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当前农业和农村经济结构战略性调整要着重抓好以下几个方面:1.全面提高农产品质量。这是人民生活由温饱走向小康,市场需求向多样化、优质化发展的要求,也是解决当前农产品卖难、缺乏竞争力、农业增产不增收问题的重要途径。因此,必须加快引进、选育和推广优良品种,大力开发高附加值的特色产品。2.加快畜牧业发展。目前,我国粮食库存较多,加快发展畜牧业的时机比较成熟,必须采取切实的政策措施加强畜禽良种繁育体系和疫病防治体系建设,发展饲料工业和畜产品深加工,尽快把畜牧业发展成为一个大产业。3.发展农产品加工。必须以…  相似文献   

研究企业资本结构的目的在于发现其中存在的不合理因素,以便在经营过程中加以优化调整,加快资本周转, 提高资本整体使用效率。本文从资本结构理论的发展谈起,着重分析了影响企业资本结构优化的主要因素,介绍了确定最优资本结构的基本方法和优化资本结构的策略。  相似文献   

2010年12月23日讯:“十二五”期间要把转变发展方式作为主线,把经济结构战略性调整作为加快转变经济发展方式的主攻方向。为此,国家林业局近日表示,要加快发展现代林业,有效促进林业发展模式的优化、农业经济结构的调整和区域经济发展方式的转变。  相似文献   

农业部下发了《关于加快乡镇企业结构调整的意见》,确定在区域结构、布局结构、产业结构、产品结构、组织结构、所有制结构6个方面加快乡企调整步伐,力争到2015年实现布局合理、结构优化、产业升级、产品更新和优势突出的目标。农业部要求,东部地区乡镇企业要在提高上下功夫,加快科技创新,大力发展高新技术产业和产品,加快发展外向型经济.要尽快有序地将传统产品、高耗能产品、劳动密集型产品向中西部地区转移;中部地区乡镇企业要坚持发展与提高并重的方针,优先发展农副产品深加工的名优特新产品,促进农业产业化经营;西部地区当…  相似文献   

在经济欠发达的宁夏,发展优势特色林业产业,对于调整农业结构、增加农民收入、壮大县域经济,加快推进社会主义新农村建设进程具有不可替代的作用。2000年以来宁夏林业产业在规模和效益上都步入了加快发展的新时  相似文献   

作者通过对河北乐亭县苹果产业化模式调查资料进行比较分析,指出三种模式的基本运行方式及对产业发展的支撑作用,并通过其存在问题进一步指出目前我国产业化发展中存在的不足及发展意见。90年代中期,乐亭县立足本县生产资源和环京津临港的区位优势做出“大力推进种植结构和农产品品种结构战略性调整”的重大决策,从政策上鼓励农民种植果菜,苹果的种植形成一定规模,但产果初期品质差、标准化程度低,市场缺乏竞争力,农民效益差。在这种形势下,乐亭县政府及职能部门积极采取对策,引进大型农业龙头企业,科技服务下乡,从技术和经营管理多方面引导农民走产业化经营之路。  相似文献   

加入有利于中国进口资源型特别是土地密WTO集型产品,出口劳动密集型产品,包括水果、蔬菜、畜产品、水产品等具有比较优势(尤其是价格优势)的农产品。如国内市场的猪肉价格比国际市场低,牛肉价格低,羊肉价格低,海南57?T%瓜菜和海产品价格分别较国际价格低和,上40P%述劳动密集型产品正是我省颇具竞争优势或发展潜力的农产品。笔者认为海南农业应对入关有如下策略:转变观念1 长期以来,虽然一直强调农业是海南的基础,但并没有把农业作为获利能力很强的产业对待。而实际上,作为资源性的农产品由于全球性资源日益短缺而愈显…  相似文献   

滕凤英 《林产工业》2020,57(1):70-71,74
近年来,在全面、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念推动下,中国对外开放水平不断提高,出口结构持续优化,对外贸易进一步发展,呈现出多元化特点,这为我国竹藤产品国际贸易的发展与繁荣创造了有利条件。为更好地提升我国竹藤产品的国际竞争力,积极面对机遇和挑战并制定完备的发展战略,重点分析了竹藤产品的国际竞争优势,阐述提高其竞争力的基本策略,为维持我国竹藤产品的竞争优势提供参考。  相似文献   

黄土高原的自然条件、农林牧业发展水平、人口数量和素质及经济发展状况决定了发展持续农业的必要性;光、热、水、矿产资源和科技投入等决定了发展持续农业的可行性;人口、土地开垦、产业调整现状及提高生活水平的要求等决定了发展持续农业的紧迫性、现实性与重要性。黄土高原发展持续农业的途径包括适当调整农业政策;优化农林牧业结构;绿化荒山、改善生态环境;控制人口数量、提高人口素质;抓粮食生产,带动水土流失综合治理;发展多种经营实现脱贫致富等。  相似文献   

