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A collaborative study was conducted to determine the insoluble dietary fiber (IDF), soluble dietary fiber (SDF), and total dietary fiber (TDF) content of food and food products by using a combination of enzymatic and gravimetric procedures. The method was basically the same as that developed for TDF only, which was adopted official final action by AOAC, except for changing the concentration of buffer and base and substituting hydrochloric acid for phosphoric acid. These changes were made to improve the robustness of the method. Duplicate blind samples of soy isolate, white wheat flour, rye bread, potatoes, rice, corn bran, oats, Fabulous Fiber, wheat bran, and a high fiber cereal were analyzed by 13 collaborators. Dietary fiber values (IDF, SDF, and TDF) were calculated as the weight of residue minus the weight of protein and ash. The coefficients of variation (CVs) of both the independent TDF determination and the sum of IDF and SDF were better than 15 and 18%, respectively, with the exception of rice and soy isolate. These 2 foods, however, contained only about 1% TDF. The CVs of the IDF were equally good, except for Fabulous Fiber, for which filtration problems occurred. The CVs for the SDF were somewhat high, but these products had very low SDF content. There was excellent agreement between the TDF determined independently and the TDF determined by summing the IDF and SDF. The method for separate determination of IDF and SDF requires further study. The modifications (changes in concentration of buffer and base and the use of hydrochloric acid instead of phosphoric acid) to the official final action method for TDF have been adopted.  相似文献   

Total dietary fiber was determined in Japanese foods by the Prosky-AOAC method. To accomplish the analyses of unsuitable samples, we introduced a few minor modifications to the versions for (i) seaweed and fruits, (ii) cereals, and (iii) fish and meats. These modified methods were used together with the standard method to obtain results with reasonably good relative standard deviation for 231 foods and 21 groups of mixed foods. In this study, dietary fiber was defined so as not to exclude the nondigestible polysaccharide portions of animal foods. A method was proposed which could estimate more accurately the fiber components of animal foods by measuring the "nondigestible protein" of the fiber sample of the fiber sample by the Biuret colorimetric method, instead of the Kjeldahl method, to avoid deducting the values for aminopolysaccharides. In Japanese diets, the amount of fiber obtained from animals foods was less than 5% of the total intake of dietary fiber.  相似文献   

Near-infrared reflectance spectra of cereal food products were acquired with a commercial dual-diode-array (Si, InGaAs) spectrometer customized to allow rapid acquisition of scans of intact breakfast cereals, snack foods, whole grains, and milled products. Substantial gains in the performance of multivariate calibration models generated from these data were obtained by a computational strategy that systematically analyzed the performance of various spectral windows. The calibration model based on 137 cereal food products determined the total dietary fiber (TDF) content of a test set of 45 intact diverse cereal food products with root-mean-squared error of cross-validation of between 1.8 and 2.0% TDF, relative to the laborious enzymatic-gravimetric reference method. The calibration performance is adequate to estimate TDF over the range of values found in diverse types of cereal food products (0.7-50.1%). The method requires no sample preparation and is relatively unaffected by specimen moisture content.  相似文献   

Samples of 4 foods, 1 animal feed, isolated soy protein, and beta-lactoglobulin were analyzed by 9 laboratories to determine concentrations of cysteine as cysteic acid, methionine as methionine sulfone, and tryptophan. Sulfur amino acids were determined by AOAC method 43.A08-43.A13 for food and feed ingredients, in which samples are oxidized with performic acid before protein hydrolysis with 6N HCl. Tryptophan was determined after protein hydrolysis with 4.2N NaOH. In both methods, free amino acids were separated by ion-exchange or reverse-phase chromatography. Each laboratory was provided with detailed methods and with sealed vials containing solutions of standards. Samples were analyzed in duplicate, and variation between laboratories was determined. Coefficients of variation between laboratories for the 6 samples ranged from 5.50 to 11.8% for methionine as methionine sulfoxide, 8.59 to 17.3% for cysteine as cysteic acid, and 3.87 to 16.1% for tryptophan. Amino acid recoveries were determined by analysis of beta-lactoglobulin and were based on expected levels of each amino acid obtained from amino acid sequence data. The mean recovery of cysteine was 97% with a range of 88-119%. For methionine, mean recovery was 98% (range 89-115%) and for tryptophan, 85% (range 59-102%). Method 43.A08-43.A13 for food and feed ingredients has been adopted official first action for determination of cysteine and methionine in processed foods. The alkaline hydrolysis method has been adopted official first action for determination of tryptophan in foods and food and feed ingredients.  相似文献   

