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三合激素对奶牛催情试验效果满意○福建省农科院畜牧兽医研究所(福州市350013)林朝星据1993~1994年在福州市国营奶牛场和养牛专业户对1200头奶牛进行调查,奶牛产后3至5个月,育成牛超过18月龄未见发情的母牛,占31.66%。为提高奶牛的繁殖...  相似文献   

杂交母猪的发情症状总是不够明显,影响配种,因此,如何诱导和促进杂交断奶母猪的发情症状是养猪业关心的问题。我们对三合激素(由丙酸睾酮、黄体酮、苯甲酸雌二醇组成)诱导断奶杂交母猪发情的临床应用效果进行了研究。将299头断奶后1~2d未发情的初产或经产母猪分别肌注三合激素3.0,2.0,1.0mL/头(高、中、低剂量),苯甲酸雌二醇组3~10mg/头和生理盐水2~3mL/头(空白对照组)。结果表明,三合激素对断奶母猪催情效果显著且对其繁殖无不良影响,而且能改善产活仔率,以2.0~3.0mL/头肌注为佳。  相似文献   

陈中胜 《养猪》1993,(4):22-22
笔者于1992年元月至1993年6月间,在本场养猪厂内,应用三合激素对后备母猪实施同期发情和治疗经产母猪卵巢静止试验。经一年半121头次试验,效果较为满意,现总结报告。一、材料与方法 (一) 所用三合激素系上海第九制药厂生产,每安  相似文献   

激素在工厂化养猪中对母猪乏情的催情试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母猪繁殖障碍,是工厂化、规模化养猪场的常见病,也是造成优良种植淘汰的主要原因,对猪场经济效益影响较大。为了解决这一难题,笔者于1998年2月20~10月20日在南农动物科技学院指导下进行了本试验。1材料与方法1.1试验动物由常州瘦肉型原种场5000头生产母猪以及后备猪中选出,超9月龄不发情的后备母猪,断奶后超15天没有发情的初产母猪以及超过10天不发情的经产母猪,共430头。饲养条件优越,试验期间各种条件基本一致。1.2试验药物级促性素(HCG):上海第一生化药业公司生产,批号9706201。前列腺素:上海第九制药厂生产,批号9709…  相似文献   

三合激素,系上海第九制药厂生产,每1毫升内含丙酸睾丸素25mg,黄体酮12.5mg,苯甲酸雌二醇1.5mg;抱窝母鸡是信都镇农户家中的三黄鸡母鸡。将试验母鸡随机分组,每只鸡各分别肌注0.2ml、0.4ml、0.6ml和1ml后任其活动,每隔12小时观察一次,以随群活动不抱窝,不发  相似文献   

<正> 1 前言本试验使用三合激素对乏情母猪进行诱导发情处理,出现发情后按常规配种,旨在缩短繁殖周期,以解决外贸猪生产上经常面临的因乏情而产重影响母猪繁殖力的问题,同时通过试验对该激素制剂的诱情和受胎效果提供可靠依据,以便于分析和作出客观合理的评价。  相似文献   

在生产实践中,由于饲料不足、营养不全等原因造成的母猪不发情比较普遍,在加强饲养管理的基础上可用三合激素诱情,经生产实践效果较好,受胎率高。  相似文献   

五子散合催情散治疗母猪不孕   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者用中药五子散合催情散治疗母猪不孕症 2 6例 ,治愈 2 4例 ,治愈率 92 %。1 方药及方法五子散合催情散加减 :菟丝子、枸杞子、淫羊藿、熟地黄各 30 g,五味子、覆盆子、车前子、阳起石、当归、益母草、白芍、川芎各 2 0 g,香附、红花各 10 g。共为细末 ,拌入饲料中喂服。2 病例1998年 5月 1日 ,咯尔乡复兴村马兴志饲养的2头长白种母猪 ,屡配不孕 ,用五子散合催情散加减治疗 :菟丝子、枸杞子、淫羊藿、熟地黄各 30 g,五味子、覆盆子、车前子、阳起石、当归、益母草、白芍、川芎各 2 0 g,香附、红花各 10 g。共为细末 ,分 6次拌入饲料中喂…  相似文献   

