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An 11-year-old female Yorkshire terrier was presented to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center for evaluation of a palpable intra-abdominal mass and alopecia. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large, complex, cavitary mass in the left caudal region of the abdomen. A fine needle aspirate of the mass was collected. A population of markedly pleomorphic, large, round to polygonal cells were found singly and in small noncohesive aggregates. The cells contained scant, clear to blue-gray cytoplasm, large, round to oval nuclei, and distinctly stippled to reticular chromatin. Cytologic findings were consistent with a tumor of ovarian origin, with a primary differential diagnosis of germ cell tumor. Hormonal analysis of serum revealed a marked increase in 14-OH-progesterone concentration (2.71 ng/mL, reference interval 0.05-0.69 ng/mL). Ovariohysterectomy was performed, and the mass was found to be in the area of the left ovary. Histologic evaluation of the reproductive tract confirmed a diagnosis of left ovarian dysgerminoma. Based on immunohistochemical stains, the tumor was negative for c-kit (CD117c) and single cells were positive for neuron-specific enolase. A right ovarian cyst and squamous metaplasia of the right uterine horn also were diagnosed. The cyst was presumed to be the source of 14-OH-progesterone, which likely resulted in the squamous metaplasia and dermatopathy. Three months after surgery, the progesterone concentration had returned to normal and the alopecia had nearly resolved. Dysgerminomas in dogs are reported rarely, but have a distinctive, recognizable, cytologic appearance and should be included in the differential diagnosis of an intra-abdominal mass in a reproductively intact female dog.  相似文献   

Abstract Twenty-five pure-bred and two cross-bred German Shepherd dogs with German Shepherd dog pyoderma (GSP) were treated with enrofloxacin as an antimicrobial therapy. Following 28 weeks of treatment at a dose rate of 5 mg kg-1, administered orally once daily, excellent results were obtained in 23 dogs (85.2%), and fair results in three dogs (11.1%). One dog (3.7%) showed no response. These findings indicate that enrofloxacin therapy is an effective antimicrobial treatment for the bacterial infection in GSP. Resumé 25 Bergers Allemandes de pure race et 2 métis suffrant d'infection bactérienne de type pyodermite du Berger Allemand fürent traités à l'aide d'enrofloxacine comme antimicrobien. Deux à huit semaines de traitment à la dose de 5 mg kg-1 per os une fois par jour donnèrent un excellent resultat chez 23 chiens (85.2%), et une amelioration dans 3 cas (11.1%). Un chien (3.7%) ne répondit pas du tout. Ces résultats montrent que l'enrofloxacine est efficace en tant qu'antibactérien dans le traitment de la pyodermite du Berger Allemand. [Koch, H-J., Peters, S. Antimicrobial Therapy in German Shepherd Dog Pyoderma (GSP). An open clinical study. (Traitment anti-infectieux de la pyodermite du Berger Allemand. Etude clinique ouverte). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 177–181.] Resumen 25 perros pastor alemán de pura raza y dos mezcla de pastor alemán que tenian pioderma fueron tratados con enrofloxacina. Después de 2–8 semanas de tratamiento a una dosis de 5 mg kg-1 por via oral una vez al día, se obtuvieron resultados excelentes en 23 perros y resultados moderados en 3 perros. Un perro no respondió. Estos resultados muestran que enrofioxacina es un tratamiento efectivo contra pioderma de pastor alemán. [Koch, H-J., Peters, S. Antimicrobial Therapy in German Shepherd Dog Pyoderma (GSP). An open clinical study. (Terapia antimicrobiana en perros de pastor alemán. Un estudio clinico). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 177–181.] Zusammenfassung— 25 reinrassige Deutsche Schäferhunde und zwei Deutsche Schäferhund-Mischlinge mit bakterieller Infektion infolge Schäferhundpyodermie wurden mit Enrofloxacin antimikrobiell behandelt. Nach zwei-bis achtwöchiger Behandlung in der Dosierung von 5 mg kg-1 Körpergewicht, 1 × tgl. oral verabreicht, wurden bei 23 Hunden (85, 2%) sehr gute und bei drei Hunden (11, 1%) befriedigende Behandlungsergebnisse erzielt. Ein Hund (3, 7%) sprach nicht auf die Behandlung an. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Enrofloxacin zur erfolgreichen antimikrobiellen Behandlung der bakteriellen Infektion bei der Schäferhundpyodermie geeignet ist. [Koch, H-J., Peters, S. Antimicrobial Therapy in German Shepherd Dog Pyoderma (GSP). An open clinical study. (Antimikrobielle Therapie bei Deutscher Schäferhundpyodermie (DSP). Eine klinische offene Untersuchung). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 177–181.]  相似文献   

