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A case control study was performed to identify risk factors for colic caused by simple colonic obstruction and distension (SCOD) in the horse. Case horses were recruited from 2 veterinary school clinics. Control horses were population based and matched by time of year. A number of risk factors were considered in the following areas: general carer and premises information; exercise information; husbandry information (housing- and pasture-related); feeding information; breeding information; behavioural information; travel information; preventive medicine information and previous medical information. All variables with a P value of <0.2 in the univariable analysis were considered for possible inclusion in a multivariable model. A final model, produced by a forward stepwise method, identified crib-biting or windsucking, an increasing number of hours spent in a stable, a recent change in a regular exercise programme, the absence of administration of an ivermectin or moxidectin anthelmintic in the previous 12 months and a history of travel in the previous 24 h as associated with a significantly increased risk of SCOD. An alternative final model, produced by a backwards elimination method, identified the same variables as the forward model with, in addition, a history of residing on the current establishment for less than 6 months, a history of a previous colic episode and the fewer times per year the teeth were checked/treated as associated with a significantly increased risk of SCOD. Three of the risk factors in this model were associated with a large increase in risk: stabling for 24 h/day, crib-biting/windsucking and travel in the previous 24 h.  相似文献   

Abdominal pain (colic) in the horse is one of the most acute problems facing equine practitioners. Several causes and risk factors are associated with colic. The current study evaluated the incidence and associated risk factors of colic during a 1-year evaluation in horse farms of Kerman, Iran. The study investigated age, sex, breed, anthelmintic control program, and nutritional status of 128 horses of four breeds on six farms that took part in the study. The mean incidence density rate of colic in the horse population was 8.6% (11/128) in a year. Crossbred horses had more chance of developing colic (P < .05). Horses between the ages of 2 and 10 years also had more risk of developing colic (P < .05). There was no significant difference between sexes (P < .05), and nutritional factors were the most associated risk factors in the cases under study.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Epiploic foramen entrapment (EFE) is a common cause of small intestinal strangulation in the horse and its epidemiology requires further investigation. OBJECTIVES: To identify horse- and management-level risk factors for EFE and to explore reasons for the apparent seasonality of this condition. HYPOTHESIS: Horses exhibiting certain behaviours and those exposed to particular management practices that vary seasonally are at increased risk of EFE. METHODS: A prospective unmatched, multicentre case-control study was conducted over 24 months in the UK. Data on 77 cases and 216 control horses were obtained from 9 collaborating clinics and logistic regression was used to identify associations between horse and management variables and the likelihood of EFE. RESULTS: In a final multivariable model crib-biting/windsucking behaviour was associated with the largest increase in likelihood of EFE. A history of colic in the previous 12 months, increased stabling in the previous 28 days and height of the horse also increased the likelihood of EFE. Horses with access to a mineral/salt lick, those easily frightened and horses not fed at the same time as others were at reduced risk of EFE. CONCLUSIONS: Horses exhibiting certain behaviours, those with a previous history of colic and horses of greater height appear to be at inherently greater risk of EFE. The increase in likelihood of EFE with increased duration of stabling may explain the apparent seasonality of this condition.  相似文献   

REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Epiploic foramen entrapment (EFE) is one of the most common causes of small intestinal strangulation in the horse. Identification of risk factors would generate hypotheses about causation and may suggest preventive strategies. HYPOTHESIS: Horses exhibiting certain behavioural patterns and those exposed to particular management practices are at increased risk of EFE. METHODS: A matched case-control study was conducted on EFE cases admitted to hospitals in the UK, Ireland and USA. Data on 109 cases and 310 control horses were obtained by telephone questionnaire and conditional logistic regression was used to identify associations between horse- and management-level variables and the risk of EFE. RESULTS: Crib-biting/windsucking behaviour was strongly associated with increased risk of EFE (OR 67.3, 95%CI 15.3-296.5). A history of colic in the previous 12 months (OR 4.4, 95%CI 1.5-12.7) and horses of greater height (OR/cm 1.05, 95%CI 1.01-1.08) were also at increased risk. The person(s) responsible for horses' daily care (nonowner/relative/spouse OR 5.5, 95%CI 2.3-13.3) and a number of behavioural features, including response to a stimulus causing fright (easily frightened OR 0.4, 95%CI 0.1-1.0) or excitement (sweats up easily/occasionally OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.1-0.8), reaction to their surroundings (inquisitive OR 0.4, 95%CI 0.2-0.8) and feeding behaviour when stressed (goes off food in full/part OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.1-1.0) were also associated with altered risk of EFE. CONCLUSIONS: The association between horses of greater height and those with a previous history of colic and increased risk of EFE suggests that some horses may be inherently predisposed to EFE. Furthermore, a behavioural pattern has been characterised that is common to horses at increased risk of EFE. Further research is required to investigate the causal pathway linking behavioural traits with gastrointestinal dysfunction and to determine whether behavioural modification reduces the risk of EFE. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The findings of the present study have relevance to horses in the UK, Ireland and USA.  相似文献   

