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土壤甲烷氧化菌及水分状况对其活性的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了土壤中甲烷氧化的机理及土壤水分状况对甲烷氧化的影响,土壤中甲烷氧化分4步进行,首先甲烷在sMMO或pMMO作用下氧化成甲醇,甲醇在甲醇脱氢酶作用下氧化成甲醛,甲醛是甲烷氧化菌合成体细胞的碳源,甲烷氧化菌Type Ⅰ利用RuMP途径把甲醛转化为细胞合成的中间体,TypeⅡ则利用丝氨酸途径,同时甲醛在甲醛脱氢酶作用下氧化为甲酸,后者再在甲酸脱氢酶作用下氧化为CO_2,从而完成甲烷氧化。甲烷氧化菌TypeⅠ只含pMMO,而TypeⅡ既含sMMO又含pMMO,因此其生存力更强。土壤中甲烷氧化主要发生在10cm左右的土层中,明显受土壤水分状况的影响,甲烷氧化的最佳土壤含水量变化为20%~70%间,主要取决于土壤机械组成和有机质含量。  相似文献   

Grassland‐livestock farming is the main agricultural activity in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. It has been estimated that more than 80% of the grasslands suffer from sulfur (S) deficiency in this region. In an incubation study and a greenhouse experiment with alfalfa, the influence of soil moisture (40% and 70% water‐holding capacity, WHC), nitrogen (0 and 200 mg N (kg soil)–1 as NH4NO3), and elemental sulfur (eS; 0 and 300 mg S (kg soil)–1) amendments on the apparent eS oxidation, eS‐oxidation rate, net S‐mineralization rate, and S uptake of alfalfa were studied. After 28 d of incubation, the eS‐oxidation rate was four times higher at 70% than at 40% WHC if no N was applied. With N application, soil moisture had only minor effects on eS oxidation during the whole incubation period. In the greenhouse experiment, lower values for eS‐oxidation rate and net S‐mineralization rate were found if no N was applied. Application of N and eS significantly increased alfalfa growth and S uptake. The results of both experiments suggest that combined N and eS applications are the best way to alleviate S deficiency on these calcareous soils.  相似文献   

During recent decades, forest ecosystems have been exposed to high levels of atmospheric pollution, and it has been argued that this affects the composition and activity of decomposer communities and, subsequently, ecosystem functioning. To investigate the effects of atmospheric pollution on protozoa and microflora, a new experimental design was used. Undisturbed soil columns, originating from six coniferous forests across Europe and representing different stages of soil acidification, were transferred to two Scots pine forests (Fontainebleau and Wekerom) with different levels of N and S deposition (NH4 +-N=4.90 and 42.50?kg ha–1 year–1; SO4 S=10.90 and 30.40?kg ha–1 year–1, respectively). The number of protozoa, microbial biomass C and microbial activity were estimated in the organic layer (Of) of the transferred soils at the two host sites after 21 months of incubation. The experiment aimed at answering two questions: (1) Do changes in environmental conditions, studied by transferring soils from one site to another, affect protozoa and microbial communities and, if so, (2) how important are changes in both N and S deposition in explaining the effects of soil transfer on protozoa and microbial communities? The interaction between protozoa and microbial communities was addressed with regard to these changes in environmental conditions. No effect of enhanced N or S deposition on protozoan numbers and microbial biomass C, basal respiration and caloric quotient was revealed. Reciprocal transfer of various soil columns resulted in lower abundance and activity of protozoa and microbes. This reduction could not be explained by differences in N and S deposition, but by differences in microclimate and adaptation. In some cases, protozoa correlated with pH, C/N ratio, P and S content and leached mineral N.  相似文献   

氮肥、土壤湿度和温度对稻田土壤甲烷氧化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer,soil mosture and temperature and temperature on methane oxidation in paddy soil were investigated under laboratory conditions.Addition of 0.05 g N kg^-1 soil as NH4Cl strongly inhibited methane oxidation and addition of the same rate of KCl also inhibited the oxidation but with more slight effect,suggesting that the inhibitory effect was partly caused by increase in osmotic potential in microorganism cell,Not only NH4^ but also NO3^- greatly affected methane oxidation.Urea did not affect methane oxidation in paddy soil in the first two days of incubation,but strong inhibitory effect was observed afterwards.Methane was oxidized in the treated soil with an optimum moisture of 280 g kg^-1 ,and air-drying inhibited methane oxidation entirely.The optimum temperature of methane oxidation was about 30℃ in paddy soil.while no methane oxidation was observed at 5℃or 50℃。  相似文献   

