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In coping with increasing energy consumption and the consequential environmental pollution, green development is becoming an important part of social development. Since the inauguration of China’s Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative (BRI), economic cooperation between China and other countries along BRI has seen much growth. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the levels of green total factor productivity (GTFP) of the countries in the Silk Roads Economic Belt (B&R) and examine how these levels vary spatially and evolve temporally. In this paper, a panel regression analysis with DEA windows is used to study the spatiotemporal trends of the levels of GTFP. The results are: (1) The B&R countries have seen an increase in their overall levels of GTFP over time; (2) There are regional differences in the levels of GTFP, with higher efficiency in Western Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, and lower efficiency in Southeast and Central Asia; (3) The analysis of GTFP for countries in these regions shows that the efficiencies of most countries have been improving, with that of only a few countries have been decreasing; (4) By using regression analysis, we find that variables such as import, export, industrial structure, and urban affect the B&R countries with growing GTFP.  相似文献   

糯玉米起源于中国。20世纪以来,中国在糯玉米育种及产业上发展很快,优势显著,目前已成为全球第一大鲜食玉米生产国和消费国。从种质资源丰富及特色明显、育种实力增强及审定品种数目增多、种植面积逐年攀升、自主创新能力增强并引领产业发展等4个方面详细论述了中国糯玉米的产业优势。从“一带一路”沿线国家农业经济发展现状、未来需求等方面分析了中国糯玉米产业在“一带一路”发展中的机遇,为我国糯玉米育种及产业发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

长江经济带是中国经济社会发展水平较高的战略发展区域,现代化的农业生产方式为农业土地的可持续利用带来严重的压力,本研究旨在为长江经济带高质量、绿色发展提供科学依据、数据支撑与合理建议。本研究基于能值分析方法,通过对长江经济带2010—2018年投入产出项目计算并构建能值效率指标体系,对该地区农业投入产出的能值结构和效率进行深入研究。结果表明,长江经济带在2010—2018年间总能值投入和总能值产出均呈上升趋势,总能值产出始终低于投入,不可更新工业辅助能投入占比较高,农业土地利用结构不合理,资源利用效率较低,农业系统到2018年已发展为轻度不可持续状态,其中在这9年间对农业可持续状况影响最大的因素是投入结构。因此长江经济带需要积极调整农业投入结构,减小对外界辅助能值尤其是不可更新工业辅助能的依赖,提高资源利用效率,才能最终实现农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

中亚地区植被对保障区域生态安全和“新丝绸之路经济带”建设具有重要作用,然而气候如何影响植被在中亚地区的生长模式尚不清楚。基于2000—2017年中亚地区遥感植被指数,结合气象、地形和中亚人口数据,研究了近18年中亚地区植被的时空分布规律和变化趋势,确定了植被变化与不同因子的相关性并大致预测植被未来长势。结果表明,2000—2017年中亚地区整体植被呈降低趋势,主要分布在中部和西南部且植被沿山脉分布,西坡比东坡植被长势旺盛。2010年整体植被由退化趋势转变成改善趋势。降水和温度对植被生长均有促进作用,但植被对降水的响应比温度的更敏感。未来中亚地区植被整体上呈现改善的趋势。此外,不同地理分区,人类活动对植被也有一定程度影响。  相似文献   

(西安理工大学工商管理学院,陕西西安 710054)  相似文献   

"One Belt and One Road" is a signifi cant move of China to further deepen reform and opening up and improve economic development, and also a key working point of the future national development. This paper, on the basis of study on "One Belt and One Road" strategy and current situation of green tourism in Jiangxi, proposed that green tourism in Jiangxi could integrate into the construction of "One Belt and One Road" from the four perspectives of information flow, cultural flow, traffic flow and regional collaboration flow, which contributed to the implementation of national strategies, promoted green tourism development of Jiangxi, and showed the "exceptionally beautiful scenes" of Jiangxi.  相似文献   

Using annual surveys of industrial firms in China from 1998 to 2007, this paper applies the non‐linear least squares (NLS) method based on a grid search to analyse the effect of city size on firm total factor productivity (TFP). The results show that overall, the agglomeration effects in large cities, but not selection effects, significantly promote improvement in firm TFP. The optimal agglomeration scales of different industries differ as follows: those of capital‐ and technology‐intensive industries are larger than those of labour‐intensive industries. The agglomeration effects are also robust to different spatial areas without considering administrative boundaries. An inverted U‐shaped relationship exists between firm size and agglomeration effects, while the relationship between firm age and agglomeration effects is U‐shaped. State‐owned firms experience weaker agglomeration effects than non‐state‐owned firms. Cities higher in the administrative hierarchy and those with special economic zones have stronger agglomeration effects. However, cities higher in the administrative hierarchy and those with a larger economic development zone index can provide more resources to increase the survival rate of low‐productivity firms; thus, selection effects are not significant in Chinese cities.  相似文献   