A case control study on farm level was conducted at the Clinic for Ruminants, LMU Munich, to identify possible risk factors associated with the observed increase in numbers of calves showing clinical signs of Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) since 2006 in southern Germany. Interviews were conducted between August 2008 and June 2010. The characteristics of 56 dairy farms with at least one confirmed case of BNP (thrombocytopenia and leukocytopenia and/or typical findings in post-mortem examination and bone marrow histology) were compared with those of two sets of 50 control dairy farms each, with no history of BNP. The first set of 50 control farms was selected randomly from veterinary practices which had never observed a BNP case on the farms they serviced. The second set of 50 control farms was matched by the veterinary practices which had provided case farms. Two separate analyses were conducted: (1) case farms (n=56) vs. randomly selected control farms (n=50) and (2) case farms (n=56) vs. a matched set of control farms (n=50). All variables with p<0.2 in the univariable analysis were included in stepwise logistic regression models. In the first analysis, only the use of PregSure(?) BVD vaccine was positively associated with BNP with an odds ratio of 1292 (95% CI: 114-14707). In the second analysis, conditional logistic regression models did not converge, therefore non-conditional logistic regression models were conducted. In the non-conditional analysis five variables remained in the model, three of which were negatively associated with BNP: the use of vitamin E and selenium, the frequent use of mastitis tubes, and the use of stem growth regulators in grain production. The use of prophylactic measures (such as control of parasites or vaccination of calves against respiratory disease) was positively associated with BNP with an odds ratio of 14.3 as well as the use of PregSure(?) BVD vaccine with an odds ratio of 426 (95% CI: 20-9095).  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Equine fatalities during racing continue to be a major welfare concern and falls at fences are responsible for a proportion of all equine fatalities recorded on racecourses. OBJECTIVES: To identify and quantify risk factors for horse falls in National Hunt (NH) racing and to report the frequency of falling and falling-associated fatalities. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted on 2879 horse starts in hurdle and steeplechase races on 6 UK racecourses. Any horse that suffered a fall at a steeplechase or hurdle fence during the race was defined as a case. Data were obtained by interview and observations in the parade ring and from commercial databases. Multivariable logistic regression models, allowing for clustering at the level of the track, were used to identify the relationship between variables and the risk of falling. RESULTS: There were 124 falling cases (32 in hurdling and 92 in steeplechasing) identified. The injury risk of fallers was 8.9% and fatality risk 6.5%. Duration of journey to the racecourse, behaviour in the parade ring and weather at the time of the race were associated with falling in both hurdle and steeplechase racing. Age, amount of rainfall and going were also associated with falling in steeplechase racing. CONCLUSIONS: Falls at fences are significant contributors to equine fatalities during NH racing. Potentially modifiable risk factors identified were the condition of track surfaces and journey time to the racecourse. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: It is hoped that information from this study may be used in future interventions to improve horse and jockey safety in racing. The study has also identified areas requiring further research, such as equine behaviour and its effect on racing performance, and the effect of light conditions on jumping ability.  相似文献   

Many causal hypotheses for acute equine abdominal disease (colic) have been proposed. However, few epidemiologic studies have been undertaken to identify risk factors for the syndrome. Risk factors for equine colic were identified using a hospital-based, multi-center, case-control study. Horses admitted with abdominal pain to Cornell, Guelph, Ohio State, Pennsylvania or Tufts university veterinary hospitals between March and December 1991 were selected. Control horses were randomly selected from a list of all other non-colic admissions. The person(s) responsible for the day-to-day care of the horse completed a telephone questionnaire. Risk factors were identified using multivariable logistic regression analysis.

