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After a short review of previous literature about fractures of the navicular bone in horses, the symptoms and the pathological-anatomical changes of the condition are described. The most important clinical symptom is acute severe lameness without significant swellings, but with pronounced pain reaction to rotation of the coffin joint. After rest the lameness is reduced considerably, but without treatment it can persist for several years. Adherences between the deep flexor tendon and the site of the fracture and eventual damage to the coffin joint are considered to be the cause of the persisting lameness. Three case reports are given where the horses were shoed with full bar shoes with clips and high calks, and were given two months rest in a box. After that the rehabilitation was started with increasing load on the leg in question in spite of some initial lameness. The three horses all regained their full working capacity after ca. 6 months' treatment. There is no formation of callus at the site of the fracture, but only a firm formation of fibrous tissue which does not bother the horse unless the fragments are too much dislocated giving rise to a greater destruction of the coffin joint. Radiographically the fracture line persists for the rest of the horse's life.  相似文献   

An arteriographic and histological study of the arterial blood supply of 35 navicular bones, from 19 adult horses with no clinical or radiographical signs of navicular disease, is described. The arteries enter the navicular bone from four directions: distal, proximal, medial, and lateral. The navicular bone can be divided into areas which receive arteries from one, two, or three directions, whereas the distal supply covers the largest part of the navicular bone. The distal arteries enter the navicular bone through the nutrient foramen which contains loose connective tissue, nutrient vessels and myelinated nerves. At least 77 per cent of the nutrient foramina contains synovial membrane. Twelve per cent of the arteries in the navicular bone show histological changes. Thickening of the intima with or without splitting of the internal elastic membrane and hyalinization, fibrosis and hypertrophy of the media were observed.  相似文献   

Avulsion fractures from the distal border of the navicular bone are relatively common, but normally of little clinical significance. Other fractures are uncommon and have a poor prognosis. Surgical fixation of parasagittal fractures (lag screw) is technically quite difficult, but potentially improves the prognosis for return to work to about 80%. If surgical fixation is not possible, then farriery to raise the heels of the foot may be of benefit.  相似文献   

Navicular bones from 74 horses were examined at necropsy. Animals ranged in age from eight months to 30 years. Eight horses had a clinical history of navicular disease. Degenerative lesions in the fibrocartilaginous surface of the navicular bone and of the surface of the deep flexor tendons were age related changes not necessarily related to lameness. These lesions were more extensive in horses with a history of navicular disease, and were often accompanied by adhesions and subchondral cavitation of the fibrocartilaginous surface of the navicular bone. Osteophytes, present in 12 of the 74 horses, appeared to be age-related and were uncommon in horses with a history of navicular disease. Nutrient foramina on the distal border of the navicular bone were highly variable in size and shape; in horses with a history of navicular disease they often had a small external opening that became larger as it penetrated the bone. Occlusive vascular disease (arteriosclerosis) was found in sound horses and in horses with a history of navicular disease. Thrombosis of arteries or ischemic necrosis of bone was not identified in any case.  相似文献   

Navicular disease or podotrochlosis has long been known to cause forelimb lameness in horses. It had been proposed that the development of podotrochlosis has similarities to the human osteoarthritis (OA) complex. Alterations of the navicular bone can be made visible early in life only on the basis of radiographs. Reports on the prevalences of navicular disease indicate that radiological alterations in the navicular bone are present in different warmblood populations at frequencies of between 14.9% and 87.6%. Genetic factors play an important role in the development of the radiological signs. Estimates of heritability using animal threshold models range from h2 = 0.09 to h2 = 0.40. Estimated additive genetic correlations between radiological changes in the navicular bone and other orthopaedic health traits indicated that they mostly develop genetically independently of each other. There was a negative genetic correlation between radiological changes in the navicular bone and the number of tournament entries and placings. It has also been shown that reduction of radiological changes of navicular bones and improvement of breeding values for performance of riding horses can be achieved if selection is based on breeding values for these traits simultaneously. An optimised markerset was developed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for pathologic changes in the navicular bone of Hanoverian warmblood horses. The horse genome was scanned using 214 highly polymorphic microsatellites chromosome-wide significant QTL were located on equine chromosomes (ECA) 2, 3, 4, 10, and 26. Genome-wide significant QTL were on ECA2 and on ECA10. Unravelling QTL associated with navicular disease will enhance selection progress for a healthy limb constitution in horses.  相似文献   

