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Three methods for quantifying the steroid-induced and liver isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase in canine serum were compared on a group of 29 canine serum samples with increased total alkaline phosphatase activity. Levamisole inhibition, heat inactivation, and affinity electrophoresis with densitometry yielded results that correlated strongly. The relationship between levamisole inhibition and heat inactivation test values was a simple linear one, whereas the relationship between their values and those of electrophoresis was better fitted to an exponential model. The levamisole inhibition and heat inactivation tests provided essentially the same information regarding the relative proportions of steroid-induced and hepatic isoenzymes in canine serum; either test was judged practical for routine clinical application.  相似文献   

Uterine infarctions have not been reported in domestic animals, and there are few reports in the human medical literature. In a retrospective study, uterine infarctions were identified in 9 of 323 (2.8%) female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) necropsied over a 13-year period. The infarctions were grossly visible, after fixation, on the serosal surface of the uterus in 2 monkeys; the remainder were first recognized in histologic sections. Histologically, the lesions consisted of well-demarcated regions of endometrial and myometrial necrosis and of hemorrhage. All affected monkeys had histologic evidence of a previous pregnancy, which included enlarged myometrial vessels with an expanded perivascular matrix. In all monkeys with uterine infarctions, there was clinical evidence of severe systemic illness, which included trauma, diarrhea, hypovolemia, or septicemia. The major pathologic findings in affected monkeys included cutaneous or skeletal muscle necrosis (n = 5), enterocolitis (n = 4), pulmonary edema or diffuse alveolar damage (n = 3), and intestinal amyloidosis (n = 1). Histopathologic evidence of intravascular fibrin thrombi in multiple organs of 5 monkeys was consistent with a diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC). Based on these findings, it appears that uterine infarction is an uncommon finding in cynomolgus monkeys and may occur secondary to a severe systemic illness, predisposing to DIC.  相似文献   

Alveolar echinococcosis was diagnosed in 12 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) at postmortem examination within a period of 6 years. Besides consistent involvement of the liver, parasitic lesions were also present in mesenteric lymph nodes, pancreas, lung, and kidney. In the liver, various patterns of host's responses to parasitic tissue could be distinguished. Infiltration of macrophages, often multinucleated, around usually intact metacestodes was the main feature of one pattern. A second pattern was characterized by the presence of abundant, normally degenerate granulocytes in addition to macrophages surrounding collapsed laminated structures. Finally and as a third pattern, some cysts were surrounded by marked collagen deposition, which was usually not a significant feature of the other foci. Parasitic cysts with protoscolices were observed in foci with the first and third pattern but not in the second one. The simultaneous occurrence of all three patterns was observed in most animals. Type AA amyloid was identified either in the space of Dissé, macrophages or blood vessel walls in nine animals using immunohistochemistry. Identity of parasitic structures such as metacestodes of Echinococcus multilocularis was confirmed immunohistochemically. All animals that could be tested serologically (7/12) had detectable antibodies against the E. multilocularis-specific Em2 antigen. Liver lesions of six animals were additionally analyzed by polymerase chain reaction, yielding the amplification of a specific E. multilocularis DNA fragment in each case.  相似文献   

