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Differential heats and isotherms for K-Ca exchange and CEC values show that simulated weathering by grinding and NaTPB treatment of the coarse clay fraction of a rice-growing marsh soil exposed vermiculitic layers to reaction with ions in solution, and also created more montmorillonitic layers and uncharged clay. Calcium selectivity was also increased, especially at K saturations > 50%. Changes in the CEC values of the fine clay, fine silt and coarse silt by such treatment, compared with that in the coarse clay fraction, were used to predict changes in the layer charges of their component phyllosilicates.  相似文献   

A 4 year field experiment clearly demonstrates the role played by desiccation cracks in the redistribution of rainfall during the autumn re-wetting of a Windsor Series clay soil. Where topsoil structure is damaged by the trampling of grazing animals, cracks are well developed and a portion of rain water is diverted down them, by-passing the topsoil. Redistribution takes place from two centres, the bottom of the cracks and the surface. But where structure is unaffected by trampling, the soil accommodates seasonal shrinkage without cracking and redistribution is by diffusion from the surface only. Summer evaporation is shown to be linearly related to Penman's potential evapotranspiration over a wide range of soil moisture deficits, and simple constants are provided to correct ET to obtain EA. The M.A.F.F. method of estimating evapotranspiration is shown to be too conservative and fails to identify the October maximum soil moisture deficit common in this soil.  相似文献   

The clay mineralogy of 22 samples of the Ap horizons of Ando soils was determined by a combination of methods. Of these samples, 15 did and 7 did not contain allophane and imogolite. Opaline silica was found in 4 samples, whereas aluminum—humus complexes, iron oxides and layer silicates were found in all samples. The presence of allophane and imogolite and the absence of opaline silica in a few Ap horizons was related to mixing of A1 horizons and subsoils by cultivation and to lower supplies of organic matter relative to the amounts of aluminum released from volcanic ash by weathering. The contents of 2:1 and 2:1:1 layer silicates and their intergrades were larger in soils in which quartz predominated in fine fractions. It was inferred that aluminum bound with humus and in allophane-like constituents, rather than aluminum in allophane and imogolite, is important in reactions with phosphate and fluoride.  相似文献   

The effect of a single instance of potassium fertilization at rates of 0, 70, 140, and 280 kg/ha on the potassium status and clay mineralogy was studied in a field experiment on ordinary chernozems. The content of exchangeable potassium determined by the Maslova method and the potassium potential vary with greatest reliability in response to increasing fertilizer rates. The content of easily exchangeable potassium and the potassium-buffering capacity are insignificantly affected by the application rate of potassium fertilizers. The chernozems under study without fertilization are characterized by a low supply of available potassium. When potassium fertilizers are applied at rates of 70 and 140 kg/ha, the soils pass into the category of unstable or high supply according to different gradation systems. The lower limit of the high or optimal supply category is reached only at the application of 280 kg/ha of potassium fertilizer. However, even in this case, chernozems are characterized by a low potassium supply according to the value of potassium potential and the content of nonexchangeable potassium. A single application of potassium fertilizers does not cause significant changes in the contents of illites in the clay fraction.  相似文献   



Information on the physicochemical properties, mineral species and micromorphology of lateritic soils and gravel soil layers in paleo-environmental soil profile is severely lacking. Red soil profile of the Taoyuan terrace was employed to demonstrate its different extents of lateritic weathering. The objectives of this study were to compare the physicochemical properties of lateritic soils and gravel soil layers and identify using conventional and synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses mineral species in nanoparticles separated by automated ultrafiltration device (AUD) apparatus.

Materials and methods

Soil samples were collected from paleo-environmental lateritic soils. Soil samples were examined using elemental analysis, conventional and synchrotron XRD analyses, high gradient magnetic separation, separation and collection of nanoparticles by AUD apparatus, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

Results and discussion

The soil pH, redness index, quantities of free Al- and Fe-oxides (Ald and Fed), and clay content of lateritic soils are higher than those of gravel soil layers. Illite, kaolinite, gibbsite, quartz, goethite, and hematite were identified in clay fractions and nanoparticles by conventional and synchrotron XRD analyses. TEM images show presence of hematite nanoparticles on the surface coating of kaolinite nanoparticles and aggregated hematite nanoparticles overlapping the edge of a kaolinite flake in a size range of 4?C7?nm. Synchrotron XRD techniques are more straightforward and powerful than conventional XRD with random powder methods for identifying nanoparticles in red soils, particularly for illite, kaolinite, goethite, and hematite nanoparticles. According to chemical compositions of clay fractions and red soil features in the Taoyuan terrace, these red soils can be taken as lateritic red earths or red earths.


