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As China enters the aging society, the old-age care problems have grown increasingly serious. Influenced by the only-child policy, traditional old-age support system fails to adapt to new social situation, the institutions have become major subjects in the future old-age support system. Researches on the elderly-fi t architectural design have achieved many fruits, but those on the landscape design of the elderly community has been less reported. This paper studied landscape design of the old-age support institutions from the perspective of both theory and practice, and tried to explore the spatial layout of environmental landscapes in the elderly community. On the basis of sorting out specifi c psychological needs of the elderly group in China and their needs for the layout of landscape spaces, this paper proposed some effective solutions in view of successful elderly communities in overseas countries, then analyzed the development of elderly communities in China, so as to fi gure out landscape design approaches capable of promoting physical and mental health of the elderly group in the old-age support institutions.  相似文献   

This paper introduced the concept of soundscape, investigated sound environment of old urban residential districts, and explored soundscape elements and soundscape designs. In view of current sound environment features of old urban residential districts and different population groups' preferences for different sound elements, this paper proposed soundscape design methods to improve sound environment of old urban residential districts.  相似文献   

孙丽娜 《中国农学通报》2019,35(16):152-158
随着村庄空心化问题的日益凸显,农村居民点空间布局重构对于指导区域农村居民点整理规划、确定经济发展主要方向具有重要价值。本文以黑龙江省绥化市明水县为研究区,通过计算研究区空心化程度、农村居民点整理的重要性指数、迫切性指数、整理时序指数,对研究区农村居民点的整理时序进行划分,提出农村居民点的整理迁移方案。研究结果表明:研究区各乡镇农村居民点空心化现象明显,在空心化趋势预测结果中,规划近期通泉乡空心化增强趋势变化最明显,规划中期树人乡空心化增强趋势变化最明显,规划远期育林乡空心化增强趋势变化最明显;在农村居民点整理时序上,近期农居点整理比重较大的乡镇有通泉乡、永兴镇、崇德镇和通达镇;最后,根据研究区各农村居民点的空间分布情况及农民意愿,提出合理的整理迁移方案,研究成果为指导县域农村居民点经济发展提供参考和科学依据。  相似文献   

摘 要:受复杂多变的地形地貌影响和制约,目前我国丘陵山区土地整理项目工程布局的科学性与合理性难以得到保证。本文以长阳土家族自治县土地整理项目为例,借助计算机软件强大的三维建模与空间分析功能,对项目区地形进行三维模拟,通过空间分析绘制项目区剖分坡度分级图,在此基础上对项目区工程布局进行科学论证分析并提出合理化建议。研究结果表明,借助计算机软件的三维空间分析功能,可以有效提高丘陵山区土地整理工程设计精度和工作效率,促使土地整理工作整体科技水平的提升。  相似文献   

This paper introduces briefly the importance of the comprehensive judgement of residential district and how to carry on the work objectively and fairly by fuzzy math. It introduces how to create the model and index system for comprehensive judgement of residential district in the first evaluation work on ten fine residential districts, organized by the Chongqing municipality.  相似文献   

This essay analyses the shortcomings of current green space design in residential district, and points out that creating graceful human settlement environment should be based on exploring sorts of planning model and re-thinking of greenery's function, combined the spirit of traditional garden.  相似文献   

Tatural ventilation of indoor air flow and thermal comfort space plays an important role, especial y in the interior design of passive cooling factors, indoor space layout, and the location of doors, windows and other factors on the indoor natural ventilation effect has great influence. Using the method of fluid mechanics, and Airpak3.0 software, indoor natural ventilation for residential buildings was simulated, and the thermal comfort of indoor natural ventilation in a residential building in Xuzhou City was analyzed to explore the effect of indoor spatial layout, location of doors, window opening types on indoor natural ventilation. The results showed that indoor spatial layout played an essential role in indoor natural ventilation, application of numerical simulation for the simulation of the indoor natural ventilation and assessment of indoor natural ventilation effect was a scientific instruction for the indoor spatial design.  相似文献   

吉林省东部半山区制种基地的选择与品种布局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于吉林省东部的制种企业的玉米种子生产受自然环境的约束,形势严峻,最显著的年份为2003年,因秋季低温、多雨,导致种子成熟度较差,降水困难,给企业带来严重的经济负担,造成无法挽回的经济损失和负面影响。究其原因,主要为冻害和制种基地的熟区与品种布局选择不适宜所致。  相似文献   

The existence and development of primitive cave buildings are influenced by constant improvement of living conditions.Based on the research of landscape theory and related theory, the paper analyzes the three types of cave dwellings, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of spatial layout of cave dwellings.Some suggestions are put forward for improving the spatial layout of modern cave dwel ings according to the existing problems.It is hoped that cave dwellings can better meet the living needs of modern residents after renovation and design, so that the architectural form of cave dwellings can be well preserved and developed.  相似文献   