Abstract. Protozoa were present in routine sections of the gastric fundus of 15 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) that were being studied in three toxicity studies with novel immunosuppressive agents. Upon detailed light microscopic and ultrastructural evaluation, all stages of parasite development (trophozoites, schizonts, gamonts, and oocysts) were seen and they structurally resembled Cryptosporidium muris, which normally is found in stomachs of rodents. Cryptosporidia were primarily present in the upper one third of fundic glands that were often concurrently colonized by a Helicobacter heilmannii-like organism; however, no clear correlation was found between bacterial burden and the number of protozoa. The primarily mononuclear cellular infiltrate appeared to coincide with the presence of protozoa only in a few animals. Changes in mucous epithelial cells mainly occurred in animals that were part of a 39-week study. Mucous epithelial cells in affected glands contained an increased amount of mucus composed of predominantly acid mucosubstances compared to the normally present neutral mucosubstances. C. muris-like protozoa are newly recognized etiologies for opportunistic infections in the stomach of immunocompromized nonhuman primates. This is the first report of C. muris-like parasite in stomachs of monkeys.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hepatic neoplasms were identified in two adolescent (<5 years of age) male cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Monkey No. 1 had a solitary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Monkey No. 2 had multiple discrete tumors consisting of several poorly circumscribed HCCs and a mixed hepatocholangiocellular carcinoma (MHC). Metastases were not evident in either monkey. Histochemical and immunohistochemical stains were used to assess phenotypic alterations in the tumors. Many or most neoplastic hepatocytes (NHs) of both monkeys stained positive for low-molecular-weight cytokeratin (LMWCK), cytokeratin (CK) 8, and CK 18. In monkey No. 1, small aggregates of NHs were positive for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), glutathione S-transferase-pi (GST), and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), but NHs were uniformly negative for CK 7. NHs in monkey No. 2 were negative for CEA and AFP but were multifocally positive for GST and CK 7. Broad-spectrum cytokeratin (BSCK), high-molecular-weight cytokeratin (HMWCK), and CK 19 did not react with NHs of either animal. Neoplastic cells forming ductlike structures in the MHC of monkey No. 2 stained with LMWCK, CK 7, CK8, CK 18, BSCK, and GST but not with HMWCK or CK 19. Tumors in both monkeys had enhanced pericellular fibronectin staining. Nonneoplastic parenchyma of both monkeys contained multiple discrete foci of cellular alteration and scattered aggregates of hepatocytes with strong cytoplasmic staining for fibronectin. Staining patterns of these tumors demonstrate immunophenotypic heterogeneity of the neoplastic cells within individual tumors and variability among tumors. This information may serve as a useful reference for others encountering similar lesions in primates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Assessment of bone formation activity is an important component of pharmacologic efficacy and toxicity evaluations for compounds in development for osteoporosis therapies. Antemortem biomarkers of bone formation and remodeling in rodents are uncommon. While the periosteal alkaline phosphatase (ALP) assay is a postmortem and laborious means of testing bone-building activity, the semiautomated ALP isoenzyme assay is an antemortem assay that is performed on an automated chemistry analyzer after 2 simple dilutions of the initial serum sample and a short incubation. OBJECTIVES: The goal of our investigation was to determine if the serum bone ALP (BALP) data obtained from the semiautomated ALP isoenzyme assay had a similar pattern of response when compared with the periosteal ALP (PALP) assay for use in pharmacologic screening in rats. METHODS: Serum and bone tissue samples were obtained from orchidectomized Wistar rats, a model of clinically induced osteoporosis. Subsequent bone formation was initiated via treatment with one of several compounds. In study 1, orchidectomized male rats were given either vehicle, dihydrotestosterone or a testosterone derivative subcutaneously every 4 days for 28 days. In study 2, orchidectomized male rats were given either vehicle or compounds A, B, or C by oral gavage daily for 15 days. Blood and tibias were collected at necropsy. Serum was analyzed for BALP activity using a semiautomated ALP assay. Tibias from the same rats were analyzed for PALP activity. RESULTS: Serum BALP activity paralleled PALP activity within each group when compared with the controls. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that the semiautomated serum BALP isoenzyme assay may be used as a biomarker of bone-building potential in rat models of osteoporosis. This assay affords many advantages to investigators of musculoskeletal diseases, including the potential to measure multiple data points in a single study.  相似文献   

Splenic nodules from 38 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) which were captured in Malaysia and Indonesia were studied histologically. The lesions were characterized by well-circumscribed focal fibrosis, accumulation of eosinophils and histiocytes, hemorrhage or hemosiderosis, and loss of normal splenic architecture. Small arteries in the lesion frequently had intimal thickening and narrowing of the lumen in addition to the presence of microfilariae. Microfilariae were also seen in the extravascular area of the lesion, and were occasionally engulfed by multinucleated giant cells. The splenic lesion was thought to have been initiated by incomplete infarction caused by intimal thickening and microfilarial occupation of the small arteries.  相似文献   

Genes and proteins of human origin are often administered to monkeys for research purposes, however, it can be difficult to obtain sufficient levels of the products in vivo due to immunological clearance. In this study, we showed that human erythropoietin (hEPO) induces generation of anti-hEPO antibody in cynomolgus macaques (n=2), although 92% of amino acid residues are common between the human and macaque EPO. The administered hEPO was thus eliminated from the animals. On the other hand, when an immunosuppressant, cyclosporin A (CyA), was administered (6 mg/kg) intramuscularly every other day in combination with hEPO (n=2), no anti-hEPO antibody was generated and high serum levels of hEPO were obtained during administration of hEPO, resulting in an increase in serum hemoglobin levels. No adverse effects associated with CyA were observed. Thus, CyA treatment is useful for prevention of immune responses associated with the administration of human proteins in monkeys.  相似文献   

