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果树晚霜冻害调查及预防补救措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2004年4月23日山东胶东地区发生霜冻后,笔者在招远、栖霞、莱州、蓬莱、牟平、海阳和平度等地作了大量调查,会同气象部门和有关专家,分析总结霜冻发生规律,提出预防和补救意见,以供专业人员和果农在生产中参考。1霜冻情况调查1.1降温时间和幅度受南下冷空气影响,2004年4月23日晚上8点到24日凌晨6点,胶东烟台范围内发生了仅次于“2002年4月25日”的低温霜冻。全市多数果园普遍遭受冻害。低温持续8~10个小时。本次寒流冷气,来势迅猛,气温由白天中午的21℃下降到晚上的-2~-4℃,降幅超过20℃。1.2冻害类型本次冻害为平流霜冻 辐射霜冻,二者混… 相似文献
受气候影响,小五台周边葡萄会发生不同程度的冻害。本文论述了葡萄冻害的原因及症状,并从水肥管理、修枝、病虫害防治等方面介绍了葡萄遭受冻害后的补救措施。 相似文献
<正>在我国北方部分果区及其它小气候区域,葡萄萌芽后往往会遇到晚霜,轻者使新梢梢尖发生冻害,重者则使新梢、叶片及花序发生冻害,影响当年树体生长及葡萄产量。其中影响较大的是红提葡 相似文献
春季晚霜冻害对葡萄生产的影响及建议 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
调查了近年来葡萄晚霜冻害的情况,利用桓台县气象局及相邻县站有关气温,地温的条件,分析了气象条件与灾害的关系,指出温度降幅大而突然,即使降温至5℃,也会导致冻害发生,并提出避免和减轻晚霜冻害的建议。 相似文献
葡萄越冬防寒及受冻后的补救措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
冬季葡萄埋土防寒,可选在土壤封冻前进行。采取地面埋土防寒法、地下埋土防寒法和局部埋土防寒法等,能有效防止葡萄发生冻害。一旦发生冻害,可采取剪除受冻枝条和根,并及时扣塑料小拱棚,促使半死根群恢复生机,提高活根的吸收能力,进行补救。 相似文献
针对核桃容易遭受晚霜危害而制约生产的问题,对汾阳地区11个核桃品种进行物候期观察,选择避晚霜品种及授粉品种。结果表明:各品种间物候期差异较大,芽萌动期变异系数最大为4.6%,说明芽萌动的时间差异最大,雄花盛开期变异系数最小,为0.7%,说明雄花盛开期较为集中;11个核桃品种均为雄先型,其中礼品2号、清香、汾核7号、上宋6号、垂林5个品种花期不遇,相差4天以上,栽植时需要配授粉树;汾核4号、汾核5号、汾核6号、金薄丰、晋丰、西林3号6个品种花期相遇,可以自花授粉。清香和上宋6号,雌花盛开期均在5月,能避开晚霜危害,汾核系列、礼品2号雌花盛开期在4月底,一般能避开晚霜危害。 相似文献
【目的】探究亲本基因型对胚挽救的影响,从中选出无核葡萄新单株,为今后无核葡萄新品系的选育提供新材料。【方法】以8个无核葡萄品种为母本,以抗寒抗病的中国野生葡萄等做父本,围绕无核抗性的育种目标设计9个杂交组合,对杂种进行胚珠培养,成苗后进行温室移栽炼苗,并对后代进行杂种鉴定和辅助选择,最后移栽至大田。【结果】通过胚挽救技术获得32个胚挽救株系,394株幼苗。利用无核基因探针GLSP1、分子标记SCF27和SCC8对杂种株系进行分子标记检测,杂种株系中检测出无核特异性条带的分别为11、18、21个株系。其中有17个株系在SCF27和SCC8标记扩增下都出现了无核性状的特异性条带。综合3种标记对杂交子代株系的检测结果,有28个株系被初步确认为携带标记的无核株系。【结论】以‘火焰无核’‘爱神玫瑰’和‘无核白鸡心’为母本的组合成苗率相对较高,以‘底莱特’和‘红无籽露’为母本的组合具有较高的胚萌发率,较适宜做母本。在杂交育种时母本的选择起关键作用,父本对胚挽救的效果也会有一定影响。 相似文献
【目的】明确不同栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病空间分布型及其抽样技术。【方法】通过5种聚集度指数测定法判定了不同栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病各个流行时期的空间分布格局,利用Taylor幂法则和Iwao回归法分析病害聚集原因,采用Iwao回归法计算不同发病程度下的理论抽样数及序贯抽样数。【结果】露地栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病空间分布型在始发期为随机分布,在盛发期转为聚集分布,在衰退期转为均匀分布;而避雨栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病整个生长季空间分布型均为聚集分布。不同栽培条件下,在病害始发期至盛发期,病株间均表现为相互吸引,病株的空间分布为聚集的,且聚集强度随着病株密度的增加而升高,而在盛发期至衰退期,随着病株密度的增加,露地栽培个体群在田间由聚集分布转为均匀分布,避雨栽培个体群在田间则仍呈现聚集分布的格局。盛发期葡萄霜霉病聚集的原因是由病原菌本身的生物学特性和环境因素共同作用引起的。用Iwao理论抽样模型,计算出不同发病程度情况下所需的最适抽样数量,随着病情指数的增加,所需抽样数量递减。露地栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病序贯抽样模型为To(N)=0.450N±2.154 N,避雨栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病序贯抽样模型为To(N)=0.450N±2.102 N。【结论】露地和避雨栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病的空间分布格局存在一定差异,并对比分析了造成2者差异的原因。明确了不同栽培条件下葡萄霜霉病各个流行时期的最佳取样方式、最适抽样数量及指导田间防治的序贯抽样表。 相似文献
《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(4):461-471
In soilless cultures, fertiliser leaching is particularly large in spring, when fertilisation is applied during rainy periods. Therefore, a better knowledge of the N uptake periods and of the amount of N mobilised from the storage organs could improve fertilisation management during spring growth. Nitrogen allocation was studied for two consecutive years in Ligustrum ovalifolium L. These shrubs were cultivated in containers, fertilised (with or without 15N) in spring and autumn of the first year, and received either fertilisation or only tap water on the subsequent spring growth. Nitrogen assimilated in spring was preferentially allocated to the leaves whereas a large part of N assimilated in autumn was directly stored in the perennial organs, mainly in roots. During the subsequent spring