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Prolonged investigations of past and present use of wetland margins in various lowlands within Latin America have yielded a wealth of detail. It has become necessary to search out regularities in the natural environmental context and the human adaptations, all of which can be done advantageously in the context of the concept of landscape. Such a move in the direction of theory is attempted here by means of a heuristic model and an exploration of variations in its expression. The discussion of seasonal as well as longer termed change in the natural environment and human adaptation is easily accomodated. The essay includes a brief consideration of some of the recent directions in the investigation of the tropical wetland landscape.  相似文献   

The environmental crisis: quantifying geosphere interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fyfe WS 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,213(4503):105-110
Because of increasing population, human activity has become a dominant process modifying the continents and their environment. Understanding the new environmental stresses includes studies of interface processes on all scales. The present scientific effort is inadequate and is not providing the data necessary for rational decision-making in critical areas, such as global energy production, land use, and resource development.  相似文献   

Gene flow and population differentiation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
There are many possible spatial patterns of selection and gene flow that can produce a given cline structure; the actual geography of natural selection and gene flow must be worked out before an attempt is made to explain a given natural cline in terms of a model. The results of experimental and theoretical models show that it is possible for local differentiation to evolve parapatrically in spite of considerable gene flow if the selection gradients are relatively uniform. Irregularities in environmental gradients increase the sensitivity of clines to the effects of gene flow in proportion to the increase in the differences in gene frequencies between the emigrants and the demes receiving the immigrants. It is not necessary for a sharp spatial environmental change to be present for distinct differentiation to occur. In some cases even a gentle environmental gradient can give rise to marked spatial differentiation along a genetically continuous series of demes; such environmental differences may be below the practical limits of resolution in field studies. Any asymmetry in gene flow does not lead to dedifferentiation if the environmental gradient is smooth; it merely shifts the position of the transition zone between the differentiated areas from that which would be expected if there were no asymmetry. Abrupt geographic differences in gene, genotype, or morph frequencies should not, therefore, be interpreted as evidence for environmental changes in the immediate vicinity of the steepest part of the cline; neither should they be interpreted as evidence for geographic barriers, sharp environmental differences, or sexual isolation among the differentiated groups of populations when there are no other sources of evidence for these phenomena. Gene flow may be unimportant in the differentiation of populations along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

We do not mean to imply that research on individual differences in word usage is easy or that investigations typically meet with success. Many studies have failed, either because no reliable categories of words were found or, if such categories were found, because no significant correlations were obtained with other forms of behavior. Only the na?ve would expect to find more than rather small correlations between individual differences in learning, perception, and social behavior and differences in word usage. Human behavior is so complexly determined that it is illogical to expect various kinds of individual differences to correlate highly. In order to document such small correlations it is necessary to work with relatively large samples of subjects. Usually 300 subjects or more are required for a study.  相似文献   

The large-scale, intensive production of meat and other animal products, also known as the animal-industrial complex, is our largest food system in terms of global land use and contribution to environmental degradation. Despite the environmental impact of the meat industry, in much of the policy literature on climate and environmental change, sustainability and food security, meat continues to be included as part of a sustainable food future. In this paper, I present outcomes of a discourse analysis undertaken on a selection of key major international and Australian reports. After highlighting common themes in the ways that meat and animals are discussed, I draw on the animal studies literature to critically analyse the assumptions underpinning such policy documents. My analysis illustrates that animals are effectively de-animated and rendered invisible in these bodies of literature by being either aggregated—as livestock, units of production and resources, or materialised—as meat and protein. These discursive frames reflect implicit understandings of meat as necessary to human survival and animals as a natural human resource. A critical examination of these understandings illustrates their dual capacity to normalise and encourage the continuation of activities known to be seriously harming the environment, climate and human health, while at the same time obstructing and even denigrating alternative, less harmful approaches to food. In response, I offer some conceptual and analytical modifications that can be easily adopted by researchers on climate change, sustainability and food security with the aim of challenging dominant discourses on meat and animals.  相似文献   