A simplified method, based on the same principles as the AOAC enzymatic-gravimetric method for determining total dietary fiber (TDF) (43.A14-43.A20), has been tested on 12 food samples which had been used in other collaborative studies. TDF values obtained in our laboratory for these 2 methods were in good agreement (y = 0.96x + 0.39; r = 0.999). The simplified method uses a single incubation period and only 1 enzyme (amyloglucosidase), and thus yields smaller blank and ash corrections but a higher protein correction.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted comparing a semiautomated riboflavin method with a manual riboflavin method for 10 food products. Six laboratories provided results from the semiautomated method and 16 laboratories used the manual technique. The semiautomated method was more repeatable within a laboratory than was the manual method. The semiautomated method results compared favorably with the manual method for all 10 products.  相似文献   

A rehydratable dry-film plating procedure for aerobic plate counts has been compared to the standard agar plate method (966.23B and C, 15th ed.; 46.014-46.015, 14th ed.) in a collaborative study by 12 laboratories. Each laboratory analyzed the normal microflora of 3 samples in duplicate for 6 products. The aerobic plate counts ranged from 1.0 x 10(3) to 1.0 x 10(8) cfu/g. The products were flour, nuts, frozen raw shrimp, spice, frozen raw ground turkey, and frozen and refrigerated vegetables. Repeatability standard deviations of the 2 methods did not differ significantly for 13 of 18 test samples. For 1 shrimp and 2 turkey samples, the dry-film method had lower repeatability variances (P less than 0.05) and for 1 spice sample the agar method had lower repeatability variances (P less than 0.05). Relative standard deviations of repeatability were between 1.7 and 15.5% for the dry-film method and 1.2 and 16.0% for the agar method. Relative standard deviations of reproducibility ranged from 2.4 to 23.4% for the dry-film method and 2.3 to 18.8% for the agar method. The dry rehydratable film method has been adopted official first action for determination of the aerobic plate count.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted comparing a semiautomated colorimetric niacin method with a manual colorimetric and a microbiological method for 10 food products. Seven laboratories used the microbiological method, 7 laboratories used the manual colorimetric method, and 6 laboratories used the semiautomated method. The semiautomated method was more repeatable within a laboratory and more reproducible between laboratories than was either of the other methods. The semiautomated method results compared favorably with both the microbiological and manual colorimetric method results.  相似文献   

Rehydratable dry-film plating methods for total coliforms and Escherichia coli in foods have been compared to the AOAC most probable number methods. Fourteen laboratories participated in the collaborative study. Three coliform and E. coli levels in 6 samples of 4 product types (flour, nuts, cheese, and beef with gravy) and in 3 samples of 2 product types (mushrooms and raw turkey) were tested in duplicate by the participants. The mean log counts for the 3 methods were comparable. In general, the repeatability and reproducibility variances of the plating methods were as good as or better than that of the MPN method. The method has been adopted official first action by AOAC.  相似文献   