为了研究超低温冷冻前后德国牧羊犬精子超微结构的变化,采用扫描电镜和透射电镜对冷冻前后德国牧羊犬精子超微结构变化进行研究,结果显示在扫描电镜下,鲜精整体呈“蝌蚪状”,头部呈扁卵圆形.在透射电镜下精子纵切面头部呈“楔形”,头部细胞膜由外向内分别由质膜、顶体外膜、项体内膜和核膜组成.精子尾部中段横切面由外向内可见线粒体鞘膜、9束外周致密纤维,9对轴丝和2根中央微管.精子头长约为5.40 μm,头宽3.26 μm,颈长1.25 μm,颈宽0.55 μm,尾部中段长11.34 μm,中段直径0.87 μm,尾部长55.70 μm,线粒体螺旋数为44旋.鲜精和冷冻前精子头部、颈部和尾部形态变化差异均不显著(P>0.05).超低温冷冻后精子头部、颈部和尾部发生形态变化的精子数极显著高于鲜精和冻前精子数(P<0.01).冻后顶体发生明显形态变化的精子占54.21%,高于发生颈部形态变化(10.61%)和尾部形态变化(28.83%)的精子数.结果表明鲜精和冻前精子形态变化不显著,而超低温冷冻后精子头部、颈部和尾部发生形态变化的精子数显著高于鲜精和冻前精子数.  相似文献   

Results from radiographic screening for canine hip dysplasia (CHD) and elbow dysplasia (CED) of 48 367 German shepherd dogs born in 2001–07 were used for the population genetic analyses. Available information included CHD scores for 47 730 dogs, CED scores for 28 011 dogs and detailed veterinary diagnoses of primary ED lesions for a subsample of 18 899 dogs. Quasi‐continuous traits were CHD, CED and cases of CED without radiographically visible primary lesion (CED‐ARTH). Binary coding was used for fragmented medial coronoid process of the ulna (FCP), borderline findings and mild to severe signs of dysplasia in hip and elbow joints. Genetic parameters were estimated in univariate threshold and multivariate linear and mixed linear‐threshold models using Gibbs sampling. Correlations between univariately predicted breeding values (BV) indicated genetic differences between borderline and affected disease status for both CHD (rBV = 0.5) and CED (rBV = 0.3). Multivariate genetic analyses with separate consideration of borderline findings revealed moderate heritabilities of 0.2–0.3 for the quasi‐continuous traits with positive additive genetic correlation of 0.3 between CHD and both CED and CED‐ARTH. For FCP, heritability of 0.6 and additive genetic correlations of +0.1 to CHD and ?0.1 to CED‐ARTH were estimated. Results supported the relevant genetic determination of CHD and CED, argued for both diseases against interpretation of borderline findings as healthy and implied genetic heterogeneity of CED. Accordingly, future breeding strategies to reduce the prevalences of CHD and CED in the German shepherd dog should be most efficient when based on BV from multivariate genetic evaluation for CHD, CED‐ARTH and FCP with use of the whole scale of categories for classification of CHD and CED.  相似文献   