统筹城乡环境治理是我国城乡一体化的重要组成部分,只有合理规划城乡布局,统筹治理城乡环境治理立法,改变城乡二元结构,才能实现城乡全面、协调、可持续发展。我国地方环境治理存在部门保护主义和地方保护主义突出、立法能力不足、立法程序与宪法监督缺失等问题。因此,在统筹城乡环境治理立法过程中,必须协调行业利益与地方利益的关系,厘清中央与地方立法的权限,构建统筹城乡环境立法的利益协调机制以及相应的地方立法宪法监督制度。  相似文献   

The existing means of mechanizing the grain drying process are analyzed and their main short-comings are revealed. The proposed new devices for drying grain make it possible to reduce expenditures of energy on the given process while providing the necessary quality of the finished product and fulfilling environmental safety of the process. The method and results of investigations of the grain drying process in the proposed devices are given and the efficiency from introducing the proposed means of mechanization into the postharvest grain process production cycle is calculated.  相似文献   

随着防治污染攻坚战的深入推进,多地相继出台了更为严格的环保政策,实行了畜禽养殖禁养区划分政策。这一政策的实施对防治污染和保护环境产生了积极作用,同时也给猪农的生存、发展权益造成了冲击。该政策给猪农的生存、发展权益带来冲击的原因有立法、监管、执法和社会保障等多方面的原因,需要通过提高相关法规立法质量,强化畜禽养殖业发展规划与监督,坚持人性执法和加强各项社会保障等措施,最终实现猪农生存、发展权益和公众环境权益相统一。  相似文献   

环境教育是培养学生环境意识和环境伦理的重要途径,需要渗透到学校各学科的教学中。面向所有学生的英语教育,在培养学生语言能力的同时,也传播着人类优秀的思想和文化,因而为环境教育提供了广阔的平台。以英语为载体的美国环境文学对人类面临的环境问题进行了深刻反思,以其丰富的思想内涵激发读者的环境意识,成为重要的西方环境思想宝库。英语教育工作者应充分认识并利用这一资源,将美国环境文学融入到我国英语教学体系中,使之成为环境教育的有机组成部分。  相似文献   

国内外关于有机肥料中重金属安全限量标准的现状与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了国内外关于有机肥料和农用有机废弃物中重金属含量的安全限量标准,为制定适合我国国情的有机肥料安全控制标准提供参考。  相似文献   

为考察身份认知对村民参与村庄人居环境治理的影响及其作用机制,基于对陕西、宁夏两省758份微观调查数据的分析,采用有调节的中介模型,将村民归属感和干部亲近感作为内部人身份认知的两个维度进行实证分析。结果表明:1)内部人身份认知程度对村民参与村庄环境治理行为表现出显著的正向促进作用;2)集体效能感在内部人身份认知对村民参与村庄环境治理行为的影响中发挥中介作用;3)村民的亲社会倾向能够显著增强集体效能感对村民参与环境治理行为的影响。基于分析结果,建议以营造集体文化、凝聚集体意识、再造集体组织为前提,弱化村社内部的异质性,增强村民对村社集体和村级组织的认同感,为村民参与创造良好的社会环境,同时强化宣传教育,提高村民参与村庄公共事务的意愿和水平。  相似文献   

人类对环境的影响越来越大,环境问题日益突出,社会对环境专业人才需求旺盛,而环境地学课程是环境科学的专业基础课,部分教学内容及教学方法已不能跟上环境科学知识的前沿,有必要对环境地学课程体系进行改革。该文提出了环境地学课程改革的对策,包括教材的选择、教学内容的安排、教学实习、多媒体技术与信息技术的利用等,使环境地学的课程更加有利于创新型人才的培养。  相似文献   

There are compelling reasons for choosing to develop the human as the highest-order experimental system in genetics: an obvious social context that stirs interest, wide medical observation of the population that permits identification of an abundance of genetic defects, and our ability to perceive in the human subtle or complex variations that may not be observable in other species. Various lines of genetic inquiry that are based on research in other systems--cytogenetic analysis, biochemical studies, mapping of defective loci by linkage analysis in affected families, and in vitro techniques such as the creation of transgenic organisms--complement and enrich each other. New phenomena that would not have been predicted from investigations in other organisms have been found in humans, such as the discovery of the "giant" Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene and the identification of recessive cancer genes. Genetic research is yielding insights into human biology that are raising new possibilities for therapy and prevention of disease, as well as challenges to society in the form of ethical decisions about the appropriate application of genetic information.  相似文献   

