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氮素营养对长白落叶松移植苗生长及养分状况的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
尽管少数研究认为造林效果与苗木体内氮含量无关甚至负相关(Gleason et al.,1990;Boinvin et al.,2004),更多的研究表明初始氮含量与造林效果呈正相关,如蓝桉(Eucalyptus globulus)高、低氮处  相似文献   

以辽东清原地区典型长白落叶松幼苗为试验材料,研究秋季追肥对长白落叶松生长及抗寒性的影响。结果表明,秋季追肥对落叶松和生长和抗寒性影响显著:随着追肥量的增加,各个施肥处理中落叶松的株高、地径和根长也随之增加;在抗寒性方面,-10~-20℃施肥处理较0~-5℃施肥处理相对电导率有所提高,但是所有的施肥处理相对电导率明显低于对照处理。  相似文献   

采用裂区试验设计,研究N肥不同追施处理对长白落叶松播种苗生长的影响.结果表明:施肥次数和施肥量分别对苗高和地径生长产生显著影响;间隔期为11d的5次施肥处理对苗高生长具有显著影响,36.3 g·m-2的施肥量对地径的生长具有明显的促进作用;36.3 g·m-2处理对苗高和地径的施肥效率显著低于13.7 g·m-2处理和...  相似文献   

河北省冀北山地人工林主要以华北落叶松为主,树种较为单一。研究通过对木兰围场华北落叶松和长白落叶松的标准地调查与数据分析表明,长白落叶松总体上生长较弱于华北落叶松,但差异不显著,造林时可以用长白落叶松代替部分华北落叶松。长白落叶松耐阴性较华北落叶松差,进行林分管理时要保持合理的林分密度。  相似文献   

利用ABT2号生根粉和NAA,研究不同叶面处理方式对长白落叶松移植苗生长量及质量的影响,结果表明:叶面处理方式不同,对长白落叶松移植苗生长的影响不同,其中,涂刷侧枝的处理方式对苗木生长量有促进作用,而喷洒处理方式则有抑制作用。涂刷侧枝时,ABT2号处理的苗高、地径平均为41.1 cm、0.46 cm,分别比对照提高了17%、5%;NAA处理的苗高、地径平均为37.4 cm、0.51 cm,分别比对照提高了7%、16%。喷洒时,ABT2号处理的苗高、地径平均为33.6 cm、0.41 cm,分别比对照降低了4%、7%;NAA处理的苗高、地径平均为31.4 cm、0.43 cm,分别比对照降低了11%、2%。  相似文献   

长白落叶松是东北地区的主要用材林树种。以抚顺地区的长白落叶松幼苗为研究对象,通过不同的氮元素供应量处理,研究落叶松对氮元素的生长响应。结果表明:落叶松幼苗株高对不同氮元素的响应显著,随着氮供应量的增加而增加,后期处理增加幅度降低;在落叶松生物量对不同氮元素的响应上,针叶、茎部和总体生物量随着氮供应量的增加而增加,而根系部分对氮元素的供应没有响应。  相似文献   

种子的生产性能与种子的萌发生理密切相关,而种子的萌发又取决于种子的活力,活力高的种子,其生产性能就高,反之,由于对逆境反应敏感,生产性能也就低。通过种子萌发前的预处理,将生活物质“引入”种子内,可使种子在萌发过程中表现出不同的生理反应;有的能促进萌发,提高种子抗逆能力,有的则不能,甚至于起到相反的作用。日前,利用这一方法“引发”种子提高  相似文献   

苗木形态、生理和活力状况是评价苗木质量的主要方面(刘勇,1999),苗木活力与成活率直接相关(Krameretal.,1979;喻方圆等,2002)。苗木起苗后经过分级、包装、贮藏和长途运输,到最终被栽植,这期间可能会受到失水、高温和低温、光照不足等异常因素的影响,导致苗木活力下降,从而直接影响移栽成活率。一些研究表明,失水是导致苗木活  相似文献   

