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八达岭森林土壤养分空间变异性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
环境的变异性对于物种的分布是十分重要的,许多研究已经证明了环境的变异性和物种丰富度之间存在正相关的关系[1,2]。在森林生态系统中,这个关系可以通过地下资源的变异性来解释说明。而土壤资源的空间变异性在个别尺度上很可能影响到该区域植被的分布、物种的丰富度和个别有机体的性能。因此,研究土壤特性的空间变异性对于了解森林群落结构和生态系统进程有着极其重要的作用[3,4]。从20世纪70年代开始,国外许多学者开始了土壤特性空间变异性研究。20世纪80年代以来,我国一些学者也开始了土壤某些特性空间变异性研究。20世纪90年代,土壤空间变异性的研究方法得到了近一步的发展。主要表现为地统计学和地理信息系统的有  相似文献   

  【目的】  开展小尺度下茶园土壤有效态微量元素空间变异及影响因素研究,以指导茶园养分管理和土壤培肥。  【方法】  于2020年,在四川雅安名山区中峰镇面积约2 km2的生态茶园,采用随机布点法布设94个采样点,每个采样点取 0—30 cm 表层土壤,分析土壤pH、有机质以及有效铁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌4种微量元素含量,用阈值法(平均值±3倍标准差)对分析数据进行异常值处理。采用地统计学与GIS空间分析技术相结合的方法,探讨了小尺度下茶园土壤有效铁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌4种有效态微量元素的空间异质性,并运用相关性分析和回归分析方法探究其影响因素。  【结果】  研究区土壤有效铁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌平均含量分别为56.0、28.0、1.2和1.8 mg/kg,变异系数分别为52.59%、89.95%、38.81%和32.90%,属于中等程度变异。有效铁、有效铜和有效锌含量均服从正态分布,而有效锰含量服从对数正态分布。土壤有效铜呈纯块金效应,全局Moran’s I指数为负值;有效铁、有效锰以指数模型为最优拟合模型,有效锌以球面模型为最佳,块基比在36.57%~61.85%,均呈中等空间相关性,全局Moran’s I指数均为正值,且有效铁含量具有极显著空间自相关性。4种土壤有效态微量元素空间分布格局差异较大,有效铁含量呈现南高北低的趋势,有效锰含量随地面坡度的增加呈现降低趋势,有效铜含量斑块状分布明显,有效锌含量则呈现出从研究区两端向中部递减的分布特征。有效铁含量与有机质、pH显著正相关,有效锌含量则与有机质呈极显著正相关,有效锰含量与坡度之间存在显著相关性,有效铜含量则与各因子均无显著相关性。  【结论】  中锋生态茶园土壤有效铁、有效锰、有效铜和有效锌含量总体上均较丰富,均属中等变异强度。土壤有效铜存在空间孤立现象,有效铁、有效锰和有效锌表现为空间聚集特征。茶园土壤有效铁和有效锌含量主要受土壤有机质含量的影响,有效锰含量则主要受坡度的影响。  相似文献   

黑河中游绿洲不同景观单元表层土壤水分空间变异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解黑河中游绿洲生态系统表层土壤水分空间分布规律可为绿洲生态系统水资源合理分配与利用提供参考。使用地统计学方法分析黑河中游绿洲8—10月戈壁、林地、农地3种典型景观单元表层土壤水分空间变异特征。结果表明:1)3种景观单元土壤含水量从8—10月有下降趋势,呈中等变异特征且土壤水分相对变异(变异系数)一般在干燥时较大,绝对变异(标准差)在湿润时较大;2)表层土壤水分具有明显空间结构及季节变化特征,呈明显斑块状分布,最优拟合模型均为指数模型;土壤水分基台值和变程的变化大致与土壤平均含水量的变化呈相同趋势,具有中等和强烈的空间相关性,且10月份的土壤水分空间自相关性明显大于8和9月,相似性质斑块空间尺度有缩小趋势;3)在黑河中游绿洲区景观类型、土壤平均含水量、土壤、地貌、气候条件及人为管理等因素是造成黑河中游荒漠绿洲区表层土壤水分呈现时间和空间上明显差异的主导因素,其中平均含水量起的主导作用是持续存在的。  相似文献   

