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Commercially available cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) nut shell liquid (CNSL) mainly contains the phenolic constituents anacardic acid, cardol, and cardanol. These phenolic constituents are themselves heterogeneous, and each of them contains saturated, monoene, diene, and trienes in the fifteen-carbon side chain. This communication describes the separation of anacardic acid, cardol, and cardanol for industrial application. Anacardic acid was selectively isolated as calcium anacardate. The acid-free CNSL was treated with liquor ammonia and extracted with hexane/ethyl acetate (98:2) to separate the mono phenolic component, cardanol. Subsequently, ammonia solution was extracted with ethyl acetate/hexane (80:20) to obtain cardol.  相似文献   

Several abiotic stresses, including ethylene, methyl jasmonate, temperature, light, and wounding, were tested for their ability to induce accumulation of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in purple-flesh potatoes (cv. All Blue). Results indicated that temperature, ethylene, methyl jasmonate, and light treatments did not significantly affect the accumulation of phenolic compounds compared to control samples. Only tubers with low initial anthocyanin levels treated with methyl jasmonate showed approximately 60% anthocyanin accumulation. Wounding induced the accumulation of phenolics compounds and an increase of PAL-activity in sliced tissue compared to the control. Total phenolics increased approximately 60% with a parallel 85% increase in antioxidant capacity. These results show that selection of appropriate abiotic stresses can enhance the nutritional and functional value of potatoes.  相似文献   

The county of Norfolk was surveyed for otters between December 1974 and June 1975 inclusive. Only 32 sites out of a total of 233 sites visited had signs of otters and a further 8 records were received. A total population of 17 pairs was estimated, considerably below the carrying capacity of the area.  相似文献   

The effect of roasting on the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of cashew nuts and testa was studied. Whole cashew nuts, subjected to low-temperature (LT) and high-temperature (HT) treatments, were used to determine the antioxidant activity of products. Antioxidant activities of cashew nut, kernel, and testa phenolics extracted increased as the roasting temperature increased. The highest activity, as determined by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging capacity, oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity, Trolox equivalent antioxidant activity (TEAC), and reducing power, was achieved when nuts were roasted at 130 °C for 33 min. Furthermore, roasting increased the total phenolic content (TPC) in both the soluble and bound extracts from whole nut, kernel, and testa but decreased that of the proanthocyanidins (PC) except for the soluble extract of cashew kernels. In addition, cashew testa afforded a higher extract yield, TPC, and PC in both soluble and bound fractions compared to that in whole nuts and kernels. Phenolic acids, namely, syringic (the predominant one), gallic, and p-coumaric acids, were identified. Flavonoids, namely, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, and epigallocatechin, were also identified, and their contents increased with increasing temperature. The results so obtained suggest that HT-short time (HTST) roasting effectively enhances the antioxidant activity of cashew nuts and testa.  相似文献   

The allergens associated with cashew food allergy have not been well-characterized. We sought to identify the major allergens in cashew nut by performing IgE immunoblots to dissociated and reduced or nonreduced cashew protein extracts, followed by sequencing of the peptides of interest. Sera from 15 subjects with life-threatening reactions to cashews and 8 subjects who tolerate cashews but have life-threatening reactions to other tree nuts were compared. An aqueous cashew protein extract containing albumin/globulin was separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and subjected to IgE immunoblotting using patient sera. Selected IgE reactive bands were subjected to N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Each of the 15 sera from cashew-allergic subjects showed IgE binding to the cashew protein extract. The dominant IgE-binding antigens in the reduced preparations included peptides in the 31-35 kD range, consistent with the large subunits of the major storage 13S globulin (legumin-like protein). Low-molecular-weight polypeptides of the 2S albumin family, with similarity to the major walnut allergen Jug r 1, also bound IgE. The sera from eight patients who tolerate cashew but displayed allergies to other tree nuts showed only minimal or no IgE binding to cashew. Cashew food allergy is associated with the presence of IgE directed against the major seed storage proteins in cashew, including the 13S globulin (legumin group) and 2S albumins, both of which represent major allergen classes in several plant seeds. Thus, the legumin-group proteins and 2S albumins are again identified as major food allergens, which will help further research into seed protein allergenicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) on soil C and N transformations and on the characteristics of organic matter. Soil samples were taken from the humus layer of a replicated 35-year-old birch-spruce field experiment growing on Vaccinium myrtillus site type in middle-eastern Finland. The soil was a podzol and humus type mor. Soil pH was higher under birch (4.7) than under spruce (4.1). The C-to-N ratio was lower under birch (17) than under spruce (23). Per unit organic matter, microbial biomass C and N, net N mineralization and net nitrification were all higher in birch soil than in spruce soil. The rate of C mineralization (CO2 production) was, however, the same regardless of tree species. Water-extracts were analyzed for the concentrations of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) and characterized according to molecular size distribution by ultrafiltration and according to chemical composition using a resin fractionation technique. The concentration of DON, in particular, was higher in birch soil than in spruce soil. The distribution of DOC and DON into different fractions based on molecular size or chemical composition was rather similar in both soils. The concentration of total phenolics, expressed as tannic acid equivalents, was higher in the humus layer under birch than in the humus layer under spruce, because the birch humus layer contained significantly more low-molecular weight (about <0.5 kD) phenolics than the spruce humus layer did. The concentration of proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) was higher in spruce soil than in birch soil. The concentrations of the five most abundant phenolic acids showed that ferulic and p-coumaric acids were more abundant in spruce soil. Birch soil tended to contain slightly more nonvolatile sesquiterpenes than the spruce soil. The concentration of diterpenes was similar in both soils; but birch soil contained significantly more triterpenes, mainly sterols, than spruce soil did.  相似文献   

