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猪增生性肠炎研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
猪增生性肠炎是由细胞内劳森菌引起的猪的接触性传染病。它主要发生在6-20周龄的生长肥育猪,临床主要表现为间歇性下痢、食欲下降和生长缓慢等。显微变化以回肠和结肠隐窝内未成熟的肠细胞发生腺瘤样增生为特征。该病目前已经在全世界流行,造成巨大的危害。由于病原认识上的混乱以及诊断上的困难等原因,该病并未引起国内兽医界的充分重视。本文综述了猪增生性肠炎研究的现状,对其病原学、流行病学、临床症状、病理变化、诊断、综合防制等进行介绍。  相似文献   

猪增生性肠炎检测技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
综述了猪增生性肠炎在免疫组化、细胞培养、血清学、分子生物学等检测技术方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

猪增生性肠炎(简称PPE)又称坏死性肠炎、增生性出血性肠病、回肠炎、局域性肠炎以及肠腺瘤病等.此病是由一种细胞内劳森菌(亦有人称之为细胞内罗松菌,编者注)引起猪的一种肠道综合征。  相似文献   

猪增生性肠炎研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪增生性肠炎是由专性寄生回肠上皮细胞内的劳森氏菌引起猪的接触性肠道病。该文介绍了其病原学、病理变化及实验室诊断等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

猪增生性肠炎研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
猪增生性肠炎是由胞内劳森氏菌引起的猪的接触性传染病,本文介绍了其病原学、流行病学、临床症状、发病机理、病理变化以及实验室诊断等方面的研究现状.  相似文献   

猪增生性肠炎(PPE)是由细胞内劳森菌引起的猪的接触性传染病,介绍了其病原学、流行病学、临床症状、病理变化等方面的研究现状,并提出了诊断方法和防治措施。  相似文献   

浅谈猪增生性肠炎及其防制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪增生性肠炎(PPE)是由细胞内劳森菌(LI)引起的一种猪常见的接触性肠道传染病。临床症状主要表现为间歇性下痢,食欲减退,生长速度减缓,饲料利用率明显下降等。对PPE的病原学、发病机理、流行病学、临床症状、诊断及综合防制等方面进行了介绍。  相似文献   

综述了猪增生性肠炎在免疫组化、细胞培养、血清学、分子生物学等检测技术方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

<正>猪增生性肠炎(PPE)又称猪增生性肠病、坏死性肠炎(NE)、增生性出血性肠炎(PHE)、猪肠腺瘤(PIA)、局部性肠炎(RE)、回肠末端炎(TI),是由细胞内劳森菌(LI)引起的接触性肠道细菌传染病,临床表现主要为仔猪、生长育肥猪和种猪不同程度的间歇性腹泻(带血或不带血)、消瘦、生长缓慢、饲料报  相似文献   

猪增生性肠炎是由细胞内劳森氏菌引起的一种接触性传染病,该菌也称为回肠细胞内共生菌,它是一种肠细胞专性厌氧菌,革兰氏染色呈阴性,多呈曲线形、S形或逗点状.  相似文献   

胞内劳森菌为严格细胞内寄生的无芽孢细菌,革兰氏染色阴性,抗酸染色阳性。主要感染3~20周龄猪而引起"猪增生性肠炎",临床表现慢性间歇性下痢或急性出血性下痢,排焦油样黑色粪便或血便。病理变化为小肠后段和结肠前段肠黏膜层增厚隆起,形成特征性分枝状皱折,肠腺上皮剧烈增生,形成畸形排列的分枝状肠腺。本病可进行流行病学、临床特征、病原学、病理学、血清学、分子生物学诊断,并需要与猪痢疾、猪梭菌性肠炎、仔猪副伤寒等病进行临床鉴别。本病的防控,应从猪群管理、引种、消毒、药物预防等方面考虑,接种疫苗是行之有效的措施。  相似文献   

本试验旨在建立检测猪增生性肠炎(porcine proliferative enteropathy,PPE)的套式PCR方法,为临床快速鉴别诊断和防控该病提供病原学依据。根据GenBank上已发表的的劳森氏胞内菌(Lawsonia intracellularis,LI)的基因组序列(登录号:AM180252)设计2对特异性引物,以疑似PPE病猪粪便中纯化的DNA为模板,建立了套式PCR方法,并对PCR产物进行序列测定,所扩增的序列与GenBank上登录的劳森氏胞内菌相应序列的同源性在99%以上。应用本试验建立的套式PCR方法对疑似PPE病猪的粪便进行检测,结果表明,本方法具有快速、方便和敏感度高等优点,可用于PPE的临床检测。  相似文献   

