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22个苹果早熟品种的生长结果表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察研究了早捷、丰艳、安娜、藤牧1号、美国8号等22个早品种的生长结果情况,从果实经济性状、栽培表现、市场情况以及各地的引种表现等方面分析了各品种在生产上的发展前景,认为藤牧1号、美国8号、新嘎拉具有很好的栽培特性和良好的果实品种,是值得发展的早熟苹果优良品种。  相似文献   

南蜜1号甜瓜的选育及栽培技术南蛮1号是湖南省岳阳市农科所选育的杂交1代厚皮甜瓜品种,其母本为当地薄皮甜瓜品种的优良自交固定系,父本为台湾杂交1代厚皮甜瓜品种的多代自交系。1992年杂交,经观察鉴定、小区试验和小面积生产示范,综合性状表现突出,具有抗病...  相似文献   

试验研究了西瓜(品种为蜜宝)与葫芦砧1号、短腿瓠、厦门葫芦、杭州长瓜、西瓜砧1号及贵州葫芦等6个砧木的嫁接苗或自根苗的抗逆性。结果表明抗寒性以葫芦砧1号、短腿瓠和西瓜砧1号的组合最强,耐湿性以葫芦砧1号和西瓜砧1号最好,所有砧木品种均高抗枯萎病。从总体评价来看,葫芦砧1号及西瓜砧1号是酉瓜的良好砧木。  相似文献   

来稿摘登早熟苹果品种"藤牧1号"引种观察初报"藤牧1号"苹果品种原产美国,又名南部魁,是由美国普度大学等3所院校根据抗黑星病苹果育种计划联合育成的。80年代初引入日本,1986年山东省牟平县果工商公司由日本引入我国。1992年我所苗木微繁中心将藤牧1...  相似文献   

五代红星栽培1号、2号在河南的表现栽培1号、2号(Grower#1、Grower#2)来源于美国,为俄矮红(OregonSpurDel)的芽变,属元帅系第五代品种,发现于美国佐治亚州,1990年引入我国。通过高接和定植幼树观察,表现甚为优异,在相同的...  相似文献   

1品种简介 创利1号为海南省创利农业开发有限公司于1993年选育成功的三倍体无籽西瓜品种,1994~1998年在海南累计推广面积达2 000 hm2。 1998年通过海南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种生产表现长势旺盛,耐旱、耐湿,据田间观察对枯萎病、炭疽病、病毒病等均有较强抗性,坐果力极强,果实均均一致,产量高,667 m2一般平均产量3000kg,高的达4000~5000kg。创利1号无籽西瓜的选育、应用与推广获海南省1999年度科技成果转化一等奖。2生产典型 1998年 12月 11日催芽播种,…  相似文献   

山东省1997年通过审定的蔬菜新品种山东省农作物品种审定委员会于1997年审定通过了12个蔬菜新品种,其中鲁番茄7号、鲁黄瓜11号品种介绍将于近期刊出,现将其它10个品种简介如下。1大白菜1.1鲁白13号系莱州市作物种苗研究所(邮编:261411)1...  相似文献   

对我国选育的和来自日本、美国的15个黄桃品种,在结果后进行了连续3年的观察,看出金童5号、明星,新泽西州罐桃3号、19号、47号表现出良好的栽培适应性,加工性能良好,可作为制罐品种;卡里南、麦克尼里,果大、外观美、丰产性能亦佳,可作为鲜食品种,向生产推荐。通过对各品种植物学、农业生物学、果实经济特性、加工适应性等项对比观察,取得了较完整的资料,为生产发展及利用提供了依据和参考。  相似文献   

赵娜 《中国蔬菜》1998,1(1):26-0
京甘1号甘蓝@赵娜¥北京市种子管理站京甘1号甘蓝赵娜(北京市种子管理站100088)京甘1号具有耐低温、冬性强、不易抽薹、适应性广等突出优点,适于冬季保护地和早春露地栽培,于1997年5月通过北京市农作物品种审定委员会审定。1品种特征特性1.1植物学特征植...  相似文献   

