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Landscape urbanism has attracted the attention from scholars of human settlement science, and landscape designers have also grown in the development process of landscape urbanism and their identification has been broken through. Moreover, they are faced with new challenges in the age of big data and computer. The paper explored role definition of landscape designer in landscape urbanism and analyzed the trend of landscape urbanism, providing theoretical reference to forecast career development of landscape designer.  相似文献   

The significance of urban public environment doesn't consist only in meeting the demands of certain function. The public environment of a city can also be its important part through supporting and stimulating significant urban public behavior. From four main aspects of the theory of defensible space, the authors discussed how to establish good relationship between public environment and public life in the city; meanwhile, the authors provide some proposals and ways to enhance the quality of public environment of a city.  相似文献   

Under the background of new urbanization development, landscape design of cave dwelling settlement should be valued. By mining and cognizing cave culture, the connotation and space type of cave dwelling settlement in Guanzhong region are analyzed, and landscape design strategies on natural environment, street space, courtyard space, public space, architectural form and landscape element of cave dwel ing are proposed, which could provide some systematic theory suggestions for land design highlighting regional characteristics.  相似文献   

Human settlement environment is the basis of people existence and development, and currently Chinese urban construction is being faced with many problems on human settlement environment. Through contrasting the concepts of the American Edged Urbanism with the New Urbanism in the later half of the 20th century theoretically, this paper indicated the change in concept of urban design from the technological rationality to the nature and humanity. It expounds that the essence of New Urbanism is the idea of human settlement environment, and enlightens that people should promote urban construction and human settlement environment by way of humanism, and maintain harmonious development of human, nature and human settlement environment, thus the urban environment should walk up a correct way, and the idea has academic and extensive practical value for new development zones.  相似文献   

吴雅婷  肖斌  杨艳 《中国农学通报》2009,25(19):152-156
景观的发展正在经历一场平民化和大众化的历程,现代景观应平等地呈现给所有的市民。景观场所的本质是人们的生活区域,应符合生态要求、公众休闲的基本需求和一定的文化需求。其实践表现为景观设计,其契机主要是为市民创造公共的开放空间。本文从景观的概念、大众化发展入手,选取点状空间和绿道线性空间构成体系的角度,来探讨城市公共开放空间的景观设计,对创建更具大众化和符合生态的城市景观设计具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Recently, the increasing concern about the environmental quality of human settlements makes people realize that the attractive environment given by natural ecology also deficiently needs the feedback and protection of nature in some forms so that the natural ecology can be endlessly cycled on its own. Taking the project of German Enterprise Center in Qingdao Sino-German Ecopark as an example, this paper discussed construction of outdoor environment water circulation system using the landscape building method.  相似文献   

Thermal environment in urban public space is considered as an important factor affecting thermal comfort of human beings. In the whole year, thermal environment in public space of the city in hot-summer and cold-winter zone changes dramatically, which has an effect on human thermal comfort. In this study, three typical public spaces including street, park and square of Changsha were selected for a long-term experiment of thermal environment. Based on the analysis of four significant thermal environment parameters-air temperature, relative humidity, global temperature and wind speed, seasonal characteristics of thermal environment in urban public space were obtained. The results show that the characteristics of urban thermal environment are determined by natural climate, while the physical structure of a city has essential impact on the changes of local outdoor thermal environment. Affected by plants (trees) and water (Xiangjiang river) air temperature of the street along the street is much lower, relative humidity is higher and solar radiation is weaker in most of the year. Compared to the street along the river, air temperature of the square is higher and solar radiation is stronger.  相似文献   

湖南张谷英村始建于明代洪武年间,拥有中国罕见、特别的聚落景观。以张谷英村景观公共空间为研究对象,以景观公共空间类型和组成要素为研究内容,通过采取现场测绘、文献查阅的方法,总结得出村落景观公共空间有街巷空间、广场空间、公共绿地空间、住宅入口空间及墓地空间5类,景观空间组成要素有构成空间的底界面、侧界面、顶界面。其中街巷空间依据街巷等级尺度分为水街空间和巷道空间,以当大门段、百步三桥段、沿溪长廊段、民俗文化陈列馆段典型水街为列,得出水街的D/H<1,空间富有亲切感和紧迫感;广场空间以民俗文化陈列馆前广场、下新屋前广场为研究对象,得出D/H=1~2,空间具有亲切感和围合感;公共绿地分布集中,景点突出;住宅入口空间分为临水入口和临路入口空间,空间多采取建筑后退形成阴角的处理方式,使空间的具有多变性。通过分析得出具有可识别度的张谷英村聚落景观公共空间,为新时代新农村公共空间的建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Focused on the absence or disorder presented in the color landscape of modern city environment,it is argued that the color landscape of cities must be,and can be planned.Then,in order to setup the characteristics of a city,it is emphasized to make plan strategy based on city dimensions,handle controlling modes flexibly,extract the regional color and intensify controlling and guiding the color in architectures.  相似文献   