Seventeen horses diagnosed as having navicular syndrome on the basis of history, clinical findings, regional local anaesthesia and radiography were subjected to bilateral navicular suspensory desmotomy. Before surgery, the duration of navicular lameness ranged from 6 weeks to 4 years. Previous unsuccessful treatments prior to surgery included nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, corrective shoeing, rest and isoxsuprine. For the seventeen horses subject to surgery, twelve horses were sound, one horse was improved and four horses were lame at a minimum of 6 months after surgery.  相似文献   

The case records of 49 horses with proximal sesamoid bone fracture were studied. The population consisted of 20 Thoroughbreds, 20 Standardbreds, 5 Quarter Horses, 2 Arabians, and 2 grade horses. The fractured bones were classified into 5 categories: apical fractures, basilar fractures, abaxial fractures, middle one-third fractures, and bilateral comminuted-distracted fractures. Apical fractures occurred most frequently in the Standardbred, with the prevalence of medial fracture being equal to that of lateral fracture. Basilar fractures occurred predominantly in the Thoroughbred, with the highest prevalence in the lateral sesamoid bone of the right front fetlock. Bilateral comminuted-distracted fractures also occurred primarily in the right front fetlock. The prognosis following surgical removal of apical fractures appeared to be superior to that for stall rest alone. The prognosis for basilar fractures was poor.  相似文献   

A sagittal fracture of the navicular bone in five horses was treated by means of lag screw. Intra-operative radiographic monitoring and a specially developed guide apparatus was necessary to implant the screw precisely along the transverse axis of the navicular bone. Internal fixation resulted in progressive radiographic narrowing of the fracture zone. In all five patients the fracture healed (bony union) without superfluous callus formation.  相似文献   

Acquisition of a sufficient number of high quality radiographic views is an essential prerequisite to accurate radiological interpretation of the navicular bone. This requires appropriate preparation of the foot, careful attention to limb position and to both centring and direction of the x‐ray beam, according to hoof capsule conformation. Artefacts are easily created. Potentially significant radiological abnormalities include: entheseiophytes at the proximomedial and proximolateral aspect of the bone; proximal or distal extension of the flexor border of the bone, distal border fragments, 8 or more large and variably shaped distal border radiolucent zones; discrete radiolucent areas in the spongiosa with or without detectable communication with the flexor cortex; new bone at the sagittal ridge; increased thickness of the flexor cortex; sclerosis of the spongiosa; and a bipartite bone.  相似文献   

Fractures of the proximal sesamoid bones (PSBs) range in severity from simple to complex and comminuted and can be articular or nonarticular. The majority of PSB fractures are diagnosed in racehorses, but PSB fractures, especially simple ones, do occur in sport horses undertaking various disciplines. For simple apical, basilar and abaxial articular PSB fractures, surgical removal via arthroscopy carries the best prognosis for return to athletic performance. Removal of apical and abaxial PSB fractures generally result in a favourable prognosis for return to racing but are dependent on the amount of suspensory ligament injury. Removal of basilar PSB fracture fragments results in a less favourable or fair prognosis for return to racing. Mid‐body PSB fractures typically require (lag screw) surgical fixation preferably with arthroscopic guidance and carry a fair to guarded prognosis for return to racing.  相似文献   

Accurate radiological interpretation of a navicular bone requires at least a true lateromedial (LM) image, dorsoproximal‐palmarodistal oblique (DPr‐PaDiO) and palmaroproximal‐palmarodistal oblique (PaPr‐PaDIO) images. Additional information is sometimes acquired from a weightbearing dorsopalmar (DPa) image. The LM image is used to assess thickness of the palmar cortex, proximal or distal extension of the palmar cortex, demarcation between the cortex and spongiosa and the presence of periarticular osteophytes. The number, size, shape and position of radiolucent zones along the distal borders of the navicular bone are assessed in a PaPr‐PaDiO image, together with the presence of central or acentric radiolucent osseous cyst‐like lesions in the spongiosa, proximal or distal border entheseophytes, distal or proximal border fragments and a fracture. The PaPr‐PaDiO image is used to identify radiolucent lesions in the palmar cortex and to confirm the thickness of the palmar cortex and the presence of a fracture, and to assess the trabecular architecture of the spongiosa. The presence of a bipartite or tripartite navicular bone is determined from DPr‐PaDiO, PaPr‐PaDiO and DPa images.  相似文献   