This work suggests that physicochemical properties, mineral species, and micromorphology of red soil at all depths can shed light on the extent of paleo-environmental lateritic weathering.  相似文献   

The release of non-exchangeable potassium from 24 calcareous soils of divergent mineralogy, from southern Iran, was examined. Sand, silt and clay particles were fractionated after dispersion with an ultrasonic probe. Samples were extracted with 0.01 M CaCl2 for 30 successive 2-h periods. The clay fraction released the largest amount of K in each soil. Cumulative K released ranged from 175 to 723, 35 to 128, and 71 to 146 mg kg?1 contributing 20–90, 4–39 and 2–54% for clay, silt and sand fractions, respectively. The lower proportion of K released from sand and silt fractions can be explained by the presence of a high content of CaCO3 and quartz in these fractions. The release kinetics for the non-exchangeable K data showed that parabolic diffusion and power function were the best fitting kinetic models. This indicated that slow diffusion of K from the mica interlayer positions is the main rate-controlling process. Cumulative K released and constant b values of parabolic diffusion model correlated significantly with the mica content of the clay fraction.  相似文献   

Quantitative variations of shrinkage patterns in soil samples collected at different depths along a “V” shaped crack were estimated. Size distribution of cracks and size distribution of clods were also determined. Slight differences were found in the values of total shrinkage but at increasing depth cracks became larger and the number of dimensional size classes in which cracks were distributed increased. In samples collected at 0-5 cm, and 25-30 cm the largest cracks belonged to the dimensional class 0.8-1 mm while in the deepest samples (65-70cm) the width of largest cracks was 2.0 mm. Along the profile there was a regular increase of clods of the largest size (> 20 mm) from 25 %to more than 50 % for samples collected at the soil surface and those collected at 65-70 cm, respectively.  相似文献   

Despite the publication of a number of papers dealing with the effect of drying on the soil labile P pool, less attention has been paid to the possible drying‐evoked changes in the more stable P pools. We applied Hedley's sequential fractionation procedure that aims at quantifying soil P reserves according to their decreasing plant availability to examine the effects of drying on soil P fractions in clayey soil samples of different cultivation history. To further investigate the contribution of organic matter disruption to the solubility of soil P, the P extracted in each fractionation step was divided into two size classes by filtering the suspension through a 0.2 μm membrane filter. There were no air‐drying‐induced changes in the total amount of P extracted in each fractionation step. However, air‐drying changed the distribution of water‐extractable P in size fractions; increase in the small‐sized P took place at the expense of large‐sized P. Air‐drying increased also small‐sized molybdate‐unreactive P (MUP) in the NaOH fraction giving evidence that drying‐induced alterations take place also in less labile P forms. The results revealed that air‐drying alters the extractability and distribution of P in various pools rather than the total amount of extracted P and that a large proportion of H2O‐ and NaOH‐extractable large‐sized MUP may remain undetected if only filtered samples are analyzed.  相似文献   

Potassium replenishment capacity of eight soil series with varying illite content of their clay fraction were studied at their minimal exchangeable K through green house experiments. Higher minimal K levels were found in soils with high initial K status. Maximum K uptake values were associated with high minimal K. The % illite also had a significant relationship with minimum K levels. Average daily rates of K replenishment of soils varied between 0.25 and 0.67 mg kg?1 soil after reaching minimum K. The K replenishment rates were found highly correlated with minimal exchangeable K (0.96**). Amount of clay failed to attain the level of significance with K replenishment rate. Soils with higher illite content in their clay showed high K replenishment rates.  相似文献   

J. Bouma 《Geoderma》1981,26(3):165-177
Current Dutch soil survey interpretation emphasizes assessment factors which independently define key aspects of soil behavior under actual conditions. For grassland these are: moisture-supply capacity, bearing capacity and drainage status. Practical questions focus on how actual limitations can be overcome. Computer simulation techniques, to be focused on the individual assessment factors, are needed to answer these questions. Soil survey and morphology data were used in this context to: (1) select experimental sites; (2) modify physical monitoring procedures; (3) derive simulation models for swelling soils with macropores; (4) develop simple field methods for characterizing basic physical soil properties and their regional variability, and (5) use soil maps for extrapolating the obtained interpretations.Future soil survey reports should ideally contain basic physical data and the possible ranges for the different assessment factors, expressed by simulation as a function of water management. basic data include hydraulic conductivity, moisture retention, bearing capacity and drainage rate. The latter two were characterized in this study by new field methods. Possible ranges differ for the different assessment factors. For example, an inadequate moisture supply capacity in the growing season can be completely compensated by raising the water table, by sprinkler irrigation or by a combination of both methods. The presented simulation offers a quantitative analysis. The inadequate bearing capacity and drainage status can be compensated for only partly by lower water-table levels in winter and spring.  相似文献   