亚热带红壤丘陵区典型景观单元土壤养分的空间变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于区域化变量理论和地理信息系统的空间分析功能,应用地统计学的半变异函数定量分析了亚热带红壤丘陵区典型景观单元土壤养分的空间异质性特征。结果表明,土壤有机碳和全磷的理论模型为球状模型、全氮为高斯模型、土壤pH为指数模型。在60m步长间隔尺度下,土壤有机碳、全氮和pH有强烈的空间相关性,土壤全磷空间相关性为中等程度。4种土壤养分的空间自相关范围具有明显的差异,有机碳的有效变程最大(为261m),全氮(208m)和pH(156m)次之,全磷的有效变程最小(133m)。其空间自相关范围的差异由本身的养分、土地利用格局、地形和人为管理措施等因素所决定。在GIS支持下,采用Kriging插值方法,分析景观单元内土壤养分的空间分布格局看出,土壤有机碳和全氮含量呈现出明显的条带状和斑块状的梯度变化,并表现出极为相似的空间分布格局;土壤全磷的空间分布随机性强,斑块变得更加琐碎并呈现镶嵌的星空状分布;土壤pH的空间分布格局处于其三者之间,没有表现出明显的条带状分布。总体上说,基于整个景观尺度的4种土壤养分的半方差拟合效果优于不同土地利用类型的拟合效果。  相似文献   

盐渍化农田土壤斥水性与理化性质的空间变异性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭丽俊  李毅  李敏  任鑫  朱德兰 《土壤学报》2011,48(2):275-285
通过对新疆玛纳斯县盐渍化土壤三个不同尺度(间距分别为50 m、5 m及0.5 m)的284个样点取样分析测定,采用经典统计学、空间自相关、地统计学和分形理论对土壤斥水性与理化性质进行空间格局分析。结果表明:1)土壤斥水性和pH符合正态分布,其余土壤属性符合对数正态分布。三尺度下土壤各属性绝大多数表现为中等变异水平。2)三尺度下土壤各属性的Moran s I系数变化具有相似性,在-0.8~0.6范围内波动。3)三尺度下土壤各属性的半方差函数理论模型大多数能用球状模型来拟合。4)在一定范围内,土壤各属性具有一定的分形特征,分形维数变化幅度为1.75~1.96。分析表明不同尺度下土壤斥水性与理化性质具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

中国东北黑土养分空间异质性   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Patterns of soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and density in various soil types or locations are the foundation for examining the role of soil in the global carbon cycle. An assessment of SOC storage and density patterns in China based on soil types as defined by Chinese Soil Taxonomy (CST) and the recently compiled digital 11000 000 Soil Database of China was conducted to generate a rigorous database for the future study of SOC storage. First, SOC densities of 7292soil profiles were calculated and linked by soil type to polygons of a digital soil map using geographic information system resulting in a 11000 000 SOC density distribution map of China. Further results showed that soils in China covered 9 281 ×103 km2 with a total SOC storage of 89.14 Gt and a mean SOC density 96.0 t ha-1. Among the 14 CST orders, Cambosols and Argosols constituted high percentage of China's total SOC storage, while Andosols, Vertosols, and Spodsols had a low percentage. As for SOC density, Histosols were the highest, while Primosols were the lowest. Specific patterns of SOC storage of various soil types at the CST suborder, group, and subgroup levels were also described. Results obtained from the study of SOC storage and density of all CST soil types would be not only useful for international comparative research, but also for more accurately estimating and monitoring of changes of SOC storage in China.  相似文献   

皆伐对不同坡度及结构的林分土壤理化性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择人工林伐区3种不同坡度和4种不同结构林分的林地作为试验地,研究分析各种林地皆伐作业前后土壤理化性状的变化情况.结果表明:皆伐后除土壤容重和结构体破坏率2项指标增大外,其余土壤理化性质指标均下降.土壤持水性能变差,孔隙度减小,养分含量降低,且土壤理化性质的变化幅度与林地坡度大小及林分结构有关.主成分分析结果表明:皆伐对不同坡度林地土壤理化性质的干扰程度,由大到小依次为30°的林地、23°的林地和16°的林地;皆伐对不同结构林分林地土壤理化性状的干扰影响,由大到小依次为短轮伐期阔叶林(尾叶桉纯林)林地、杉阔混交林林地、马杉混交林林地和杉木纯林林地.从有利于环境保护,减少采伐作业对不同坡度和不同结构林分林地土壤理化性状影响的角度,提出了相应的技术措施.  相似文献   