A 7‐year‐old Quarter Horse gelding was referred for magnetic resonance (MR) imaging due to chronic left hindlimb lameness localised to the foot. On presentation, a previously undiagnosed draining tract was identified at the plantar aspect of the pastern. Radiographs revealed severe osteolysis of the navicular bone. Positive contrast MR fistulography was performed using a gadolinium based contrast agent following conventional MR imaging of the left hind foot. Fistulography allowed characterisation of a fistulous tract, which was closely associated with the deep digital flexor tendon, navicular bursa and osteomyelitis of the navicular bone.  相似文献   

A macroscopical, arteriographical and histological study was made of the arterial supply of the navicular bones of horses with clinical and/or radiographic signs of navicular disease. Based on the clinical and radiological findings the navicular bones of 40 Warmblood horses are divided into four different groups. In the pattern of the arteriogram obvious changes are noticed: an imbalance and a distal to proximal shift between the distal and proximal arterial supply occur, indicating a reduction of the distal blood supply with a compensatory reaction of the proximal, medial and lateral supply. The changes in the pattern of the arteriogram are histologically defined by arterio(lo) sclerosis and newly formed arteries. The presence of radiologically visible nutrient foramina is associated with a changed pattern in the arteriogram, increased bone remodelling and fibrosis. Ischaemia and increased pressure (hypertension and/or increased intra-articular pressure) are considered to be responsible for changes in form and number of radiologically visible nutrient foramina.  相似文献   

Subchondral bone cysts with fractures of the extensor processes in a horse.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Probable cause of fracture in a Paint gelding was a congenital bone defect involving the extensor process area of the right and left forelimb distal phalanges. Radiographically and histologically, subchondral bone cysts at the fracture lines were suspected. These cysts were thought to have developed in association with abnormal ossification centers at the extensor process areas of the third phalanx. Partial avulsion of weak extensor processes would then occur from natural forces exerted on these weakened bony prominences via the common digital extensor tendon. Support for osteochondrosis as a cause of this bone cyst formation was seen in histologic examination of fragments removed. Within the bony trabeculae, a dysplastic focus of cartilage with mineralized plaques and osseous tissues was observed. Findings supported a diagnosis of osteochondrosis, to the extent that the disease is presently understood in horses. Surgical correction by fragment removal was performed to circumvent progression of degenerative joint disease, which was evident as partial cartilage erosion of the distal dorsal articular surface of the second phalanx and fracture fragments. Recovery from surgery was rapid, and several months after surgery, the horse was sound for pleasure riding.  相似文献   

An experimental and clinical study to investigate the aetiology of distal splint bone fractures is described. In vitro, extension of the fetlock did not appear to alter the position of the distal ends of the splint bones, although tension in the interosseous tendons increased. Flexion of the fetlock resulted in slight outward displacement of the distal ends of the splint bones. It is suggested that concurrent desmitis of the suspensory ligament can cause movement of the ends of the splint bones thus predisposing to a fatigue fracture. In a clinical study of 87 horses, 114 splint bone fractures were identified. In at least 70 per cent of horses, suspensory desmitis was present. Follow up information was available in 24 horses in which more than 80 per cent of the fractures healed spontaneously. Non-union fractures were not painful and did not cause lameness.  相似文献   

From progeny lists of 30 Dutch Warmblood sires, 586 3-year-old females by these stallions were randomly selected, each progeny group aimed at 20 animals for statistical reasons. The front feet of the sires and female progeny were examined radiographically using lateromedial and dorsopalmar upright pedal projections. The radiological features associated with navicular disease were classified 0–4 using a standardised classification, grades 3 and 4 representing the more severe changes. The shape of the proximal articular border of the navicular bone outlined on the dorsopalmar view was classified 1–4: l=concave; 2=undulating; 3=straight; 4=convex. A significant shape-grade association was found, the highest grades 3 and 4 incidence associated with shape 1 and the lowest grades 3 and 4 incidence demonstrated by shape 4. In shapes 1 and 2, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 features were mainly characterised by inverted flask-shaped channels. In shape 3, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 were dominated by enthesiophytes. These findings indicate an apparent shape predisposition to radiological changes associated with navicular disease. The shape of the navicular bone in the offspring was on average the same as the sire, indicating an hereditary element in navicular bone shape.  相似文献   

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