Mobility, extractability, and disappearance of the herbicides diuron, terbuthylazine, metolachlor, and pendimethalin were examined in incubation experiments with two topsoil samples of different natural microbial activity and after sterilization. Soil moisture was held constant at 10, 40, and 60 % WHC. In other variants, the soil water content was changed during the incubation. The four herbicides reveal a fairly different extent of microbial and chemical degradation and immobilization. The herbicide mobility – expressed by coefficients of partition between adsorbed and dissolved herbicide amounts – decreases at a lower rate and extent, when the microbial activity is low or the soil is sterile. With increasing initial soil moisture, also herbicide mobility and extractability increase; but in the course of time, abiotic immobilization occurs to a higher extent. When soil moisture changes during the incubation, formerly non‐extractable herbicide fractions (up to 40 % of the applied amounts) become extractable. Kinetics of herbicide immobilization follow an empirical sigmoidal function, which describes three periods of immobilization. The three‐period shape of the curve and its possible reasons are discussed for the data of the incubation experiments as well as for the results of a long‐term field trial with diuron.  相似文献   

含水率对羊粪堆肥腐熟度及污染气体排放的影响   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
为了优化羊粪好氧堆肥的工艺条件,研究初始含水率对羊粪堆肥腐熟度及污染气体排放的影响。该研究以高湿新鲜羊粪为堆肥原料(含水率为75%),添加玉米秸秆调节初始物料含水率分别为70%、65%、60%和55%,堆肥在60 L密闭发酵罐中共持续35 d。结果表明:75%含水率羊粪堆体单独不能顺利启动升温,且在试验期间释放了大量的甲烷和氧化亚氮等温室气体,在所有处理中产生的总温室效应最大(41.4 g/kg)。玉米秸秆与羊粪联合均能成功启动堆肥过程,且堆肥产品均可以达到无害化卫生要求和腐熟标准。其中初始含水率为65%时,堆体不仅高温期持续时间长,且有机质降解程度高,物料干质量降解率达45%,同时比其他处理可降低4.81%~16.99%的总氮损失和7.56%~48.62%的总温室气体排放量。因此,在羊粪和玉米秸秆联合堆肥时,初始含水率65%左右为最佳条件。  相似文献   

用闭路气流法对土壤相对含水量分别为100%、60%、40%和20%的环境下华荠荸的光合生理生态特性进行研究。结果表明,华荠荸日平均净光合速率(PNmean)、气孔导度(Gs)和水分利用效率(WUE)在60%水分处理下最高;叶绿素a含量和叶绿素a/b的值在100%和60%处理下较大,该水分条件可降低强光对植物的伤害。野外调查表明中生偏湿生境中华荠荸生长良好,但对这种生境的占据能力差,说明华荠荸的最适水分生态位为中生偏湿,野外华荠荸实际水分生态位与最适水分生态位不符,这可能是限制该物种野外种群扩大的主要原因。  相似文献   

田间采样统计分析和框栽试验结果表明 ,土壤钾素状况及土壤的供钾能力是影响我国北方烟区烤烟烟叶含钾量的主要因子之一 ,合理施用钾肥和改善土壤的钾素状况是提高烟叶含钾量的有效措施 ;土壤湿度是保证土壤钾素向烟株根系运动的必要条件 ,在烟株生长期间 ,特别是在烟株移栽 4 0— 50天期间 ,保持土壤的相对含水量 6 0— 70 % ,是促进烟叶吸钾 ,提高烟叶含钾量的重要手段  相似文献   

土壤水分对华荠苧光合生理生态特性影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用闭路气流法对土壤相对含水量分别为100%、60%、40%和20%的环境下华荠苧的光合生理生态特性进行研究。结果表明,华荠苧日平均净光合速率(PNmean)、气孔导度(Gs)和水分利用效率(WUE)在60%水分处理下最高;叶绿素a含量和叶绿素a/b的值在100%和60%处理下较大,该水分条件可降低强光对植物的伤害。野外调查表明中生偏湿生境中华荠苧生长良好,但对这种生境的占据能力差,说明华荠苧的最适水分生态位为中生偏湿,野外华荠苧实际水分生态位与最适水分生态位不符,这可能是限制该物种野外种群扩大的主要原因。  相似文献   