A gastro-oesophageal intussusception in a female, six-week-old German shepherd dog was treated surgically with success. The dog was presented with acute dyspnoea and signs of shock. After laparotomy, the herniated organs were reduced from the lumen of the oesophagus into the abdomen and an imbrication of the oesophageal hiatus, an appositional fundoplica-tion and a left-sided incisional fundopexy were performed. The dog made an uneventful recovery. Eighteen months after surgery the dog is still alive, with no clinical signs despite the persistent presence of megaoesophagus.  相似文献   

An 18-month-old, entire male German shepherd dog was presented with signs indicative of a caudal abdominal space-occupying mass. A needle-core biopsy of this mass failed to establish a definitive diagnosis, but identified a prominent round-cell component. The dog's condition worsened and euthanasia was performed on humane grounds. Histopathology of the mass revealed a mesenchymal chondrosarcoma.  相似文献   

A three-month-old, male German shepherd dog was admitted with a facial mass of two months' duration. Clinical examination showed a round mass, 3 cm in diameter, in the left infraorbital area. The upper last premolar deciduous tooth was not erupted. No other abnormalities were detected. Radiological examination revealed a posterior maxillary mass of mixed opacity. The mass was surgically excised. Histopathological examination demonstrated a connective tissue stroma containing foci of irregular enamel and dentine, resembling rudimentary teeth (denticles), surrounded by new bone formation. Morphology and structure of the denticles were also confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. A compound odontoma was diagnosed. One year after surgery, the dog was free of clinical signs.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old intact female domestic shorthair cat was presented for the evaluation of a palpable intra-abdominal mass in the left caudal abdomen. The cat had a history of anorexia, depression and prolonged estrus over a period of about 1 month. Smears prepared from a fine needle aspirate of the mass revealed large round to oval cells arranged individually or in loose clusters surrounded by pink, fibrillar matrix material. Cytoplasm was basophilic, with many variably-sized vacuoles and variable numbers of small purple granules. The vacuoles within the cells were strongly positive with Oil-Red-O stain. The cytologic features were most suggestive of a neoplasm of epithelial cell origin or inadvertent aspiration of a fatty liver. At laparotomy, the mass was found to involve the left ovary. Histologically, the tumor consisted of dense sheets and nests of irregular polyhedral, pleomorphic cells with abundant, finely vesiculated cytoplasm. The tumor cells were separated into lobules by strands of connective tissue. Based on histologic evaluation, a diagnosis of ovarian luteoma was made. In this report, we document the cytologic and histologic features of an uncommon feline tumor, a luteoma, and address its possible misdiagnosis as hepatic lipidosis when using cytology alone to make a diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old, neutered male, Shar Pei dog was presented with weight loss, anorexia, lethargy, stranguria, and distal limb edema. Clinicopathologic abnormalities included anemia, an inflammatory leukogram, azotemia, icterus, urinary tract infection, and hepatomegaly with a markedly hypoechoic liver. Cytologic findings in a fine-needle aspirate of the liver included large amounts of amorphous, pink, extracellular matrix between hepatocytes. The amorphous material was congophilic using Congo red stain on a hepatic cytology specimen and green birefringent areas were observed under polarized light, confirming the presence of amyloid. The dog was euthanized and a necropsy was done. Histopathologic evaluation using H&E and Congo red staining confirmed amyloid deposits within the liver, kidneys, intestinal vessels, pancreas, and mesenteric ganglia. Immunohistochemical staining of liver and kidney sections using anti-AA amyloid and anti-P component antibodies confirmed the presence of AA amyloid. In this case, we demonstrated that Congo red staining and polarized light microscopy are a useful diagnostic technique in cytologic specimens of suitable thickness for confirming the presence of amyloid.  相似文献   