period, N was mobilised from all perennial organs, with a proximity gradient, to sustain bud break and shoot growth. Nitrogen assimilated in autumn was preferentially used to sustain shoot growth, with a rate of 68% of its winter N content against 55% for N assimilated the previous spring. When plants were subjected to spring fertilisation, growth was initially sustained by N mobilisation before N assimilation resumption, but N mobilisation was 15% lower than in unfertilised plants. Overall results are discussed in terms of the improvement of the N-fertilisation efficiency relative to spring growth of ornamental shrubs cultivated in container. 相似文献
Chloroplast SSR (cpSSR) markers have demonstrated utility in studying genetic relationships. DNA sequence information of the chloroplast genome is necessary for the development of cpSSR primer pairs. To overcome this limitation, “consensus” primers have been developed to amplify the homologous regions in plants where chloroplast sequences are not available. However, 80% Pinus thunbergi and Nicotiana tabacum developed “consensus” primers tested with grapevine, olive and caper showed multi-locus patterns. The presence of multi-locus patterns requires the use of agarose gel electrophoresis followed from isolation and sequencing of the bands. Herein, a PCR-strategy is proposed to construct specific cpSSR primer pairs without genomic sequence information, giving single-band amplifications that can be directly sequenced. Twelve new specific cpSSR primer pairs were developed for Capparis spinosa L., Olea europea L. and Vitis vinifera L. PCR products were sequenced to confirm the presence of microsatellite sequences, and their transportability was tested on six V. vinifera cultivars. Both single-nucleotide polymorphisms and polymorphic cpSSR were observed in the six grapevine cultivars using the specific cpSSR primers. 相似文献
Tania San Pedro Rosa Peiró Carles Jiménez Antonio Olmos 《The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology》2018,93(1):19-25
In vitro culture represents a tool for the ex situ conservation of a high number of sanitised plants in a reduced space. However, the culture media and/or other growing conditions need to be optimised to minimising plant growth and storage cost. Growth on MW medium was evaluated in the commercial cultivars ‘Airén’, ‘Bobal’, ‘Chardonnay’, ‘Garnacha Blanca’, ‘Moscatel de Alejandría’, ‘Moscatel de Grano Menudo’, ‘Pedro Ximénez’, ‘Pinot Blanc’, ‘Pinot Gris’, ‘Sauvignon Blanc’, and ‘Tempranillo’; the minor cultivars ‘Chelva’, ‘Valencí Negre’, ‘Valencí Blanc’, and ‘Verdil’; and the endangered cv. ‘Esclafacherre’. Different growth rates were observed among cultivars: those with faster growth need to be subcultured every 1.5–2.0 months; those with the slowest growth every 3.5–4.0 months. The effect of halving the sucrose in MW reduced the growth of the cultivars that grew faster without compromising survival. When IBA was removed from MW, growth was also reduced in some cultivars. Therefore, small modifications of the MW composition are adequate for grapevine in vitro storage under standard incubation conditions. This is an advantage with respect to the change of temperature used in other work to achieve growth reduction, and allows the use of the same chamber for different in vitro culture procedures. 相似文献
山东省梨果产业现状与发展对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从栽培面积、产量、品种、结构、区域分布、采后商品化和市场营销等方面分析了山东省梨果产业现状,指出了存在的主要问题,提出了今后的发展对策。 相似文献