An assay was developed and proven accurate and precise for the quantification of canine serum alkaline phosphatase of bone origin (BAP). The assay uses wheat germ lectin (WGL) which selectively precipitates SAP but not liver alkaline phosphatase (LAP) in serum preincubated for 1 hour at 37 degrees C before conducting the assay. Although a large percentage of corticosteroid-induced alkaline phos- phatase (CAP) is also precipitated by WGL, the activity of this isoenzyme can be determined by utilizing the automated levamisole inhibition assay and BAP determined by subtraction except in those cases in which CAP is very markedly increased. Use of these two assay techniques in combination allows the quantification of LAP, BAP, and CAP activity in canine serum. In sera from adult dogs of various ages, BAP activity represents a mean of 21.27 -/+ 11.4 U/L; however, there was a statistical decrease in BAP activity with age. This allowed the determination of 95% confidence interval for a reference range dependent on age of the dog. Bone AP activity in puppies drops dramatically within the first 3 months, reaching a magnitude of activity consistent with that of the adult dog by approximately 15 months. BAP was increased over adult reference range in five of five dogs tested with osteosarcoma. This assay will now allow conducting a clinical study of the diagnostic significance of bone AP activity in neoplastic and metabolic diseases of bone.  相似文献   

Tularemia is a highly contagious infectious zoonosis, transmissible by inoculation, ingestion, or inhalation of the infectious agent Francisella tularensis. The disease is perpetuated by infected rodents, blood-sucking arthropods, and by contaminated water. Therefore, nonhuman primates housed outdoors may be at risk for exposure. An epizootic of F. tularensis occurred in an indoor/outdoor-housed group of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) at the German Primate Center. Tularemia was diagnosed in 18 out of 35 animals within a period of 2 years. Six animals died with unspecific clinical symptoms; 12 animals developed seroconversion and were still alive. Pathologic findings were similar in all monkeys that died and resembled the clinical picture of the human disease, including an ulceroglandular syndrome with local lymphadenopathy, gingivostomatitis, and systemic spread, with manifestations such as subacute necrotizing hepatitis, granulomatous splenitis, and pneumonia. Tularemia was diagnosed by culture, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and ELISA techniques. This is the largest outbreak in nonhuman primates and the first report of tularemia in cynomolgus monkeys. An overview of the recent literature about tularemia in nonhuman primates is given.  相似文献   

Cats with hyperthyroidism [(increased serum thyroxine (T(4))] commonly have increased serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in addition to other serum biochemical abnormalities. Serum biochemical profiles were obtained from 10 hyperthyroid cats which had increased serum ALP. Agarose gel electrophoresis of serum from these cats was performed and stained for alkaline phosphatase activity. Alkaline phosphatase activity was calculated for each of the separate bands obtained, and the results were compared to those of tissue extracts, serum from normal cats, and serum from normothyroid cats with increased serum ALP activity. The hyperthyroid cats had increased ALP activity in bands corresponding to isoenzymes originating in the liver, bone, and an unidentified tissue source.  相似文献   