Based on personal experience in the planning of new countryside, characteristics of rural environment landscape planning were summarized. Landscape planning of rural environment should apply such concepts as respecting the locals, and inheriting cultural context on the basis of f ield investigation, and successful development mode of rural environment should be learnt. This study is to provide references for landscape planning of rural environment, and try to achieve the integration of urban and rural landscapes.  相似文献   

This text expounds the necessity and importance of small communication space development, comes up with essentials of small space landscape design aiming at some problems arising in human communication, and seeks composition forms of landscape design appropriate for communication, thereby solving conflicts among man, city and nature brought by rapid urban development and working out reasonable and effective means of communication for urban residents.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the landscape components of the golf course from the perspectives of the functionality, beauty and ecology of the golf course, compared the differences between the golf course landscape and the urban garden space landscape in terms of functional requirements, artistic requirements, components, and plant landscaping, and discussed the application of landscape components of the golf course in the of the urban green space landscape design.  相似文献   

The necessity of the public's participation in decision-making of public projects,the functions of the public's participation,and the current characteristics of the public's participation in China were discussed firstly.Then,three suggestions are brought forward to improve the public participation in decision-making of public projects: the first one is to ensure the legal status of the public's participation,the second is to detail contents of entity and process and the third is to set up the public hearing system of public projects.  相似文献   

People have the demands to know their environment and orientation in their social relations and the urban landscape must content them with such demands. In this paper, the space feature and landscape levels of the mountain are analyzed. From the natural landscape and humanistic landscape aspects, in this paper, the diversification, place and environment of landscape levels in mountain space is inquired into and the essentials of the control on landscape in mountain cities are pointed out.  相似文献   

Urban waterfront landscape is the most vital landscape form in a city, the most quality urban green line, and also an ideal habitat corridor. Urban waterfront landscape belt has inborn lasting attractiveness for urban citizens. Considering needs of urban development, development and redevelopment of waterfront areas have been initiated in many cities to meet relaxation and leisure needs of citizens. This paper analyzed landscapes of urban riverfront environment, embankment landscape engineering, and waterfront plant cultivation, so as to further explore landscape construction of urban waterfront environment.  相似文献   

摘要:为了探讨景观配置及群落空气质量的优化空间,本研究采用多技术集成模块,结合景观取样、评判、优化方法,研究了多集模块对园林景观配置及群落空气质量优化空间。结果表明,化控处理(HGa、HIAA、RCC、RP)与对照间△株高、△地径有极显著差异,供试品种的促进率和抑制率均在田间试验的最佳比率范围内;Blocknto区块优化后提高了植物种类、季相色彩以及空间层次的丰富度;优化前后的Blocknto区块存在显著差异,优化使其在综合评判结果上提升了2个等级。优化后Blocknto区块空气中各污染物指标,均有一定程度的下降,其中PM2.5、PM10、SO2、AQI等指标存在极显著差异,CO、NO2等指标存在显著差异。  相似文献   

The article explores European integration in northern Finland. It examines the discursive side of the European integration process by investigating the interplay between European‐level spatial policies and regional territorial practices. Spatial planning is often portrayed from an instrumentalist view as a technical, evidence‐based policy. However, spatial planning is highly political and an effective way of space making: As an inclusive and/or exclusive action, it (re‐)defines spatial relations and (re‐)produces spatial scales. Thus, spatial planning is considered here as a central part of the European integration process through which the regions are spatialized as part of Europe. The empirical analysis shows that polycentrism is the main spatial idea underlying the reorganization of European space. The adaptation to European policies manifests itself through the subjectification, rescaling and relocation of the region.  相似文献   

The outstanding value of landscape building is mainly reflected in the isomorphic relationship with the environment.If properly placed,it can play a key role in the natural landscape,which puts forward higher requirements for the site selection,modeling,volume and material selection of buildings.As a prerequisite,site selection is more demanding.Based on the previous studies of geomancy,the author summed up four types of site selection:gathering potential,blocking pass,bundle vein and acupoint from the isomorphic relationship between the landscape building and terrain in Wuling Area,analyzed its gestalt function and ecological ethics from the perspective of Gestalt psychology and ecological perception theory,explored the fit between the traditional Fengshui regulations and the Gestalt theory,and further revealed the influence of the accumulated genetic function of local living experience and survival wisdom on people’s deep psychological structure.  相似文献   

邯郸市绿地景观的文脉解读与传承   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:文章初步分析了邯郸市绿地景观中的文脉体现现状,探讨该地域文脉的内涵及其在绿地中的解读与传承方式,指出其中的优势与不足。并提出与时俱进的理念和整体性规划建议,以期为当前的绿地系统规划中文脉传承问题提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

People are paying more and more attention to the design of urban public space. What kind of public space is needed is an important problem to be probed into. In this paper, the rationality of the design of urban public space is discussed. The demand of human activities to the public space and the design method with considering the human beings, human activities and the public space are emphasized. It is pointed out that the public space will lose its meaning without the activities and spirits of human beings.  相似文献   

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