A total of 406 colic and 406 control horses were used in the final analysis. Age, breed, outdoor access (pasture or drylot), outdoor water supply, use of a daily worming product, amount of concentrates and whole-grain corn consumed, type of person responsible for the day-to-day care of the horse and previous colic history were all significantly associated with colic risk. Arabian horses were more than twice as likely to be colic cases (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.0–3.9), whereas Standardbred horses were nearly half as likely (OR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.4–1.0) to be colic cases compared with the comparison Thoroughbred group. Horses that had access to outdoor enclosures without a continuous supply of water were more than twice as likely (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.2–4.3) to be colic cases compared with horses that had an adequate supply of water on outside enclosures. The use of a daily worming product for at least 60 days during the 12-month period prior to presentation was associated with a significantly lower colic risk (OR = 0.11, 95% CI = 0.02–0.55). Colic risk increased with greater consumption of whole-grain corn; however, when all non-roughage concentrate feeds were combined, colic risk decreased with increased intake of concentrates. Significant interactions were identified between age and drylot use and between the type of care-person responsible for the day-to-day care of the horse (owner or non-owner) and previous colic history.

The findings of this study illustrate the complex multi-factorial nature of equine colic and point towards the importance of the overall quality of stable management and care, as well as the type of outdoor enclosure (pasture or drylot), water access, carbohydrate intake, parasite control and intrinsic (breed-related) factors.  相似文献   

Between March 1, 2000 and August 31, 2001, a case-control study was conducted on 12 racecourses in England and Wales to identify and quantify the risk factors associated with horse falls in hurdle races. The cases and controls were defined so that variables relating to the horse, the jockey, the race and racecourse, and the jump could be considered. The cases were defined as a jumping effort at a hurdle flight that resulted in a fall, and the controls were defined as a successful jump over a hurdle at any of the 12 racecourses within 14 days before or after the case fall. Conditional logistic regression was used to examine the univariable and multivariable relationships between the predictor variables and the risk of falling. The risk of falling was significantly associated with the position of the jump in the race, and with the distance and speed of the race. A horse's previous racing experience and history were also significantly associated with the risk of falling and horses participating in their first hurdle race were at almost five times greater risk of falling than horses that had hurdled before.  相似文献   

The study set out to explore risk factors for Salmonella infection in pigs, based on seroprevalence amongst slaughtered pigs, using a large study population of holdings and a comprehensive list of farm characteristics. Farm data were collected from pig quality assurance schemes and supplemented by a postal questionnaire. These data were used with meat juice serology results from ongoing abattoir Salmonella surveillance, for a multivariable risk factor analysis, modelling the ELISA sample to positive ratio directly (ELISA ratio). The study population contained 566 farms, covering a geographically representative spread of farms within the United Kingdom, with a mean average of 224 sample results per holding over a 4-year period. The model highlighted that temporal factors (quarterly and yearly cycles) and monthly meteorological summaries for rainfall, sunshine and temperature were associated with Salmonella presence (P < 0.01). The ELISA ratio was found to be highest in autumn and lowest in spring and summer, whereas yearly averages showed a greater degree of variation than seasonal. Two feed variables (homemix and barley) were found to be protective factors, as was a conventional, rather than organic or freedom foods, farm enterprise type. The number of annual pig deliveries and dead stock collections, and the main cause of pig mortality on the farm were found to be associated with Salmonella infection. Scottish farms had a lower ELISA ratio than other regions, and an increased number of pig farms within a 10-km radius was associated with a higher ELISA ratio. The study demonstrated that the analysis of routinely collected data from surveillance and quality assurance schemes was cost-effective, with sufficient power to detect modest associations between Salmonella and exposure variables. The model results can be used to inform on-farm Salmonella control policies and could target-specific geographical regions and seasons to assist the efficiency of surveillance.  相似文献   

