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“长治”工程自1989年启动实施以来,累计完成水土流失治理面积近9万km2,取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益。“长治”工程建设重视发挥长江上游水土保持委员会的领导协调作用,坚持理念创新、技术创新和依靠制度对项目严格管理,为全国的水土保持生态建设起到了很好的示范借鉴作用,提供了宝贵的经验。“十一五”是我国经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期,各地要抓住机遇,重点做好5项工作:进一步依法加强监管力度,遏止新的水土流失;进一步抓好以“长治”工程为龙头的水土流失重点治理工作;进一步发挥长江流域水热资源优势,大力推进生态修复工作;进一步发挥各级水保委员会的统筹协调作用;进一步深化改革,加快水土流失治理步伐。  相似文献   

“十五”期间,“长治”工程累计完成水土流失治理面积2.1万km2,实施生态修复面积2060km2,开展预防保护面积11万km2;水土流失监测面积达70万km2,预报处理滑坡、泥石流灾害86处,累计审批水土保持方案8.1万起;经过17年的连续治理,长江流域水土流失面积减少了15%,治理区人均基本农田达到约1亩、人均产粮增至530kg、农民人均纯收入翻了一番。“长治”工程建设的主要经验是领导重视、齐抓共管,与时俱进、开拓创新,强化管理、完善制度。“十一五”时期“长治”工程建设必须坚持人与自然和谐相处,以人为本,政府推动,统筹协调,预防为主,保护优先的原则,完成水土流失综合治理面积1.23万km2,改建或新建20个重点监测预警站点,全面落实水土保持方案,执行率达到90%以上,完成监测面积160万km2,强化水土保持规划、科研、示范等基础工作。明确了近期要抓好的几项工作。  相似文献   

“十五”期间我国水土保持重点治理大幅度拓展,水土流失综合防治步伐加快,共完成水土流失综合防治面积54万km2;监督执法工作进一步加强,共审批各类水土保持方案20多万个,开发建设项目防治面积7万多km2;生态修复取得突破,全国实施封禁范围达到60多万km2;监测评价体系建设初见成效,水土流失预测预报能力增强;基础工作不断强化,科技支撑与技术标准体系初步形成;宣教活动继续深入开展,全社会水土保持意识普遍增强。“十一五”期间水土保持工作总的目标是:全国水土流失面积占国土面积的比例在现有的基础上再稳定减少2%,基本建成比较完善的全国水土保持预防监督体系和水土流失监测网络,水土保持法律法规进一步完善,人为水土流失得到有效遏制。提出了主要保障措施,明确了2006年的主要工作。  相似文献   

长江上游水土保持重点防治工程(简称“长治”工程)实施20多年来,治理水土流失面积10万km2,有效解决千万人温饱问题,成功实现了生态效益和民生效益的双赢。  相似文献   

云南省“十五”水土保持工作成效显著   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南是全国水土流失严重的省份之一,水土流失形势严峻,水土流失防治任务繁重。“十五”期间,云南省将水土保持作为改善农业基础设施、全力服务“三农”的一项重要工作来抓,取得了重大进展。水土保持预防监督工作依法开展,综合治理成效显著,生态修复稳步推进,监测预报初见成效。共治理水土流失面积1.21万km2,新实施保护面积2.46万km2,全面完成了“十五”各项目标任务。  相似文献   

“长治”工程重点防治县已达到 191个 ,年均综合治理水土流失面积达到 5 0 0 0km2 以上 ,累计治理面积达到6 8万km2 ,上游“四大片”的总治理程度已接近 1/3。“长治”工程已成为长江流域最具影响的生态环境建设项目之一。“十五”期间 ,要树立生态优先思想 ,把握正确防治方向 ,坚持综合治理 ,确保生态环境建设目标的实现 ,年治理面积争取达到 6 0 0 0km2 以上  相似文献   

水土保持法颁布实施 10年来 ,以“长治”工程为骨干的长江流域水土流失重点治理快速推进。截至 2 0 0 0年底 ,累计完成水土流失初步治理面积 2 1万km2 ,其中“长江”工程 12年初步治理水土流失面积 6 8万km2 ;水土保持监督执法不断加强 ,建立了一支有 70 0 0名专职监督人员的执法队伍 ,初步建立健全了贯彻实施水土保持法的配套法规体系 ,累计对 6 80 0多起开发建设项目造成的人为水土流失违法案件进行了立案查处 ,审批水土保持方案超过 4 1万个 ,开发建设单位交纳水土流失防治费 35 0 0多万元 ,补偿费 370 0多万元 ,自行投入水土流失防治费累计超过 6 7亿元 ,取得了许多值得推广的好经验。  相似文献   