基于GPS和GIS的田间土壤特性空间变异性的研究   总被引:77,自引:10,他引:77       下载免费PDF全文
以一块面积约为13.3 hm2的冬小麦田为研究区,利用GPS接收机定位,按50 m×50 m设置网格,共取63个采样点,测定土壤表层(20 cm)内的土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、容重、田间土壤含水率和电导率,研究麦田土壤特性的空间变异规律。采用传统统计学和地统计学相结合的方法对所取的数据进行了分析,利用Arcview3.2软件的空间分析功能,绘制了表达这些土壤特性随机性和结构性的半方差图和空间分布图。研究结果表明:所有土壤特性均服从正态分布;土壤容重具有弱变异强度,其它土壤特性具有中等变异强度;土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾和电导率具有很强的相关性,土壤容重、速效磷和含水率具有中等强度的空间相关性,土壤特性的相关距变化范围为246.8~426.8 m。该成果可为农田的定位施肥、灌溉以及其它的农田精细管理提供依据。  相似文献   

A field was investigated with precision farming techniques to delineate zones with different yield potential due to previous soil erosion. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain yield, straw yield, biomass and harvest index were measured with a combine harvester. Fuzzy clustering of grain and straw yield provided good delineation of zones in the field with different yield potential. Entropy and fuzziness calculations for different number of classes resulted in a division of the field into five clearly differentiated yield potential zones. Straw yield, biomass and harvest index were significantly different among zones. Grain yield was significantly different for all zones, except for two. Elevation and slope of the field were measured from a global positioning system (GPS) unit on the combine. Both were related to yield variability in the field. Average elevation, slope and soil type were calculated per cluster class. High grain yield, straw yield and biomass could be related to flat, high places in the field with little erosion. Good grain yield, low straw yield and high harvest index were found on relatively steep slopes subjected to erosion. High straw yield and low grain yield were found at low places in the field on relatively steep slopes. Lowest grain yield, straw yield and biomass were located on steepest slopes with high erosion and in depressions where accumulation of eroded soil took place and slumping and crusting of the soil were present. This information suggests that variable management on a site-specific basis would optimize yield and inputs.  相似文献   

红壤丘陵区不同植被类型土壤颗粒分形与水分物理特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探明红壤丘陵区不同植被对土壤分形结构及水分物理特征的改良作用与机制,运用土壤分形学和水文物理学原理与方法,以南方红壤丘陵区福建省长汀县为例,研究经济林、针阔混交林、乔灌混交林及针叶林4种植被类型土壤颗粒组成、分形维数、水分物理参数及其相关性。结果表明:1)红壤丘陵区不同植被类型土壤中以粗砂粒质量含量最高,细砂粒和石砾质量含量次之,粉黏粒质量含量较低,与裸地相比,不同植被类型具有显著提高土壤细砂砾和粉黏粒质量含量的作用,并且混交林作用程度高于纯林;2)红壤丘陵区不同植被类型具有降低土壤密度、增加土壤孔隙度的功能,针阔混交林、乔灌混交林、针叶林、经济林土壤的饱和蓄水量分别是裸地的1.20、1.16、1.14和1.10倍,表土层(0~20 cm)贮水能力好于表下土层(20~40 cm);3)土壤颗粒分形维数与土壤粉黏粒、总孔隙度、饱和蓄水量、孔隙比呈极显著正相关,与石砾质量含量、土壤密度呈极显著负相关,红壤丘陵区4种植被类型土壤均为不均匀性良好的土壤,以混交林土壤粒径分布结构较好,尤其是以针阔混交林的最好,其次是纯林的,针叶林好于经济林,表土层(0~20 cm)大于20~40 cm土层。  相似文献   