This study is the first report assessing the effect of soil inoculation on the signalling interaction of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and soybean plants throughout the early stages of colonisation that lead to the tripartite symbiosis. In a study using soil disturbance to produce contrasting indigenous AMF treatments, the flavonoids daidzein, genistein and coumestrol were identified as possible signals for regulating the establishment of the tripartite symbiosis. However, it was unclear whether soil disturbance induced changes in flavonoid root accumulation other than through changing the potential for AMF colonization. In this study, soil treatments comprising all possible combinations of AMF and B. japonicum were established to test whether (1) modifications in root flavonoid accumulation depend on the potential for AMF colonization, and (2) synthesis and accumulation of flavonoids in the roots change over time as a function of the early plant-microbial interactions that lead to the tripartite symbiosis. The study was comprised of two phases. First, maize was grown over 3-week periods to promote the development of the AM fungus Glomus clarum. Second, the interaction between soybean, G. clarum and B. japonicum was evaluated at 6, 10, 14 and 40 days after plant emergence. Root colonization by G. clarum had a positive effect on nodulation 14 days after emergence, producing, 30% more nodules which were 40% heavier than those on roots solely inoculated with B. japonicum. The tripartite symbiosis resulted in 23% more N2 being fixed than did the simpler symbiosis between soybean and B. japonicum. The presence of both symbionts changed accumulation of flavonoids in roots. Daidzein and coumestrol increased with plant growth. However, development of the tripartite symbiosis caused a decrease in coumestrol; accumulation of daidzein, the most abundant flavonoid, was reduced in the presence of AMF.  相似文献   

The contents of pnenolic acids and ferulic acid dehydrodimers were quantified by HPLC analysis after alkaline hydrolysis in kernels of 17 rye (Secale cereale L.) varieties grown in one location in Denmark during 1997 and 1998. Significant variations (P < 0.05) with regard to the concentration of the analyzed components were observed among the different rye varieties and also between different harvest years. However, the content of phenolic acids in the analyzed rye varieties was narrow compared to cereals such as wheat and barley. The concentration of ferulic acid, the most abundant phenolic acid ranged from 900 to 1170 microgram g(-1) dry matter. The content in sinapic acid ranged from 70 to 140 microgram g(-1) dry matter, p-coumaric acid ranged from 40 to 70 microgram g(-1) dry matter, and caffeic, p-hydroxybenzoic, protocatechuic, and vanillic acids were all detected in concentrations less than 20 microgram g(-1) dry matter. The most abundant ferulic acid dehydrodimer 8-O-4 -DiFA was quantified in concentrations from 130 to 200 microgram g(-1) dry matter followed by 8,5 -DiFA benzofuran form (50-100 microgram g(-1) dry matter), 5,5 -DiFA (40-70 microgram g(-1) dry matter), and 8,5 -DiFA (20-40 microgram g(-1) dry matter).  相似文献   