With an increasingly assertive China and the intensifying influence of the Sinocentre, Chinese overseas who have access to Chineseness can exercise their agentic power in using their cultural capital for economic gains. Beijing has recognised the potential for diasporic Chinese entrepreneurs to contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) given their influence in Southeast Asia's economy. Correspondingly, these entrepreneurs hail the BRI as a strategic opportunity for them to turn their cultural capital into fiscal capital. Considering the increased global connectivity and new Chinese migration geographies led by the BRI, this article examines the case of Chinese business associations in Brunei Darussalam. The heterogenous responses of these ethnic Chinese and their associations to China and the BRI attest to the multiplicity and contestations of Chineseness based on different migration histories and sentiments to their ancestral land. We focus on the dynamics between the old Chinese Bruneian business elites and the more recent Chinese business migrants from Malaysia and China. An investigation of the cultural and economic politics within the Chinese Bruneian business community will provide insights into the modality of Chineseness as an economic asset that can be tactically used by diasporic Chinese entrepreneurs to maintain their social position and to respond to China's economic rise.  相似文献   

为了提升印度尼西亚国家玉米产业发展水平,服务国家“一带一路”、“科技服务外交”等国家战略,执行国家科技部对发展中国家科技援助项目,山东省农业科学院玉米研究所开展了印尼本土化玉米育种、新品种与新技术集成和玉米产业科技园区建设等项目内容。利用黄淮海优异种质与印尼富含热带资源种质组配了育种基础材料,育成的10份玉米优异杂交组合正在参加印尼国家玉米品种审定试验;实现了山东省第一次境外农业技术培训班和玉米现场观摩活动,高产栽培技术集成创造了印尼雨季玉米13.70 t/hm2的高产纪录;建成的50 hm2中国-印尼玉米产业科技园区,正在为印尼玉米产业的快速发展发挥重要作用。通过科企合作模式,发挥国内农业企业优势,将中国的玉米新品种、新技术引进到印度尼西亚,将会加速印尼玉米产业发展水平,为国家科技外交和“一带一路”战略服务。  相似文献   

农业是人类的生存之本,也是中国的根基产业。自“一带一路”倡议提出以来,中国农业农村部等部门,不断开辟新的领域,积极推动与沿线国家的农业合作发展。俄罗斯是中国“一带一路”战略的重要合作伙伴,两国长期在农业方面互有合作,但目前合作的规模还较小,效率还较低,尚未达到预期效果。在经济全球化趋势愈加明显的背景下,中俄两国应抓住机遇,不断深化两国在农业方面的合作,以推动双方农业经济发展。本文通过简述俄罗斯农业现状,并通过对两国在农产品贸易、农业投资、农业教育与科技合作等方面的具体情况与存在问题进行分析,提出了推动中俄两国农业合作的思路,以期为国内各部门和相关企业与俄罗斯开展农业合作提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and Taiwan (the Asian newly industrialized economies [NIEs]) were the economic success stories of the 1970s and 1980s. While there are a number of competing explanations for their rapid growth, some focusing upon the process of export-led development, the Asian NIEs face a more hostile global competitive environment than heretofore acknowledged. Their competitiveness in labor-intensive and traded-goods manufactured industries has been undermined by new competitors including the ASEAN countries of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, as well as China. With new competitors, the rise of trading blocs, and the shrinkage of export surpluses (over imports) it is doubtful if the NIEs will be able to sustain past rates of growth over the coming years. The capacity to adjust efficiently to changing circumstances has become a vital determinate of long-term growth of the NIEs. Whatever the virtues of past state-based industrial policies, restructuring is now a very important part of the life of firms in the NIEs’labor-intensive industries. Moreover, the significance of these industries in each of the NIEs has been undercut by the growing importance of the global finance industry and its attendant political economy.  相似文献   

论长江经济带农业绿色发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄国勤 《中国农学通报》2021,37(30):154-164
长江经济带发展是中国正在实施的五大区域协调发展战略之一。“生态优先、绿色发展”、“共抓大保护、不搞大开发”已成为长江经济带发展的主旋律和鲜明导向。长江经济带农业在中国农业及整个经济发展战略中占有极其重要的战略地位和举足轻重的作用。推动长江经济带农业绿色发展,已成为长江经济带绿色发展的重要内容和有力抓手,是全国上下共同面临的紧迫任务。当前,长江经济带农业绿色发展面临着诸多问题与挑战,如资源浪费、生态破坏、环境污染、灾害频发和农业生态系统退化等。为实现长江经济带农业绿色发展,应针对上述问题采取以下对策与措施:(1)充分利用耕地,全年绿色覆盖;(2)减少化肥施用,扩大生物养地;(3)加强绿色防控,实施生态减灾;(4)发展循环农业,“废物”再生利用;(5)实行“九良”配套,实现综合发展,即将良田、良制、良种、良法、良物、良境、良品、良策、良才相互协调和配合,共同推动长江经济带农业综合发展、全面发展、绿色发展、高质量发展和可持续发展。  相似文献   

