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叶刚  李英伦  龚雪 《四川畜牧兽医》2006,33(5):22-22,24
为研究复合型透皮促进剂对自制“乳炎克”的体外渗透作用,我们以奶牛乳房皮肤为试验屏障。小檗碱为检测指标,观察了氮酮、油酸、丙二醇、薄荷4种透皮吸收促进荆的促渗效果。  相似文献   

随着药物制剂研究的不断发展,安全可控的经皮给药方式在临床应用中发挥着越来越重要的作用。经皮给药方式较传统的口服给药和注射给药具有无肝首过效应、血药浓度持久可控、减少给药次数、临床给药方便等优点,有着更广阔的应用空间。论文根据近年来有关经皮给药制剂的相关文献,就经皮给药新载体及促渗技术进行综述,并对目前经皮给药应用存在的问题进行分析,以期为经皮给药制剂的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

“乳炎康”复方中草药透皮搽剂的临床治疗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验通过测定乳房炎患牛乳汁中体细胞数的降低幅度和产奶量的提高率来考察"乳炎康"复方中草药透皮搽剂对隐性乳房炎的治疗作用。每天用药一次,搽患病乳房基部,连续用药1周,第1次用药后15d,试验组牛乳中体细胞数明显下降,基本达到正常水平,下降率为64.57%,且在之后的一段时间内维持在一个稳定的水平;对照组牛乳中体细胞数一直处于较高水平,与实验组比较,差异显著。通过对试验期间两组牛总产奶量的测定,结果显示复方透皮剂对产奶量有较好的提高作用,试验组提高4.4%~9.2%;而对照组产奶量下降4.2%~15.8%。复方透皮剂对临床型奶牛乳房炎的治疗试验显示:11%的牛用药1~2d治愈,78%的牛3~5d用药治愈,5d的总治愈率为88.9%。  相似文献   

中兽药复方涂膜剂乳炎清体外透皮效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价中兽药复方涂膜剂乳炎清于奶牛乳房皮肤的透皮效果。方法:以中兽药复方涂膜剂乳炎清中绿原酸成分为标记物,运用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定透过液中绿原酸的含量,评价中兽药复方涂膜剂乳炎清中绿原酸透过皮肤的动力学特征。结果:动力学曲线类似零级动力学,说明乳炎清涂膜剂具有维持恒定的血药浓度或药理效应、延长作用时间等优点。结论:中兽药复方涂膜剂乳炎清对奶牛乳房皮肤具有一定的透皮效果。  相似文献   

促渗剂促进药物透皮吸收机理的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了促渗剂促进药物透皮吸收机理的研究概况,着重介绍了氮酮、油酸和萜烯等常用促渗剂的促渗机理研究进展,并提出透皮吸收机理研究发展趋势,为该领域进一步深入研究提供参考.  相似文献   

中药透皮吸收的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中药透皮吸收因无首过清除、血药浓度稳定等优点已成为经皮给药研究的热点和重点之一,与此相应的透皮吸收促渗剂、促渗方法也取得较大的发展.本文介绍了中药透皮吸收机理、透皮吸收药物的研究现状及促渗剂和促渗方法研究,简要分析了中药透皮吸收中存在的问题.  相似文献   

公英乳康涂膜剂对奶牛临床型乳房炎的疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床型乳房炎祖国兽医学称为乳痈,多因挤奶不当和环境卫生不良等原因导致乳头损伤,病原微生物经乳头管或伤口入侵,使乳络阻滞而成其患。长期以来其治疗以抗生素为主,病原体产生了严重的耐药性,不但使疗效降低,而且乳汁中的抗生素残留影响食品卫生,严重危害人类健康。我国加入WTO后对乳产品质量要求进一步严格,因此,选用无毒、无公害、无残留、细菌不易产生耐药的中草药制剂来治疗奶牛乳房炎将越显重要。目前。临床上已有多种制剂用于奶牛乳房炎的防治,但多以灌服或乳房灌注为主,使用不太方便。而公英乳康涂膜剂为直接乳房涂抹成膜,经透皮吸收的一种纯中药新型制剂,使用方便。笔者就该制剂的临床疗效与另一中药制剂高效消炎膏及青、链霉素等药物作了对比试验.现报告如下。  相似文献   