Fall nutrient loading of deciduous forest nursery seedlings is of special interest because of foliage abscission and varied translocation patterns. For non-deciduous seedlings in the nursery, fall fertilization typically can reverse nutrient dilution and possibly increase nutrient reserves; however, this technique has received little attention with deciduous conifer trees that translocate nutrients before abscising foliage. We evaluated how fall nitrogen (N) fertilization affected N storage and translocation in the deciduous conifer Olga Bay larch (Larix olgensis Henry) seedlings during the hardening period. Seedlings were supplied with 25 mg N seedling?1 for 15 weeks before hardening and fall fertilization treatments began with a three week application period of K15NO3 at 0, 5, 10 and 15 mg N seedling?1. During the hardening period, fall N fertilization had little effect on seedling morphology. The N concentration and content of needles decreased dramatically as needles abscised, while that of stems and roots increased. Six weeks after fall N fertilization ceased, all seedlings translocated similar net N from their needles. For the control seedlings, this accounted for 84 % of the N stored in stems and roots. For fall fertilized seedlings, however, the proportion of N stored in stems and roots translocated from needles accounted for only 41–61 % of the total because of absorption of fall fertilizer that was translocated directly to stems and roots. Six weeks after fall fertilization, the distribution pattern of N concentration and content in seedlings was found in this order: stems > fine roots > coarse roots > needles. Our results suggest that providing deciduous conifer seedlings N during hardening, in this case Olga Bay larch, is a way to promote nutrient loading during nursery production.  相似文献   

以长白落叶松1 a生播种苗为材料,研究过磷酸钙不同施用量(基肥)对其高生长的影响,结果表明:施用量为10 g·m-2、20 g·m-2、30 g·m-2、40 g·m-2、50 g·m-2、60 g·m-2时,其苗高生长量分别是对照的1.33倍、1.63倍、1.81倍、1.89倍、1.81倍和1.86倍,其中以40 g...  相似文献   

长白落叶松人工林密度效应模型的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张怡春  兰湛 《吉林林业科技》2000,29(2):21-22,61
以188夫临时样地资料为主,经过筛选采用改进平行线法对密度效应模型进行了拟合,并对模型的精度进行了检验。结果表明,预估精度平均在90%以上,符表度要求。  相似文献   

兴安 长白 华北落叶松种子形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用统计分析的方法对兴安落叶松、长白落叶松、华北落叶松种子的外部形态、染色体核型进行了研究和分析, 结果表明, 此种方法方便准确, 具有统计学上的可靠性, 基本解决了3种落叶松种子鉴别难的问题。  相似文献   

In our experiments, one-year-old Larix olgensis seedlings were cultivated in sand, and supplied with solutions with different concentrations of nitrate or phosphate. The effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on chlorophyll biosynthesis, total nitrogen content, and photosynthetic rate were studied. The experimental results are listed below: 1) 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetic rate increased as nitrate concentrations supplied to larch seedlings increased from 1 to 8 mmol/L. But the rate decreased by 17% when nitrate concentration increased to 16 mmol/L, in contrast to the control. Under phosphate treatments, ALA synthetic rates were similar to those under nitrate treatments. The activities of porphobilinogen (PBG) synthase reached a maximum when larch seedlings were supplied with 8 mmol/L of nitrate or 1 mmol/L of phosphate. 2) when larch seedlings were supplied with 8 mmol/L of nitrate and 0.5 mmol/L of phosphate, the contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and carotenoids reached a maximum. The total nitrogen contents in leaves increased as nitrate concentrations increased. 3) When phosphate concentrations increased from 0.125 to 1 mmol/L, the total nitrogen contents in leaves slightly increased; however, continuous increase of phosphate concentrations resulted in the decrease in total nitrogen contents in leaves. When nitrate concentrations increased from 1 to 8 mmol/L, soluble protein contents in leaves increased in general, and continuous increase of nitrate concentrations induced a decrease in soluble protein contents in leaves. Under treatment of 0.25 mmol/L of phosphate, the soluble protein contents reached a maximum. 4) In general, F v/F m increased as nitrate concentrations increased from 1 to 8 mmol/L, and continuous increase of nitrate concentration resulted in decrease in F v/F m. The similar changes occurred under phosphate treatments. As nitrate concentrations increased from 1 to 8 mmol/L, photosynthetic rates gradually increased, but when nitrate concentrations increased to 16 mmol/L, photosynthetic rate reduced by 16%, in contrast to the control. Photosynthetic rates reached a maximum when seedlings were supplied with 1 mmol/L, and an oversupply of phosphate (2 mmol/L) resulted in decrease in photosynthetic rates. The results suggested that supply levels of nitrogen affected ALA biosynthetic rates, activities of PBG synthase, and affected contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids. Moreover, nitrogen supply levels affected contents of total nitrogen and soluble proteins in leaves, and net photosynthetic rates. ALA biosynthesis rates and activities of PBG synthase were affected by phosphate supply, but contents of chlorophyll and carotenoids were not affected. And net photosynthetic rates were affected little by phosphate supply. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2005, 41(4) [译自:林业科学, 2005, 41(4)]  相似文献   

