培栽培对土壤理化性质、温度、水分、田间小气候的影响,以及对玉米生长发育及产量的作用,垄作覆盖能改善土壤形状和田间小气候,促进玉米生长,增加玉米产量。但玉米垄作覆盖适宜地区、土壤类型以及玉米垄作覆盖关键技术等还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

It is proved that planting is effective to improve environment both indoor and outdoor resulted from the functions of plants to clean air and save energy. So the contradiction between saving energy and comfort,healthy demanded by people can be solved by planting. The planting have being emphasized and expanded during recent years,but in the planting plan,just the function of beautifying the environment is concerned and the function of ecological and saving energy are neglected. The analysis on the ooptimum system of planting is to make the planting system as an organic composition in the effectiveness structure and space layout of the city. Based on the study on equivalent relation of different effects on environment, the optimum system of planting structure will be determined in order to achieve the integrated effects of planting on environment.  相似文献   

探讨苏州城市景观公园不同群落温湿效应及其对人体舒适感的影响,为公园内部绿地系统的布局和植物种植规划提供参考。以苏州市中国花卉植物园园外道路和园内的道路、香樟林、栀子花林、槐树林、复合林6种不同样地为研究对象,测量分析各样地温湿度变化以及对人体舒适度的影响。结果表明:将园外沥青道路作为对照,在降温强度方面,园内不同样地的降温幅度0~4.2℃,依次为乔草>乔灌草>灌草>园内沥青道路;在增湿强度方面,园内不同样地的增湿幅度0~11.7%,香樟林、槐树林、复合林在白天的增湿效果十分明显。在不同季节,整个植物园相比于园外沥青道路有降温增湿的作用,人体舒适感增加,为人们户外活动提供了一个良好的选择。今后在公园的经营管理过程中,在植物配植方面,可以考虑以乔木为主体,选择单一或复合混交结构,合理建设游憩林等林下休闲场所,以最大限度改善生态环境,吸引更多游客。  相似文献   

Based on the previous researches on building layout with thermal comfort, this paper Stud Shenzhen Nanhua Village to explore the way of using building layout to change thermal environment of riverfront residential areas. The results showed that a more comfortable outdoor thermal environment could be obtained by applying proper building layouts favorable for the thermal comfort of the Nanhua Village. It proves again that efficient and feasible building layout, which is suitable for a river microclimate, is important in improving thermal comfort of a riverside residential area. The study also provides a good example for the future architectural designs of a riverside residential area for obtaining thermal comfort.  相似文献   

Summary Data of planting and plant density are two cultural practices influencing grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.). Our study was designed to evaluate the usefulness of a mass selection scheme to improve cold and density tolerance of the BS2 and BS3 maize populations. Populations were planted at an early planting date and a high plant density, and three cycles of mass selection for well-filled ears on erect plants were conducted at earch of three Corn Belt locations (i.e., Waseca, MN; Ames, IA; Portageville, MO).Results showed that selection improved cold tolerance traits of BS3, but not of BS2. Mass selection did not increase density tolerance of either population at any location. Selection did not improve response to planting dates, although the early planting date did improve agronomic performance and grain yield of all entries. We concluded that mass selection at high plant densities and early planting dates at diverse geographical locations did not produce cycles adapted to specific environmental conditions.  相似文献   

为了做好冬春茬番茄的茬口安排,提高或保持番茄定植期适宜的温度和光照条件,该文利用大同市温室蔬菜主产区阳高县2014年温室资料,对近年来农民定植经验指标进行了统计、检验;同时以2014年为参照年,统计1991—2015年11月1日至次年1月20日平均气温、极端最低、极端最高气温、平均最高、平均最低气温,假如有3项分别与2014年对应的温度相差2℃以内,就认为是相似年;用逐步回归法模拟了温室内小气候。经验指标表明:定植一般让过三九,如遇寒潮来袭,可推迟定植,避过寒流。温室资料检验表明:2014年定植期间在不同的天气条件下日最高气温、平均气温均达到经验指标要求,而最低气温较低,未能达到经验指标,可通过温室内搭建2层小弓棚达到低温标准。在相似年粗分析中发现:1991—2015年中,75%的年为相似年,即正常年份、正常管理,温室温度均可达到育苗到定植经验指标。逐步回归模拟温室小气候表明:温室内气温除与当天的天空状况有关外,还与前一天温室内外的基础温度有关。  相似文献   

Based on the climatic conditions and residential energy consumption in regions with hot summers and cold winters, three principles of building energy efficiency were used to explain the technical system and technical solutions for low energy consumption residence. To improve the energy efficiency in residences, and to produce more comfort as well, we should adjust sunlight, improve ventilation, reasonably insulate houses, make full use of natural energy sources, and choose high COP(Coefficient of Performance) equipments. Making reasonable use of local resources while planning and designing a residence is the key to low energy consumption. The solution given in this paper provides references for development of low energy consumption residences in regions of this type.  相似文献   