Effects of lead pollution on different soil enzyme activities   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We studied the effects of Pb pollution on soil dehydrogenase and phosphatase activity. Samples of four soils (Saxe, Podestà, Porto Teulada, and Sa Xia Manna) were collected from various locations in southwestern Sardinia, Italy. The soils, which differ mainly in heavy metal contents of pedologic origin (Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb), were treated with Pb (0, 100, 500, 1000, and 5000 g Pb g-1 soil) and incubated in the laboratory. Samples of the incubated soils were collected periodically (0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 weeks) and the enzymes were measured. Soil dehydrogenase activity was influenced by both the Pb additions and variations in soil moisture content. Only the addition of 5000 g Pb g-1 soil led to a significant decrease in dehydrogenase activity compared to the controls, while the other doses of Pb did not always result in a clear reduction in enzyme activity. Drying the soil led to a considerable reduction in dehydrogenase activity, sometimes so far as to render the differences found between the various treatments not statistically significant. Soil phosphate activity was also influenced by the Pb additions, but the effect of the variation in soil moisture content was less than that found for the dehydrogenase. After the 2nd week of incubation, the phosphate activity in the Podestà and Saxe soils had decreased proportionally to the increase in Pb content. At the end of the incubation period, in the Porto Teulada and Sa Xia Manna soils, a net reduction in phosphatase activity versus controls was found only at the highest Pb concentration. Although both enzyme activities were influenced by the Pb additions, the phosphate activity was less sensitive to variations in the soil moisture content and may thus be a more suitable indicator for soil pollution by Pb.  相似文献   

不同保水剂对土壤水分和氮素保持的比较研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
保水剂应用对土壤水肥利用效率具有重要影响。本文采用土柱模拟试验方法,以不施保水剂处理为对照,比较3种保水剂——聚丙烯酸盐类保水剂(A)、有机–无机复合保水剂(B)、腐植酸型多功能保水剂(C)对土壤水分和两种氮肥(尿素、硝酸铵)的保持效应,筛选保水剂与氮肥的合理施用配合。8次土壤淋溶结果表明:3种保水剂对土壤水分和两种氮肥都有保持作用,但差异明显。在保水方面,A、B保水剂土壤水分保持效果较好且保水效果相近,C保水剂相对较差;随浇水次数增加,3种保水剂的保水效果均有所降低。在保肥方面,C保水剂对两种氮素的保持效果显著优于对照,且对硝酸铵保持效果优于对尿素的保持效果;A保水剂对尿素的保持效果明显,但对硝酸铵的保持效果很小,淋溶8次后,甚至对氮素淋溶有促进作用;B保水剂对尿素的保持效果8次淋溶后与C保水剂相近,对硝酸铵的保持效果介于其他两种保水剂之间。此外,保水剂对土壤脲酶活性有一定影响,其变化与氮素转化有关;施用尿素的土壤中,保水剂对土壤脲酶活性的影响为B保水剂C保水剂A保水剂,而施用硝酸铵的土壤中为A保水剂B保水剂C保水剂。  相似文献   

Controls on soil respiration in semiarid soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil respiration in semiarid ecosystems responds positively to temperature, but temperature is just one of many factors controlling soil respiration. Soil moisture can have an overriding influence, particularly during the dry/warm portions of the year. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the influence of soil moisture on the relationship between temperature and soil respiration. Soil samples collected from a range of sites arrayed across a climatic gradient were incubated under varying temperature and moisture conditions. Additionally, we evaluated the impact of substrate quality on short-term soil respiration responses by carrying out substrate-induced respiration assessments for each soil at nine different temperatures. Within all soil moisture regimes, respiration rates always increased with increase in temperature. For a given temperature, soil respiration increased by half (on average) across moisture regimes; Q10 values declined with soil moisture from 3.2 (at −0.03 MPa) to 2.1 (−1.5 MPa). In summary, soil respiration was generally directly related to temperature, but responses were ameliorated with decrease in soil moisture.  相似文献   