Five animals in a colony of cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) died or were euthanatized because of alveolar echinococcosis, during a period of 5 years. The remainder of the colony was screened for possible infection with Echinococcus multilocularis, using serology and ultrasonography. A total of 46 animals out of a group of 55 were examined. The presence of anti-Em2 antibodies analyzed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was demonstrated in 3 monkeys. In 2 of these 3 monkeys, multilocular structures compatible with metacestodal cysts in the liver were identified, using ultrasonography. The presence of alveolar echinococcosis was subsequently confirmed at postmortem examination in 1 animal. The other animals are still alive. Two other monkeys were negative in the serological examination but had cystic structures in the liver, which were identified as bile duct cysts at postmortem examination in 1 animal. The other monkey is still alive. These findings suggest that serology for antibodies against the Em2 antigen may represent a useful method in identifying animals that might be infected with E. multilocularis and are therefore at risk of developing fatal alveolar echinococcosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bone healing is monitored mainly by physical and serial radiologic examinations of the fracture site. However, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a delayed union from a nonunion, and advanced imaging techniques may not be available. Serum biochemical markers of bone formation, such as alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, may be clinically useful in evaluating the progress of healing. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to correlate serial values of serum ALP activity with the process of fracture healing in dogs and to assess its potential as a postsurgical prognostic indicator. METHODS: Changes in serum ALP activity were studied in 83 dogs with closed long bone diaphyseal fractures treated surgically. Physical and radiologic examinations of the fracture site and determination of serum ALP activity and calcium (Ca) and phosphate (P) concentrations were performed on admission (day 0); postoperatively on days 10, 20, and 30; and subsequently on a monthly basis until bone union was completed or signs of nonunion were evident. The dogs were allocated into 3 groups with respect to the fracture healing progress as documented by physical and serial radiologic examination. RESULTS: Group A dogs (n=35) developed a medium-sized callus that led to bone union within 2 months. Group B dogs (n=36) had a hypertrophic callus and delayed union, within 3-5 months. Group C dogs (n=12) had slow progress in fracture healing, with minimal callus formation during a 2-month period. Changes in mean serum ALP activity followed the same pattern in groups A and B, reaching a maximum level on day 10. Group A values returned to normal within 2 months, at which point bone union was complete, whereas group B values remained increased and returned to normal within 3-5 months, thus correlating with delayed union. In Group C, mean serum ALP activities showed no significant changes during the 2-month follow-up period, consistent with failure of bone union (nonunion). Serum P and Ca changes followed a proportional and inverse pattern to ALP changes, respectively. CONCLUSION: Serial determination of serum ALP activity during fracture healing could be an additional tool in predicting fractures at risk of developing a nonunion, helping the clinician to choose the appropriate intervention.  相似文献   

Disorders of genital development occur in all mammals. Hermaphroditism is a condition where the subject has genital organs of both sexes. True hermaphrodites have both ovarian and testicular tissue. Pseudohermaphrodites have only one type of gonadal tissue according to which they are classified as male or female pseudohermaphrodites. Two cases of spontaneously occurring pseudohermaphroditism in Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were seen here during 1999-2001. Both animals had female external genitalia, but each was found to have testicular tissue.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Guidelines published by the Food and Drug Administration and Center for Human Medicinal Products describe the need to assess immunotoxic effects in nonclinical studies that evaluate drug toxicity, including the use of immunophenotyping to measure immunotoxicity. We are not aware of previous studies, however, that have validated methods for immunophenotyping peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in whole blood samples from cynomolgus monkeys. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to optimize and validate a flow cytometric assay for immunophenotyping lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of cynomolgus monkeys. METHODS: A series of prevalidation experiments were done to determine optimal reagents, volumes, timing, and other procedural details of the flow cytometric assay. Using the optimized method, we then determined precision, interindividual variation, laboratory-to-laboratory variability, and sample stability. Stabilized human blood was used as a positive control for staining, processing, and analysis. The percentage and number of pan-T cells (CD3+), T-helper cells (CD3+4+), T cytotoxic/suppressor cells (CD3+8+), natural killer cells (CD3-16+), and B-cells (CD3-20+) were determined in 146 male and 140 female, clinically healthy monkeys and reference intervals were calculated. RESULTS: By doing 4-color staining with a lyse-wash method, intra- and interassay precision were <5% for all lymphocyte subsets. Variability between technicians and laboratories was minimal (CVs<3%). Samples were stable for up to 24 hours after staining and fixing. CONCLUSIONS: The validated method is extremely robust and can be performed under good laboratory practice conditions to support nonclinical studies. Reference intervals for lymphocyte subsets were similar to those previously reported.  相似文献   

Two cases of spontaneous focal hepatic hyperplasia were observed in young female cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). Grossly, a single raised nodule was observed in the left hepatic lobe. Histopathologically, the nodule compressed surrounding normal tissue; however, the hepatic cords within the nodule continued to those in the nor mal area except in part. Extensive fibrosis and absence of a normal hepatic triad were observed in the nodule. Thin fibrous septa radiating from the dense central stellate scarring and distended vessels were apparent in one animal. Hepatocytes in the nodule lacked cellular atypia, showed frequent PAS-positive eosinophilic inclusions in the cytoplasm and showed higher positive ratios for PCNA. The present cases resembled focal nodular hyperplasia reported in humans and a chimpanzee.  相似文献   

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