随着农业和农村经济发展进入新阶段并我国加入世贸组织,“绿色”、“有机”日渐深入人心,广大人民群众逐渐关心起自己的健康和生活质量。但是,海南省现实状况和农产品质量安全要求的矛盾日显突出。因此,必须进一步提高海南省有机农业生产技术和水平,推动其发展,提高其质量,树立海南省的品牌,增强市场竞争力,促进农业结构的调整,增加农民收入,加快海南省农业和农村经济的发展,本研究在调查、分析国内外有机农业现状和发展趋势的基础上,借鉴其经验,针对海南省有机农业的发展现状及其存在问题,提出了若干对策,作为海南省有机农业发展的参考。  相似文献   

Land degradation in Chittagong hill tracts has been taking place due to shrinkage of forest cover, policy weakness, population explosion, and inappropriate hill farming system. Modern farming system in the Chittagong hill tracts like Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) is practiced to provide a new strategy for developing lands for economic productivity and bio-diversity conservation through establishment of ecological community rather than traditional shifting cultivation which is no longer sustainable according to the carrying capacity of ecosystem of Chittagong hill tracts. This study is to find out changing trends of soil chemical properties of sites under modern and traditional farming systems at Khagrachari district of Chittagong hill tracts. The result of the research shows that Sloping Agricultural Land Technology has significantly higher capacity of production due to the presence of the highest percentage of organic carbon, organic matter, compared with shifting cultivated site. The study recommends that shifting cultivation may be changed into a relatively stable semi-permanent farming system through developing participatory integrated farming systems to establish stable production environment in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.  相似文献   

An exploratory survey was conducted among the Khasia living in Lawachara National Parkt (LNP) to investigate their depend- ency on the protected area (PA) for livelihoods, betel leaf hill farming, traditional forest conservation and perceptions of the PA, Field data were collected by interviewing 48 household heads from two villages (punjis) located inside the LNP and visiting their farms.: The economy of the Khasia was forest-based. They were largely dependent on betel leaf hill farming in LNP and nearly 71% of their mean annual income was de- rived from this irrespective of farmer category. On average, about 14% of the incomes of the poorer farmers came from forest produce followed by 10% and 6% for medium and rich farmers respectively. Hills and forests were the foundations of their lives and livelihoods, and LNP was the life-blood of Khasia survival. As a sustainable production system, this farming practice plays a vital role in conserving biodiversity in LNP and might be replicated elsewhere.  相似文献   

Eucalypt (Eucalyptus spp.) tree farming is a source of income for many smallholders in developing and emerging countries and critical to the resource supply of many pulp and paper companies. These companies rely on smallholders adopting tree farming, sometimes by offering a contract. This paper reports a study from four regions of Thailand, where smallholder eucalypt tree farming is important, which investigated what characteristics of smallholders were associated with greater adoption of tree farming. A total of 461 eucalypt tree farmers and 171 non-tree farmers were randomly selected and surveyed in these regions, using a door-to-door household survey. A logit analysis corroborated hypotheses about the drivers of adoption. Qualitative analyses were used to inform interpretation of the quantitative results and shed light on the role of eucalypt tree farming in smallholders’ livelihood. Results demonstrate that those with suitable land available are more likely to adopt eucalypt tree farming than others. In addition, perception of land tenure security matters in the adoption of tree growing, but holding a formal land tenure document does not. Adoption of eucalypt tree farming in Thailand is not part of a land use intensification strategy. Instead, eucalypts are used as an alternative crop for low productivity land, on which eucalypts are the most profitable crop. Eucalypt tree farming also gives smallholders an opportunity to diversify their income. In addition, this alternative land use has the advantage of requiring low labour inputs between planting and harvest. This is particularly advantageous for many tree growers who have off-farm income or rely on hired labour for farming their land.  相似文献   

The study focused on contributing to the spatial knowledge of the impacts of land cover changes on beef cattle production under a changing climate in rangelands of the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB), so as to establish a strategy for improving beef cattle production in the area. We used supervised classification of satellite imagery to analyze land cover changes between the years 1980–2000 and 2000–2010. Results revealed that for the periods 1980–2000 and 2000–2010, settlements increased by 1% and 8%, and cultivated area increased by 0.58% and 0.30%, respectively. Riverine vegetation declined by 0.26% and increased by 0.16%, and woodlands declined by 6% and 13% respectively. The trend of beef cattle numbers against rainfall and pasture area (riverine vegetation and woodland) over the study period 1980–2010 showed a non-significant trend of increasing rainfall in the study area. In Ilemela District, pasture area and beef cattle numbers declined by 33% and 4% respectively. In Magu District, beef cattle numbers increased by 64% and pasture area declined by 84%. This implies that the effect of urbanization is more severe in Ilemela than in Magu District. Land use planning, enhancing of mixed crop-livestock farming systems, intensification of livestock practices, forage conservation, planting of fodder trees, and matching of cattle numbers with pasture availability are recommended. In addition, education is needed on effective cattle farming as a strategy for improving beef cattle production in the face of land cover changes due to climate variability in the area.  相似文献   