On the basis of investigations in field for years,some basic influences on layout and constructions of urbans and towns in mountainous area from geomorphological processes are studied.The results prove that geomorphological processes,especially catastrophic geomorphological processees (a mud- rock flow or a landslide) do important effect on the layout and construction of the urbans and towns.The paper also studies some effects on the urbans and towns from irreasonable human activities.  相似文献   

The relationship between children's activities and public spaces was analyzed and summarized from three perspectives, namely, children's demands on outdoor activity spaces, factors infl uencing children's behavior requirements, and planning strategies. The paper provided theoretical support for exploring the relationship between children's activities and public spaces, and proposed planning strategies for improving use effi ciency of urban outdoor public spaces and facilities, and creating public spaces capable of meeting children's psychological needs.  相似文献   

解决好山区乡村问题对建设小康社会和实现全面发展具有重要意义。文章基于景观格局指数,以陇南市为研究对象,借助ArcGIS、GeoDa空间分析工具,从数量、规模、形态、邻近度出发,探索了山区乡村聚落在不同空间尺度上的分布特征。结果表明:(1)陇南市独院和小型聚落数量庞大,占乡村聚落总数的79.25%,大、中型聚落数量相对较小,但面积占乡村聚落总面积的79.66%;(2)西和县的中西部和徽县的中部是单位土地面积上乡村聚落数量和面积高值出现的热点区;(3)陇南市乡村聚落规模在东西方向上呈现“中部较东西两侧大,东部略大于西部”的特点,在南北方向上呈现“自南向北缓慢增加”的特点;(4)陇南山区最西端有一个狭小的聚落形态规整带,其余地方乡村聚落的形态普遍不规整;(5)陇南山区乡村聚落形状指数存在高值与高值聚集、低值与低值聚集的特点;(6)陇南市乡村聚落的土地利用集约水平较高,聚落显著聚集的村有1937 个,占全市行政村个数的61.16%,并且显著聚集的村在空间上集中分布。  相似文献   

孙丽娜 《中国农学通报》2017,33(23):138-146
农村居民点空间布局重构对于指导区域农村居民点整理规划、实现土地可持续发展具有重要意义。笔者以黑龙江省明水县明水镇为研究区,通过计算研究区空心化程度、农村居民点整理的重要性指数、迫切性指数、整理时序指数,对农村居民点的整理时序进行划分,提出农村居民点的整理迁移方案。研究结果表明:研究区各村屯农村居民点空心化现象明显,向阳村张奎英屯空心化率最高;在空心化趋势预测结果中,规划近期城北村空心化增强趋势变化最明显,规划中期互助村空心化增强趋势变化最明显,规划远期向阳村空心化增强趋势变化最明显;在农村居民点整理时序上,保留农居点占总数的35.29%,近期整理农居点占总数的9.8%,中期整理农居点占总数的23.53%,远期整理农居点占总数的31.37%。最后提出合理的整理迁移方案,研究成果为指导县域农村居民点整理规划提供参考和科学依据。  相似文献   

东北三省是中国重要的粮食主产区、商品粮供给区和粮食增产潜力区,其粮食产量基本稳定在全国份额的20%。建设东北商品粮基地对于保障中国粮食安全、提高粮食自给率具有重要的战略意义。笔者以粮食生产能力、潜力和商品粮可供给能力作为优化商品粮基地县布局的主要依据,确定了重点建设区域、优势作物培育基地等共计65个县级单元,和以满足人均粮食播种面积为主、区域粮食生产为辅的规模经营试验基地县24个。研究表明优化后商品粮基地县每年可提供的商品粮量占东北三省商品粮总供给量的90.7%,能够有效增强区域粮食自给能力和商品粮供给能力。最后,从财政投入、粮食仓储与流通、改造中低产田、完善种粮保障和激励机制等方面对建设东北商品粮基地县提出了相关对策建议,研究结果为东北商品粮基地县布局开辟了新的路径。  相似文献   