We investigated the prevalence of an anatomic variant of the proximal femur, termed the broomstick-like femoral head and neck formation, and its influence on the Féderation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) hip dysplasia score in 294 German Shepherd dogs. One-hundred and eighty (61%) of the 294 dogs in our study had this anatomic variant. The calculated area of the femoral heads in dogs with a broomstick-like conformation was 4.5 +/- 0.6 cm2 on the hip-extended view. In dogs with a normal femoral head, the calculated area of the femoral head was significantly larger at 4.8 +/- 0.6 cm2 (P < 0.05). In the frog-leg view, there was no significant difference in femoral head area between dogs with the broomstick-like conformation and normal dogs. There was no difference in the antetorsion angle between dogs with broomstick-like conformation and normal dogs. There was also no difference in the distraction ratio between the two phenotypes. The official FCI hip score was similar in dogs with and without the broomstick-like conformation. The average heritability of the broomstick-like conformation was 0.3 +/- 0.1, suggesting heritable influence. We conclude that the broomstick-like conformation is a common finding in the German shepherd dog and has genetic base. The broomstick-like conformation does not appear to be associated with the presence of canine hip dysplasia and it can therefore be assumed to be a normal anatomic variant.  相似文献   



Lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LTV) is a common congenital and hereditary anomaly in many dog breeds. It predisposes to premature degeneration of the lumbosacral junction, and is a frequent cause of cauda equina syndrome, especially in German shepherd dogs. Ventrodorsal hip radiographs are most often used in diagnosis of LTV in screening programs. In this study, value of laterolateral lumbar spine radiographs as additions to ventrodorsal radiographs in diagnosis of LTV, and characteristics of LTV and the eighth lumbar vertebra (L8) in laterolateral radiographs were studied. Additionally, computed tomography (CT) features of different types of LTV were elucidated.


The ventrodorsal pelvic and laterolateral lumbar spine radiographs of 228 German shepherd dogs were evaluated for existence and type of LTV. Morphology of transverse processes was used in classification of LTV in ventrodorsal radiographs. The relative length of sixth (L6) and seventh (L7) vertebrae (L6/L7) was used in characterization of these vertebrae in laterolateral radiographs. CT studies were available for 16 dogs, and they were used for more detailed characterization of different types of LTV. Non-parametric χ2 statistics, generalized logit model for multinomial data, and one-way analysis of variance was used for statistical analyses.


In all, 92 (40%) dogs had a LTV, the most common type being separation of first spinous process from the median crest of the sacrum in 62 dogs (67% of LTV). Eight dogs had eight lumbar vertebrae. Those dogs with LTV had longer L7 in relation to L6 than dogs with normal lumbosacral junctions. When L6/L7 decreased by 0.1 units, the proportion of dogs belonging to the group with L8 was 14-fold higher than in the group with normal lumbosacral junctions. L8 resembled first sacral vertebra (S1) in length and position and was therefore classified as one type of LTV. With CT it was shown that categorizing LTV, based on shape and visibility of transverse processes seen in ventrodorsal radiographs, could be misleading.


We suggest that L8 be included as a part of the LTV complex, and the laterolateral radiographs of the lumbar spine be considered as an addition to ventrodorsal projections in the screening protocols for LTV.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported methods to estimate the parturition date of dogs using ultrasonographic measurements. However, these prediction models were mainly determined using ultrasonographic measurements of naturally pregnant small- and medium-sized dogs, and no such studies have been performed using dogs carrying cloned fetuses produced via somatic cell nuclear transfer. The present study evaluated the abilities of three reference formulas (Luvoni and Grioni, Milani et al., and Groppetti et al.), all of which were developed using data from naturally occurring pregnancies, to accurately predict the parturition date in surrogates carrying cloned German Shepherd (GS) fetuses. All three formulas were based on the use of inner chorionic cavity diameter (ICC) measurements, obtained via ultrasonography. For evaluation, a total of 54 ICC measurements were collected from 14 pregnant bitches carrying cloned GS fetuses. We found that the clinical accuracy of the breed-specific Groppetti et al. formula was highest among those of the three formulas tested, with 87% and 100% of the estimated parturition dates (calculated based on the ICC measurements) being within 1 and 2 days, respectively, of the actual delivery date. By contrast, the Luvoni and Grioni formula showed relatively low accuracy, and the Milani et al. formula showed higher accuracy than that reported previously for natural pregnancies.  相似文献   

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