典型喀斯特林地土壤养分空间变异的影响因素   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了探明喀斯特森林生态系统土壤养分空间异质性的成因及其对养分生物地球化学过程的指示意义,该研究以广西木论国家级自然保护区典型喀斯特峰丛洼地为研究对象,利用地统计学和经典统计方法分析了土壤养分的空间变异特征,并探讨了其主要影响因子。结果表明,研究区土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮(TN)的块金值/基台值较大,分别为49.9%和28.6%,表现为中等程度的空间自相关,全磷(TP)和全钾(TK)的块金值/基台值较小,分别为10.4%和2.9%,表现为强烈的空间自相关,说明随机因素对TP和TK的影响相对较小;逐步回归分析表明,各环境因子对TK的方差解释最大,对SOC的方差解释最小。其中,土壤交换性Ca2+离子和凋落物中N含量是SOC和TN的主要控制因素,随着交换性Ca2+和凋落物中N含量升高,土壤SOC和TN积累增加;TP的控制因素比较单一,仅受凋落物中P含量影响。TK的影响因素比较复杂,除主要受交换性Ca2+控制外,凋落物N:P比、海拔高度和黏粒含量也有显著影响。  相似文献   

Spatial variability in levels of three chemical and twelve biochemical properties was measured in samples of a Typic Haplaquoll taken from a small, uniform site under grazed pasture. Three separate comparisons were made between: ten small samples to assess topsoil variability, two sets of adjacent cores to assess short-range variability, and six samples taken at different depths down the soil profile. A method for estimating xylopyranosidase activity is also given.Properties generally differed significantly among the topsoil samples, with biochemical variability being often significantly greater than chemical variability. The sample sizes required to estimate the site means, with a standard error of 5%, were calculated for each property; they ranged from 44 for urease activity to 3 for organic C content and invertase activity. Most biochemical activities were positively and significantly correlated with soil organic C and total N contents. Respiratory activity, however, was correlated significantly only with soil moisture. There were few highly-significant relationships between enzyme activities. Exceptions were the very significant relationship between urease and sulphatase activities, and the significant correlations of phosphatase activity with all other enzyme activities except xylanase.Values of chemical properties in adjacent cores were very similar within each set, but biochemical properties often varied considerably. One set of samples was generally more variable than the other.All properties showed the expected decline with soil depth. Biochemical activities declined more rapidly than organic C and total N contents, and were clearly influenced by factors additional to organic matter content.Recommended sampling procedures are given for seasonal or soil characterization studies.  相似文献   


An irrigated farmer's field at Hafizabad village in Dera Ismail Khan District of Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan was sampled at a regular grid spacing of 50x15 m from surface (15 cm) to study the spatial variability of soil properties and wheat yield. The farm measured 250x75 m. Soil samples collected were analyzed for soil pH, lime content, organic matter, mineral nitrogen (N), ammonium bicarbonate (AB)‐DTPA‐extractable phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), and soil texture. A uniformly trial on wheat with a uniform rate of 120 kg N ha‐1, 90 kg P2O5 ha‐1, and 60 kg K2O ha‐1 was laid out. The results showed that the soil P had the highest coefficient of variation (CV 46%) followed by organic matter (36.20%) and clay content (33.81%). Grain yield had also a considerable variation in the field (CV=31.84%). Geostatistical technique of semivariogram analysis showed that mineral N, AB‐DTPA‐extractable K, sand, silt, and clay content had the strong spatial structure. Maps of soil fertility and crop productivity of the farm was prepared using modern geostatistical technique of kriging. The farm was divided into different management zones based on these maps for fertility management.  相似文献   

通过对新疆玛纳斯县盐渍化土壤三个不同尺度(间距分别为50m、5m及0.5m)的284个样点取样分析测定,采用经典统计学、空间自相关、地质统计学和分形理论对土壤斥水性与理化性质进行空间格局分析。结果表明:1)土壤斥水性和pH符合正态分布,其余土壤属性符合对数正态分布。三尺度下土壤各属性绝大多数表现为中等变异水平。2)三尺度下土壤各属性的Moran’s I系数变化具有相似性,在-0.8~0.6范围内波动。3)三尺度下土壤各属性的半方差函数理论模型大多数能用球状模型来拟合。4)在一定范围内,土壤各属性具有一定的分形特征,分形维数变化幅度为1.75~1.96。分析表明不同尺度下土壤斥水性与理化性质具有一定的差异。  相似文献   