There is a correlation between variations in the clay mineral assemblages of the Crackington Formation (Upper Carboniferous) shales in parts of Devon, and the soil series mapped in the same areas. The differences in soil-forming characteristics of the shales are not due to mineralogy alone, but to various states of diagenetic induration which they have achieved. Brown earths (Dunsford series) are formed on steeper slopes of more durable, illite-chlorite dominated shales, whereas clayey soils (Tedburn and Halstow series) are typical of flatter, more poorly drained slopes of weaker illite and illite-kaolinite clay mineral assemblages. This result adds the geological component to earlier views that the different soil series are simply a consequence of physiographic and hydrologic position.  相似文献   

Aggregation and structure play key roles in water-holding capacity and stability of soils.In this study,the incorporation of carbon(C) from switchgrass biochar into stable aggregate size fractions was assessed in an Aridisol(from Colorado,USA) dominated by 2:1 clays and an Alfisol(from Virginia,USA) containing weathered mixed 1:1 and 2:1 mineralogy,to evaluate the effect of biochar addition on soil characteristics.The biochar was applied at 4 levels,0,25,50,and 100 g kg~(-1),to the soils grown with wheat in a growth chamber experiment.The changes in soil strength and water-holding capacity using water release curves were measured.In the Colorado soil,the proportion of soil occurring in large aggregates decreased,with concomitant increases in small size fractions.No changes in aggregate size fractions occurred in the Virginia soil.In the Colorado soil,C content increased from 3.3 to 16.8 g kg~(-1),whereas in the53 μm fraction C content increased from 5.7 to 22.6 g kg~(-1) with 100 g kg~(-1)biochar addition.In the Virginia soil,C content within aggregate size fractions increased for each size fraction,except the2 000 μm fraction.The greatest increase(from 6.2 to 22.0 g kg~(-1)) occurred in the 53–250 μm fraction.The results indicated that C was incorporated into larger aggregates in the Virginia soil,but remained largely unassociated to soil particles in the Colorado soil.Biochar addition had no significant effect on water-holding capacity or strength measurements.Adding biochar to more weathered soils with high native soil organic content may result in greater stabilization of incorporated C and result in less loss because of erosion and transport,compared with the soils dominated by 2:1 clays and low native soil organic content.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of soil clay minerals often remains limited despite their key influence on soil properties. In soils, complex clay parageneses result from the coexistence of clay species with contrasting particle sizes and crystal chemistry and from the profusion of mixed layers with variable compositions. The present study aimed to characterize the mineralogy and crystal chemistry of the <2 μm fraction along a profile typical of soils from Western Europe and North America (Neo Luvisol). X‐ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were interpreted using: (i) the combination of XRD pattern decomposition and indirect identification from peak positions commonly applied in soil science; and (ii) the multi‐specimen method. This latter approach implies direct XRD profile fitting and has recently led to significant improvements in the structural characterization of clay minerals in diagenetic and hydrothermal environments. In contrast to the usual approach, the multi‐specimen method allowed the complete structural characterization of complex clay parageneses encountered in soils together with the quantitative analysis of their mineralogy. Throughout the profile, the clay paragenesis of the studied Neo Luvisol systematically includes discrete smectite, illite and kaolinite in addition to randomly interstratified illite‐smectite and chlorite‐smectite. Structural characteristics of the different clay minerals, including the composition of mixed layers, did not vary significantly with depth and are thus indicative of the parent material. The relative proportion of the <2 μm fraction increased with increasing depth simultaneously with smectite relative proportion. These results are consistent with the leaching process described for Luvisols in the literature.  相似文献   

The failure mechanisms causing mole channel deterioration or collapse, which are controlled mainly by the shear, swell/shrink and apparent viscosity properties of soils, are shown to be sensitive to the influence of soil density and clay mineralogy. These two properties have, therefore, a clear potential role in helping to assess the suitability of soils for mole drainage and in helping to define the particular failure mechanisms which are most likely to be active in given situations.  相似文献   