以盐酸沃尼妙林为原料,利用流化床制粒包衣技术成功制备微丸型盐酸沃尼妙林预混剂,用HPLC测定制剂中主药含量。结果表明,制得的产品粒度均匀、流动性良好、含量稳定。选用猪增生性肠炎的自然发病猪为试验对象,以延胡索酸泰妙菌素疗效为对照。结果显示,试验组的高中低不同剂量组(中剂量为推荐剂量)与对照组对猪增生性肠炎治愈率分别为91.0%、82.0%、66.7%和75.3%,有效率分别为96.7%、88.7%、76.7%和83.6%,相同推荐剂量的微丸型盐酸沃尼妙林预混剂组的治愈率和有效率均高于泰妙菌素预混剂组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Lawsonia intracellularis is an obligate intracellular bacterium associated with enteric disease in pigs. Clinical signs include weight loss, diarrhea, and, in some cases, sudden death. The hallmark lesion is the thickening of the intestinal mucosa caused by increased epithelial cell replication, known as proliferative enteropathy. The immune response to L. intracellularis is not well defined, and detection of the infection, especially in the early stages, is still a significant challenge. We review here the main approaches used to identify this important but poorly understood pathogen. Detection of L. intracellularis infection as the cause of clinical disease is confounded by the high prevalence of the pathogen in many countries and that several other pathogens can produce similar clinical signs. A single L. intracellularis–specific ELISA and several amplification assays are available commercially to aid detection and surveillance, although histopathology remains the primary way to reach a conclusive diagnosis. There are major gaps in our understanding of L. intracellularis pathogenesis, especially how the host responds to infection and the factors that drive infection toward different clinical outcomes. Knowledge of pathogenesis will increase the predictive value of antemortem tests to guide appropriate interventions, including identification and treatment of subclinically affected pigs in the early stages of disease, given that this important manifestation reduces pig productivity and contributes to the economic burden of L. intracellularis worldwide.  相似文献   

Background: Lawsonia intracellularis is an emerging equine pathogen that is a cause of equine proliferative enteropathy (EPE).
Objective: To describe the signalment, month of presentation, common clinical signs, clinicopathologic values, diagnostic tests used, antimicrobial use, and survival status in horses affected with EPE; to evaluate how affected horses sold at public auction as yearlings; and to determine results of fecal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serum immunoperoxidase monolayer assay (IPMA) results in age matched, clinically normal herdmates.
Animals: The study group was 57 horses treated for disease associated with L. intracellularis infection between August 2005 and January 2007.
Methods: Retrospective study examined horses exhibiting evidence of infection with L. intracellularis and testing positive for fecal PCR or serum IPMA.
Results: Horses ranged in age from 2 to 8 months with a median age of 6 months, and all were examined between August and January. Ventral edema was present in 81% of horses and hypoalbuminemia occurred in all horses. Only 50% of horses tested positive on both PCR and IPMA. Ninety-three percent of horses survived, and survival was unrelated to antimicrobial administered. Affected horses sold as yearlings an average of 68% less than other yearlings by the same sire. Age matched, clinically normal herdmates also tested positive for L. intracellularis on fecal PCR (6%) and IPMA (33%).
Conclusion: L. intracellularis infection should be considered in young horses with ventral edema and hypoalbuminemia that are examined between August and January. Both fecal PCR and serum IPMA are needed to help determine disease status. Treated animals usually survive, although they do not sell for as high a price at public auction as other yearlings by the same sire. Age matched, clinically normal herdmates also test positive for L. intracellularis on fecal PCR and serum IPMA.  相似文献   

Objective Proliferative enteropathy (PE) of pigs is caused by Lawsonia intracellularis. Clinical severity appears to depend, at least partly, on the infective dose and strain of L. intracellularis. Serological tests are able to detect subclinical disease. The Bioscreen ELISA for detecting L. intracellularis-specific antibodies is widely used to monitor the circulating antibody status of pigs in Australia, but its sensitivity and specificity have not been reported. The aim of the present study was to measure the seroprevalence of antibodies to L. intracellularis in growing pigs in Australia. Methods Test sera were sourced from 1817 serum samples collected from finisher pigs from 63 herds across Australia in 2001, selected from a larger sample of 180 herds to represent the contribution that each herd size makes to the number of pigs produced. The test sera were the most recent collection of pig sera from all states and samples had been stored at −80°C from 2001 until testing was conducted in 2008. Sera were tested using the BioScreen ELISA. Results All herds tested positive for L. intracellularis-specific antibodies. The mean percentage of positive samples within each herd was 84.2% (range 31.3–100%). Conclusions Lawsonia intracellularis is endemic in pig herds in Australia and cost-effective strategies to reduce reliance on antibiotics, such as vaccination and/or all-in/all-out pig flow coupled with cleaning and disinfection of pens, are warranted.  相似文献   

为建立一种适用于临床检测胞内劳森氏茵(Lawsonia intracellularis,LI)的检测方法,本研究通过比较提取粪便样品基因组DNA的不同方法,结合PCR方法特异性扩增aspA基因检测临床样品中的LI.敏感性试验表明,阳性样本最低检出量为1.7×102 copie/μL;特异性试验表明,该方法对大肠杆菌、沙...  相似文献   

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