Extracellular lignocellulose-degrading enzymes are responsible for the transformation of organic matter in hardwood forest soils. The spatial variability on a 12 × 12 m plot and vertical distribution (0–8 cm) of the ligninolytic enzymes laccase and Mn-peroxidase, the polysaccharide-specific hydrolytic enzymes endoglucanase, endoxylanase, cellobiohydrolase, 1,4-β-glucosidase, 1,4-β-xylosidase and 1,4-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase and the phosphorus-mineralizing acid phosphatase were studied in a Quercus petraea forest soil profile. Activities of all tested enzymes exhibited high spatial variability in the L and H horizons. Acid phosphatase and 1,4-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase exhibited low variability in both horizons, while the variability of Mn-peroxidase activity in the L horizon, and endoxylanase and cellobiohydrolase activities in the H horizon were very high. The L horizon contained 4× more microbial biomass (based on PLFA) and 7× fungal biomass (based on ergosterol content) than the H horizon. The L horizon also contained relatively more fungi-specific and less actinomycete-specific PLFA. There were no significant correlations between enzyme activities and total microbial biomass. In the L horizon cellulose and hemicellulose-degrading enzymes correlated with each other and also with 1,4-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase and acid phosphatase activities. Laccase, Mn-peroxidase and acid phosphatase activities correlated in the H horizon. The soil profile showed a gradient of pH, organic carbon and humic compound content, microbial biomass and enzyme activities, all decreasing with soil depth. Ligninolytic enzymes showed preferential localization in the upper part of the H horizon. Differences in enzyme activities were accompanied by differences in the microbial community composition where the relative amount of fungal biomass decreased and actinomycete biomass increased with soil depth. The results also showed that the vertical gradients occur at a small scale: the upper and lower parts of the H horizon only 1 cm apart were significantly different with respect to seven out of nine activities, microbial biomass content and community composition.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of soil variability at the landscape scale was examined on adjacent geomorphic surfaces dating from 80 to 200 ka in eastern North Carolina. The purpose was to determine whether there is evidence at broader scales (distances of 102–104 m) for the divergent evolution observed in the field at very detailed scales (distances of 100–102 m). The state probability function (SPF), which measures spatial dependence for categorical environmental data along a transect, was applied to soil series mapped at a 1:24,000 scale. The older Talbot Terrace and younger Pamlico Terrace surfaces showed distinctly different patterns of spatial variability. The range of spatial dependence was shorter on the older surface (about 200 vs. 300 m), and the SPF was higher at any given distance, indicating more variability. The SPF for the Pamlico surface also indicates a periodicity related to fluvial dissection of the landscape, which is not readily detectable on the Talbot transect despite its greater degree of dissection. The results confirm earlier field studies which suggest that pedogenesis is marked by divergence, whereby differences in initial conditions or local perturbations persist and increase to produce a more variable soil cover.  相似文献   

Due to the existence of gravelly soils and the lack of sufficient research on such soils, this study was carried out on a gravelly calcareous soil. Selected physico–chemical and hydraulic soil attributes were determined at 69 points on a nested-sampling design. Hydraulic characteristics including unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K ψ) and sorptivity coefficient (S) at six applied tensions of 0 to 0.2 m, and sorptive number (α) and macroscopic capillary length (λ) at five applied tensions of 0.03 to 0.2 m were determined using a tension disc infiltrometer. Hydraulic and chemical soil attributes were the highest and the lowest variants, respectively. The maximum and minimum values for the coefficient of variation (CV) in all the measured physico-chemical and hydraulic soil attributes were obtained for α0.2 and soil pH, respectively. Minimum, maximum, mean and variance values of K ψ, S and α decreased as applied tension increased. Although the pattern was reversed for λ. The majority of soil attributes showed the spatial structure with dominant spherical and exponential models for physico-chemical and hydraulic attributes, respectively. Range values of semi-variograms were obtained between 4.6 m (for α0.03) and 211 m (for clay, gravel content and soluble Mg). In general, range values were 99.60, 82.05 and 40.2 m for physical, chemical and hydraulic soil attributes, respectively, indicating that the physical soil attributes influenced neighboring values over greater distances than the other soil attributes. This enables soil scientists to use measured soil physical data over greater distances to estimate attributes in the unsampled locations.  相似文献   



Understanding the ability of ecosystem processes to resist to and to recover from disturbances is critical to sustainable land use. However, the spatial variability of the stability has rarely been addressed. Here, we investigated the functional stability of a soil microbial process for 24 soils collected from adjacent locations from a 0.3?ha tropical rainforest plot in Paracou, French Guiana.