"长治"工程实施20年累计完成水土流失治理面积9.6万km2,有效解决了1000多万群众的温饱问题,实现了水土流失面积由增到减的历史性转变。"长治"工程的主要经验是:加强领导、健全机构,以人为本、科学防治,严格管理、改革创新,预防为主、保护优先。当前及今后一个时期,长江流域水土保持生态建设的总体要求是:深入贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持预防监督和重点治理两手抓,建立和完善适应新形势、新要求的水土保持工作机制和工程建设管理机制。主要目标是:到2020年,全流域80%的水土流失面积得到治理,水土保持监督管理体系进一步完善,生产建设项目水土保持"三同时"制度全面落实,流域水土保持监测网络和信息系统基本建成。提出了近期的主要工作。  相似文献   

“九五”期间 ,全国完成水土流失综合治理面积 2 3万km2 ,八片治理工程、“长治”工程已成为典型的生态建设示范工程 ,有力地推动了面上的治理工作 ,调动了全社会参与水土保持生态建设的积极性。“十五”期间 ,要把保护和改善生态环境放在首位 ,突出生态效益 ,进行防治战略调整 ,充分发挥生态的自然修复能力 ;全国完成综合治理面积 2 5万km2 ,基本遏制生态环境恶化趋势 ,加强水保执法监督队伍建设 ,提高水保科技含量  相似文献   

长江上中游是我国水土保持生态建设的重点地区 ,开展“长治”工程建设以来 ,已初步治理水土流失面积6 8万km2 。“长治”工程已成为长江流域规模最大、稳定性最强、持续时间最长和最具影响力的生态建设项目 ,今后还将在长江流域生态建设中发挥骨干和主体作用  相似文献   

介绍了一种如何在初中化学知识的基础上导入摩尔概念的新颖教学法,展示了这种方法的良好效果。  相似文献   

Sorption-desorption interactions of pesticides with soil determine the availability of pesticides in soil for transport, plant uptake, and microbial degradation. These interactions are affected by the physical and chemical properties of the pesticide and soil, and for some pesticides, their residence time in the soil. The objective of this study was to characterize sorption-desorption of two sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone herbicides incubated in soils at different soil moisture potentials. The chemicals were incubated in clay loam and loamy sand soils for up to 12 wks at -33 kPa and at water contents equivalent to 50 and 75% of that at -33 kPa. Chemicals were extracted sequentially with 0.01 N CaCl(2) and aqueous acetonitrile, and sorption coefficients were calculated. Sufficient sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone herbicides remained (>40% of that applied) during incubation to allow calculation of sorption coefficients. Aging significantly increased sorption as indicated by increased sorption coefficients. For instance, for sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone remaining after a 12-wk incubation at -33 kPa, K(d) increased by a factor of 4.5 in the clay loam soils and by 6.6 in the loamy sand as compared to freshly treated soils. There was no effect of moisture potential on sorption K(d) values. These data show the importance of characterization of sorption-desorption in aged herbicide residues in soil, particularly in the case of prediction of herbicide transport in soil. In this case, potential transport of sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone herbicides would be over-predicted if freshly treated soil K(d) values were used to predict transport.  相似文献   

当今有一部分政府官员患有生态冷漠症,其表现有3种,即面对持续恶化的生态环境麻木不仁,生态建设取得一点成绩便盲目乐观,发生了生态安全问题就怨天尤人。医治生态冷漠症应重点抓好以下3个方面的工作:紧密结合工作实际,切实加强对广大干部的科学发展观教育;完善和推行绿色GDP核算标准,加强对各级政府及其官员的考核;制定和完善有关法律法规,加大对政府行为的约束力度。  相似文献   

Antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity in "early potatoes"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The antioxidant content and the antioxidant capacity of both hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant extracts from four "early potato" cultivars, grown in two different locations (Racale and Monteroni), were examined. There was a considerable variation in carotenoid content and weak differences in the ascorbic acid concentration of the examined cultivars of "early potato" and between the harvested locations. An increase in both methanol/water (8:2 v/v) and phosphate buffer soluble (PBS) free phenols (70%) and bound phenols (28%) in the extracts from the cultivars grown at Racale site was found and discussed. Examination of individual phenols revealed that chlorogenic acid and catechin were the major phenols present in potato tuber extracts; a moderate amount of caffeic acid and ferulic acid was also detected. The total equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) was higher in the Racale extracts and a highly positive linear relationship ( R (2) = 0.8193) between TEAC values and total phenolic content was observed. The oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC) of methanol/water and PBS extracts of peel and whole potatoes against the reactive oxygen species (ROS) peroxyl radicals, peroxynitrite, and hydroxyl radicals was also analyzed. A highly significant linear correlation ( R (2) = 0.9613) between total antioxidant capacity (as a sum of peroxyl radicals + peroxynitrite) and total phenol content of methanol/water extracts was established. Moreover, proliferation of human mammalian cancer (MCF-7) cells was significantly inhibited in a dose-dependent manner after exposure to potato extracts. These data can be useful for "early potato" tuber characterization and suggest that the "early potato" has a potential as a dietary source of antioxidants.  相似文献   