Gully erosion is one of the most important forms of land degradation in many regions of the world. Understanding the process of gully erosion therefore is important for better management of the watersheds prone to gully erosion. However, many different aspects of gully erosion, like hydrological behavior, are still not fully understood. The present study investigates the spatial distribution of soil moisture content (SMC), as one of the hydrological factors, at different depths and points across the cross section in the vicinity of the headcut of three gullies located in the Kalat County, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran. SMCs were measured at depths of 10, 20, 30, 50, 70 and 100 cm at each seven points across the study cross sections one to three days after occurrence of three rain events. Two sampling points were symmetrically located at a distance of 50 cm outside the gully banks, two at the vertex of the sidewalls, two in the middle of the sidewalls and one at the center of gully cross section. SMCs were measured using a weighted method. Results of the study revealed a broad range of changes in SMCs at various depths and points. The minimum and maximum SMCs were found to be about 2% and 38%, respectively, for the study period and gullies under consideration. The coefficient of variation (CV) had drastic changes for various gullies and storm events from 2 to 107%. Results further indicated that SMC moved from the sidewalls towards the floor of the cross section. Accordingly, the maximum SMC for storm events was associated with the point located in the center of gullies, which indicated the role of gully system in draining soil moisture. The findings of this study will help watershed managers understand the important role of gully facies in changing water content of the soil that affects other ecohydrological processes.  相似文献   

喀斯特坡地不同土地利用类型土壤水分差异性研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
对比分析桂西北喀斯特坡地5种土地利用类型0~20cm表层土壤含水量的差异,结果表明:喀斯特生境条件下坡地土壤含水量受降水的影响明显,雨季和旱季差异显著。各土地利用类型间,灌丛类型由于枯枝落叶层而增强了土壤的保水持水能力;生态恢复林(板栗、木豆)种植初期,土表接近于裸地,蒸发强烈,应采取一定的蓄水保墒措施;混种有匍匐类作物的复垦坡耕地,其土壤水分条件则与撂荒多年草地相似。比较土壤层间含水量的季节差异,灌丛类型土壤有明显的层间蓄水补水能力。喀斯特山地应通过建立合理的土地利用类型,改变地表覆被状况进而改善土壤水分条件,为生态重建服务。  相似文献   

Variations in the distribution pattern of soil water repellency (SWR) and soil moisture are of major importance for the hydrological and geomorphological processes in Mediterranean burned areas, and also for their ecological implications concerning to re-establishment of the vegetation cover. This paper studies the influence of Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Quercus coccifera L. vegetated patches on SWR and their relationships with soil moisture content (SMC) and soil organic matter (SOM) in burned and unburned calcareous soils of a Mediterranean shrubland ecosystem, considering the first rainfall event occurred after the wildfire in Les Useres (Castellón, eastern Spain).  相似文献   

The use of microbial parameters in monitoring soil pollution by heavy metals   总被引:82,自引:4,他引:82  
Microbial parameters appear very useful in monitoring soil pollution by heavy metals, but no single microbial parameter can be used universally. Microbial activities such as respiration, C and N mineralization, biological N2 fixation, and some soil enzymes can be measured, as can the total soil microbial biomass. Combining microbial activity and population measurements (e.g., biomass specific respiration) appears to provide more sensitive indications of soil pollution by heavy metals than either activity or population measurements alone. Parameters that have some form of internal control, e.g., biomass as a percentage of soil organic matter, are also advantageous. By using such approaches it might be possible to determine whether the natural ecosystem is being altered by pollutants without recource to expensive and long-running field experiments. However, more data are needed before this will be possible. Finally, new applications of molecular biology to soil pollution studies (e.g., genetic fingerprinting) which may also have value in the future are considered.  相似文献   