The use of near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy for the rapid and accurate measurement of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber was explored in a diverse group of cereal products. Ground samples were analyzed for soluble and insoluble dietary fiber (AOAC Method 991.43) and scanned (NIRSystems 6500 monochromator) to obtain NIR spectra. Modified PLS models were developed to predict insoluble and soluble dietary fiber using data sets expanded to include products with high fat and high sugar contents. The models predicted insoluble dietary fiber accurately with an SECV of 1.54% and an R(2) of 0.98 (AOAC determined range of 0-48.77%) and soluble dietary fiber less accurately with an SECV of 1.15% and an R(2) of 0.82 (AOAC determined range of 0-13.84%). Prediction of independent validation samples by the soluble fiber model resulted in a bias that may be related to the way the reference method treats samples with different soluble fiber constituents. The insoluble fiber model can be used to rapidly monitor insoluble dietary fiber in cereal products for nutrition labeling.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted in 15 laboratories to evaluate 2 different techniques for enumerating Bacillus cereus in foods. A direct plating technique using mannitol-egg yolk-poly-myxin agar and a most probable number (MPN) technique using trypticase-soy-polymyxin broth were compared for the enumeration of high and low populations of B. cereus in mashed potatoes. The collaborative results showed that the overall mean recovery obtained with the low population level was essentially the same by both techniques. However, the overall mean recovery was significantly higher by the direct plating technique at the high population level. A statistical evaluation of the data also showed that the direct plating technique had better repeatability and reproducibility than did the MPN technique at both the high and low population levels. These results suggest that the MPN technique is suitable for examining foods containing low populations of B. cereus, but that the direct plating technique is preferable for foods that contain a high population of this organism. The confirmatory technique used in the proposed method is reliable for presumptive identification of isolates as B. cereus. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatographic (LC) method for determination of total sulfite in foods and beverages by alkali extraction followed by ion exclusion chromatographic separation and electrochemical detection (IEC-EC) was collaboratively studied by 9 laboratories. Blind duplicate samples of starch, diluted lemon juice, wine cooler, dehydrated seafood, and instant mashed potatoes were analyzed without spiking and with added sulfite at 2 levels. The initial sulfite levels varied from 0 to 384 ppm SO2, and the levels added varied from 10 to 400 ppm. The initial sulfite levels determined by the IEC-EC method and the Monier-Williams method were in good agreement. Recovery of added sulfite by the IEC-EC method was generally higher than that by the Monier-Williams method. Within-laboratory repeatability (RSDr) for the IEC-EC method varied from 4.4 to 26.0%, and overall reproducibility (RSDR) varied from 8.5 to 39.3%. The collaborators found the method to be fast, sensitive, and easy to use, which makes it a useful alternative to the Monier-Williams method. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric method for the determination of cyclamate was collaboratively studied in 9 laboratories. Ethyl acetate is added to extract cyclamate from acidic aqueous solution into water, and the cyclamate is then quantitatively converted to N,N-dichlorocyclohexylamine by adding excess hypochlorite. N,N-Dichlorocyclohexylamine is determined by measuring its UV absorption at 314 nm. Six samples, 3 soft drinks with cyclamate levels of 0.36-0.47 g/kg and 3 jams with levels of 1.23-1.50 g/kg, were included in the study. Average recoveries of cyclamate were 99.7% in the soft drinks and 103.8% in the jams. Reproducibility coefficients of variation were 6.7% for the soft drinks and 4.4% for the jams.  相似文献   

A gravimetric method for the determination of ash was collaboratively studied in 14 laboratories. The food is ashed at 550 degrees C to constant weight and the ash is determined by weighing. Seven samples of various food commodities with estimated ash contents varying between low and high (0.07-8.0 g/100 g) were included in the study. The relative standard deviations for reproducibility varied, ranging from 1.0 and 1.3 for ash contents of 7.2 and 8.0 g/100 g, to 11 +/- 1% for low ash contents of 0.07 and 0.27 g/100 g.  相似文献   