乳炎宁搽剂的安全性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳炎宁搽剂是由土贝母、白芷、松香等中药与蓖麻油经特殊工艺制成的一种透皮吸收中药复方制剂,具有抗炎、祛瘀、消肿和止痛作用.临床用于治疗奶牛产前、产后乳房水肿和奶牛乳房炎.与传统的治疗乳房炎的方法相比,本制剂疗效确切、给药方便、无残留、无毒副作用,在临床试验中取得了明显的效果.为了探讨乳炎宁搽剂的安全性,进行了本试验.  相似文献   

为开发安全、有效、稳定的新型中兽药制剂,有利于奶牛隐性乳房炎的防治,试验研究了中药透皮剂对隐性乳房炎奶牛泌乳量、白细胞、白蛋白(ALB)、丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的影响。方法:记录用药前后5d日泌乳量,分别采用试剂盒和CA-500血液分析仪测定用药前后乳汁中ALB、ALT、LDH和血液中白细胞。结果:患隐性乳房炎奶牛泌乳量显著降低(P〈0.05),血液中WBC、MON、GRA、LYM%显著高于健康牛(P〈0.05),而乳汁中的ALB、ALT和LDH含量极显著高于健康奶牛(P〈0.01)。通过5d中药透皮剂治疗后,奶牛产奶量大幅度增加,WBC、MON、GRA、LYM%、ALB、ALT和LDH与健康牛比差异不显著(P〉0.05)。结论:中药透皮剂对奶牛隐性乳房炎具有良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎是奶牛乳腺发生的一种炎症,是奶牛场危害最大、最常见,至今仍是造成奶牛业损失最严重的疾病之一。乳房炎发生的主要原因是感染病原微生物。目前,巳发现约有150多种病原微生物可引起奶牛乳房炎,其中包括球菌、杆菌、支原体、真菌或酵母菌、病毒等,以金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌和大肠杆菌为主,约占整个奶牛乳房炎病例的90%以上。  相似文献   

"乳康2号"对奶牛细菌性乳房炎的疗效研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用"乳康2号"治疗临床型乳房炎奶牛37头。结果表明,治愈28头,有效6头,无效3头,总有效率为91.89%,平均治疗时间4.7d。对采集的37头奶牛治疗前的42个乳区奶样,进行细菌学检查,有33个乳区检出与乳房炎有关的病原菌,占78.57%。检出病原菌5种,主要为无乳链球菌、停乳链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、乳房链球菌和大肠埃希菌。停药后采集33个乳区奶样,结果有14个乳区细菌转阴,细菌转阴率为42.42%。在转阴的病原菌中,大肠埃希菌转阴率最高(100%),其次是混合感染(60.00%)和乳房链球菌(50.00%)。  相似文献   

洛美沙星搽剂防治仔猪黄、白痢试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大肠杆菌是一种条件性致病菌。应用抗生素治疗大肠杆菌病的用药途径一向是打针、灌药,但旧方法既低效又费力。本文研究透皮吸收制剂———洛美沙星搽剂对仔猪黄白痢的临床防治效果,现报告如下:1材料与方法1.1试验用药物洛美沙星透皮吸收搽剂(以下简称洛美沙星搽剂)以洛美沙星原料药(江苏常州第二制药厂生产)与氮酮(广东省助剂化工厂生产)按药剂学方法由福建农林大学研制。该搽剂每毫升含洛美沙星4毫克。本文所用的盐酸洛美沙星注射液(洛奇),为常州第二制药厂兽药分厂生产,批号:9904291。1.2参试仔猪及分组设计试验分洛美沙星搽剂预防和治疗…  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of freezing canine skin on the penetration kinetics of hydrocortisone. Skin samples from three dogs were used for in vitro penetration studies commencing on the day of skin collection (fresh skin) and again after freezing at -20 degrees C for 1, 4, 8 and 12 months. When the data from the dogs was averaged, the pseudo-steady-state flux (Jss) of hydrocortisone through skin frozen for any duration was significantly (P < 0.023) greater than through fresh skin and there was a positive relationship (P < 0.007) between the length of freezing and DeltaJss. For all dogs, the lag times (tlag) calculated for hydrocortisone penetration were significantly (P < 0.029) shorter through skin that had been frozen, compared with fresh skin. However, the shapes of the permeation profiles of hydrocortisone appeared similar through the fresh and frozen dog skins and no differences were detected between the groups on histological examination. The results of this study have shown that freezing dog skin at -20 degrees C can significantly increase the transdermal penetration of hydrocortisone in vitro, and that the extent of this enhancement can increase with duration of freezing.  相似文献   