Materials and methods

The 24 locations were characterized regarding soil chemical and biological (microbial diversity) parameters and forest structure. The corresponding soils were submitted to an experimental transient heat disturbance during a microcosm experiment. The response of the respiration process was followed using substrate-induced respiration (SIR).

Results and discussion

The response of soil SIR to heat disturbance varied widely between samples. The variability of the SIR response increased just after the disturbance, and a global rather homogeneous decrease in SIR rates was observed 15 and 30?days after. The stability of SIR in response to heat disturbance could not be related to either the genetic or the metabolic diversity of the microbial community. The initial level of SIR before the disturbance was the soil variable that best correlated with the impact of the disturbance: the soil locations with the highest initial SIR rates were the most affected 15 and 30?days after the heat disturbance.


Such a heterogeneous response suggests that the response of soil processes to a disturbance will be difficult to assess from only local-scale analyses and highlights the need for spatial explicitness in understanding biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

北京八达岭地区典型林分林地土壤抗蚀性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究八达岭地区不同森林植被对土壤抗蚀性的影响,揭示不同林分林地土壤抗蚀性特征,以该地区典型植被类型(油松林、针阔混交林、阔叶林和灌木林)为研究对象,运用主成分分析及相关分析方法,研究该区域内,不同林分类型土壤的抗蚀性.结果表明:八达岭地区林分林地土壤干筛时,团聚体主要集中于5~2 mm粒径范围内,在0.5-0.25 mm粒径范围内质量分数最少;湿筛后,<0.25 mm小粒径范围内质量分数最大,在10~5 mm大粒径范围内质量分数最少.为比较各典型林分林地土壤抗蚀性,选取土壤理化性质、土壤团聚特征等12种指标,以主成分分析方法为基础,确定评价北京八达岭地区土壤抗蚀性的最佳指标体系,同时,经相关分析选定干筛时,土壤几何平均直径(GMD)为八达岭地区各典型林分林地最佳土壤抗蚀指标.经分析,八达岭地区各典型林分土壤表层(0~10 cm)抗蚀性由强到弱依次为阔叶林>灌木林>针阔混交林>油松林;对于主要发生土壤侵蚀的0~20 cm土壤表层抗蚀性由强到弱为灌木林>油松林>阔叶林>针阔混交林;在各土层平均值综合情况下,评价结果选取抗蚀性综合指数表示,得出各林地土壤抗蚀性由强到弱依次为灌木林>油松林>针阔混交林>阔叶林.  相似文献   

B. R&#;TH  B. LENNARTZ 《土壤圈》2008,18(4):409-420
In the light of an increasing demand for staple food, especially rice, in southeast China, investigations on the specific site potential expressed as the relationship between soil and crop yield parameters gain increasing importance. Soil texture and several soil chemical parameters as well as plant properties such as crop height, biomass and grain yield were investigated along two terraced catenas with contrasting soil textures cropped with wet rice. We were aiming at identifying correlative relationships between soil and crop properties. Data were analyzed both statistically and geostatistically on the basis of semivariograms. Statistical analysis indicated a significant influence of the relief position on the spatial distribution of soil texture, total carbon and total nitrogen contents. Significant correlations were found for the catena located in a sandstone area (Catena A) between rice yield and silt as well as total nitrogen content. Corresponding relationships were not detectable for paddy fields that developed from Quaternary clays (Catena B). As suggested by the nugget to sill ratio, spatial variability of soil texture, total carbon and nitrogen was mainly controlled by intrinsic factors, which might be attributed to the erosional transport of fine soil constituents, indicating the importance of the relief position and slope in soil development even in landscapes that are terraced. The crop parameters exhibited short ranges of influence and about one third of their variability was unexplained. Comparable ranges Of selected crop and soil parameters, found only for Catena A, are indicative of close spatial interactions between rice yield and soil features. Our findings show that especially in sandstone-dominated areas, a site-specific management can contribute to an environmentally safe rice production increase.  相似文献   

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