Samples of green beans, applesauce, and a fruit juice were fortified with tin at 3 levels. Collaborators were asked to digest the samples, using HNO3-H2SO4, add methanol to enhance the absorption signal, and aspirate directly, using a nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. Results were received from 8 laboratories including 4 from Europe. However, only 6 laboratories used the prescribed methodology. All results were considered acceptable. The method has been adopted as interim official first action.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was conducted to determine the standard error of difference among laboratories for near-infrared reflectance spectroscopic (NIRS) determination of acid-detergent fiber (ADF) and crude protein in forages. The 6 participating laboratories were members of the USDA/ARS National Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Forage Research Project. The NIRS calibration equations were developed in the Associate Referee's laboratory for crude protein and ADF and were transferred to the instrument in each of the other collaborating laboratories. The calibration set included over 650 diverse forage samples with crude protein and ADF calibration data; the validation set included 94 samples of bermudagrass. Among-laboratory reproducibility for the NIRS method, calculated as the relative standard deviation for reproducibility (RSDR), was 1.14% for ADF and 0.42% for crude protein. The variance component for among-laboratory variation (coefficient of variation) was 2.54% for ADF and 2.89% for crude protein. These results confirm that it is possible to calibrate, validate, and transfer (NIRS) equations and data among laboratories for the accurate determination of ADF and crude protein, and thereby demonstrate that NIRS can be used as a standard method for the analysis of forages. The method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Ten laboratories participated in a collaborative study to compare the pectin-based plate count (PC) Redigel method with the aerobic plate count and standard plate count agar-based standard methods for the estimation of total bacterial counts in 9 different nondairy food and dairy food products. The foods were cream, homogenized milk, raw milk, cheese, raw chicken, raw oysters, frozen broccoli, flour, and spices. Each laboratory analyzed 6 samples (3 sample pairs) of each food group. Counts obtained by the pectin-based plate count and agar-based plate count methods differed significantly (P less than 0.05) only for homogenized milk, where the pectin gel method resulted in higher counts. The actual counts were higher in the pectin gel method in 8 of the 9 food groups. The log means for pectin gel and agar-based media, respectively, for the 9 food groups were: cream 8.106 and 7.844; homogenized milk 8.642 and 8.231; raw milk 8.711 and 8.423; chicken 7.654 and 7.645; oysters 7.201 and 7.180; broccoli 7.102 and 6.798; cheese 8.045 and 8.055; flour 4.112 and 3.988; spice 5.379 and 5.314. The repeatability standard deviations favored the pectin gel method in 6 of the 9 foods tested. The reproducibility standard deviations favored the pectin gel method in 7 of the 9 foods tested. These results strongly support the suitability of the pectin gel method as an alternative to agar-based plate count and other methods for total bacterial counts in nondairy and dairy food products. The pectin gel method has been adopted official first action.  相似文献   

Twenty-four laboratories participated in a collaborative study to validate a hydrophobic grid membrane filter (HGMF) method incorporating the use of 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide (MUG) for enumeration of total coliform and Escherichia coli bacteria in foods by comparing its performance against the AOAC 3-tube MPN method (46.013-46.016). Raw milk, raw ground poultry, whole egg powder, cheese powder, and ground black pepper were included in the study. The total coliform methods did not differ significantly, except that the 3-tube method detected a significantly higher level of total coliforms than did the HGMF method in the ground black pepper. Conversely, the HGMF/MUG E. coli method detected significantly higher numbers of E. coli present in the egg powder, cheese powder, and ground black pepper samples, while not differing significantly from the 3-tube method for the raw milk and raw ground poultry samples. The overall confirmation rate of MUG-positive colonies isolated using the HGMF method was 99.5%. The hydrophobic grid membrane filter/MUG method has been adopted official first action as an additional method to AOAC official final action method 46.030-46.034.  相似文献   

A collaborative study was performed in 15 laboratories to validate a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for determination of gluten in foods. The study included 13 samples: maize starch, "gluten-free" baking mixes, wheat flours, cookies, cooked meats, and a soup. Gluten was present in these samples at either zero or 0.02 to 10% by weight, i.e., over almost 3 orders of magnitude. The mean assay values for the foods varied from 88 to 105% of the actual amounts. The assay was quantitative for cereal products and the soup with repeatability (RDS-r, relative standard deviation) and reproducibility (RSD-R) of 16-22% and 24-33%, respectively. The assay was semiquantitative for the processed meat products (RSD-r 14 and 26% and RSD-R 46 and 56%), probably because gluten was unevenly distributed in the small (1 g) samples that were analyzed. The ELISA method produced no false positive results, and false negatives obtained with tannin-containing foods could be avoided by use of a modified sample extractant. None of the collaborators reported problems in following the protocol. The method has been adopted official first action by AOAC for determination of wheat gluten in foods.  相似文献   

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