The records of 496 orthopaedic operations on 428 horses were reviewed to estimate the prevalence of, and identify the risk factors for, the development of colic in horses after surgery. Colic was defined as any recognised sign of abdominal pain that could not be attributed to a concurrent disease. Fourteen of the horses developed colic; eight of them were undiagnosed, three were classified as impactions, one as tympanic colic of the colon, one as incarceration of the small intestine in the epiploic foramen, and one as left dorsal displacement of the colon in the nephrosplenic space. Morphine was associated with a four-fold increased risk of colic compared with the use of no opioid or butorphanol, and out-of-hours surgery was also associated with an increased risk.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: It has been suggested that the rate of post operative abdominal adhesions in miniature horses is higher than that for other breeds. However, few reports exist in the veterinary literature describing complications and long-term survival following surgical treatment of colic in these horses. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of surgical lesions in miniature horses with acute abdominal disease in terms of clinical signs, surgical management, post operative treatment and complications, as well as short- and long-term survival. METHODS: Medical records of 57 American Miniature Horses undergoing surgical treatment for acute abdominal pain at the Michigan State University Large Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital 1993-2006 were evaluated for clinical information. Owners and trainers were contacted to gain information regarding long-term survival. RESULTS: The most common surgical lesion was a faecalith (38/57 cases) located primarily within the descending colon and most frequently diagnosed in horses age <6 months (19/38 cases). Short-term survival to hospital discharge for horses recovered from anaesthesia was 98% (55/56) with the most common post operative complications being diarrhoea and inappetance. Intra-abdominal adhesions were identified in 2/8 horses requiring a second celiotomy. Long-term follow-up was available for 45 horses and 87% (39/45) were alive at least 12 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: As previously reported, faecalith obstruction is a frequent surgical lesion in the miniature horse and is most common in miniature horses age <6 months. The incidence of adhesion formation may be lower than previously reported.  相似文献   

This report presents a summary of the pilot Petsavers Companion Animal Disease Surveillance study that was initiated by the BSAVA to investigate the feasibility of veterinarians in practice collecting surveillance data from animals presented for treatment or routine procedures. Fifteen practices collected data using a standard questionnaire on up to four days over a period from July 2000 to April 2001. A total of 2631 questionnaires relating to first consultations were completed. There were errors in filling in the questionnaires and errors in data entry at a level that is standard for this type of data collection procedure. Some questions had a 30 per cent non-response rate. Approximately 60 per cent of the questionnaires contained data on dogs and 33 per cent on cats; other species were covered in the remaining 7 per cent of questionnaires. No questionnaires were returned for fish. Further analysis of the questionnaires indicated that 75 per cent of the dogs presented were pedigree, with 132 breeds listed, and 25 per cent were crossbreeds. The commonest disease group presented was ear disease: 4 per cent of dogs had one of five ear conditions. The conclusion from this pilot study is that a more robust technique for collection and preparation of data, that is less time consuming and more accurate, is required.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Dental disease has been shown to be a risk factor for weight loss and colic in horses. No extensive clinical studies in donkeys have investigated the potential relationship between different dental disorders, or between dental disease and systemic disorders. Objectives: To determine possible associations between dental disease and body condition score, weight loss, the need for supplemental feeding and prevalence of colic in donkeys of all ages, and to gain a better understanding of the pathogenesis of dental disease by the determination of associations between different dental disorders. Methods: A prospective cross‐sectional analysis of clinical dental examinations of 357 donkeys in The Donkey Sanctuary, Sidmouth was performed. Other epidemiological factors such as estimated age group, body condition score, weight loss, medical history and supplemental feeding were also recorded, and multiple regression analyses were performed to determine possible associations. Results: Donkeys from older age groups were more likely to have dental disease, poor body condition score and suffered previous colic episodes. The presence of dental disease was also significantly associated with weight loss, colic, low body condition score and the need for supplemental feeding. The presence of diastemata, periodontal disease, wave mouth, smooth mouth and step mouth are frequently associated with the presence of other dental disorders. Conclusions: In addition to oral‐related pain, dental disease can cause significant systemic disorders and so has increased welfare implications in donkeys. Some dental disorders promote the development of other types of dental abnormalities and thus increase the severity of dental disease in individual animals. Potential significance: Effective treatment of dental disorders slows down the progression of dental disease and decreases the risk of developing some medical disorders such as colic and weight loss that are associated with dental disease.  相似文献   

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