梁山蜜桃为北方桃中的古老地方品种。由于生产中一直沿用实生繁殖,以致品系繁杂,良莠不齐。为保存、开发这一名特品种,我们进行了优选工作。1 选育经过在以往资源调查的基础上,进行了系统的调查,同时发动群众开展选优,共选报17个优良单株,后经实地考察、测定,初选出5个优良单株。用1年生山桃作砧木,定植后当年嫁接优株接穗,经4年连续观察,从丰产性、适应性及果实品质等方面进行对比分析,从中选出了1号红桃、3号白桃、5号青桃共3个优系。2 主要性状1号红桃 果实近圆形,果肩尖,梗洼深,果型整齐,果顶圆,果尖微…  相似文献   

Since the rate of most biological processes is not linearly related to temperature over the entire range of temperatures observed during field experiments, it is felt that the mean temperature should not be used as a measure of the fluctuating temperatures in the field. The constant temperature equivalent is designed to be a measure of fluctuating temperatures that will enable the rate of biological processes in the field to be directly compared with the rate observed in laboratory experiments at constant temperatures. Although the expressions involved in its calculation appear complicated, it is shown that the constant temperature equivalent can, in fact, be fairly easily calculated without the aid of a computer.  相似文献   

A continuous increase in dry matter content in leaves of guava (Psidium guajava L.) was observed when their age increased, and also from the base to the top of the shoot. While the N, P, K, Zn and Cu content decreased, the levels of Ca, Mg, Na and Mn increased when age of leaf increased. With regard to position of leaves on the shoot, the levels of N, Ca and Mg increased from base to top, while the reverse was true for P, K, Na, Zn and Mn. No definite pattern was observed for Cu. Stabilization of all constituents was observed in 5-months old leaves borne on position V from the base of shoot. Thus, while considering the nutrient status of a tree as a whole, leaves of this age and position should be sampled. However, in certain cases the range of period and position for leaf sampling varied with the different elements, e.g. for Ca, 1- to 2-months old leaves should be sampled, while for Mn, leaves should be taken from positions II–IV of the shoot.  相似文献   

倪细炉  于卫平  田英  朱强 《北方园艺》2011,(15):219-221
系统观察研究了引进的5个红花新品种在宁夏的物候期观察、繁育试验、形态学特征比较、抗逆性与产量等性状.结果表明:“花油44号”的表现性状最好,可以在宁夏地区进行示范推广.  相似文献   