采用LI-6400便携式光合测定系统测定了黑龙江省佳木斯市孟家岗林场不同立地条件、不同龄组长白落叶松的气体交换参数。结果表明,饱和光照强度下长白落叶松的气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率受针叶朝向(阳生叶和阴生叶)、立地条件和林龄的影响而表现出不同。除幼龄林立地指数为12的阳生叶和阴生叶气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率,幼龄林立地指数为18的阳生叶和阴生叶气孔导度和蒸腾速率,近熟林立地指数为17的阳生叶和阴生叶蒸腾速率存在显著差异外,其余所有林龄相同立地指数的阳生叶和阴生叶气孔导度、蒸腾速率和水分利用效率均无显著差异。近熟林的阳生叶和阴生叶气孔导度,中龄林和近熟林的阳生叶水分利用效率受立地条件的影响均不显著;幼龄林阳生叶和阴生叶的水分利用效率,近熟林阳生叶和阴生叶的蒸腾速率均随着立地指数的增加表现出显著升高的趋势;幼龄林和中龄林阳生叶和阴生叶的气孔导度和蒸腾速率,中龄林和近熟林的阴生叶水分利用效率均随着立地指数的增加表现出显著降低的趋势。饱和光照强度下阳生叶和阴生叶气孔导度和蒸腾速率受林龄的影响显著,而水分利用效率受林龄的影响不显著。  相似文献   

We quantified biomass accumulation and nitrogen (N) retranslocation, allocation, and utilization of Changbai larch (Larix olgensis) seedlings subjected to four fertilization treatments (24, 59, 81, 117 kg·ha-1 N) with an unfertilized control during summer and autumn 2009. Ammonium phosphate (18-46-0) was the fertilizer used in all treatments. On both sampling dates, the needles had greater biomass and N content than new (2009) stems and old (2008) stems, and coarse, medium and fine roots (diameters of >5, 2-5 mm, and 0-2 mm, respectively). Higher N concentration was observed in old stems and coarse roots than that in new stems and medium roots. In mid-summer, fine roots had higher N concentration than coarse roots. The treatment with 24 kg·ha-1 N had the greatest biomass and N content in needles and old stems, and highest net N retranslocation (NRA) and amount of N derived from soil. On September 21, no N translocation was observed, while the treatment with 24 kg·ha-1 N had the highest N utilization efficiency and fertilizer efficiency. Vector analysis revealed that all four fertilization treatments induced N excess relative to the control. The treatments with 59, 81, 117 kg·ha-1 N induce N excess compared with treatments at 24 kg·ha-1 N. We conclude that the traditional local fertilizer application rates exceeded N requirements and N uptake ability for Changbai larch seedlings. The application rate of 24 kg·ha-1 N is recommended.  相似文献   

应用正交实验设计,对新播长白落叶松苗期进行了N、P、K施肥试验,结果表明:N、P影响苗高、地径、植株干物质重量;>5 cmⅠ级侧根数量的差异为极显著;K差异不显著。通过对25个组合的LSR多重比较,最佳施肥量为:N肥20、P肥50、K肥15 g.m-2苗木生长与N、P、K供应呈多元线性回归关系。  相似文献   

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