Survey data have been collected from four rural communities in Leyte Province, the Philippines, on household tree planting and management intentions, as well as the socio-economic characteristics, attitudes to tree planting and management, farming practices and the number of trees planted. In relation to intended tree planting and management activities, respondents were asked a series of structured questions as to what tree species they intend to plant, how many individual trees of each of those species they plan to plant, and for what purpose they propose to plant each of the tree species. This paper reports the results of analyses of the stated tree management intentions of households in the four communities and identifies the socioeconomic factors that influence householders’ tree management intentions. Respondents were generally enthusiastic about the possibility for further tree planting on their land, 75% indicating they would undertake planting. About 60% indicated an interest in commercial tree farming, with no significant differences in this level of interest between communities. It was found that a number of socio-economic variables indicating higher levels of land ownership and previous experience in the forestry industry are related to the intention to plant trees to produce timber for sale. These include the use of materials from public lands, participation in community organisations and community forestry programs, and the present management of trees to produce timber for sale.  相似文献   

为了控制水土流失和风沙危害,使林业生产与能源重化工开发、农牧业生产协调发展,本文应用系统动力学的原理和方法,建立了黄土高原地区林业发展战略目标的动态仿真模型.通过对中长期林业发展战略效益进行模拟,从中选择出适于本区林业发展的最忧决策,为制定本地区中长期林业发展规划决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of important socio-economic, institutional/policy level factors in determining the adoption/non-adoption of rubber-integrated farming systems in traditional and non-traditional rubber-growing regions in India. The empirical analysis is based on a survey of rubber growers in the traditional rubber regions of Kerala (south India) and the non-traditional rubber regions of Assam, Meghalaya, and Tripura (north east India). In sharp contrast to Kerala, where smallholder responses toward adoption of rubber-integrated farming systems have been lukewarm, the emerging rubber economies (most of which are tribal communities) of north east (NE) India have shown interest in adopting rubber as an integrated farming system along with pre-existing land-use livelihood activities. The study clearly demonstrates contrasting empirical evidence of adoption of rubber-integrated farm-livelihood systems in the rubber-growing regions in Kerala and the NE states in India. The contrasting scenarios of adoption of rubber-integrated farming systems are mostly explained by region-specific factors dominated by socio-economic, institutional variables, and policy-level constraints, as also revealed by multivariate analysis. By and large, the findings of the study have significant bearing on the socio-economic outcomes and the existing institutional development paradigm underlying the rubber-development programmes introduced in India since independence. The study shows that the existing institutional arrangements and policies, which evolved historically to facilitate rubber area expansion in the traditional regions (including Kerala), have been highly instrumental in perpetuating rubber farming as a monoculture system. However, such an institutional mechanism proves to be highly redundant in the context of the NE states which are otherwise diverse in terms of integrated farm-livelihood systems and shifting cultivation.  相似文献   

The paper describes some general structural and functional characteristics of actual Chilean farming systems managed by small farmers (campesinos) with traditional technologies. Campesino farming systems can be divided into two major groups: (a) small-scale (no more than 1 ha) intensive systems with a wide array of tree annual crops and 3–4 animal species per farm; and (b) extensive semi-commercial systems (5–12 ha) composed of diversified combinations of crops and animals designed to increase production, producing a marketable surplus for the local community. In most systems campesinos include trees (whether for food, fodder, wood, construction materials, fuel, etc.) as integrated elements of farm management constituting agro-forestry systems. Understanding these traditional farming systems, and the rationales behind their management is an important first step towards the ultimate development of appropriate agricultural technologies attuned to the ecological and socio-economic circumstances of the Chilean campesinos.  相似文献   

Slash-and-burn shifting cultivation is the conventional farming practice in Sierra Leone, where communal land tenure is by far the most common form of land use. Alley farming, the alternative agricultural system, has been introduced as a technical option to increase yield, reduce or eliminate fallow and conserve soil water. This study uses a logistic regression model to determine the factors influencing the adoption of alley farming in Sierra Leone. Data for the study were collected from a total of 160 farmers in 16 farming communities across 4 ecotones in the Freetown Peninsula through a survey, interactive discussion and personal observation. It is found that although most of these communities are aware of alley farming, female farmers are less likely than males to adopt this farming technology. Also membership of farmers’ associations and access to extension services positively influences adoption of alley farming, but limited land availability hinders adoption in the region. Most of the farmers practicing or trying out alley farming prefer this farming system over slash-and-burn shifting cultivation. High demand for fuelwood, short or no fallow periods and replenishment of soil fertility are among the attributes driving farmers to switch to alley farming. Despite its merits, alley farming is not perceived as a complete substitute for slash-and-burn shifting cultivation in the study area. For wider adoption, there is the need to develop demonstration farms to show the feasibility of incorporating farmer-specific biophysical, hydro-climatic and socio-economic conditions into alley farming system in the region.  相似文献   

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