我国棉花轻简化栽培关键技术研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
棉花轻简化栽培是适应中国国情、提高棉花竞争力水平和棉花持续生产的重要技术途径。本文分析了当前我国棉花生产面临的主要问题,回顾了我国棉花轻简化栽培技术的形成和发展,总结了从播种(育苗移栽),到简化整枝、合理密植、简化施肥、植保、灌溉、到采收诸环节轻简化的关键技术;并对轻简化栽培的熟性和株型调控理论等进行了评述,提出了进一步完善和发展轻简化植棉技术,促进棉花持续生产的技术与理论研究设想。  相似文献   

旱作大豆播种密度对产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高旱作区大豆种植效益,充分利用当地降水资源,在甘肃东部地区开展播种密度对不同成熟期大豆品种产量及水分利用效率的影响研究。结果表明,不同类型大豆品种随播种密度增加,其主要经济性状单株荚数、单株粒数、每荚粒数和单株粒重均呈下降趋势;播种密度对不同类型品种田间耗水量影响不显著;在播种密度9.0万株/hm2~27.0万株/hm2的范围内,晚熟品种‘汾豆78’、‘晋豆23’适宜种植密度为18.0万株/hm2,早熟品种‘中黄30’、‘晋豆19’适宜种植密度为22.5万株/hm2;适宜播种密度能够明显提高旱作区大豆籽粒产量和水分利用效率。  相似文献   

密度和施肥方式对定向槽浅生栽培紫山药产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为探讨种植密度和施肥方式对紫山药产量的影响,提高紫山药定向槽浅生栽培的生产技术水平,采用大田试验,以紫色山药品种‘紫玉淮山’为试验品种,设置0.25 m×1.4 m、0.3 m×1.4 m、0.35 m×1.4 m和0.4 m×1.4 m 4 个不同的种植密度水平及常规化肥、缓控释肥2 种施肥方式,比较分析紫山药产量。种植密度处理表明,定向槽浅生栽培条件下,紫山药单株平均产量随着株距的增加而增加,其中种植密度为0.4 m×1.4 m的处理单株平均产量最高;而单位面积产量则与之相反,种植密度为0.25 m×1.4 m时产量最高。施肥方式处理表明,通过种植前一次性施入缓控释肥能够比分3 次施入常规化肥获得更高产量,其中在密度0.25 m×1.4 m的小区,施缓控释肥比施常规化肥平均增产0.17 kg/株,理论产量增加3779.1 kg/hm2。因此,定向槽浅生栽培方式下,0.25 m×1.4 m的种植密度+缓控释肥有利于紫山药高产、高效种植。  相似文献   

分析适宜机械化栽培的甘蓝型油菜农艺性状与单株产量的相关性及耐密油菜育种探讨,为选育耐密种植,适合轻简化收获的油菜提供理论基础。对农艺性状与单株产量的灰色关联度、通径分析和因子分析进行研究。结果表明:单株有效角果数、每角粒数和分枝数的关联度最大,在相关性中,株高、单株有效角果数、每角粒数与单株产量呈现显著相关,而且性状内部也存在着相关性,对单株产量的直接作用大小为:单株有效角果数>主花序有效角果数>每角粒数>结角密度>千粒重>株高>分枝部位>主花序长>分枝数。因子分析表明:株高、分枝部位、主花序长、主花序角果数、单株有效角果数在农艺性状中累计贡献率占到了总体的74.99%,起到了主要作用。在选育中应加强主花序有效角果数和结角密度的选择,分枝部位要合适,减少无效分枝数,注重株型结构性状的选择,从而努力提高角粒数和千粒重,为有效提高单株产量打下基础。  相似文献   

微气象条件对蔬菜保鲜效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对菜秧在不同温度、湿度、光照等几个微气象因子条件下保鲜效果的研究,定量分析了微气象条件对蔬菜保鲜效果的影响,筛选出蔬菜保鲜的最佳微气象因子配置方案。试验结果表明:蔬菜在低温、高湿、避光的环境中可以延缓衰老腐烂、延长保鲜期,并可以减少病虫的危害。  相似文献   

四川地区影响脱毒马铃薯原原种单株产量因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了提高马铃薯原原种单株产量,降低原原种生产成本,实现工厂化生产,就栽种密度、栽种时间、苗源3个主要因素对原原种单株产量进行研究。结果表明:不同扦插密度对原原种单株产量影响很大,方差分析结果达极显著,栽种密度为400苗/m2时单株产量最高,平均达到2.5粒,栽种密度过低或过高单株产量都会明显降低。不同栽种时间对原原种单株产量的影响也很大,四川地区最适栽种时间为3月15日至4月1日,过早或过迟栽种单株产量都会降低。试管苗和扦插苗的原原种单株产量相当,试管薯效果最好,平均单株产量达到3.5粒。大规模生产脱毒马铃薯原原种企业综合使用合适的栽种密度,掌握栽种时间,使用适当的苗源,是提高原原种总产量的基础。  相似文献   

