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华北寒旱区位于内蒙古高原南缘的冀、晋、蒙长城沿线,区域资源匮乏、生境恶劣。经过多年封闭的农牧业过度开发产生低产低效、经济贫困、环境退化演替等问题。区域通过发展冷凉蔬菜生产,发挥区域间互补优势引进外部资源,同时结合国家的退耕政策该区域成功开启了经济生态良性互动可持续发展。实现资源高效利用、增产增收、环境改善。  相似文献   

1增强种业文化建设的紧迫性 文化,是人们追求高雅、高贵的生活态度。企业文化,又是一种价值观、先进思想、积极行动的行为体现,要在思想上营造共同价值观,在制度上形成经验型、规范型、创新型和激励型的综合有效反映。首先要认识到从事的事业是一项基础性、具有鲜活生命力很强的特殊工作。  相似文献   

Chinese culture has a long history. Native culture, as an important part of China's traditional culture heritage, is rich in variety. In characteristic towns, native culture has strong local characteristics, and its protection and heritage has great value. This paper aimed to inherit traditional culture, protect the local characteristics of the towns, endow the town landscape with a unique cultural value, enhance people's cultural cohesion and identity of local culture and create characteristic towns with strong cultural characteristics.  相似文献   

村落文化传承和发展的困境、意义和重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳丽 《中国农学通报》2019,35(16):159-164
村落是中国传统社会的独特意蕴,是村落文化形成的基础和重要载体形式。随着城镇化建设的推进,村落文化面临文化发生断裂、文化根基动摇、文化生态格局被瓦解和村落文化传承出现危机的困境。村落文化有助于形成村落共同体意识和维护村落自治格局,助推村落共同价值观念的形成和中华传统文化的传承。重构村落文化,需要建构科学有效的管理体系,建立多元化的资金筹措机制,制定切实可行的法律法规,协调城镇化建设和村落发展的关系。传承和发展村落文化,需要处理好保护和发展的关系,在保护中提升发展的质量。  相似文献   

试论中共领导核心关于粮食思想的继承和创新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
“民以食为天,食以粮为源”。抓好粮食这个基础性、战略性资源的生产和供应,对中国这个人口大国的重要性不言而喻。通过评述中共领导核心关于粮食问题的忧患意识,既归纳了他们在处理粮食与工业的关系方面所持政策思想的传承性,即坚持农业的基础地位不动摇;又分析了中共领导核心紧扣中国国情,在调动农民的生产积极性方面所提出的办法以及在如何加快粮食增长方面所采取的方式,他们的粮食政策思想有颇多创新之处;在对中共领导核心粮食思想进行比较论证的过程中,提出了在保持农业政策连续性和稳定性的基础上,依据国内外形势变幻不断创新粮食理论的观点。  相似文献   

With the development of world heritage protection undertakings, dynamic inheritance of intangible cultural heritage has become a topic of great concern. This study explored the feasibility of integrating cloud-pattern brocade heritage and modern design and the innovation techniques, so as to provide new concepts for the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage.  相似文献   

本文比较了花培籼粳交恢复系泸恢17的7个姊妹系主要性状的表型和遗传差异,结果表明,姊妹系间表型值仅每穗实粒数、结实率及千粒重3个性状差异达显著水平。配合力分析表明,这些姊妹系间单株粒重、单株有效穗、结实率、千粒重及穗长5个性状的一般配合力存在显著或极显著差异,株系间的遗传差异大于表型差异。本文还对花培技术在选育实用籼粳交恢复系上的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The construction of characteristic towns is in full swing under the guidance of policies.There have been many outstanding achievements, but many problems are also exposed.Especially for towns with traditional ancient villages, when characteristic towns are built, there is not enough attention to the original traditional architectural culture, or the style is inconsistent and uncoordinated after construction.Based on this, taking the construction of history and culture exhibition hall of Qianhouwan Village in Sanjiang Town of Nanchang County as an example, this paper introduces the design and actual construction situation, and elaborates the inheritance of traditional architectural culture under the background of characteristic town construction in Sanjiang Town.  相似文献   

近年来,中国稻鳖共作技术发展迅速,国内学者对这一技术进行了大量的理论研究和应用实践。对于技术理论的研究,主要涉及稻鳖共作对稻田病虫草害的影响、对稻田土壤环境及微生物群落的影响、对水稻产量及稻米品质的影响,并取得了大量研究成果。从技术应用角度来说,不同地区的不同学者均开展了大量实践工作,明确了技术规范,部分地区形成了技术规程。部分学者还开展了“稻-鳖-鱼-鸭”“、稻-鳖-鱼”等进一步的创新工作。在总结现有研究的基础上,本研究在4个方面对该项研究进行了展望,分别是稻鳖共作关键技术的创新、对鳖品质质量的研究、专业化人才的培养、地区的标准化和产业化发展。  相似文献   

水稻成熟胚培养高效再生系统的创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文测试了不同消毒方式、愈伤组织诱导、绿苗分化及生根条件对不同类型水稻成熟胚培养再生成株的影响。研究结果表明:改良培养基比基本培养基处理效果更好,在改良培养基N6I愈伤诱导、MSR绿苗分化和MSC生根条件下,籼稻(O.sativa indica cv.滇屯502)、粳稻(O.sativa japonica cv.日本晴)、籼粳杂种F1(滇屯502/日本晴)和非洲栽培稻(O.glaberrima cv.RG105)的诱导率分别为96%、100%、98%和100%,成苗率分别为264%、286%、216%和224%。以YuhanClorox(4%NaClO)稀释一半消毒1h效果最好。由此建立了一套非常高效、可靠、重复性好的适用于不用基因型水稻成熟胚再生系统,为水稻遗传转化和多倍体化的顺利进行奠定了基础。  相似文献   