同发素 P.C.6 0 0注射液由血促性素、绒促性素配制而成 ,可刺激卵泡发育、促进排卵和黄体的形成 ,促进母猪发情 ,明显提高母猪同期发情率、受胎率和总产仔数。为验证同发素 P.C.6 0 0对不发情母猪的催情和同期发情效果 ,我们在杭州某种猪场进行了临床试验。1 试验材料和方法1.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to establish the changes in plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, estradiol 17-beta (E2) and progesterone (P4), as well as to understand their temporal relationships during oestrus in mithun (Bos frontalis). The experiment was conducted on 11 mithuns during third or fourth postpartum oestrous cycle. Since oestrus onset the jugular vein blood samples were collected every 2 h for 72 and 96 h, respectively from the animals without and with standing heat. The LH, FSH, E2 and P4 concentrations were estimated in plasma. The P4 concentration was fluctuated throughout the oestrus period and the average P4 concentration was found significantly (p<0.05) lower on the day of oestrus onset. The multiple rises in LH and FSH concentrations above the basal level in spike like fashion were observed throughout the oestrus period irrespective of the occurrence of standing heat. A significant (p<0.01) gradual increase in the average daily E2 concentration was observed till day 2 following oestrus onset irrespective of the occurrence of standing heat. A significant (p<0.05) simultaneous increase in LH, FSH and E2 concentrations and a transient increase in P4 concentration at approximately the time of standing heat onset were observed. During investigation a definite temporal coupling between LH and FSH rises was absent throughout the oestrus period. The results suggest that (1) the multiple short-duration low-amplitude LH and FSH surges during oestrus may be crucial for the final maturation of ovulatory follicle and subsequent ovulation in mithun; (2) a differential mechanism for controlling LH and FSH secretions probably exists in mithun.  相似文献   

激素对高羊茅愈伤组织诱导及其分化的影响   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
用不同种类培养基及不同浓度2,4-D、BA对高羊茅种子进行愈伤诱导,结果表明培养基种类对愈伤诱导无明显效果;MS培养基下不同浓度2,4-D对高羊茅愈伤诱导时间及出愈率差别很大,以9mg/l效果最佳,愈伤诱导率达66.7%左右;过高浓度的2,4-D、BA对萌芽和愈伤的形成均有负作用;愈伤组织分化以MS+BA2.0mg/l+NAA0.5mg/l为佳.  相似文献   

试验选择6头500—800kg屡配不孕的荷斯坦母牛采用“诱乳素”进行诱导泌乳处理。结果表明,“诱乳素”在春季对母牛处理后开始出现泌乳的时间有差异,但到23天后,其产奶量可逐渐达到20kg。对体重大的母牛,虽然诱导泌乳处理时加大了药物的剂量,处理的时间延长,但开始出现泌乳的时间却推迟到8~9天,达到产奶高峰的时间也较晚。采用“诱乳素”处理除了对空怀母牛有明显的诱导泌乳作用外,对母牛的诱导发情亦有明显的作用。采用“诱乳素”处理空怀母牛,不仅可以在短期内达到诱导泌乳的效果,而且可以改善母牛的生殖功能,使不发情的母牛发情趋于正常,提高了其繁殖率。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (i) to describe the changes in the volume of large ovarian follicles (diameter >3 cm) during the 48 h egg laying cycle in farmed ostriches, and (ii) to quantify factors affecting the volume of the largest measured follicle and the plasma concentrations of progesterone (P4) and estradiol‐17β (E2β). In eight egg‐producing birds, which all ovulated during the study period, transcutaneous ultrasound scanning and blood sampling was performed at 3 h intervals. The average volume of the total number of visualized large follicles (Vtotal), the largest measured follicle (VF1), the second largest follicle (VF2) and of all follicles smaller than F2 (VF3–Fn) were each higher before than after oviposition. Vtotal, VF2 and VF3–Fn nearly doubled in the 24‐h period before oviposition, while VF1 remained at an equal, rather high level until oviposition. Immediately after oviposition Vtotal, as well as the volume of the other follicle categories, decreased within 6 h, i.e. around the moment of ovulation. By performing statistical analysis on the basis of linear mixed‐effects modelling, we quantified that: (i) VF1 was 13.2% higher before than after oviposition and increased with 6.5% when LH increased with 1 ng/ml; (ii) P4 levels were 93.2% higher before than after oviposition and increased with 43.1% for every 3 h closer to oviposition; when LH and E2β levels and VF1 increased with 1 ng/ml, 10 pg/ml and 10 ml, respectively, P4 increased with 116.6%, 50% and 6.1%; and (iii) E2β levels were 35.6% higher before than after oviposition, increased with 2.7% for every 3 h closer to oviposition and increased with 14.6% when LH increased with 1 ng/ml. It is concluded that during the egg‐laying cycle in ostriches: (i) follicular mass, as estimated by the volume of visualized follicles larger than 3 cm, increases before and decreases after ovulation, and (ii) follicular dynamics and its accompanying endocrine plasma hormone profiles during the egg‐laying cycle in ostriches follow a pattern similar to that in chickens.  相似文献   