The human-microbial ecosystem plays a variety of important roles in human health and disease. Each person can be viewed as an island-like "patch" of habitat occupied by microbial assemblages formed by the fundamental processes of community ecology: dispersal, local diversification, environmental selection, and ecological drift. Community assembly theory, and metacommunity theory in particular, provides a framework for understanding the ecological dynamics of the human microbiome, such as compositional variability within and between hosts. We explore three core scenarios of human microbiome assembly: development in infants, representing assembly in previously unoccupied habitats; recovery from antibiotics, representing assembly after disturbance; and invasion by pathogens, representing assembly in the context of invasive species. Judicious application of ecological theory may lead to improved strategies for restoring and maintaining the microbiota and the crucial health-associated ecosystem services that it provides.  相似文献   

排污权交易制度的经济理论分析及必要性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
排污权交易是一种以市场为基础的经济刺激手段,排污权的卖方出售剩余排污权获得的经济回报,实质上是市场对其有利于环境的外部经济性的补偿;因削减污染的代价过高而不愿意削减的企业购买其必须排污的排污权,其支出的费用实质上是为其外部不经济性而付出的代价.因此排污权交易对实现环境外部性的内在化,加强治污环保技术的应用,促进环境产业化发展具有重要意义.要顺利实行排污权交易制度,必须建立起配套机制,如实施环境容量控制的排污许可证制度,排污指标商品化和价格化,排污权交易与其他防治污染的经济手段相结合.参6  相似文献   

家庭作为国家的重要组成部分 ,是环保教育不容忽视的角落 ,环保教育深入开展可以提高家庭成员的环保素质 ,维护公民的环境权益 ,推动其他学科和我国环境保护事业的迅猛发展 ,同时孩子是家庭环保教育的受益者 ,而且开展家庭环保教育同样可以在全社会进行爱国主义教育。  相似文献   

在美丽乡村建设背景下,全国各地农村积极开展环境治理。通过对江苏省 96个农村社区建设情况进行调研,发现江苏省农村社区环境治理存在资金不足、基础设施建设不平衡、人才短缺等问题。从环境治理模式看,多元主体协同治理治理模式并未得到有效实践,政府和村干部仍是农村社区环境治理的主要主体,社会力量、村民和企业参与度不高。因此,应加大对发展相对落后农村社区的政策支持,同时通过重塑农村社区共同体、加大对社会组织的培育以及鼓励企业参与到农村环境治理过程中,进一步实现农村环境的多元主体协同治理。  相似文献   

王文文 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(9):5515-5520
稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)综合反映了植物的生理生态特征,可用于研究植物生理与生态环境之间的关系。大多数研究认为植物δ13C值随盐度增加而变重。盐分主要通过影响C3植物叶片气孔传导、光合作用等生理活动,使植物δ13C值发生变化。而有些植物为适应盐分胁迫可能发生光合途径的转换,使C3代谢转换成C4或CAM代谢,导致植物某些器官的δ13C值发生变化,而植株整体δ13C值变化较小。由于植物δ13C与土壤盐分的关系还受其他环境因素的影响以及室内试验的有限性,因此进一步扩大盐度梯度范围,延长盐处理时间以及开展大田试验显得很有必要。  相似文献   

土壤中的微塑料能够与重金属污染物结合形成复合污染,从而改变单一污染物的环境行为和毒性效应,对土壤生态系统造成严重危害。目前人们对微塑料和重金属的复合毒性效应及其形成原理、污染过程的了解还十分有限,本文综述了土壤环境中微塑料和重金属的复合环境行为,讨论了微塑料对重金属的吸附解吸原理和过程,梳理了土壤环境中微塑料和重金属的迁移和转化,总结了有关二者复合毒性效应的最新研究进展,最后对未来相关工作提出展望,以期为微塑料和重金属的复合毒性研究提供参考。  相似文献   

高校图书馆人力资源管理初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校图书馆进行人力资源管理是适应时代变化发展的需要,是图书馆业务工作发展和创新的需要,是增强图书馆核心竞争力的需要,也是图书馆其他资源合理利用的需要。只有抓住人力资源管理这个核心,构建知识资源管理的强势阵地,才能为高校的教学和科研提供坚实的信息服务保障。  相似文献   

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