W. Horn 《Plant Breeding》1994,113(1):3-17
Different Pelargonium hybrids are of great importance to horticulture. Breeding; for F1 hybrid and clonal eultivars is particularly prevalent in Europe, Japan and North America. The results of a great deal of breeding research are scattered throughout different journals and published in several different languages. The aim of this review is to summarize the results of research on interspecific crosses and the inheritance of flower and leaf colour, plant habit, resistance and floret type.  相似文献   

植物分子农业研究中的问题与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物分子农业是一个新兴的产业,人们对此很是关注。目前,植物分子农业的发展仍然有许多的限制因素。如蛋白产量低、下游加工困难、蛋白产品的异质性等等。研究人员正致力于对这些问题的研究,提出了许多技术方案。这些问题的解决,将使植物分子农业的发展进入一个新阶段。  相似文献   

Felicitas Svejda 《Euphytica》1979,28(2):309-314
Summary Heritability in the broad sense and the distribution of levels of winterkill were analyzed in the offspring from hardy diploid and from hardy, semi-hardy and tender tetraploid roses. The heritabilities for different parental combinations ranged from 51 to 92%.The offspring from crosses of hardy parents were also hardy and showed little variation in hardiness levels. The offspring from crosses of hardy roses with the semi-hardy R. kordesii and the tender Queen Elizabeth survived the winters without coverage but showed a wider variation in hardiness levels.The desirable level of hardiness, an average winterkill of less than 10%, could be achieved through selection in the first or second generation of breeding, depending on the hardiness levels of the parents. The hypothesis is advanced that winterhardiness in roses is controlled by very few or closely linked genetic factors.Contribution No. 557  相似文献   

Inheritance of aroma in rice   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
E. Tsuzuki  E. Shimokawa 《Euphytica》1990,46(2):157-159
Summary Inheritance of an aroma was worked out in crosses between Brimful from Nepal as an aromatic rice and leading Japanese varieties Koshihikari and Nipponbare as non-aromatic ones. The F2 pattern of segregation for aroma to non-aroma was 3:13 indicating one dose gene for aroma and one dose inhibitor gene in two crosses. This ratio was confirmed by genetic behavior of F3 populations.  相似文献   

Eunus  A. M. 《Euphytica》1964,13(1):49-56
The data collected by Johnson and Paul (1958) from five crosses for the study of the inheritance of earliness in barley have been re-analysed by following biometrical techniques as developed by Mather (1949).Earliness in barley was found to be controlled by polymeric genes. Two to five effective factors were estimated to be operating, affecting earliness in the various crosses.Presence of overdominance was observed in three of the five crosses, while in the remaining two crosses no dominance was noted.Transgressive segregation was observed in the two crosses, Frontier x Bonneville and Montcalm x Atsel. The cross, Montcalm x Atsel, may be a source for breeding a new strain which might be expected to mature earlier than the early parent, Atsel.University of Alberta Postdoctorate Research Fellow  相似文献   

Inheritance of scent in rice   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary Inheritance of scent in rice and its association with pigmented characters were studied in T-141 × K-44-1. Four complementary genes appeared to control scent, one of them showing linkage with a complementary gene for glume colour and a supplementary gene for red pigment in apiculus. This group formed part of V (Prp)linkage group of Misro et al. (1966) in which case Pg and P were additions.Pl.480 Project on linkage maps in rice.  相似文献   

Farming culture is the main part of Chinese outstanding traditional culture and also the important spiritual and cultural resources to construct the core values of the Chinese nation. In the new era, fully exploring and making full use of farming culture resources has important practical significance for the protection, inheritance and innovation of Chinese excellent traditional culture. The rapid development and successful brand shaping of Hani terrace tourism could provide experience for the exploration and utilization of farming culture tourism resources in other areas of China. Based on the analysis of development process of Hani terrace tourism as well as the successful experience of other regions for reference, ideas of developing farming culture tourism in the Dabie Mountains were proposed.  相似文献   

同源四倍体和二倍体水稻香味的遗传分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
宋文昌  陈志勇 《作物学报》1989,15(3):273-277
本研究用1.7%KOH 溶液浸泡叶片法分析了同源四倍体水稻和二倍体水稻的香味遗传。采用的香稻品种:香籽、香芒糯、京香1号和早香17。包含1个香稻品种的各种杂交组合的 F_1植株均无香味。在 F_2代,4个四倍体杂交组合无香味与有香味植株的分离比例符合35∶1,5个二倍体杂交组合的分离比例符合3∶1,而且正反交的分离比例没有差别。  相似文献   

农田机械化耕作与甜菜生长   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来随着农业机械化水平的快速提高,土壤机械压实问题越来越突出。通过分析土壤机械压实对土壤容重、坚实度、孔隙度、地表水分渗透、土壤含水率等特性的影响,阐述了土壤压实后引起的农业机械机组作业阻力增加、油耗上升,以及对甜菜生长的不利影响,造成甜菜减产。在促进农业机械化发展的同时,应切实考虑其负面影响,采取切实的措施,改善土壤压实情况,确保甜菜可持续生产。  相似文献   

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