基于2015年文县土地利用变更数据和相关统计数据,根据农村居民点的现状分布规律,运用GIS空间分析和景观生态学理论,空间韵律测度、局聚类检验、平均最近邻指数、空间热点探测分析等方法,定量分析了文县农村居民点空间分布格局特征。结果表明:(1)文县农村居民点主要沿着交通道路和河流错落分布,形成以道路和河流网分布为主的枫叶状;(2)文县农村居民点用地规模普遍偏小,空间上呈现出低值集聚,高值离散的特征,在天池镇、城关镇等地区形成了小规模村庄集群分布的"冷点区",在范坝镇等地区形成了大规模的农村居聚落集中分布的"热点区";(3)受资源条件、自然区位及人类活动等因素影响,文县农村居民点在空间上以集群式和随机型分布为主;(4)文县农村居民的分布呈具有明显地域差异的集聚模式,整体形成了以范坝镇、碧口镇为中心的高密度区,并依次向北、向西、向南以阶梯形式逐渐稀疏的低密度区;(5)全县农村居民点聚落形态整体相对规则、整齐、破碎化程度较低,呈现较为平稳的演化形态,局部地区居民点分布形态复杂程度较高,东西走向规模分异明显,复杂程度由东向西逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact on firms' productivity of innovative activities and agglomeration effects among firms belonging to Marshallian industrial districts and the possible joint effect of these two forces. We study a sample of 2,821 firms active in the Italian manufacturing industry in the period 1992–1995. Our analysis uses an original data set based on three different Istituto Nazionale di Statistica statistical sources—Community Innovation Survey, Archivio Statistico delle Imprese Attive (Italian Business Register), and Sistema dei Conti delle Imprese (Italian Structural Business Statistics)—to estimate an “augmented” Cobb‐Douglas production function to account for the impact of technological innovations and district‐specific agglomeration effects on a firm's productivity growth. Our data set allows us to distinguish between product and process innovations, thus, through econometric analysis, we hope to achieve a better understanding of which of these two types of innovative activities benefits most from participation in an industrial district. Our empirical results show that belonging to an industrial district and making product innovations are key factors in the productivity growth of firms and that product innovations appear to have a greater effect on the economic performance of district rather than non‐district firms.  相似文献   

Abstract Mobility is a necessary condition for the social and emotional well‐being of older people. To meet their mobility needs, the elderly assign pivotal importance to the automobile despite the potential challenge of driving cessation and searching for alternatives to automobile transportation. Older persons’ generally strong reliance on the automobile varies, however, by land use patterns (density) as well as by demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. This paper analyzes the effects of spatial context and personal attributes on automobile reliance among the elderly. Using the 1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS) trip data, two models of automobile reliance among elderly (65+) trip makers are estimated. The results show that spatial context effects of automobile reliance vary by demographic characteristics; in particular, they are more pronounced for black than for white elderly. Moreover, race variation in automobile reliance is strongest in urban locations rather than less dense spatial contexts. Finally, the differentiation between being a passenger rather than a driver is salient in order to understand locational and racial variations in automobile reliance among the elderly.  相似文献   

为了掌握半山丘陵区居民地空间分布的变化特征,对居民地布局进行优化,为居民地规划和整理的实施提供重要依据。以地处长白山系半山丘陵区的海林市为研究区,结合TM、DEM影像等相关资料,分别从海拔、坡度、坡向、交通、水源五方面对居民地的空间特征进行了定量分析,采用特尔斐法对选取的指标赋予权重并逐一打分,并根据研究区人口、经济,人文等情况,将研究区的居民点划分为搬迁型、保留型及发展型,并进行优化。结果表明,随着海拔、坡度的增加,居民点数量、面积逐渐减少,在北方地区坡向为正北向的居民点面积最少。交通、水源与居民点的空间分布具有显著相关性。根据优化方案确定搬迁型居民点148个,保留型居民点1632个,发展型居民点40个。  相似文献   

[目的]为探知云南乌蒙山区土壤养分空间分布格局和规律,[方法]本文应用经典统计学和地统计学方法对云南乌蒙山区土壤的酸碱性(pH)、有机质(SOM)、全氮(TN)、有效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)含量,进行空间变异分析和海拔梯度分布规律研究。[结果]结果表明云南乌蒙山区土壤整体呈酸性,绝大部分地区的SOM、TN、AP、AK处于中等或较高水平,各土壤养分呈现中等以上变异性。空间变异分析显示5种养分的最佳拟合模型均为指数模型,pH、TN空间自相关强烈,空间变异主要受结构性因素影响,SOM、AP、AK具有中度空间自相关,受结构性因素和随机性因素共同影响,土壤pH值和各养分含量空间分布均呈斑块状,条带性分布趋势不明显;云南乌蒙山区pH与海拔整体呈极显著负相关,各养分含量与海拔极显著正相关,但北部、中部、南部相互存在差异,海拔是影响乌蒙山区土壤pH值和养分含量空间异质性的重要结构性因素,但土壤SOM、AP、AK还受随机因素干扰。[结论]本研究有助于进一步从区域尺度上探索山地土壤养分空间异质性的形成机理。  相似文献   

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