雷公藤多苷纳米乳透皮制剂的抗炎镇痛作用试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:制备雷公藤多苷纳米乳,并考察其抗炎镇痛效果.方法:制备雷公藤多苷纳米乳,通过二甲苯致小鼠耳肿胀试验、毛细血管通透性试验、醋酸致扭体试验和热板致痛试验比较雷公藤多苷纳米乳与雷公藤多苷片的抗炎镇痛效果.结果:雷公藤多苷纳米乳外观透明、澄清,平均粒径为71.1±2.9 nm,稳定性良好.与片剂相比,纳米乳对二甲苯引起的小鼠耳肿胀和毛细血管通透性有较好的抑制作用;对化学物质和温度引起的疼痛有较好的镇痛效果.结论:雷公藤多甘纳米乳具有显著的抗炎镇痛作用.  相似文献   

An increasing number of formulations are applied to equine skin, yet variable penetration can affect efficacy, or the incidence of adverse effects, or both. To investigate the effects of common methods of skin preparation on transdermal drug penetration in vitro, we clipped, harvested, and froze skin samples from 5 Thoroughbred geldings. Thawed samples were prepared as follows: control (no preparation); cleaned with aqueous chlorhexidine (Aq-C, 0.1% w/v); cleaned with alcoholic chlorhexidine (Al-C, 0.5% w/v); shaved (Sh); or tape-stripped (Ta) with the use of adhesive tape. The samples were then placed in diffusion cells, and 2 g of methylsalicylate (MeSa) gel (Dencorub) was applied to the stratum corneum side. The penetration of MeSa and its analyte, salicylate (Sa), through the skin samples was measured over 10 h. Compared with control skin, significantly more MeSa penetrated through skin prepared with Al-C or Sh (P < 0.01) or with Aq-C or Ta (P < 0.05), and significantly more Sa was recovered in the receptor phase from skin prepared with Aq-C, Al-C, or Sh (P < 0.05) or with Ta (P < 0.01). A significantly higher rate of penetration and shorter lag time were also noted for MeSa with all the prepared skin samples, compared with the control samples. The results show that clinical techniques routinely used to clean or prepare skin can significantly affect the rate and extent of penetration of a topically applied drug. This may result in greater systemic availability of active drug, which could lead to enhanced efficacy and, possibly, a higher incidence of adverse effects.  相似文献   

七叶亭抗炎机理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
现代药理试验表明,秦皮具有抗炎、镇静、镇痛、利尿、镇咳、祛痰和平喘等作用,七叶亭(Esculetin),也称秦皮乙素、七叶内酯、6,7-二羟基香豆素等是秦皮的有效活性成分,有着重要的药理作用。本试验以体外培养的肠黏膜微血管内皮细胞(RIMEC)为模型,以LPS为刺激剂,检测七叶亭对RIME  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of common skin surface preparations on the penetration kinetics of hydrocortisone through canine skin. Thoracic skin from five dogs was clipped of hair, divided between five treatment groups and prepared as follows: shaved (S); tape-stripped with adhesive bandage (TS); cleaned with aqueous chlorhexidine (Aq-C); cleaned with alcoholic chlorhexidine (Al-C); or allocated to the control group and had no further preparation performed (C). The skin samples were mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells and transdermal hydrocortisone penetration was measured over 30h. The pseudo-steady-state flux (J(SS)) of hydrocortisone through S, Al-C, Aq-C and TS skin was, respectively, 2.3 (P=0.021), 2.2 (P=0.037), 2.0 (P=0.070) and 1.5 (P=0.351) times greater than through the control skin, but there were no significant differences in the lag times (t(lag)) for hydrocortisone penetration between the groups. The study has shown that some skin surface preparations can significantly increase the subsequent penetration of hydrocortisone through canine skin in vitro.  相似文献   

The benefits of pharmacokinetics can be considered from two points of view, the impact on the average patient and that on the individual patient. For the average patient, pharmacokinetic studies answer basic questions about dose, schedule, and route of administration. For the individual patient, benefits are derived from the ability of pharmacokinetic studies to define parameters of toxicity and suggest possible dose modifications.  相似文献   

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