"Long-storage" tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a niche product typical of the Mediterranean area, traditionally cultivated under no water supply, the fruits of which combine a good taste with excellent nutritional properties. High-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detection and electron spray-mass spectrometry (HPLC/DAD/ESI-MS) was used to identify the phenolic profile in 10 landraces of long-storage tomato, grown under a typical semiarid climate, as compared to a processing tomato hybrid cultivated in the same environment, under both well-irrigated and unirrigated conditions. Sixteen different secondary metabolites, belonging to the classes of cinnamoylquinic acids and flavonoids, were identified. Quantitative analyses were also performed to monitor the changes in the phenolic content along the batch. The results highlighted that landraces originating from the same area exhibit different fruit morphologies but own a similar biochemical profile. Moreover, the two controls (well irrigated and unirrigated) are placed into the same cluster, suggesting that these secondary metabolites in tomato fruits may be more genetics-dependent than environment-dependent. Given the analysis of phenols nowadays represents a useful tool to assess the genetic variability in tomato, these compounds could be adopted as chemotaxonomic markers in the traceability of this niche product.  相似文献   

韭园沟示范区项目实施运行实践证明,水土保持生态工程建设实行项目法人制是完全可行的,实行工程招标投标制的作用和效果非常明显,实行工程监理制作用也比较明显。但在目前的社会经济条件下,实行项目法人制和工程监理制在操作上还不够完善,而实行工程招标投标制还存在着制约因素。  相似文献   

Aging (herbicide-soil contact time) has been shown to significantly affect the sorption-desorption characteristics of many herbicides, which in turn can affect the availability of the herbicide for transport, plant uptake, and microbial degradation. In contrast, very little work in this area has been done on herbicide metabolites in soil. The objective of this study was to characterize the sorption-desorption of sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone herbicide metabolites incubated in soils at different soil moisture potentials. A benzenesulfonamide metabolite and a triazolinone metabolite from sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone herbicides were incubated in clay loam and loamy sand soils for up to 12 weeks at -33 kPa and at water contents equivalent to 50 and 75% of that at -33 kPa. Chemicals were extracted sequentially with 0.01 N CaCl(2) and aqueous acetonitrile (solution and sorbed phase concentrations, respectively), and apparent sorption coefficients (K(d,app)) were calculated. Sufficient metabolite remained during the incubation (>55% of applied) to allow determination of the coefficients. The initial aging period (2 weeks after application) significantly increased sorption as indicated by increased K(d,app) values for the chemical remaining, after which they remained relatively constant. After 12 weeks of incubation at -33 kPa, K(d,app) values for benzenesulfonamide and triazolinone increased by a factor of 3.5 in the clay loam soil and by a factor of 5.9 in the loamy sand as compared to freshly treated soils. There was no effect of moisture potential on aged apparent K(d,app) values. These data show the importance of characterization of sorption-desorption in aged herbicide residues, including metabolites, in soil, particularly in the case of prediction of herbicide residue transport in soil. In this case, potential transport of sulfonylaminocarbonyltriazolinone herbicide metabolites would be overpredicted if freshly treated soil K(d) values were used to predict transport.  相似文献   

The capacity of alquitara (a traditional distillation system) to produce cider brandies is evaluated. To do so, the chemical composition of 12 fractions obtained during the distillation process and the cider brandies obtained from five ciders were analyzed (alcohol strength, methanol, volatile substances, furfural, and metals), taking into account European and Spanish legislation. During the course of distillation, an important increase in methanol, furfural, 2-phenylethanol, and metals in the last fractions was observed, while fusel oils were more abundant in the first fractions collected. Only acetaldehyde behaved differently, showing a minimum concentration in the middle fractions that might be explained by its formation on the surface of alquitara. On the other hand, the final distillates obtained by means of this method complied with the considered regulations. Worth highlighting in this regard are the low levels of a potential toxin such as methanol, as well as the detection of a constant ratio for methanol, ethanol, and fusel oil for the pairs of cider/spirits analyzed, which could be interpreted as an indication of good uniformity in the distillation system and method, thus guaranteeing product quality.  相似文献   

"数字黄土高原"到"数字水土保持"   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
立足于黄土高原水土保持与生态环境建设及其科学研究的要求和空间信息科学技术发展的最新动态,通过:数字黄土高原”建立的时代背景及其技术背景,讨论了“数字黄土高原”研究与建设的目标,基本内容,关键技术环节(包括数据库结构,数据集成方法,数据更新,元数据体系建设和数字共享机制)和推广应用等,初步讨论了“数字水土保持”及其与国家空间数据基础设施(NSDI)建设的关系。  相似文献   

“3S”技术在农业非点源污染研究中的应用   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
应用“3S”技术进行农业非点源污染预测、控制和管理是最新的动向。为此结合国内外“3S”技术在农业非点源污染研究中的应用现状 ,阐述了“3S”技术在非点源污染研究中的应用意义和方法 ,并对“3S”技术在此领域发展动态进行了展望  相似文献   

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