Assessment of diversity and understanding factors underlying species distribution are fundamental themes in ecology. However, the diversity of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species in African tropical agro-ecosystems remains weakly known. This research was carried out to assess the morphological diversity of indigenous AMF species associated with rhizosphere of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) in different agro-ecological zones (AEZ) of Benin and to examine the effects of soil chemical properties, climatic factors and agricultural practices on this diversity. Results showed that, in Benin, cowpea was grown by farmers in very exhausted soils, where available phosphorus and potassium were deficient. The indigenous AMF spore density was on average 202 spores per 100 g dry soil and there was no difference in the density among the agro-ecological zones (P = 0.56). Fifteen AMF morphospecies belonging to eight genera (Gigaspora, Scutellospora, Racocetra, Acaulospora, Funneliformis, Rhizophagus, Glomus and Claroideoglomus) were detected. The computed species richness estimators indicated that a limited number of additional undetected morphospecies are probably present in cowpea fields. According to analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), the arbuscular mycorrhizas community composition of the Sudanian zone and Guinean zone were not significantly different (r = −0.01; P = 0.517). The diversity of AMF morphospecies in the fields was weak with prevalence of Glomeraceae (92%). Furthermore, AMF diversity and evenness indices were negatively correlated with annual rainfall (P < 0.01) and with available phosphorus (P < 0.05). However, no significant correlation was observed between AMF diversity indices and soil organic carbon. Ultimately, this study tends to confirm that soil management practices (tillage, soil disturbance) have negative effect on AMF diversity.  相似文献   

Eleven cadmium-tolerant bacterial strains were isolated from the root zone of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern.) seedlings grown in Cd-supplemented soils as well as sewage sludge and mining waste highly contaminated with Cd. The bacteria also showed increased tolerance to other metals including Zn, Cu, Ni and Co. The isolated strains included Variovorax paradoxus, Rhodococcus sp. and Flavobacterium sp., and were capable of stimulating root elongation of B. juncea seedlings either in the presence or absence of toxic Cd concentrations. Some of the strains produced indoles or siderophores, but none possessed C2H2-reduction activity. All the strains, except Flavobacterium sp. strain 5P-3, contained the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, which hydrolyses ACC (the immediate precursor of plant hormone ethylene) to NH3 and α-ketobutyrate. V. paradoxus utilized ACC as a sole source of N or energy. A positive correlation between the in vitro ACC deaminase activity of the bacteria and their stimulating effect on root elongation suggested that utilization of ACC is an important bacterial trait determining root growth promotion. The isolated bacteria offer promise as inoculants to improve growth of the metal accumulating plant B. juncea in the presence of toxic Cd concentrations and for the development of plant-inoculant systems useful for phytoremediation of polluted soils.  相似文献   

Compressive behaviour of hemp (Cannabis Sativ L.) stems is important for the design of hemp handling and processing machines. Experiments were carried out to measure the compressive properties of stems from two hemp varieties: Alyssa (grown for fibre only) and Petera (grown for both fibre and seed), produced in Manitoba, Canada. The physical properties of the hemp specimens were measured. For each variety, an air-dried hemp stem was divided into three height sections along the stem: upper, middle and lower. For each section, the hemp stem was further cut into 25.4 mm long specimens. Individual specimens were compressed in the axial and lateral directions using a universal testing machine. The load-displacement curves were recorded, and compressive properties were derived from the load-displacement curves. The outer diameter of the hollow hemp specimens varied from 6 to 17 mm; the linear density varied from 10 to 37 g m−1. Diameter and linear density were greater for Petera than Alyssa, and at the lower height section than the higher section for both varieties. The compression tests showed that the maximum compressive load varied from 58 to 1425 N, and the energy requirement varied from 23 to 1809 mJ, depending on the variety, height section and diameter of stem, and compression direction. In general, the maximum compressive load and the energy requirement were greater in the lower section and for larger diameters; higher loads and energy were observed for Petera than for Alyssa and for the axial compression direction than for the lateral direction.  相似文献   