Four pedons of Arenic/Grossarenic Paleustalf (Denteso Series), in the Volta Lake drawdown area in Northern Ghana, were described and sampled just before seasonal floodings commenced in the area. After 5 years of periodic flooding the soils were re-examined and sampled. Soil properties required for soil classification, including the clay mineralogy, of both the pre-flooding and the post-flooding samples were determined. One of the main objectives was to identify changes in soil properties which result from the periodic flooding. X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated that before flooding the main clay minerals of the Denteso were kaolinite and smectite, and there were also some mica and quartz in the total clay fraction. Comparison of the pre-flooding with the post-flooding data revealed that practically all the smectite disappeared from all the three sampled pedons that were flooded for 5 to 20 weeks during each flood cycle, while the smectite persisted in the non-flooded pedon. With the disappearance of the 2 : 1 lattice clays there occurred a considerable decrease in cation exchange capacity (CEC) and in base saturation of the flooded pedons ranging from 0.04 to 3.63 cmol kg −1. Also, there was an increase in pH by 0.4 to 1 unit in most horizons of the flooded pedons in spite of the general decrease in base saturation. These changes in CEC, base saturation and pH support the XRD evidence that the seasonal floodings caused pedochemical weathering of the smectite in this loamy sand soil at a very fast rate during the 5 year period and this had resulted in the lowering of the buffering capacity and a general impoverishment of the soil series.  相似文献   

Alfalfa cropping has been considered an efficient method of increasing soil fertility.Usually nitrogen increase in root nodules is considered to be the major beneficial effect.A 21-year time series (five sampling periods) of alfalfa cultivation plots on a loess soil,initially containing illite and chlorite,in Lanzhou of northwestern China was selected to investigate the relationships among alfalfa cropping,soil potassium (K) content and soil clay minerals.The results indicated that soil K significantly accumulated after cropping,with a peak value at about 15 years,and decreased afterwards.The accumulated K was associated with the K increase in the well-crystallized illite,which was not extracted by the traditional laboratory K extraction methods in assessing bioavailability.The steep decline in soil K content after 15-year cropping was in accord with the observed fertility loss in the alfalfa soil.Plant biomass productivity peaked at near 9 years of culture,whereas soil K and clay minerals continued to increase until cropping for 15 years.This suggested that K increased in the topsoil came from the deep root zone.Thus alfalfa continued to store K in clays even after peak production occurred.Nitrogen did not follow these trends,showing a general decline compared with the native prairie soils that had not been cropped.Therefore,the traditional alfalfa cropping can increase K content in the topsoil.  相似文献   

Archived soil samples are a valuable tool for any long‐term soil research. We analysed total carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content and soil organic matter fractions in 38 archived soil samples that were stored for up to 21 years and compared air‐dried storage to frozen storage conditions. Samples include top‐ and upper subsoils, different soil texture and land use with C contents between 4.3 and 174 mg g?1. The results from this study reveal no changes in total C and N contents with storage time up to 21 years or type of storage (freezing vs. air drying). The analyses of soil physical fractions also revealed no significant differences between air‐dried stored and frozen stored samples for most samples. However, we found indications, that freezing of soil material might lead to changes in the mineral fractions for soils containing high amounts of water. Therefore, and as archiving soils in a frozen state is more expensive than storing air‐dried samples, we recommend the use of air‐dried samples for C quality analyses of archived soil samples.  相似文献   


Increasing exchangeable potassium (ExK) content in soil to an appropriate level is important to mitigate the transfer of radioactive cesium to crops. We focused on a buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) field with a low ExK content, despite the application of K, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (Field A), following the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Dai-ichi (No. 1) Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011. We examined the relationship between K concentration and clay mineral composition in the soil of Field A and compared the findings with another field in Fukushima Prefecture (Field B) to clarify whether K applied to the soil was leached or remaining fixed. Pot experiments showed that K concentration in water seepage from pots following irrigation was significantly lower in pots from Field A than in those from Field B. Soil ExK content after soybean cultivation was lower in soils of Field A than those of Field B. These results indicate that K applied to Field A was fixed in the soil. Analysis of clay mineral composition confirmed the distinctive vermiculitic nature of Field A soils. This clay mineralogy would be associated with the higher K fixation ability of Field A than Field B soils. This study demonstrated that K fixation in vermiculite was a factor preventing the increase in ExK content from K application to Field A.  相似文献   

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