果园生草栽培水土保持效应研究进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为了研究果园生草在水土保持中的作用,综述了国内外近年来果园生草对果园水土保持的相关因子研究,如土壤水分、结构、肥力、地温等果园小气候、水土流失综合、生草品种筛选等诸多方面,发现果园生草在水土保持作用方面研究还有待进一步开拓,特别是对成熟果园面源污染控制效果的研究还存在不足,今后还需从生草方式、生草品种筛选与应用、果园生草的配套技术、对土壤水分、地下水及水质的影响等方面进一步加强研究。  相似文献   

种植密度对渭北旱作区小麦群体性状和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选渭北旱作区主栽小麦品种的适宜种植密度,设置梯度种植密度试验,分析不同种植密度下,‘铜麦6号’‘长航一号’2个小麦品种的生育时期、群体性状及产量和产量构成因素的表现,结果显示:种植密度对小麦生育时期无明显影响;随种植密度增加,小麦成穗率先增后降,330×104株/hm2时成穗率最高;4个种植密度对小麦穗数影响明显,对千粒重无显著影响;‘铜麦6号’在种植密度为330×104株/hm2时产量最高,达4389.50 kg/hm2,‘长航一号’在种植密度为390×104株/hm2时产量最高,达4531.20 kg/hm2,但270×104~390×104株/hm2种植密度下,各小麦品种间产量均没有达到显著差异(P>0.05)。在本试验条件下,结合生育时期、成穗率、产量及产量构成因素表现,揭示330×104株/hm2是2个小麦品种在渭北旱作区最适宜的种植密度。  相似文献   

Small urban street parks play an irreplaceable role in protecting ecological environment of cities and beautifying living spaces of citizens, in these parks plant is an essential landscaping element that can not only improve environmental quality, but also provide visual enjoyment for viewers. There are many small street parks in Zhanjiang City, however, plant landscapes in such parks lack in regional characteristics because of blind copy and random planting. By analyzing plant landscapes in typical street parks in Zhanjiang, and borrowing the theoretical research framework of linguistics, this paper concluded the vocabulary, sentence,chapter and grammatical rules of plant landscape design, in order to explore new methods for the plant landscape design of small parks in tropical coastal regions.  相似文献   

为解决西宁市旅游资源评价和旅游舒适度预报问题,基于1961—2015 年的地面气象观测资料,计算重点旅游城市度假、人体舒适度、温湿指数的月和年序列资料,利用气候诊断方法分析评估其特征及其变化。结果表明,近55 年青海省西宁市夏季舒适日数呈显著的上升趋势,上升速率为1.1 d/10 a,舒适平均日数为89 天。西宁夏季的寒冷、温湿、度假、人体舒适度指数位于适宜-舒适级别和很适宜-最舒适级别,夏季西宁旅游或居住的气候条件舒适程度与昆明、贵阳、兰州、银川相当。夏季西宁适合旅游度假和休闲养生的气候关联指标在重点旅游城市中占据了优势,而这种优势在近10 年显现得更加明显。评估结果为青藏高原相关部门开展旅游舒适度预报和西宁市旅游气候资源的综合开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   

In the first two clonal generations of a potato breeding programme, clones are visually selected for ‘plant appearance’. Selection for plant appearance based on unreplicated small plots is unreliable, due to significant genotype × environment interaction and high error variance. In order to improve the selection efficiency, component traits of plant appearance were identified and the effect of selection for these components was studied. Tuber yield was found to be the principal component of plant appearance while stolon length and tuber appearance contributed significantly, but to a lesser extent. Tuber yield had a higher heritability than plant appearance. Characters determining the appearance of stolons and tubers were found to have equal or lower heritabilities than plant appearance at 80 days after planting and somewhat higher heritabilities than plant appearance at 145 days after planting. Hence, since the expected and observed selection responses of the component characters have been found to be equivalent to that of plant appearance, selection for plant appearance cannot be improved upon by separately selecting for characters like tuber yield and tuber appearance.  相似文献   

为构建水稻高产高效节水栽培技术模式,通过大田小区试验,研究了在节水灌溉条件下施氮量和栽植密度对双季晚稻丰源优299肥料利用率的影响。结果表明:施氮量、栽植密度及氮密互作对水稻氮磷钾素吸收和肥料利用率的影响均显著。随着施氮量的增加,水稻植株氮素与磷素吸收量呈先增长后减少的趋势,吸钾量呈现出先增加后减少再增加的趋势。随着密度的增加,植株总吸氮量与总吸钾量呈现先降低后升高的趋势,总吸磷量呈现逐步增加的趋势。低氮处理的氮肥贡献率、土壤氮素依存率、氮肥农学利用率和氮肥偏生产力最高,显著高于中氮处理;高密处理提高了氮肥吸收利用率和氮肥贡献率。水稻经济产量与茎叶氮磷钾素吸收量呈极显著正相关,与氮肥贡献率呈极显著正相关。因此,合理的施氮量和栽植密度组合(N1T3)能够形成水稻高产高效的群体结构,提高肥料利用率,进而提高水稻生产效益。  相似文献   

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