Assessing accuracies of satellite soil moisture (SM) products in areas with strong anthropogenic activities, abundant precipitation, and dense vegetation is important but limited. In this study, performances of nine satellite SM products, including the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI), and the ascending and descending products of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2), Chinese Fengyun-3B (FY3B), Chinese Fengyun-3C (FY3C), and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), were evaluated against in-situ SM in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) from 2015 to 2018. Results showed that the ESA CCI outperformed other products, with averaged correlation coefficient (R) of 0.522, correlation coefficient for SM anomalies (Rano) of 0.419, and unbiased root mean square error (ubRMSE) of 0.040 m3 m?3, followed by the SMAP_A and SMAP_D. Overestimation was observed in the AMSR2 products (Bias >0.081 m3 m?3), while underestimation was found in the FY3B and FY3C products (Bias < ?0.104 m3 m?3). Moreover, R values decreased with the increase in water area percentage (WAP), land cover heterogeneity (GSI), fractional vegetation cover (FVC), and precipitation (PRE). Threshold values were observed at 3% for the WAP, 0.05 for the FVC, and 900 mm yr?1 for the PRE, below which sharp declines of accuracy were observed. The WAP, GSI, and FVC were divided into five sub-classes with their values increasing with the sub-class level (I to V). Correlations coefficients between these perturbing factors and R (correlation between satellite and in-situ SM) increased as sub-class levels increased. Under sub-classes I, II, and III, these three factors had limited influences on accuracies of satellite SM products. However, under sub-classes IV and V, significant impacts of these three perturbing factors were observed. Moreover, when sub-classes of the PRE increased from I to V, correlations between Bias and PRE decreased first and then increased. These findings can help to determine suitable satellite SM products in the YRD and similar areas.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination can inhibit soil functions but it is often difficult to determine the degree of pollution or when soil reclamation is complete. Enzyme assays offer potential as indicators of biological functioning of soils. However, antecedent water content of soil samples may affect the outcome of biological measurements. In Mediterranean regions, for much of the year ‘field moist’ surface soil can have water content similar to that of air-dry samples. The objectives of this study were to: (1) determine the sensitivity of a range of enzyme assays to detect the degree of pollution from a heavy metal mine spill; (2) evaluate rewetting field-dry soil as a pre-treatment for enzyme assays; and (3) test multivariate analysis for improving discrimination between polluted, reclaimed and non-polluted soils. The Aznalcóllar mining effluent spill provided a unique opportunity to address these objectives. This accident released toxic, heavy metal-contaminated (As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Pb, Tl, Zn…) and acid tailings into the Guadiamar watershed (SW Spain) in 1998, severely affecting the riparian zone along more than 4000 ha. Contaminated soils were collected from the highly polluted upper watershed and less polluted lower watershed along with reclaimed soil at both sites. Enzyme activities (phosphatases, arylsulfatase, β-glucosidase, urease and dehydrogenase) were assessed on both field-moist samples and soils rewetted to 80% of water-holding capacity and then incubated at 21 °C for 7 d prior to the assay. The reclaimed soils had higher activities than polluted soils but, typically, 1.5-3 times lower levels of activity than the non-polluted soil. Regardless of the moisture pre-treatment, all enzymes showed significant effects due to pollution, with urease and β-glucosidase showing the greatest discrimination between degrees of contamination. In general, rewetting field-dried soils increased activities on non-polluted and reclaimed soils which improved discrimination with polluted soils. Another method to increase the potential of soil enzyme activities to detect soil contamination could be to combine them in multivariate analysis, which provides a more holistic representation of the biochemical and microbial functionality of a soil.  相似文献   

贮藏条件对糙米水分变化的影响规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨贮藏条件对糙米含水率随时间变化规律,以环境温度和相对湿度为影响因素,采用全因素组合试验方法设计试验,应用静力学法进行了试验研究。利用SAS软件处理试验结果,建立了贮藏环境温度和相对湿度对糙米含水率随时间变化影响规律的数学模型,经检验方程显著性水平小于0.001。研究结果表明,贮藏过程中的环境温度和相对湿度对糙米含水率的变化影响显著,所建立的数学模型可以描述和预测糙米含水率在贮藏仓内的变化规律,指导糙米加工及安全贮藏。  相似文献   

Methane consumption by temperate forest soils is a major sink for this important greenhouse gas, but little is known about how tree species influence CH4 uptake by soils. Here, we show that six common tree species in Siberian boreal and temperate forests significantly affect potential CH4 consumption in laboratory microcosms. Overall, soils under hardwood species (aspen and birch) consumed CH4 at higher rates than soils under coniferous species and grassland. While NH4+ addition often reduces CH4 uptake, we found no effect of NH4+ addition, possibly because of the relatively high ratio of CH4-to-NH4+ in our incubations. The effects of soil moisture strongly depended on plant species. An increase in soil moisture enhanced CH4 consumption in soils under spruce but had the opposite effect under Scots pine and larch. Under other species, soil moisture did not affect CH4 consumption. These results could be explained by specific responses of different groups of CH4-oxidizing bacteria to elevated moisture.  相似文献   

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