Rapid wetting of irrigated soils often leads to slaking and slumping, and on drying a surface crust and hard-set conditions may occur. This results in reduced crop emergence unless the surface is kept moist. The effect of aggregate size and water content on the emergence of soybean and maize from an Entic chromustert (heavy cracking clay) was determined using pots of sieved aggregates with size ranges less than 1, 1–2, 2–5 and 5–15 mm at soil water contents of 15, 20 and 25 g (100 g)−1. Unsieved soil was used as a control. Greatest emergence tended to occur from fine (1–2 mm) seedbeds compared with coarse (5–15 mm) seedbeds for both crops. A covered treatment, simulating a stubble mulch, resulted in greater emergence than an uncovered treatment for all water contents and aggregate sizes. Earlier emergence occurred from finer (less than 1 mm and 1–2 mm) seedbeds than from coarse (5–15 mm) seedbeds, and at the greatest water content used. Soil strength, measured with a shear vane, decreased with increasing water content and tended to be less on fine (1–2 mm) seedbeds compared with very fine (less than 1 mm) or coarse (5–15 mm) seedbeds. It is recommended that, for good emergence from this Entic chromustert, seedbeds be brought to a water content of 25 g (100 g)−1 by capillary wetting to prevent hardsetting and consist of 1–2 or 2–5 mm aggregates for soybean and maize, respectively, and have a stubble mulch on the surface. This corresponds to an equivalent depth of water of 15 mm and 9 mm for soybean and maize, respectively, in the top 50 mm of the profile.  相似文献   

Dietary antioxidants that protect low-density lipoprotein (LDL) from oxidation may help to prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. The antioxidant activities of purified monomeric and dimeric hydroxycinnamates and of phenolic extracts from rye (whole grain, bran, and flour) were investigated using an in vitro copper-catalyzed human LDL oxidation assay. The most abundant ferulic acid dehydrodimer (diFA) found in rye, 8-O-4-diFA, was a slightly better antioxidant than ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid. The antioxidant activity of the 8-5-diFA was comparable to that of ferulic acid, but neither 5-5-diFA nor 8-5-benzofuran-diFA inhibited LDL oxidation when added at 10-40 microM. The antioxidant activity of the monomeric hydroxycinnamates decreased in the following order: caffeic acid > sinapic acid > ferulic acid > p-coumaric acid. The antioxidant activity of rye extracts was significantly correlated with their total content of monomeric and dimeric hydroxycinnamates, and the rye bran extract was the most potent. The data suggest that especially rye bran provides a source of dietary phenolic antioxidants that may have potential health effects.  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of seeds from 29 black currant genotypes were determined using a rapid small-scale procedure. There was interest in alpha-linolenic, stearidonic, and, especially, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) contents, and most samples showed values between 11.1 and 18.7%, between 2.5 and 4.5%, and between 11.6 and 17.4%, respectively. However, six genotypes exhibited gamma-linolenic contents >18%, and values >20% were recorded in four of these genotypes. The fatty acid contents of the six genotypes were also analyzed by using a conventional procedure, and only slight differences in fatty acid composition were found between the two methods. Although GLA content was not strongly correlated with juice parameters, some genotypes had both high GLA contents and desirable juice characteristics. The results obtained provide evidence that it is possible to select for GLA contents without negatively affecting juice quality, and both aspects can be combined in a single cultivar, thereby increasing the added value of the whole fruit.  相似文献   

腰果树体养分分布特征及其再吸收效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以5个8龄腰果品系为对象,研究了腰果树体养分分布特征、品系间差异以及元素间相关性;并以无性系FL30为对象,研究了腰果树养分再吸收规律。试验结果表明,N、K、Ca、Mg、Mn主要存在于腰果叶片中,P、Cu主要分布于枝条和根系中,Fe、B则主要分布于根系中,Zn在叶、枝、根中分布较均匀。不同品系腰果树体养分分布特征存在一定的差异。腰果树体中养分元素之间存在一定的作用和影响,叶片中的Ca、Mn、B彼此之间以及N-P、Mg-Mn之间呈极显著的正相关关系,N-K、P-K、Cu-K、Zn-Cu之间呈显著的正相关关系;枝条中的N、P、K彼此之间以及Ca-B、Mg-B、Ca-Mn、Fe-Zn之间呈显著的正相关关系;根系中N-K、Ca-K、B-K、Fe-Zn之间呈极显著的正相关关系,N-B、Ca-B以及K-Zn之间呈显著的正相关关系。腰果树N、P、K再吸收效率较高,Cu、Zn再吸收效率较低;Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、B在衰老叶片中富集,其中Mn的富集程度最高,其次是Ca>B>Mg,Fe的富集程度最低。  相似文献   

Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is an herb the leaves of which are used to add a distinct aroma and flavor to food. It was hypothesized that the size and chemical composition of sun-grown basil leaves could be influenced by the color of light reflected from the soil surface and by the action of the reflected light through the natural growth regulatory system within the growing plants. Leaf morphology, aroma compounds, and soluble phenolics were compared in basil that had been grown over six colors of polyethylene row covers. Altering the ratios of blue, red, and far-red light reflected to growing plants influenced both leaf morphology and chemistry. Leaves developing over red surfaces had greater area, moisture percentage (succulence), and fresh weight than those developing over black surfaces. Basil grown over yellow and green surfaces produced significantly higher concentrations of aroma compounds than did basil grown over white and blue covers. Leaves grown over yellow and green mulches also contained significantly higher concentrations of phenolics than those grown over the other colors. Clearly, the wavelengths (color) of light reflected to growing basil plants affected leaf size, aroma, and concentrations of soluble phenolics, some of which are antioxidants.  相似文献   

Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott, commonly called taro, is an ancient species selected for its edible tuber. Its huge "elephant ear" like leaves are also consumed in sauces and stews or as soups. Forty-one phenolic metabolites (11 hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives and 30 glycosylated flavonoids) were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS(n)) in the leaves of two C. esculenta varieties cultivated in Azores Islands. To our knowledge, 34 of the 41 phenolic compounds are being reported for the first time in this species. Phenolics quantification was achieved by an HPLC-DAD accurate and sensitive validated method. Although the qualitative profile of the two varieties is quite similar, quantitative differences were observed between them. "Giant white" and "red" varieties (local denomination) contain, respectively, ca. 14 and 21% of phenolic acids, 37 and 28% of flavones mono-C-glycosides, 42 and 43% of flavones di-C-glycosides, 3 and 4% of flavones mono-C-(O-glycosyl)glycosides, and both of them ca. 2% of flavones di-C-(O-glycosyl)glycosides and 2% of flavones-O-glycosides. Luteolin-6-C-hexoside was the compound present in higher amounts in both varieties. The established phenolic profile is an added value for the authenticity and quality control of C. esculenta and may be useful in the discrimination of its varieties.  相似文献   

The beverage of Hibiscus sabdariffa flowers is widely consumed in Mexico. Polyphenols contained in plant foods are frequently associated with dietary fiber. The aim of this work is to quantify the dietary fiber, associated polyphenols, and antioxidant capacity of the Roselle flower and the beverage traditionally prepared from it and its contribution to the Mexican diet. Roselle flower contained dietary fiber as the largest component (33.9%) and was rich in phenolic compounds (6.13%). Soluble dietary fiber was 0.66 g/L in beverage, and 66% of total extractable polyphenols contained in Roselle flower passed to the beverage and showed an antioxidant capacity of 335 micromoL trolox equivalents/100 mL beverage measured by ABTS. These data suggest that Roselle flower beverage intake in the Mexican diet may contribute around 166 and 165 mg/per serving to the intake of dietary fiber and polyphenols, respectively. The health benefits from consumption of Hibiscus beverage could be of considerable benefit to the whole population.  相似文献   

Size classes can be discerned in field size frequency data for Acanthaster planci which may be interpreted as age classes. This interpretation enables a possible field growth curve to be derived, which is consistent with measured growth data from the laboratory (Yamaguchi, 1974) and from field experiments by Pearson & Endean (1969).The aging of size classes enables measured size frequency data for A. planci on the Great Barrier Reef between 1966 and 1976 to be discussed as a recruitment history of the starfish.A. planci populations on all reefs for which size frequency data are available appear to have increased as a result of larval recruitment, rather than through adult migration. There appear to have been three main waves of recruitment, each affecting a section of reef spanning one to two degrees of latitude. The parental stock of the originally observed large populations of A. planci on the Great Barrier Reef was probably located north of 16° 30′ S.  相似文献   


Fall trunk injections of 200 g K in K2SO4 solution or up to 300 g K in K2HPO4 solution had no effect on sweet cherry mid‐shoot leaf K in August. Phosphorus content was significantly increased in buds in March and midshoot leaves in August one year by fall injection of K2HPO4 (79.2 g P).

Spring trunk injections of 12.5 g K (K2S04 or K2HPO4) in prune increased leaf K within four days and K levels remained higher than controls for at least 22 days with K2SO4 Leaf P was increased within four days by K2HPO4 and was higher than controls in August.

Fruit set in sweet cherry was significantly lower on trees injected with 200 g K (K2S04) and 300 g K (K2HPO4). Yield was significantly lower for all injection treatments and was probably caused at least in part by reduced fruit set. Fruit quality was not affected by K injections.  相似文献   

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