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A young, female Maltese dog was presented with intermittent vomiting of bile. Biochemical evidence of persistent mild hepatopathy had been present for 11 months. Exploratory celiotomy was performed. Absence of the gallbladder with malformation of the quadrate lobe of the liver was identified. There was histological evidence of bile duct proliferation and portal fibrosis.  相似文献   

Radiolabeled testosterone (3H-T) was infused into the testes or left and right mesofuniculus (106 dpm) or injected into a testes (2 x 10(6) dpm). The 3H-T concentration was estimated 15 or 10 min after 3H-T infusion or injection, respectively, in the tissue samples collected from the prostate, seminal vesicles, caput and cauda epididymides, vasa deferentia and the mesofuniculi. The abdominal aorta and posterior vena cava were cannulated, and the posterior part of the body perfused with blood (at blood pressure 70-140 or 260-300 mm Hg in abdominal aorta) was used to study 3H-T transfer from the testes to venous blood and other male genital organs. The concentration of 3H-T found in the accessory genital glands, epididymes and vasa deferentia was affected by blood pressure in the abdominal aorta. The reduced blood pressure and partial blocking of blood supply to the genital organs (after ligation of both testicular arteries or the terminal part of the abdominal aorta) increased the concentration of 3H-T in accessory genital glands, vasa deferentia and epididymes. The removal of the mesofuniculi and vasa deferentia with their mesoducti reduced 3H-T concentration in the prostate, seminal vesicles and cauda epididymides. Both arterial trunks, testicular arteries and common iliac arteries, were shown to be connected by anastomoses in target organs so effectively, that supplying the male genital organs with blood by only one of them assures the transfer of testosterone from the testes to the epididymes, vasa deferentia, mesofuniculi as well as prostate and seminal vesicles. It was concluded that lymphatic vessels of the mesofunicules and of the spermatic cords as well as venous and arterial vasculature of the mesofunicules create a recently unknown pathway for the increase of testosterone supply from the testes to the epididymes, vasa deferentia and accessory genital glands of rats.  相似文献   

Hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis were diagnosed in a 2-year-old Limousin bull. Salient historical and clinical observations included weight loss, anorexia, intermittent colic, polyuria, polydypsia, and an ammoniacal breath odor. Intravenous treatment with fluids and antibiotics did not induce a favorable response. An anomalous vas deferens was observed on postmortem examination. The vas deferens ended in a blind polyp that protruded into the lumen of the urethra. This polyp may have caused chronic intermittent obstruction, predisposing to the hydronephrosis and pyelonephritis.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether in the Japanese quail the male genital tract contains receptors for progesterone, androgen and estrogen (PR, AR and ER, respectively), which have significant roles in reproductive functions, and whether their localization changes during sexual maturation. The epididymis and ductus deferens (middle and ampulla regions) of immature (approximately 30-day-old) and mature male Japanese quail were collected and frozen sections of them were immunostained for PR, AR and ER. The immunoreaction products for AR and PR were found in the nuclei of epithelial cells in the efferent ductules, epididymal duct, and the middle and ampulla regions of the ductus deferens of mature and immature birds. In the mature birds, the epithelial cells of the efferent ductules, epididymal duct, and the middle and ampulla regions of the ductus deferens were positive for ER, although some of the cells in the ductus deferens were negative. The epithelial cells of the ductules in the epididymis stained positive for ER, but the immunoreactions were negligible in the ductus deferens of immature birds. These results suggest that the epididymis and ductus deferens in quail possesses PR, AR and ER receptors. Each receptor is expressed before sexual maturation, although enhancement of ER expression may occur during maturation.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a growth factor belonging to the family of neurotrophins. Neurotrophins exert their effects by binding to corresponding receptors, which are formed by the tyrosine receptor kinases TrkA, TrkB and TrkC, and the low-affinity p75NTR receptor. The role of neurotrophins in the biology of male genital organs is far from clear. In particular, little is known about the influence of sex hormones on the expression of neurotrophin receptors. In the present study, using immunohistochemistry, we investigated the distribution of TrkB and p75NTR in the vas deferens and accessory male genital glands in normal and castrated rats. In normal rats, both TrkB and p75NTR immunoreactivities were localized in the epithelial layer of the vas deferens and prostate gland. The nerves were immunoreactive in all the examined organs. Castration induced the loss of both TrkB and p75NTR immunoreactivities in the epithelial layer. On the contrary, both receptors persisted or, as in the case of p75NTR, increased in the nerves after castration. These results show that receptors that bind BDNF are expressed in the internal male genital organs of the rat and that their expression is differently regulated by androgen hormones. It can be hypothesized that BDNF, via interacting with p75NTR, has a role in the castration-induced regression of the sympathetic nerves.  相似文献   

The entire ductus epididymidis is characterized by pseudostratified columnar epithelium which contain principal and basal cells. Apical cells are found in the proximal segments. Long stereocilia projected from the apical surface of the principal cells. Signs of adjacent apocrine secretory activity are shown. The various segments of the ductus epididymidis present differences in the height of the epithelium, the development of the stereocilia, the appearance of granules in the cytoplasm, the luminal sperm concentration and the height of the peritubular layer.  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) are channel proteins that facilitate the transepithelial and bidirectional movement of water. AQP9 is an aquaporin that is expressed in the mammalian epididymis. This water transport contributes to epididymal sperm concentration. This study aimed to examine the morphology of epididymal epithelium in piglets and boars, as well as the expression and immunolocalization of AQP9. The piglets presented an epididymal epithelium in differentiation with principal, basal and apical cells. The cellular population of the epididymal epithelium in boars consisted of principal, basal, apical, clear and narrow cells. The migratory cells known as halo cells were observed in the epididymis of both piglets and boars. AQP9 expression presented differences between piglets and boars. Moderate intensity of AQP9 immunoreaction was observed in the apical border of the epididymal epithelium of the caput and cauda regions in the piglet epididymis. A moderate‐to‐intense reaction for AQP9 was observed in the nuclei of epithelial cells of the three epididymal regions in the boar epididymis. The region of the cauda epididymis showed reactivity for AQP9 also in the apical border of the epithelium. It is believed that the AQP9 is already functional in piglets at only 1 week of age and is more active, playing a pivotal role in the caput and cauda regions of the epididymis. Moreover, the intense AQP9 expression in the apical border of epithelial cells in the cauda region of the boar epididymis suggests a higher performance of AQP9 in this region, where sperm complete their maturation process, stored and concentrated.  相似文献   

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