为深入了解长江经济带能源消费与经济增长的关系,本文基于灰色关联分析模型,利用1995-2015年能源消费与经济增长相关数据,对长江经济带能源消费与经济增长的相关性进行实证分析。结果表明: 在能源消费产业中,批发、零售业和住宿、餐饮业能源消费与经济增长的关联度最大,为0.88,农业、工业能源消费与经济增长的关联度最小,分别为0.50、0.52;在能源消费品种中,煤碳消费量与经济增长的关联度相对较小;以天然气和电力为代表的优质能源与经济增长具有显著的关联度。长江经济带应着力调整产业结构、优化能源消费结构,以实现绿色低碳循环发展。  相似文献   

Regional development theories have experienced a transition from Keynesian state‐led economic development models to development based on public–private partnerships, innovation, industrial districts, etc. With the increasing concern for innovative milieu, products, process, organizational, and institutional innovations have assumed an important place in regional development policies. All these regional development paradigms have formed the basis of the initiation of a new process in regional development called the new regionalism, which includes cumulative efforts to revitalize local economic growth. In this paper, we identify technological levels of 26 NUTS 2‐level regions according to the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD)'s classification. Then, we develop an innovation and competitiveness index for Turkey by employing principal component analysis. In conclusion, we formulate some workable policy solutions and suggestions for regional economies in Turkey. According to the results, Istanbul is the most innovative and competitive region in Turkey. Ankara is becoming a regional knowledge cluster, thanks to its strong R&D infrastructure and highly qualified researchers.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that having more self-employed or entrepreneurs can contribute to higher levels of economic growth in distressed areas. Additionally, self-employment in certain industries may be more beneficial to growth. Other research has linked industrial diversity to entrepreneurship and regional growth, especially in urban areas. However, the relationship between industrial diversity, self-employment, and growth in lagging or distressed regions is less clear. To examine these linkages in distressed areas, we first identify a group of distressed counties based on historic data. Then, using detailed industry-level self-employment data, we appraise whether having more self-employed from certain industries is associated with regional growth. We also analyze the relationship between industrial diversity and overall growth and the propensity to be self-employed. The results suggest that having more self-employment overall and in some key industries is associated with more employment growth in distressed counties. We also find that the relationship between economic diversity and self-employment varies by industry and region.  相似文献   

We compare and analyze the total factor productivity of the manufacturing industries in the major metropolitan areas of South Korea, China, and Japan. This study can contribute to the economic cooperation among these countries by analyzing their productivity growth and evaluating their relative competitiveness. Statistical data from manufacturing industries are used to analyze five metropolitan areas. The manufacturing industries are classified into 10 sectors, and two different time periods (before and after 1997, when the foreign currency crisis began in Korea) are examined. The results in terms of the development and competitiveness of the manufacturing industries in Korea, China, and Japan will be useful in establishing promotional strategies.  相似文献   

Rural development that has been raised to an unprecedented strategic position has become an important fulcrum for China to maintain its rapid economic growth in the future when China's economy has entered a period of new normal. As a quintessential example in the state-level new area of western China and mountainous city, rural areas around Chongqing's Liangjiang New Area have typical preferential policies, space structure, and industrial layout. This study is different from the traditional rural research which focuses on the spatial arrangement of settlements and facilities. From the perspective of villagers' participation and field investigation, this study objectively understands the characteristics, advantages and problems of rural development, and explores the development problems in rural areas, so as to provide a reference for rural planning.  相似文献   

为研究大宗淡水鱼养殖和产业空间优化问题,基于标准椭圆模型,以大宗淡水鱼产量最多的草鱼为研究对象,2006—2016年国内31个省级行政区草鱼产业养殖规模为基准,分析草鱼产业发展的空间分布格局(集聚度、重心、范围、方向)、演变特征及影响因素。研究表明,国内草鱼产业空间演变呈离散化集聚发展态势。长江流域中上游地区产量的稳步增加,西北干旱、半干旱地区的草鱼养殖扩大,推动了草鱼产业标准椭圆向西、向北偏移。草鱼产业发展的空间布局呈现分散化集聚,草鱼养殖逐渐由粗放型养殖向精细化养殖方式转变,产业发展在空间上存在由中东部向西、向北传递机制。这主要是草鱼具有良好的环境适应性、中西部成本较为低廉和市场扩大效应导致的。  相似文献   

In the context of greater economic integration with global markets and structural economic reforms, this paper analyses regional and sectoral employment growth dynamics in Mexican states between 2004 and 2014. The methodology is based on spatial shift‐share analysis that explicitly considers interregional interactions in employment while assessing potential spillover effects arising from spatial interactions among states and industrial sectors. The results suggest a competitive effect from some industries—such as those related to science and specialized suppliers, intensive scale industries and dominated providers—which led to the formation of industrial corridors of neighboring states that connect the central region with the northeast region of the country. It was also found that proximity to states such as Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, and Puebla has positively influenced neighboring states in terms of employment growth rates. The results also support the argument of some sort of de‐concentration of economic activity in the capital, Mexico City, toward neighboring states.  相似文献   

The impacts of agglomeration and local industrial structure are examined through an analysis of establishment‐level productivity. Using micro‐level data, measures of regional industrial specialization, economic diversity, and industrial competitive structure are incorporated together into a production function system estimated cross‐sectionally for three years and three manufacturing industries in the U.S. The findings demonstrate the importance of the influences of regional industrial competitive structure and diversity on performance.  相似文献   

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