双氯芬酸钠注射液在人药领域应用广泛,在临床上有很好的解热、镇痛效果。本试验目的是验证双氯芬酸钠注射液在靶动物猪上的解热效果。结果表明:(1)双氯芬酸钠注射液低剂量组在治疗猪发热方面具有一定的临床效果,但其效果稍差于对乙酰氨基酚组;(2)双氯芬酸钠注射液中、高剂量组的临床解热综合效果优于对乙酰氨基酚组;(3)从临床使用及经济角度考虑,选用中剂量作为解热的推荐剂量,即双氯芬酸钠临床肌肉注射给药剂量为0.05 m L/kg体重。  相似文献   

采用甘油甲缩醛、二甲基乙酰胺、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮K30三种有机溶媒为主,经特殊制备工艺制成长效土霉素注射液样品,在前期获得满意的刺激性试验与临床治疗效果基础上,进行了为期两年的常温条件下制剂含量、外观色泽、澄明度、pH值、鉴别反应等质量指标试验观察,为药品的生产制造提供理论依据。结果表明:不同有机溶媒配比样品的稳定性均好,符合进口兽药质量标准要求,但以甘油甲缩醛、二甲基乙酰胺和注射用水溶媒联合使用,制剂成本最低。  相似文献   

Abstract— —The effect of estrogen, androgen, cortisone, growth hormone, thyrotropic hormone and parathyroid hormone on the menisci of the femoro-tibial (stifle) joint was studied in 17 puppies ranging from 2 to 24 weeks of age. Five dogs of the same litters were used as controls. The results were evaluated histologically and by a histoquantitative line sampling method.
The estrogen-treated group showed the greatest changes. In the female dogs there was a relative increase in intercellular substance and cyst-like formations containing a metachromatically staining homogenous mass, indicating degeneration, were seen. The intercellular substance was also increased in the other dogs, except those treated with the growth hormone and cortisone. In the present study it appears that the inhibitory effect of the sex hormones is associated with cystic degeneration of the meniscal tissues.
The female dogs of the androgen group showed similar, although less pronounced changes. In the male dogs of the androgen and growth hormone groups the proportion of chondrocytes was less and the proportion of hyaline cartilage-like tissue of the inner border of the meniscus was larger than in the other groups.
Supported by a grant from Valtion Lääketieteellinen Toimikunta (State Medical Committee).  相似文献   

Endometrial expression of oestrogen (ERα), progesterone (PR) and oxytocin receptor (OR) and cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) was evaluated from the induction of ovulation to luteolysis in llamas. Ovarian activity was daily assessed by ultrasonography in five females. Ovulation was induced immediately after the detection of an ovulatory follicle by a GnRH injection (Day 0). Endometrial samples were obtained by transcervical biopsies from the left and right horns on day 0 and days 4, 8, 10 and 12 post‐GnRH. Blood samples were collected daily for progesterone and estradiol‐17β determinations by RIA. An immunohistochemical technique was used to study receptors population and COX‐2 expression which were then evaluated by two independent observers. The expression of ERα and PR was highest on day 0 in the luminal epithelium and stroma in association with high plasma estradiol‐17β concentrations. Thereafter, a decrease in ERα population was registered on day 4 and a new increase of its expression was observed between days 8 and 12 in those cell types. Conversely, PR population was gradually down‐regulated until its lowest expression was reached on day 10 post‐GnRH in the luminal epithelium. Content of OR was similar throughout the study in all cell types. The expression of COX‐2 was highest from day 8 to 12 post‐GnRH in the luminal epithelium, in relation to the time of maximal PGF release. Both steroid receptors populations and COX‐2 expression were similar between horns. Meanwhile, OR expression was higher in the right than in the left uterine horn. In summary, this study showed that the loss of endometrium sensitivity to progesterone by days 8–10 post‐induction of ovulation and the concomitant increase of COX‐2 expression could play a key role in the mechanism of luteolysis and somehow be related to the short corpus luteum lifespan of llamas.  相似文献   

Contents: Three mares that had heen diagnozed clinically as sterile were cytogenetically investigated. For each o f the mures 63 or more metaphases were analyzed (63 metaphases in one case, 72 metaphases in the 2nd case and 90 rnetaphases in the 3rd case). Only the sex chromosomal monosomy (63, X) were detected in each of the metaphases. Using the G-banding technique unpairing X-chromosomes, was accurately distinguished from autosomes nos. 1 and 2. The incidence of drumstick was 0.5 76 and 0.2 % respectively in two cases. The most obvious clinical abnormality was gonadal dysgenesis, which was observed in all mares. N o clear-cut oestrus symptoms were detectable despite repeated treatment with various hormones.  相似文献   

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