苹果矮化自根砧嫁接苗繁育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓丰产  马锋旺 《园艺学报》2012,39(7):1353-1358
 研究了田间条件下苹果矮化砧木苗和自根砧嫁接苗繁育的农艺参数。结果表明:锯末堆埋对砧木生根效果明显好于土和废弃菌棒,砧木生根率和生产量分别为87.33%和124 854 株 · hm-2;6 月1日和7 月1 日基质堆埋对砧木生根效果明显好于5 月1 日和8 月1 日,砧木生根率分别达到80.33%和87.33%,砧木生产量分别达到121 172 和124 854 株 · hm-2;矮化砧木G41、M9、Pajam1 和T337 在锯末基质中表现出较强的生根能力,生根率均达到80%以上,明显好于Pajam2 和M26;栽植密度分别为75 000和90 000 株 · hm-2 的小区,嫁接苗生产量分别为65 110 株和68 670 株 · hm-2,显著高于栽植密度分别为60 000 株和105 000 株 · hm-2 的小区;秋季嫁接‘富士’品种的生长量和嫁接苗生产量显著高于春季,其侧枝数、干径和生产量分别为11.44 个、13.77 mm、和68 670 株 · hm-2。论:在苹果矮化自根砧嫁接苗繁育中,矮化砧木繁育用锯末在6 月1 日-7 月1 日堆埋,砧木品种可选G41、M9、Pajam1 和T337,苗圃中砧木栽植密度为75 000 ~ 90 000 株 · hm-2,在栽植当年的秋季嫁接‘富士’,第2 年出圃嫁接苗生产量达到65 110 ~ 68 670 株 · hm-2  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to understand how landscape structure affects roe deer movements within their home-range in a heterogeneous and fragmented agricultural system of south-western France. We analysed the movements of 20 roe deer fitted with GPS collars which recorded their locations every 2–6 h over several months (mean = 9 months). Based on empirical observations and previous studies of roe deer habitat use, we hypothesised that roe deer should avoid buildings and roads, move preferentially along valley bottoms and through the more wooded areas of the landscape. To test these hypotheses we paired each observed movement step with 10 random ones. Using conditional logistic regression, we modelled a step selection function, which represents the probability of selecting a given step as a function of these landscape variables. The selected model indicated that movements were influenced by all the tested landscape features, but not always in the predicted direction: our results suggested that roe deer tend to avoid buildings, roads, valley bottoms and possibly the more wooded areas (although the latter result should be interpreted with caution, as it may be influenced by a bias in the rate of GPS fix acquisition in woods). The distances to buildings and to roads were the most influential variables in the model, suggesting that the avoidance of potential sources of disturbance may be a key factor in determining ranging behaviour of roe deer in human dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

以2012年在北京昌平召开的世界草莓大会为契机,积极规划,严密落实,不仅为大会的成功举办做好各方面准备工作,更要以昌平草莓产业为平台,实现“科技前沿,种业高地,精品高效,辐射示范,农民增收”。文章就此做出草莓产业升级后的预期效应分析。  相似文献   

构菌发酵过程中 ,pH值由降而升 ,其变化与碳源浓度有关。当葡萄糖浓度为 0 5 %时 ,接种后两天就开始回升 ,第 3天可升至 7 2 8。而浓度 2 %时 ,第 5天pH才升到 6 75。以蔗糖为碳源也有类似结果。因此当需要某范围pH以有利其活性成分产生时 ,碳源浓度应作主要因素考虑  相似文献   


The aim of our work was to measure sorption isotherms on freeze-dried and convectively-dried fruits (apple cv. Idared; sour cherry cv. English Morello; blackcurrant cv. Tiben), previously osmotically dehydrated in fructo-oligosaccharide solution, or concentrated apple juice. Isotherms were fitted using the Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer Model. In none of the cases studied was isotherm non-continuity in the vicinity of the initial value of aw observed. All isotherms, classified as type III, demonstrated an increase in the equilibrium water content, along with an increase in water activity. A higher water content was observed in lyophilised material compared to material dried by convection. The water content in the monolayer (100 g?1 dry matter) ranged from 12.0 g for dried apple, to 17.0 g for dried sour cherry. These values can be considered as optimal in order to ensure safe storage conditions. The dried fruits should therefore be kept in a water activity range of 0.45 – 0.54 for lyophilised, and 0.46 – 0.63 for convectively-dried material.  相似文献   

连续4年对苹果园树下铺设园艺地布和行间种草进行观测,结果表明,此项技术增加土壤含水量、增加有机质含量、强壮树体、增加中短枝量,对提高果实产量和品质效果明显,应在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

整枝对西瓜生长和结果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
整枝有调节西瓜植株生长势、提高叶片素质、促进坐果、增大果形等效应,但在一定程度上有减少雌花数目和结果数,降低产量等副作用;整枝应与适当密植结合起来以弥补其负面效应。在生产中,①早熟栽培可增加种植密度、减少蔓数,以增加果数,提高早期产量;②露地栽培则可减少种植株数,增加蔓数,以提高叶面积,增大果形,增加产量。③主蔓的去留与品种有关,生长势弱的品种主蔓应予保留,长势强的品种则宜摘除主蔓,利用侧蔓结果  相似文献   

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